Of Wayward Princes and Mysterious Witches

Damian Prince

Crown Prince of All Things Oppulent
Name: Prince Ezekiel Aster Mikkelson

Age: 18, going on 19


Brief History: He was born as the second child, the first male heir, to the King and Queen. His mother and older sister disappeared while he was an infant, and many years of not talking of them at all has left him questioning his hazy, dream-like memories of the past. One thing that is true of the present, however, is his adoration of his father and urge to please the King. Since birth, he has been raised as a fine warrior, and he is regularly revered as the favorite to win any duel. But, a slight aberration in his daily routine seems to indicate that his life is about to take a turn for the interesting...


Name: Khana Embry

Age: 20


Brief History: She knows very little about her past, and what she does know...she wishes she could forget. Her life is a constant game of hide-n-seek, as in: hide your powers from those who seek. Khana is well versed in dark magic, having the ability to use it and control it well. A change in her routine, a random whim to watch a duel... could possibly change her life forever.
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