

Resident Asshole and Sorcerer
Hi, name's Alex. Or Fenrir. Whichever you prefer.

I've been roleplaying for twelve years and Im a multi-para or novella roleplayer, depending on the quality of the other roleplayers I am roleplaying with. So that would mean Im a detailed roleplayer.

If you want to know anything else, just ask. Meanwhile, Im going to be trying to figure how to put an avatar up here so that way Im not just some faceless male...
Welcome to RpNation, AlexNos!

Hello, AlexNos! I offer you the most humble welcome I can conceive to our glorious site, RpNation! I'm sure you will find yourself comfortable with the site in no time - but to help you get accustomed a bit quicker, I have linked you to some very important threads below!

  • RpNation's Site Rules (Revised) - One of the sites most important, if not the very most, threads. Please take the time to read these if you haven't done so already!
  • Welcome to RoleplayNation - An official greeting from Staff-Chan themself! Please be sure to take a look here!
  • New Accounts - 10 Post / 24 Hour Rule - A very important thread for new members of the site to read so that they don't get confused.
  • An Introduction to Forum Role-Playing - Made by a very lovely fellow, Syrenrei, a beginners guide to roleplaying in case you are completely new to the concept!
  • Admin Contact - Got a question or an issue that you believe needs to go directly to the Administration? Go ahead and post it here!
  • RpN FAQ - A collection of some of the site's most frequently asked question, and a general concoction of information.
  • Roleplay Support - If you have a question or problem that directly connects to roleplaying, you can post it here.
  • The Chat - Otherwise known as 'The Shoutbox', this is a place for users to interact directly in real time. Drop by to say hello - we'd love to meet you!
  • RpNation - BBCode Guide - See some fancy coding around the forums, but don't know how to do it? More likely than not, you can find it here.
  • Members - Here, you can browse the names of our different users & take a good look at our Staff List!

Have any other questions? Feel free to tag me by typing @DescriptedEnd, & I'll get back to you as soon as I can! I hope you enjoy RpNation!

PS - To change your avatar, scroll up & hover over where it says yours account name, next to the flag and the envelope. Then, to go 'Personal Details." That's where it should be! :D
I already read all of those. It's the first thing I do in joining a site like this. (The only thing I dont agree with is the 10/24 rule, but I understand why it is being used.)

Speaking of 10/24, who would I talk to about being able to PM people right away? I've already found a few RPs I'd like to join, but it'd require me PMing the creators first...
Hey Alex and welcome to RPNation!

I know we already chatted on the SB, but here is a more formal greeting. As for the 24/10 rule, you can still PM so long as someone else starts the conversation. That said, you could always just post on their interest checks to start a conversation with you (plus, that'd help get you those ten posts. Bonus XP!). (:
I believe that you can have other people PM you, since you can't PM them yourselves. I'm not sure if you could get anybody to give you the permissions right away, but Admin Contact would probably be the best place to go :)

Oh dear, look'it that Morde, ninja'ing me xP
OK, I'll try that. Thanks.

If anyone has any roleplays they think I'd like (view my profile page for my interests, I guess) feel free to post them here. (Mainly so that I can get those 10 posts knocked out.)

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