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Official Otaru Empire Thread


Budget Morpheus, soldier #1,128,300 reporting in.

Welcome to the Vietstotzkan empire!

[Despite It saying detailed, I don't mind if someone only interested in say, Simplicity joined. I only put it that way due to how long it took me to write this.]

What even Is the empire?

[For roleplay:]

Is a faction thread which allows roleplayers to join it like a actual organization, And be part of it during a roleplay it is related to.


The OE/VE Is a alien civilization which has existed for around The start of the 41st universe. And eventually during the 900th
millennium formed the OE. They created genes for humanity from themselves, and others. and sent them on a rock to a dark region of space. During a war with a long dead civilization, the big bang was constructed, and created the 42nd universe, in the 8th multiverse. And the Asteroid eventually landed upon the earth.

They began expanding through the universe into the 42nd universe aka the Milky way, and eventually began observing humanity.

The Otaru Empire is a alien civilization which has thrived for over more than a millennium. It uses a modified version of imperialism and democracy to run its own civilization and has gone through multiple disasters. it created [or at least forming the creation of them and others added onto it.] humanity and they begun observing humans. eventually they saw humanity explore, expand, and evolve thus sending a ship to earth after several centuries. They didn't publically appear yet, but they began to live coinciding with humanity. This lead to eventually more of their bigger discoveries such as the first artificial intelligent robot... However russia began being hostile towards most of its neighboring countries for spying, and or stealing technology or sabotaging it. thus lead to a war which lasted for fifty years until russia decided to nuke everything on the eastern side of the world, also mainly due to sabotage of their directory systems of the silos. The otarus and regular humands began to "breed" with eachother and in most areas even made secret programs for such, while others already knew and simply didn't care. they left the earth when wary citizens thought they were here for a invasion, and attempted to attack. Which they then attempted to over throw their governments in the process. that was retaliated with the entire nuking of the earth.

The empire has multiple names, including otaru order. and is led by a royal family following the name of "Kazami" the emperor is named hunter kazami. while there are also differing queens and empress's. the population is over around 10 billion+ on their home planet, and various more. which are simply mostly planetary citizens, or guards unless a war happens. they are very adaptive, but Abide by a strict code. which in short is basically: If a civilization we fight is Lower in tech or population, The war will adapt to fit with it. as they enjoy to fight. however, They will retaliate with necessary force depending on how the war goes.

They returned to earth and took over new mexico, columbia, vietnam, moscow, puerto rico, a embassy in morocco, and even made a name of "vietstotzka".

The OE landed upon earth after a catastrophic war, and began expanding throughout the world, and annihilating hostile-to-humanity aliens already on the planet. They eventually went to vietnam and created the vietstotzkan government. Disclosure will now be happening to the western world and eastern world, after military mobilization.


Tactics employed by the organization:

Cannon fodder.

Bayonet charges.

Adaptive tactics.

Javelin spear. [Flanking, and combination of the above.]

Current Adapting Society:

The Eastern vietstotzkan rule.

Upon being invited into the country, All culture must be followed the best of your ability. The failure to do this even as a ambassador will result In Imprisonment, Or execution. even near-Instantly. O most everyone invited within the country is told what the laws are.

The Eastern Migration Law.

Upon first setting foot upon vietstotzkan - russian soil, It is your job to care for society. While the soldiers may become cannon fodder to protect your daily life... You instantly are given a small residence, Mostly near the crop marshes near several guard posts. What you do with it is up to you. However, You will gain better and better if you follow the EML. Which even for Immigrants, Means simply: The more children you have, the more benefits of life you will recieve.

Military Benefits:

For even a loner who joins the military, The benefits are better than a citizen. Of course if there is no war, You'll mostly be guarding or farming? Being in the military is the war equivalent of being royalty. Except without the ability to be a constant asshole to everyone.

Society as a whole:

The continental empire/government of vietstotzka is Combined all the same, however have differing laws. The eastern side is more focused upon both military and citizen needs, while The western side of the world besides columbia, Is Military based. Due to the many years of building, mining, and inventing in vietstotzka. The technology for citizen life has been improved. with some transportation vehicles such as USA military trucks having been sent from america to the eastern world, with most being fixed or the rest being used as parts.

We have began expanding vietnam from a compact society into one which grows. With even Providences inside of the country itself. Such as the entire border of the north, and the majority of the south are military and or crop based. the center, east, and west sides being citizen based. We have constructed a single city within it which is massive. It only so far has some sky scrapers being held up by the uas resources, And the buildings that were built ontop of. We currently stride to attempt to regain russia, from the radiated parts when the technology becomes available. We observe our neighbors, and we observe them well...






~emperor kazami



The civilization adapts to wars after destroying a civilization 2,000 years ago. A example would be earth even post war = WWI technology unless necessary.

Various Technologies and uniforms. But usually WWI stylized.

JOIN THE MECHANIZED CORE! Be promoted to specialist in the military, and be capable of joining the MC! Where unlike in the other military, we can actually even drive the tanks!


Even hybrids are immune to high levels of radiation due to most of them living in battlezones.

There however are a equel amount which cannot handle high rads, and a equal amount which can't take more than low rads. otherwise they become zombie-esk feral ghoul-like except intelligent. Which means they'll attack you, and use tactics while they do it.

Blues are essentially tall greys, but with shades of blue.

Hybrids are a combination of otaru, humans, and blues. they have stronger than average nails, have differing live expectancy for thousands of years, Adjustable fangs like vampires, And the capability to use glowing eyes.

Otarus are basically the alien equivalent of a normal human being. Except like hybrids, they can be taller, or even shorter than a average human.

They can go longer without eating for a period of time, most five days. without adverse effects.

Population currently:


OIA/VIA = Otaru Intelligence Agency/Vietstotzka Intelligence Agency.

The OIA AKA VIA Create propaganda, Track the citizens, Assess The immigration points, and Various other important jobs. They get to protect the country behind a computer screen half the time.

50,000 soldiers, 4,000 citizens.

Types of soldiers on earth:

Infantry CFI [cannon fodder infantry.]: gas masks, rifle - light machinegun, ammunition, pistols, shovels, varying uniforms, grenades, knives, canteens, backpacks and such normal gear. [which normal gear such as canteens will be referenced as NG.], bayonets.

Assault Unit AU: Gas masks, Rifles - light machinegun, ammunition, pistols, shovels, varying uniforms, grenades, knives, NG, definitely backpacks but light weight, gas grenades, bayonets.

Heavy assault unit [HAU]: Gas masks automatically on, light machinegun - heavy machine gun, ammunition, shovels, Black - navy blue uniforms, red eyes on mask, grenades, NG, knives, sword.

Mechanized Assault unit [MAU]: Gas masks, rifle - heavy machine gun, ammunition, shovels, Red striped Black - blue uniforms, gas grenades, NG, knives, sword, bayonet, Color changing eye gas mask goggles, grenades.

Mechanized - Light Infantry [MLI]: Gas masks, rifles with bayonets automatically on, ammunition, shovels, NG, digital uniforms, color changing eye gas mask goggles, grenades.

ADVERTISEMENT: Make sure to enlist your daughters into the military!


Assault Corps [AC]: digital camo uniforms, color changing eye gas mask goggles, Rifle with bayonet automatically on.


Mechanized Samurai [MS]: Ranges from digital camo uniform, SA, or robes with metal plates inside of it, katana, rifle, pistols, gas masks with color changing, if ever needed, canteen, Low ammunition. some edo-era type shit right there. the most under powered one can be. running at people with no armor.

Death korps [aka AC, but the short flag for it is AK instead.] Gas masks automatically on, digital camo uniforms, working - broken goggles, rifles with bayonet, gas grenades, pistol, ammunition, whistle, varying color strips upon uniform, mainly none. NG, dead - alive, tall - normal heights.


Join, or ally with Vietstotzka today! we will Protect our people, And bring us closer to the future!




OSF Commissar -

MC Core -

AC -

AK -


AU -




MS -

Emperor - @Kazami42


The Boomers.

The Uas.

The Valenwoods.


The Unity Station.

The NMC.

The northern BOS.

The Redline.


The boomers.

The UAS.

The NMC.

Other vietstotzkans.

The Institute.


The boomers:

- 7 Large "uas"-esk Howitzers.

The UAS:

- Constant crop trading for resources.

The NMC:

-Crop supplies for gold and limestones.

The Northern BOS:

- Supposedly Quarry making nukes.


The institute.


The NCR.

The Zeta.

The Hellenic empire.

The Mutant Reich.

At War:

The Enclave.


Vietstotzkan Providences:

Dulce new mexico = Hidden military and observation base.

Puerto Rico = An satellite array.

The capitol building = Liberated enclave land.

Vietnam = Second home of Vietstotzka government.

Columbia = Current trading and resource Providence.

Refugees from Middle east - Afghan area = More citizens for vietstotzka.

Rostov = Recaptured russian lands.

Trying to break through the severe radiation and recapture eastern russia. Then spreading into america from washington DC, and liberating the militaristic facilities in the area.


3 t-34s aka JX-42s, one extremely modified. one t-34 having a box on the back of the turret all the way to the back, with machineguns there for four people, wider barrel, Second machinegun replaced with a flamethrower.

Oxian pride, heavily modified soviet tank, bigger and wider, typically the same as above except with no box and a fully rotational turret.



4 modified WWI french tanks, better tracks and engine, Built for infantry transportation. A second main gun infront of the tank as well with a wider/broader range and rotating, and the main gun being used as a flame thrower. Also one being used as a legit artillery piece without the majority of rooftop larger barrel, and one for reinforcing which is is the main cannon, two side compartments for fragmentation cannons, and a flamethrower.


2 - 3 WWI transportation, and mobile battery tanks.


All the machineguns are removed and replaced upon the top turret. the main gun is used as a battery cannon to knock down walls, two side compartments for fragmentation cannons, the top turret is fully 360 turnable, one person on the turret faces infront of the tank, another faces behind the tank.

[for editing]

77,384 weapons, 30,732 being bayonet rifles, 700 being lewis machineguns, 300 sub machineguns, 28 flamethrowers, alot of grenades, 100 katanas, knives, The rest being pistols/revolvers.


Several ideas.

Small sheets of kevlar on essential parts of the body such as torso, but no actual body armor. similar to wearing a 1zy.


1 THE super galaxy.



We have ONE of these.


Small cargo ship. - Columbia, repaired by the NBOS.



No armament.

Two hospital ships: -Columbia, Repairing/Repaired by the NBOS.


The reviver


No armament.

One frigate: -Columbia. Repaired/Repairing by the NBOS.



Single rotating 180 degree cannon.

1 Freighter. -Vietnam, Built by vietstotkza.





4 Oversized machineguns on both docking sides, and a fully rotating version on the Front haul with a larger barrel than the others, built to look downwards underneath itself if need be.

1 Submarine.


Two front torpedo launchers which house a torpedo type 93. one severely damaged, one inoperable. A single rapid fire anti-aircraft-gun, A reverse depth-charge launcher currently destroyed. Used to transport things. Currently finally beached on columbia due to a hull collapse at the front of the bow.

Stolen from the enclave.



URA! Glory to vietstotzka, The true greatest country!
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