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Fantasy Of Interesting Plots and 1x1 Ideas


Hello, Everyone! I will start off with a little about myself. Just a short blurb but I hope it will be sufficient.

WHO am I

Experience: Been roleplaying for seven years. I have done intermediate to advanced roleplaying.
Playing Gender: I mostly play females as my main character but also play any gendered NPC's.
Posting Speed: Once a day at least. Usually, I post the most during 5 pm to 9 pm EST.
Pairing Genders: My plots tend to have predetermined genders for characters. I have both MxF and FxF plots available.
Writing Length: On average, I write anywhere from three to eight paragraphs, but I will match my partner.
Favourite Genres: Mystery, Fantasy, Modern, Horror (and all its subcategories)
My Style: I'm alway open to new ideas and will give my partners a judgement-free zone to share ideas without ridicule.

Did that paint a decent picture? Good! Now to move onto what I am looking for in a roleplay partner.


Someone who can post at least twice per week. The more often the better, though.

Use spellcheck. That's it. I will not go Grammar Nazi on you and will forgive most errors.

Someone who loves the following: Plot Creating, Character Development, Darker Themes and Complex Plots.

Someone not afraid to come up with plots, get involved, and play an equal amount of NPCs if needed.


Now onto the plots! I have developed some plot descriptions to help create inspiration and help show what kind of plot I am looking for. All of these plots are not finalised as things can and will get changed depending on the character you create to help them fit in more and feel important. If you like a plot but want to change something let me know.


Looking for: Male Villain

The renowned Hero and his trusted sidekick have spent the last four years hunting down their new nemesis. A man who loves to play games on the Hero, believing the Hero to be the true bane of the city? Sadly, the Hero is too ignorant to play his games properly, but the sidekick catches on and helps guide the Hero to the answers every time. That Sidekick has become a thorn in the Villain’s side.

The Villain gets his opportunity to get rid of the sidekick after the Hero has caught their old nemesis and the sidekick leaves while the Hero deals with the Press. The Villain follows, ready for the right moment to strike until they receive an even better opportunity: they see not only where the sidekick lives, but what they look like without the mask or costume.

What will the Villain do with this new discovery?

If interested pm me your villain concept.

Open to any kind of Villain you want to play. Completely Original Characters in an original universe. Willing to be open to superpowers depending on the power.


Looking for: TAKEN

Two friends met in University and shared the same interest in the supernatural. Even after they graduated they stayed close and started to run a paranormal investigation web show for the past year. Going all across North America in search for ghosts, poltergeist and other supernatural oddities. They are browsing through their subreddit one day when they see a request about investigating an abandoned mansion in Oregon, Illinois.

After a long discussion, they fit it into their itinerary and stop by the small town to investigate the mansion. Only to find the house is still occupied, and waiting for their guests to arrive.

Multiple ways this could end. Would require us to play the bad guys. The villain(s) could be demons, vampires, hillbillies, cultist, etc. Open to anything really. :)


Looking for: Housewife

In the cosy suburb of Seattle, Washington there was a couple happily living in peace, thinking about raising a family. This story was not about them - nor is it as happy of a tale.

This is about the ‘happy’ housewife and her new neighbour; a working wife of a police sergeant and how that woman helped the housewife kill and hide the body of her abusive ex. The thrill and good feeling they got from their first kill empower them to continue. With them working together no abuser, pedo, or murderer is safe. Doing the work God should have done. They started to trust each other more than their own husbands.

But what happens when the happy little housewife’s husband questions why she disappears so often? What happens when the husband of the working wife gets assigned to the case that leads directly to her? What will they do when the hunters become the hunted?

If you are interested in any of these plots please private message me to discuss them further. <3
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Hello! I'd PM you, but I'm new. Haven't hit the 10 post requirement, yet. Sorry about that.

At any rate, I'd be interested in either that Investigator/Psychic plot or something D&D themed. Granted, I'm not exactly up-to-date with D&D. My only experience with it comes from the 4e guidebook that I have sitting around somewhere. 5e can't be that different, right? Right?

Once again, apologies for not PMing you. I would have if it were possible. I mean, I suppose I could have waited, which would have been decidedly more professional. But, barring that, I was without options. Truly, woe is me.

Mesia Mesia

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