Of Dragons and Men


Three Thousand Club
So here is where you will submit your character idea. Copy and paste the Character Skeleton here in this thread and fill out all of the required information. Once it's submitted, I'll take a look at it and discuss any changes that might need to be made and I'll let you know whether or not it will be accepted.
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The profile itself is nice, but there are a few things I need to address.

The first thing I need to address is that I have made some changes to what kind of background characters can hold. The only restriction is coming from a royal background, and that the Dragon Priests don't simply choose to become Dragon Priests. They must BE chosen by the Dragon King himself and sent an invitation to the Dragon Kingdom. This is something that I am not going to allow for any character (as I have something a bit more exciting in mind! *evil laughter*). However, I will allow you to keep this detail because there is nothing to say that he hasn't met Dragon Priests before and wants to be one of them. However, his dream will never really come to fruition... At least, not in the way he expected.

Other than that, the character's pretty solid and I have few to no complaints. He's reasonable, balanced, and more importantly he's unique. I don't often find a priest type character in an RP designed for warriors. So well done dot80!

When I find more people to submit characters and join up like this, I'll get the RP going. I'll be sure to keep in touch with you about this as I go on.


Here's my character profile

Name: Delok'Zara

Alias: "Delzah"


(The guy on the left)


Description: Delzah is a tall young man with short brown hair and deep green eyes. He is usually seen wearing a pendant around his neck made of granite. It is a carving of a Dragon, and a gift from his father to his mother before his disappearance. After resolving to find his father, his mother passed it to him for luck and protection.

His favorite outfit is made in traditional "Western" fashion, with a white outer shirt with a deep cut and a black undershirt made of leather (no shoulder covers). His pants are white as well, and his boots stop just below his kneecap (as opposed to the picture's thigh highs). He wears a brown elbow length leather glove on his left arm with reinforcements over the knuckles and the forearm for combat. His right hand is clear of such garments as he wields his dagger in that hand. He wears a brown leather belt with a simple silver buckle, and otherwise has a fairly ordinary appearance.

Age: 24

Date of Birth: September 1st, 517, Common Era

Birthplace: Acostal Highlands

Current Location/Residence: Capitol City Aquestra

Ethnicity: Caucasian

Sex: Male

Height: 6' 1"

Weight: 200 lb.

Frame/Build: Atheltic

Hair Color: Brown

Eye Color: Green

Distinguishable Markings: None

Complexion: A scar running the length of his left pectoral from the base of the collar bone a few inches from his shoulder join to the center of his breastbone.

Voice Type: Baritone

Behavioral Quirks: Not too fond of insects above ten inches in length as they disgust him. Often sits down and puts his hands together beneath his chin with his knees on his elbows when in thought.

Social Class: Low Level Aristocrat

Occupation: None

Religious Beliefs: None


Tor Omahk (Father) - Missing

Cassandra Omahk (Mother) - Lives at home

Miik'Zara (Brother) - Missing but confirmed alive

Celphie (Sister) - Lives at home

Personality: Delzah is a rather feisty young man with a good head on his shoulders. He means well, but is quick to anger when faced with ignorance, arrogance, or outright maliciousness. Raised in a family of aristocrats whose specialty was trade of accessories and jewelry, he appreciates such objects as talismans and other objects of sentimental value. Anyone caught insulting such objects is given a quick reprimand. He's also quite the adept moderator, capable of mediating even the most heated of arguments with simple logic and reasonable solution options. He knows how to play to the desires of both sides, having a history in trade, and can offer up a compromise that most would agree with right away.

Despite his feisty attitude, Delzah does have a bit of a soft side as well. He's easily flustered around beautiful women and embarrasses quite quickly. He's not afraid of hugs or a kiss on the cheek, but when a woman begins to come onto him he quickly turns away and tries to flee. A good childhood friend of his, Nirla'ana, has done this to him a couple of times at family get togethers and friendly celebrations just to see how he'd react. Delzah is oblivious, but Nirla'ana desperately desires a more intimate relationship with him. So if it wasn't already obvious… He's hopeless.

Strengths: Powerful warrior despite his aristocratic upbringing. Good with trade and managing finances and business like endeavors.

Weaknesses: Hates large insects with a passion and is also not too fond of fire after being trapped in a burning building as a child. It's not a phobia, but it does make him freeze up when the blaze is large enough.

Equipment: A Talisman of a Dragon meant to being luck and protection to the wearer given to him by his mother. A single folded steel dagger which he wields in his right hand and an armored arm glove on his left arm for combat. He carries a few basic provisions on his person at all times in a shoulder pack, but otherwise travels only with the coin he needs to purchase food and necessary goods.

Biography: Delok'Zara was born on September 1st, 517 in the Common Era. His father, Tor Omahk, was a special individual who had chosen to return to the life he left behind after his invitation to the Dragon Kingdom. Despite finding the Dragon culture fascinating and staying there for a number of years to learn and live with their lifestyle, he returned to his childhood sweetheart and started a family when he was twenty six years old. Delok'Zara and Miik'Zara were twins, though they shared a few differences such as hair color and eye color. The two of them growing up were always fighting, and it wasn't until their sister was born that they finally calmed down.

Celphie was born on March 3rd, 521. Being nearly four years their junior, both brothers were protective of her and helped to shelter her from the unscrupulous behavior of other neighborhood children. Despite growing up in an aristocratic environment, the other kids were often snobs or bullies commanding "respect" because of their lineage or forming gangs as a way to "practice their leadership" skills. The common thread was that if they were going to run a foundation, business, or estate, they had to learn how to lead. Both Delzah and Miko (his brother's nickname) were getting into fights quite often, and the family made the decision to send them both to a correctional institution for disciplinary training.

Within the disciplinary institute, life was demanding and full of formality. Etiquette, respect, focus, leadership, and other qualities befitting the aristocrats were drilled into the boys on a daily basis. Within two years, they had earned the right to leave the institute, but when they rejoined the family their parents realized they'd made a mistake. While it worked wonders for Delzah, Miko had suffered a backlash that would later prove to be life changing for all of them. Delzah's parent's tried sincerely to help Miko understand that the disciplinary training was only meant to help him gain control over their behavior and stop all the unnecessary fighting. However, it did little good. Miko was quiet, brooding, and never really the same. Both parents were perplexed as to why this change had occurred.

Delzah's brother took to fighting daily, actively searching for aristocratic gangs and beating the snot out of them for sport and to prove that they were weak and unfit for their lineage. Delzah took to trying to stop his brother, and it often led to physical confrontation between them. Delzah, being a bit taller and more well trained, won nearly every engagement which only strengthened the bitterness that Miko felt towards him. When Miko was sixteen, he ran away from home without so much as a single word of warning or goodbye. Celphie was devastated, and both Delzah's parents were equally distraught over the disappearance of their son. Miko was a bit of a rebel and in need of new guidance, but he was still their child and they loved him with all their hearts.

Delzah's father declared that he was going to search for the boy, but upon his departure his messages to the family were suddenly cut off after about two months time. For over a year they received no word, and they knew not whether he was still even alive and searching. Delzah's mother fought to keep them together, and when Delzah turned eighteen he was able to take his father's place as the head of the family. He made good use of his disciplinary training and studied hard to master the business and was quite the success. His ability to negotiate and his natural charisma were enough to win over nearly all of the customers, both past and present, who were skeptical about the family business doing well after his father's disappearance. Delzah managed to keep everything together, but when a notice arrive when he was twenty that his father's belongings had been discovered at the site of a major border dispute between Aquestra and the neighboring kingdom of Durhum, Delzah and his family were hit hard with the possibility that he was dead.

It was a brutal blow.

Delzah's mother fell into depression for months before finally coming out of it on Celphie's seventeenth birthday in 538. With his mother back on track, Delzah began training seriously with a local master of self defense and purchased himself a new dagger as a means of protection. Shortly after his twenty fourth birthday, Delzah told his mother he was going to find Miko and bring him home. She was reluctant to let him leave at first, but Delzah's persuasive ability conquered even her defenses. She gave him a special talisman which Delzah's father had given her before his departure, and she wished him luck and a safe return. Delzah said goodbye to his sister and his friends as well, all of whom wished him the best. Nirla'ana, his childhood friend, was not so eager to see him leave. As Delzah walked away down the dirt road into the unknown, Nirla'ana vowed to protect him. Delzah's other friends were a bit perplexed by her little declaration, but eventually they reasoned that it was simply because she had a crush on him.

But Nirla'ana is more than she seems…
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Name: Rylan Avner



Description: About 1.8 M tall, blue eyes, light-brown hair. His armour is a deep blue with orange lines. He does not have a cape and only wears a coat in bad weather. When he is not wearing his armour, he usually has a white shirt with navy blue pants.

Age: 21

Date of Birth: 19 July, 21 years ago

Birthplace: In his parent's house, a bit west of the main barracks of the capital.

Current Location/Residence: Aquestra

Ethnicity: Caucasian

Sex: Male

Height: 1.8 Metres

Weight: 68 KG

Frame/Build: Lean and semi-muscular

Hair Color: Blue

Eye Color: Light brown

Distinguishable Marking: He has a birthmark roughly the shape of a curled up dragon on his left shoulder about 5 CM in diameter.

Complexion: He has naturally pale skin, but is mediumly tanned.

Voice Type: Mid-Tenor

Behavioral Quirks: He is an arachnophobe, due to childhood experiences. He get bored quickly if there is nothing happening, but find things that others find boring enjoyable, such as reading.

Social Class: Low to mid ranking in the army

Occupation: Soldier, most commonly assigned to escort convoys.

Religious Beliefs: He is unsure what to believe, unsure who or what the God/s are, or how they work.


Jaron Itai Avner (Father) - KIA 17 years ago

Shay Adara Avner (Mother) - Living at home

Atalia Nogah Avner (Sister) - Living at home

Hi'awa'tha Gio'acchino Todaro (Godfather) - Alive, but location unkown. Comes to visit the house for a few days every few weeks.

Personality: Rylan is generally calm and even-tempered. He only picks fights when he feels it is necessary. He has a strong moral sense of honesty and integrity. He usually keeps his temper in check, keeping a calm demeanour until he is pushed too far. He is good at keeping calm, before he is pushed too far, that usually you won't know you are making him angry until you've made him very angry. He dislikes injustices, himself but particularly to others.

He doesn't feel a job in the army is right for him, but he does it nonetheless in his father's memory. He often feels that he is not good enough for whatever he is doing and that everyone has such high expectations of him, due to his father. He is occaisionally jelous of his sister, as she is a girl and everyone is not demanding as much from her.

Strengths: He is intelligent and likes to read. He has had good training.

Weaknesses: He is an arachnophobe. He is not as strong physically as most of his rank.

Equipment: A two-handed sword; His armour; Backpack with supplies such as food, water, his weather-cloak, flint and steel and other odd and ends.

Biography: Rylan grew up with his sister who was 2 years 10 months younger than himself. His father died when he was 4. Rylan was left with very few memories of his father, since his father was gone most of the time, doing his job as a high-ranking army member.

Despite never knowing much about his dad, aside from that he was high ranking and very successful in his missions, which were usually leading parties outside the city to do various things, whether escorting, scouting, raiding, capturing or anything else like that. His father died during a mission. He grew up, and was educated with many expectations. He found it hard to make friends, but he did manage to make a few, one of them being a city archivist, Gregory, a very smart man who seemed to know alot about human nature.

When he turned 16, the archivist allowed Rylan to read the history of his father that had been written from when he became publically well known to when he died. He had been honest and had integrity, turning down bribes and revealing corruption where he could. While this earned him praise, many secretly hated him for it. The mission he died on was an unofficial mission, during a time when tensions were high between Dragons and Humans. He and a few group of pro-Dragon soldiers were escorting a group of humans, chosen to join Dragon society, to the Dragon Kingdom. They took a quiet route where they were least likely to run into bandits. When they had not returned a few days after they were supposed to have come back, a search party was sent to find them. The whole convoy was found dead on the road. Not a single person was alive to tell who had ambushed them. The killing had apparently been done very cleanly, leaving no trace of who had attacked. Too cleanly for a wandering group of marauders. Gregory speculated in his writing that it might have been some of Jaron's enemies who planned it.

Rylan's godfather has been around as long as Rylan can remember. He couldn't remember when he was young much, but he knew that Hi'awa'tha and his dad were were good friends. Hi'awa'tha remeinded Rylan of his own father in more than one way. He was not home very often, but when he was there he was great fun to be around, smart, decent sense of humour, strong, supportive. Just like Jaron, weeks went by without them coming home. But unlike Rylan's father, Hi'awa'tha usually stayed for two or three days only. A maximum of four. Jaron could stay up to a month. Rylan also usually knew where Jaron was going, but never Hi'awa'tha. Sometimes when Rylan was younger, he pretended Hi'awa'tha was a spy or a mage working for the king, but as he grew older he dismissed these childish beliefs. Although Gregory did not have any records about Hi'awa'tha, that was no indicator of suspicion, since only prominent people had their histories written.

Rylan grew up following in his father's footsteps. Not because he wanted to, but because everyone expected him to. He joined the army at 18 and has been in it since. He hasn't felt quite satisfied with the job, and would like to a scholar, but he is worried that he might fail if he tries. He is currently saving what is left of his meagre pay, after buying things necessary to live, to support himself and his family for when he quits the army and tries new work ventures.
I like that you used Zelgius from FE10. Are you an FE fan or was that just a good picture that you found to fit? Either way, good stuff. I'm going to keep trying to find new people to join, but if I can't then we'll go ahead and start the RP come this Friday. I've got a few more things to add to the RP anyway. 
FE10 is Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn, a turn based RPG on the Nintendo Wii. It's the sequel to Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance, which was also a turn based RPG on the GameCube. It'd be easier to look them up than to explain them here.
Name:Superu Rikatyar

*Alias:N/A (Character is open to given nicknames by the others)


Standing at a somewhat short 5'9, he has a very slim figure. His hair is a dark grey. He has no claws or gloves for that matter, and wears bright white robes that reach slightly below his waist, and is tied with a grey strip of cloth. He wears a slightly darker shade of white baggy pants that increase in size near his calfs, until they reach a very fitting size at his ankles. Wears grey boots that are faded from wear. His skin is a more pale color which contrasts with a set of heterochromic eyes.


Date of Birth: December 9th, 19 years ago

Birthplace:Inside a walled city to the North, within his parents house that serves as a library to the Eastern part of the city as well.

Current Location/Residence:Still within the same city, working at the library.

Ethnicity: Caucasian with a British Accent



Weight:148 lbs

Frame/Build:Slim and somewhat toned

Hair Color:Dark Grey

Eye Color:Dark Brown/ Light Blue

* Distinguishable Marking: Heterochromic eyes

Complexion: A light tone of skin color, almost pale.

Voice Type:

Behavioral Quirks: A fear of the ocean/deep waters

Social Class: The Upper Middle Class

Occupation:Attendant Librarian

Religious Beliefs:He's read about many gods, so hasn't decided which is real and unreal.

Family: A Grand father who started the library, Deceased. (87)

Father who married into the business but came from a prestigious alchemist family, Deceased. (32)

Mother who inherited the library, Alive (41)

Sister [Chrisalia] whom works in the library as well, Alive (18)

Personality:A very happy go lucky fellow, who tends to slack off and is rather eccentric. Despite being well read and very knowledgable, comes off as a natural idiot. Superu tends to be more of a follower than a leader,but he is extremely loyal and puts family first. He also finds mundane tasks boring and drifts off into his own world.

Despite coming off as a child, he led a very serious and hardworking earlier life, it was only recently after a certain incident that he developed a sense of adventure found in young boys. Superu is more of a people person, and likes to be the pacifist among his friends or colleagues.

Strengths: Due to being well read and eccentric, Superu tends to be not only knowledgable about many tidbits of information and history the world contains, but is also able to easily adapt to many situations. He's well trained with a dagger, and his late fathers knowledge and skill with alchemy and alchemy related magics had been passed on to him, although incomplete in training.

Weaknesses: Superu cannot swim at all, due to a childhood trauma, nor does he have the desire to learn.

Equipment: He carries on him an embroidered steel dagger that was given to him by his Grandfather, on which contains Celtic letters that recite "Return Amongst Us" a meaning now lost. Also carries several tomes and notebooks on alchemy, along with a set of parchment paper, ink, spare quills, and any other item needed for alchemy. However, only takes these items when visiting outside of the city.

Biography: From a very early start, Superu was born weak and fragile, and had been sick for a long time in his youth, from his birth to about the age of 5, living off of only boughten herbs and his father's knowledge. Due to his uncertainty on whither or not he'd live, the parents bore a second child, his younger sister Chrisalia. However, Superu beat uncertain odds and eventually strengthened his immune system and was able to be ensured a future. His mother and father were hesitant on his health though, and kept him indoors at all times within the huge library. Superu, being with no friends, would always read the dusty text heavy books within the library. This went on for about 2 years, and he was allowed to be let out. However, no one wanted to be the new child's friend when playing, so Superu's way of life continued.

This developed a very recluse and quiet mannerism in Superu, a polar opposite of his today self. To try and keep him entertained, as well as have him spend time with his sister who he so rarely spoke to, their grandfather taught them basic lessons with a knife. Superu, whom had no one to play with or talk to, continued to develop this skill to this very day.

One day his sister took Superu out for a change, and as the two ran about (for the first time in Superu's life) he happened to slip into a canal within the town. While his sister was able to get help in time, the fear of dying caused Superu sever nightmares for many nights, causing a fear of the water.

Later in his life, as a desperate struggle to attempt to change his weak self, he asked his father to teach him alchemy. His father, a well known push over, obliged willingly, and carefully set about teaching him the basics of alchemy, from translating runes to constructing and controlling simple golems. However, once Superu reached the age of 13, his father became bed ridden with disease, and died shortly after.

At the age of 15, still somewhat heart torn at his fathers passing, decided to fill his fathers place in the library, working while his sister still played about and his mother struggled to run it. During this time, he took up alchemy once more, feeling as if he'd get closer to his father, in a child like sense.

And so he partook this life style for many years, until the age of 18. He one day met a traveler and adventurer of sorts, a woman about his age. She was the person he idolized in the story books of his youth, and was instantly charmed. However, as adventurers do, she left the boring town, without ever knowing his feelings. Feeling as if it shouldn't end like that, he began to daydream about going on an adventure, giving him a more positive and outspoken view on life, and soon enough became the happy go lucky man he is today.

Other: Alchemy, a more precise type of magic, falls under the Earth category, and thus makes Superu an Earth mage, although only has the spells and skills that an alchemist would have, rather than that of an Earth Mage.

P.S If you need me to change some things, I will. And sorry if certain parts seemed rush, I'm doing this off a phone on a really long train ride and I want to get this in before the RP. Thanks for taking the time to read this!
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Not too shabby given how it was done. The RP won't start until Saturday at the earliest, so feel free to go back and add to it or edit wherever you think it's needed.

As for me, the only thing I need to change is his ethnicity. 'British' isn't really an ethnicity, it's more of a culture. Caucasian will send the message just fine, and you can add (british style accent) to it afterwards or something along those lines.
Awesome, I'll do the major editing later then. I'll be arriving home about 1 in the morning on Friday, I'm now just using an ancient computer from the hotel to send this. Maybe I'll do some editing with it later if I want to change some things like I did last night (I'm indecisive I know)

(May I finish this a later time?)

View attachment 35468

Blake Ixias Alluria

*Alias: N/A (I'll leave this open for now.)


Blake stands at 5'8", with a slim and yet slightly muscular physique. His hair is silver white and cover his right eye with short layered bangs and fall past his shoulders and midnight blue eyes. He dons a white vest that falls to his waist over a short black top and a brown glove on his right arm that goes past his elbow. He wears light gray pants with held up by a belt with an silver buckle that resembles an eye with a ruby in the center of the buckle and a pair of black heeled boots.

Age: 21

Date of Birth:

November 21st, 21 years ago


A small yet vibrant village near a vacant castle in the west.

Current Location/Residence:



Caucasian with a French accent

Sex: Male

Height: 5'8"

Weight: 145 lbs


Slim and semi-muscular

Hair Color:


Eye Color:

Midnight Blue

* Distinguishable Marking:

He has a birthmark on his shoulder which vaguely resembles a butterfly.


Light Peach

Voice Type: Alto

Behavioral Quirks:

- A habit of reading

- A moderate fear of ghosts

-Affinity for stories in general, even ghost stories

Social Class:

Upper Middle Class



Religious Beliefs:

Currently undecided


Zikel Alluria (Father. 50 years old. Alive.)

Alix Alluria (Mother. 48 years old. Alive.)

Zikel Alluria II (Brother. 29 years old. Alive.)

Cyrus Alluria (Brother 25 years old. Deceased. Sacrificed himself for his family.)


Calm and composed to the exterior, Blake is the guy who hardly loses his temper and is often seen with a smile. He is quite good at concealing his temper when provoked, but even if he was angry, the way he carries himself while he is angry would make some think it is near impossible to make him angry. However, when someone mocks him and underestimate him, he will instantly become visually upset, revealing his self-confidence and great deal of pride.


-From the training he did with his two brothers, Blake has learned how to use a sword as well as a dagger. He is also quite quick on his feet.

-Due to his fascination of books and knowledge, he has knowledge on not only particular locations and events in history, he is also capable of acting analytically, usually taking an opportunity to look at the situation before he makes a move.


-Although capable of using magic, Blake is not entirely experienced at using it and there is a 30% chance of a spell going haywire.

-Due to his fear of ghosts, Blake is reluctant to enter abandoned homes or places that look like a ghost was there...


Blake carries a dagger with ornate bronze armguard that he has made by himself. He also carries a spell book and several notes on magic and box of chalks for spells requiring magic circles.


Blake grew up with his two brothers: Zikel II who was 8 years older than Blake and Cyrus who was 4 years older than Blake. While they didn't have many friends, Zikel and Cyrus found it more to play with their younger brother until Blake was 7 years, but being comfortable with Blake's company, the three soon became nigh inseparable.

Not even the friends they made could tear them apart. However, there was one kid that would always try to tear the brothers apart, one boy by the name of Niko. One day, Niko invited Blake to play with him, but as precautionary measure, Zikel and Cyrus follow them, knowing Niko had a knack for causing trouble. The two headed for an castle that has been vacant for years. Niko and Blake play around as he loses track of Niko as he hears wailing and screaming, Blake quickly became scared unable to figure out what was going on. Even though Zikel, Cyrus and their father get him out of there in time, Blake soon develops a fear of dark places, ghosts and the undead. As a result of being scared in such a way, Blake became completely mute, not speaking to anyone for a whole year.

Later in life, Zikel and Cyrus offer for Blake to come work in their father's forge with them.

Definitely finish it and flesh out the bio when you have the time. Also his voice type is going to be either a bass, baritone or a tenor. Alto is a female vocal range.

(There we go. Would you like me to add the element he learns as well or surprise you when the RP. I'd rather surprise you but if you want me to add it, I will.)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/tumblr_mxeh782g5X1rvded2o1_500.jpg.49f6acd48021e55961499fadb0260711.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="11655" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/tumblr_mxeh782g5X1rvded2o1_500.jpg.49f6acd48021e55961499fadb0260711.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Blake Ixias Alluria

*Alias: N/A (I'll leave this open for now.)


Blake stands at 5'8", with a slim and yet slightly muscular physique. His hair is silver white and cover his right eye with short layered bangs and fall past his shoulders and midnight blue eyes. He dons a white vest that falls to his waist over a short black top and a brown glove on his right arm that goes past his elbow. He wears light gray pants with held up by a belt with an silver buckle that resembles an eye with a ruby in the center of the buckle and a pair of black heeled boots.

Age: 21

Date of Birth:

November 21st, 21 years ago


A small yet vibrant village near a vacant castle in the west.

Current Location/Residence:



Caucasian with a French accent

Sex: Male

Height: 5'8"

Weight: 145 lbs


Slim and semi-muscular

Hair Color:


Eye Color:

Midnight Blue

* Distinguishable Marking:

He has a birthmark on his shoulder which vaguely resembles a butterfly.


Light Peach

Voice Type: Baritone

Behavioral Quirks:

- A habit of reading

- A moderate fear of ghosts

-Affinity for stories in general, even ghost stories

Social Class:

Upper Middle Class



Religious Beliefs:

Currently undecided


Zikel Alluria (Father. 50 years old. Alive.)

Alix Alluria (Mother. 48 years old. Alive.)

Zikel Alluria II (Brother. 29 years old. Alive.)

Cyrus Alluria (Brother 25 years old. Alive.)


Calm and composed to the exterior, Blake is the guy who hardly loses his temper and is often seen with a smile. He is quite good at concealing his temper when provoked, but even if he was angry, the way he carries himself while he is angry would make some think it is near impossible to make him angry. However, when someone mocks him and underestimate him, he will instantly become visually upset, revealing his self-confidence and great deal of pride.


-From the training he did with his two brothers, Blake has learned how to use a sword as well as a dagger. He is also quite quick on his feet.

-Due to his fascination of books and knowledge, he has knowledge on not only particular locations and events in history, he is also capable of acting analytically, usually taking an opportunity to look at the situation before he makes a move.


-Although capable of using magic, Blake is not entirely experienced at using it and there is a 30% chance of a spell going haywire.

-Due to his fear of ghosts, Blake is reluctant to enter abandoned homes or places that look like a ghost was there...


Blake carries a dagger with ornate bronze armguard that he has made by himself. He also carries a spell book and several notes on magic and box of chalks for spells requiring magic circles and most importantly his God's Eye Jewel.


Blake grew up with his two brothers: Zikel II who was 8 years older than Blake and Cyrus who was 4 years older than Blake. While they didn't have many friends, Zikel and Cyrus found it more to play with their younger brother until Blake was 7 years, but being comfortable with Blake's company, the three soon became nigh inseparable. They did almost everything together: Helped their father collect iron, silver, bronze and several other metals, fishing, playing Hide & Seek and much more than that. Not even the friends they made could tear them apart. And like with most bonds, there was someone who wanted to break them, one boy by the name of Niko. Niko was an only child and an orphan seeing the Alluria brothers was like someone had thrown salt in his face. He hated how they could play by themselves and not grow tired of one another, he hated how they had loving parents and he had nothing but his solitude. One day, Niko invited Blake to play with him, but as precautionary measure, Zikel and Cyrus follow them, knowing Niko had a knack for causing trouble. The two headed for an castle that has been vacant for years. Niko and Blake play around as he loses track of Niko, who is running around wailing and screaming all around the cave entrance scaring Blake near death. Even though Zikel, Cyrus and their father get him out of there in time, Blake soon develops a fear of dark places, ghosts and the undead. As a result of being so scared, Blake became completely mute, not speaking to anyone for a whole year, staying in the library that his father made to hold all the books. Blake would often the read and if he was that bored, re-read any of the books, slowly forming an interest in magic and in dragons. He also became a bit more reserved in his words and slightly aloof.

Later in life, Zikel and Cyrus offer for Blake to come work in their father's forge with them. It was something the three would often talk about doing for years, but Blake had to wait until he 13 to start working with his father and brothers. That offer made Blake finally smile and he gladly joined them once again. They held the younger brother's hand for a few days, from making swords to Blake making his own dagger by himself. Once Blake had turned 18, he left with his two brothers, headed to start their own armory in Aquestra. Also, Blake would have the opportunity to check out the Elemental Temple in Aquestra.

As Zikel and Cyrus were starting up shop once they settled in, Blake ran over to the Elemental Temple. He had seen the clinic in his home town many years prior and the Kaytl gave off sparks of energy. To his surprise, Miko was there as well for the same reason. Miko looked at Blake like a life-long rival and challenged Blake to a bet: If one could not practice magic, the loser had to be the winner's lackey for a week. Blake accepted the challenge but noted that if he wins, Miko would not be his lackey. The results were Miko's and Blake's blood turned blue.



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Looks good, and I believe it was brought up by another player already because you initially posted this before I updated the magic section: but did he go through the Ritual of True Blood already and if so, what was the result? Details for this event and how it works are now on the Role Play Overview page near the bottom.
Name: Nootau

*Alias: He is just called Tau by those he is close with.



http://www.kellyperryart.com/picture/mohawk warrior crop.jpg?pictureId=15813428

Description: He uses a bow rather than an axe.

Age: 25

Date of Birth: Summer, July, 25 years ago

Birthplace: In his tribal village, far to the east, in a forest.

Current Location/Residence: He is currently in his tribal village, far to the east, in a forest.

Ethnicity: Diné (Native American-Like)

Sex: Male

Height: 5’10”

Weight: 170lbs

Frame/Build: Lean and Strong

Hair Color: Black

Eye Color: Very Dark Brown

Complexion: Tan Skin, Smooth angular face

*Distinguishable Markings: Tattoo on his left arm (see picture).

Voice Type: Baritone

Behavioral Quirks: He always grabs a handful of dirt for good luck before doing something nerve racking.

Social Class: Spiritual Leader/Tribe Member

Occupation: Shaman

Religious Beliefs: His beliefs follow that of the Diné. He knows nature must stay in balance, and that humans must not take more than they give. Additionally he believes that the only way to be close to the gods is in the powerful presence of nature.

Family: His family is his tribe. The main teacher and caregiver in his life has been Kwahu.

Personality: Nootau is friendly and contemplative. He is vehemently loyal as well as passionate about nature and the gods.

Strengths: He is adept at surviving in the wilderness. He is good with a bow. He is a powerful elemental mage.

Weaknesses: He would be lost in a world beyond his tribe. He only feels at ease when in the woods.

Equipment: He carries a bow and arrows, an apothecary’s sack, and a hunting knife.


Nootau was born in a small tribe to the east. Much like his tribe members, his early days were spent learning the ways of his woodland home. He was brought out hunting, taught about the local flora and fana, as well as taught to use a bow, skin an animal, and do any number of things they may be necessary in his lifetime. His life diverged from the norm when he was seven years old. Since the reuniting with the empire it had become common practice for shamans to test all the children of the tribe at the age of seven for magical ability. When the stone reacted to Nootau, he was dumbstruck, and his life would change significantly.

Immediately the Shaman took Nootau, along with another boy, Nukpana, who also had shown ability, deep into the forest to be taught the ways of the Shaman. They trained for two months, learning to meditate, mix poultices and medicines, as well as read the stars and other omens. Both knew that they one would be chosen to continue after the second month, and both did their very best to be that one. In the end it would be Nootau. Later the Shaman, Kwahu, would tell Nootau that the other boy had an evil heart, and that his mind would never have been able to handle the Mana required to do magic.

Now that Nootau had been chosen, he had to make the great trek that every Shaman must make ever since the reunion with the west. He and Kwahu left when the snows of winter first began to melt, and wouldn’t be back until they were to come again. The forests of the east were vast and unchanged, save the scattered Diné villages. It was the best time of his life. All along the way Kwahu taught him more and more about what it meant not only to be a Shaman, but a man. He was soon able to follow the movements of the stars, mix medicinal potions, and read the smoke of a spirit-fire. Kwahu refused however to teach him to use his powers, no matter how much he begged.

It wasn’t until they reached the edge of the forest that Nootau saw the first caucasian man he ever had. The man was a poacher with disregard to nature and to the gods. He had just unceremoniously killed a young doe. Nootau was horrified. Never before had he seen such merciless killing. Kwahu emerged from the forest and spoke in a tongue foreign to Nootau. He then did something Nootau had never seen him do, he used his powers to hurt another. Kwahu summoned great flames with his hands and scorched the man to ashes. It had a life-changing impact on Nootau. Kwahu words always would stay in Nootau’s mind: “We must always protect our forests from those who would do them harm, for these men care not for nature.”

They continued into the city and Nootau unknowingly underwent the Ritual of True Blood so that he could legally learn and practice magic. Kwahu would explain to him later what this ritual was and why he had to do this. After this, they returned to the forest and made the long trek back to their village. On the way back, Nootau’s time was filled with his training in elemental fire magic. This training, as well as his training as a Shaman would be his sole occupation in life until his master Kwahu dies and he takes his place as Shaman of the tribe. Years later, Nootau continues to assist his master Kwahu as spiritual leader of his tribe.

Other: More about the society he comes from.

The tribes of the east are made up of the Diné, a race of people that were isolated from the other peoples and dragons of the land sometime in the war of the First Age. Separated, they developed their own unique language, culture, and technologies, even developing a tanner hue to their skin. Their only contact with the rest of the human world, came in the form of Nahimana, a lost mage who taught the first spiritual leaders the gift of elemental magic, as well as telling them many stories of his lost world. The revelation of this had huge effects on the development of Diné, who afterward were able to master the art of manipulating fire with mana. It would be around the start of the Third Age that the Diné would be rediscovered by the world, and forcibly assimilated into its society. Even into modern times, the Diné continue to cling to their unique culture and traditions, and live in forests strictly set aside for them by the larger community. In return for this, they follow the laws set by their overlords, as well as paying tribute in the form of furs and other foraged goods.

Diné society is sharply divided into separate semi-nomadic tribes. Each tribe has its own Chief, as well as its own Shaman. Decisions are usually made as a group, rather than unilaterally by the Chief or Shaman. Chiefs aren’t hereditary and are chosen after the last has died. Shamans are chosen by their predecessors from the pool of those in the tribe that are able to use magic. The Diné are very nature oriented, finding that communication with the spirits as well as the strength of magic are stronger in well preserved areas. Technologically, the Diné aren’t as advanced in some ways, though in few areas they excel (particularly in Fire Elemental Magic, the crafting of Bows, and survival abilities like foraging and hunting).
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Name: Pandora Lorrienne Tozzini

Alias: "Dora"


Description: Dora has dark red eyes, instead of hazel ones, being also fiercer than they seem in the picture above, with a scar right below her left eye. She carries a bow on her back and two hunting knifes and a money pouch on her waist belt, along with a quiver. She also usually wears a dark green cape ... And she's not always carrying bread.

Age: 20

Date of Birth: May 7th, 20 years ago

Birthplace: The family's house in the southeast part of the forest, near the capitol.

Current Location/Residence: The same as her birthplace.

Ethnicity: Caucasian

Sex: Female (yes, a female. The first one to join, too! :D )

Height: 5'2ft

Weight: 120lb

Frame/Build: Lean and athletic

Hair Color: Light Brown

Eye Color: Dark red

Distinguishable Marking: Red eyes, scar below her left eye, her bow and her dark green cape.

Complexion: Slightly tanned skin with a small scar right below her left eye.

Voice Type: Soprano

Behavioral Quirks: Dora likes humming any song she knows or creates in her own head, also having a tendency to play with her hunting knives when bored. Won't let anyone she doesn't trust touch her things.

Social Class: Medium-Low Class

Occupation: Huntress

Religious Beliefs: Believes in the power of nature and, whenever something which cannot be explained happens, and given enough proof, also in the Gods.


Father, Olimpius Tozzini: Believed to be mage who was corrupted before he passed away when Pandora was 7 years old.

Mother, Mikhaela Lorrienne: A young countess, passed away giving birth to Pandora.

Brother, Dennis Icharus Tozzini: Lives at home

Personality: Hot tempered, just like her brother, Pandora is a little too fond of her things, only letting them be touched by people she trusts, be it her cape or anything else, but especially her home-made bow, which she made with her father when she was younger. Pandora has a high sense of justice when it comes to animals and some people, but can be quite the "bad cop" if she thinks it will bring justice to those she loves. A little cold in the beginning of any meeting, but sarcastic and playful when she warms up to someone.

Strengths: Living most of her life in the wild and being quick and steady on her feet, Dora is a good huntress and tracker. She's also sensitive of her surroundings, being able to "read the mood" if she pays close enough attention. Small sized, Dora can make herself fit in whatever hole she finds around a forest or buildings, being able to find shelter almost everywhere.

Weaknesses: Dora may be quick, but she lacks strength, which makes it difficult for her to lift or hold on to things that are too heavy for her. Also, her small size makes high places, which she is not quite fond of, harder to reach. She also gets fond of things and people too easily.

Equipment: A bow, arrows, a pouch with money attached to her waist belt along with two hunting knives and a dark green cape.

Biography: Being a bastard child of a countess, Pandora was born and raised in the family's house in the southeast part of the forest nearer to the capitol. At that time, Pandora's brother, Dennis, was already up and running around the house, being 5 years older than her, and was the son of a woman other than Dora's mother. She spent most of her life learning how to hunt with her father, Olimpius, and he taught Dora how to create her own bow and, after a few frustrated attempts, they were able to make what in the actual year is still Dora's bow. Meanwhile, her brother had spent most of his time with his deceased mother, who died not long after his and Pandora's father did.

Though Pandora doesn't know how her father died, Dennis always told her about him and her mother, who passed away giving birth to her. After some years of staying in the family's house together, Dennis told her that Olimpius was a powerful mage, but got corrupted after some years of training and after he had met Dennis' mother. Dennis also told Dora that her mother, Mikhaela, had tried to save him, by using the power of the Gods, though even Dennis didn't know how, but they got closer and closer, ending up with Mikhaela getting pregnant of Pandora. When her grandfather, Mikhaela's father, found this out, Mikhaela had already given birth to her, though, and he decided to chase after Olimpius and kill both father and daughter. And so, he decided to hire mercenaries to kill them, but Olimpius killed them instead. After sending a message to Mikhaela's father, saying that the mission was acomplished, he then buried Mikhaela's body behind the family's house with the help of Dennis.

Pandora was shocked to find out all of this when she was still young, but decided to keep the training their father gave them and so, everyday, she hunted for food, always saying a prayer to each kill. With the help of Dennis, Pandora would sell some of their hunt in the nearest market, without ever revealing her middle name. She's still afraid of her grandfather's guards, though, for they know how her brother looks like, and fears they may hurt him. She'd rather avoid conflict with them, if possible, and that's why she got used to hiding around the market they sell their things in. Now she's a experienced hunter and tracker, who believes in the power of the nature.

(Alright, I think that's it... I there's anything wrong please tell me and I shall remake it \o/)
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I don't see much wrong with it. That thing you store arrows in is called a quiver, by the way. Anyway, you're accepted, so you're free to post whenever able.
Name: Clew Chrontyre


Description: Her clothes are well worn and badly weathered but they've been cared for enough to keep them from being filthy. Her overall look is very similar to the picture except the following: Tunic and hat are actually bluish-grey rather than royal blue, long blonde hair ends at the base of the shoulder blades rather than the depicted waist length, her skin has a heavy tan, she has no gold jewerly of any sort, her belt has a copper clasp, and there's no impractical sheer skirt below her waist.

Age: 27

Date of Birth: October 3rd, 514 Common

Birthplace: The Bant

Current Location/Residence: Nooth (village in The Bant)

Ethnicity: Caucasian

Sex: Female

Height: 5'8

Weight: 132 lbs

Frame/Build: Lean and Sturdy

Hair Color: Straw Grass Blonde

Eye Color: Blue

Complexion: Sun tanned skin, a smattering of freckles, and calloused hands

Voice Type: Contralto

Behavioral Quirks: Curses or swears crudely when under stress. Plays with rope when thinking and always checks for snakes before sitting down or putting on her boots.

Social Class: Peasant/Labor Class

Occupation: Cattle Drover

Religious Beliefs: Holds a healthy respect for the gods

  • Family:

Scheed Chrontyre (Father) - Alive in Nooth

Bleek (Mother) - Deceased

Orane (Stepmother) - Alive in Nooth

Beln (Brother) - Alive

Ches (Brother) - Alive

Moss (Brother) - Alive

Personality: She has a deadly combination of obstinance and pride. As the youngest and only girl among her brothers, she always felt like she had something to prove. Strangely enough her siblings never doubted her, but she still hasn't convinced herself of that fact. She's a challenge seeker, a fool willing to tame the untameable and cross the uncrossable. It's not glory or applause she's after, it's assurance.

Clew is clumsy at making friends, but whenever she does she considers them family. And for her, family is the only thing that makes a cold world just warm enough to tolerate.

Strengths: She has a collection of typical cowgirl skills which include horseback riding, roping, animal husbandry, open-land navigation, and predator tracking. Her speed and precision with her bullwhip is award winning. She's scrappy and has suitable defensive training passed down to her from her father.

Weaknesses: Average to below average literacy, lacks social grace, and insecure among the wealthier classes of society. She's also unnerved by boastful displays of magic.

Equipment: Rope/lasso that she bundles across her back when on foot. A bullwhip that is always coiled at her right hip along with a folding knife tucked into one boot. She keeps a small waterskin on her person and a larger one on her horse (Grits). In her saddle bags are flint rock & tender, a blanket, and her meager life's savings.

Biography: Two dozen cattle drives under an open sky will make any man as hard as a battering ram. It does the same thing to a woman. She's a drover through and through, and she's got the sun-baked skin and a frontier squint to prove it. Her father had spent the longer part of his life doing the very same occupation, but he had taken the trade in desperation rather than choice. He was an army deserter. Years ago, when he was young and foolish, he had signed his life away and enlisted in the Durhum army. Even today his children are unsure of why things didn't work out for him as a Durhum soldier, but the fact remains that Scheed Chrontyre fled his nation in mid-service.

Just east and a bit south of the borders of Aquestra are a group of free towns. And calling them towns is being generous, most civilized folk would describe them as glorified villages. Collectively the settlements and their surrounding land is called The Bant. Rolling grassy plains, herds of scrub cattle, coyotes, snakes, rivers and cowboys; all are plentiful in The Bant. It's an area with a well deserved reputation for being welcoming to outlaws, but it's not as villainous as it sounds. Most of these so called fugitives were simple debtors, poachers, and deserters; with nearly everyone else being the bankrupt. What better place to start a new life than in a cowtown that doesn't ask questions?

This is where Clew grew up. This is where she learned to ride, where she learned to hold back tears of pain, and where she learned to pick herself back up after a fall. It's where she learned the basics of the bullwhip, and later learned to turn the lash into an artform. Her brothers, each one older than her, had taken different paths in life. Only Clew had followed her father's footprints. Her life was cattle. Her friends were either family or other drovers, everyone else was kept at a distance. Everyone that is, but L'laxas.

A woman of many titles, some of which include; a hermit, a nomad, a wine trader, a news bringer, and a storyteller. She began making her rounds through The Bant when Clew was only eight years old. From her very first visit the two girls formed a kinship. Clew loved the exotic woman's stories and L'laxas loved the passion and spirit of her young admirer. As the cowgirl grew up she continued to foster a friendship with the wine merchant. L'laxas' visits to Clew's village were brief, but as long as the drover wasn't on a drive they would make time for each other. Many of those stories, those tales of magic and adventure, are what inspired Clew Chrontyre to answer the summons that mysteriously called for her. West. The dragons had called her west. She would answer.


Dusk Dragon (medium)

It's shining bronze top scales transition into dull ashen grey hues across its underside. These dragons can be found hunting over the eastern plains, and it's said they make their dens in the nearby foothills. Their breath weapon is a thick and gritty smoke that disorients its opponents. The Dusk Dragon is fourteen feet high at the shoulders and can exceed fourty-five feet in length.
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