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interactions :
Crown Prince
Daemon Targaryen

It was admittedly true that Daemon Targaryen’s return to the Red Keep couldn't have gone any better than it had. With his brother’s acceptance of the ‘crown of the narrow sea’, he was finally within the good books of high society. Well, at least in a technical sense, perhaps not on a personal level as he was sure many individuals would have been happy to see his head on some kind of spike. Better yet, when the topic of his wife Rhea Royce was brought up, Viserys was finally willing to consider an annulment of the marriage due to its lack of consummation. It was as if the main frustrations upon the male’s shoulders were beginning to slip off one by one and whilst only one thing could ruin the moment, it hadn’t stopped him from standing a little taller within the walls of the Keep.

With his own banishment now little more than a memory, he could finally be somewhere he maybe considered a home, or perhaps whatever was closest to it. He could assist his brother in matters of actual importance, allow the Goldcloaks to go from strength to strength and most importantly: do the good that Westeros needed. Poor Viserys, his head was too heavy for that crown, too full of second thoughts and willingness to listen to the snakes within his walls. At least with Daemon at his side, those snakes could be cut off before they caused too much damage. If anything, it made the annulment seem little more than a bonus, a reassurance that perhaps he could truly have a legitimate legacy with a wife he actually desired.

Hopeful thoughts were not commonplace for the Targaryen Prince, so he let them have their moment, his steps thoughtful as he wandered the halls. Night was slowly beginning to settle on kings Landing but he was far from tired. Instead, his mind was drawn to the sword. Perhaps it was simply a good place for him to consider his thoughts? Maybe a small part of him missed the taste of combat. Regardless of circumstances, he was surprised to see that his moment of contemplation was not a solitary one as he approached the training yard.

Initially, Daemon suspected a servant of some sort, one perhaps making the most of the quiet and deciding to bend the rules just a little and have their moment within their own imagination. Yet as he got closer, it was rather clear that their clothing constituted something far above a servant; let alone a male as he initially thought. His eyebrow raised in curiosity at the rare sight of a noblewoman with such a sword in hand.

It’s not often you see a woman here.” His amused tone echoed through the courtyard, undoubtedly revealing his presence. It was then he finally recognised the woman and he couldn’t stop the smirk that tugged at his lips: “Let alone one of your status, Lady Aelin.

Aelin Stark, the name rang with recent familiarity in his mind, bringing him back to perhaps the only negative aspect of the day: when Viserys had brought up the fact he was meddling once more in his marriage business. Daemon hoped he’d be able to make the decision for himself, yet it appeared the King was considering otherwise. Aelin’s name was the only one brought up as a viable option and thankfully nothing was set in stone, but the thought alone of holding no choice in the matter irritated Daemon a great deal and drew a shadow upon the woman before she could discredit it.

However, seeing her in the courtyard with a sword in her hand, an admittedly practiced-looking hand, Daemon would be lying to himself if he said he wasn’t at least a little curious about the woman. He wasn’t one to pursue normalcy, in both life and women: the mere thought of having the typical doting wife was enough to bore him to sleep. Instead, he preferred challenge, intrigue and perhaps even upset. Perhaps that’s why Daemon began to perceive Aelin Stark differently to the short moments he’d made contact with her prior to his return to the Red Keep.

He gestured to the sword at her side, leaning against the nearest wall: “It appears you actually know how to use that.” It was rather obvious, perhaps in her stance, or the way her hand seemed to tighten the moment he’d made his presence known. Regardless, it was amusing to the prince: “Now why on earth would an upper class woman such as yourself brother to even learn to use something like that?” Maybe he’d been wrong to cast such a shadow upon Aelin before, maybe for once he should have trusted his dear brother’s judgment. He wouldn’t make the same kind of mistake after all, surely?
coded by reveriee.

interactions :
Heir of Driftmark
Lianna Velaryon

In the eyes of Lianna Velaryon, there was nothing more peaceful than the sky during twilight: particularly when so high up in the sky. Wind swept harshly in her ears as Gaelithox glided effortlessly through the evening sky over Blackwater Bay. When she was hundreds of feet above the sea and far from the land of Westeros or Driftmark, none of her worries seemed to be able to catch up to her. The worries of her father’s injuries away at war, the worries of the health of the king, the worries of her relationships with others? They were nothing but mere specs on the ground and the only people that truly mattered now was her and her dear dragon.

Unfortunately, she understood she couldn’t remain in the sky forever, “Ilagon konīr… [down there]” Lianna hummed with a degree of reluctance, the sentiment appearing shared as Gaelithox’s moments delayed before he finally tilted towards the ground, in particular bay on the coast of the crownlands. She’d landed on such a location so often it felt like a safe space for her: thanks to its sheer cliffs leaving it to be hidden from the prying eyes of the majority. Sand swept up in the air as the faint blue wings clapped against the shore, yet Lianna wasn’t keen to leap off the dragon just yet.

With the beast turning his attention back towards the setting sun, the Velayon girl leaned against the heavy leather saddle, resting her head between the handles and gazing through the gap between Gaelithox’s horns. The setting sun appeared particularly pretty that evening, leaving the girl with a large smile: “gevie [beautiful]...” She muttered.

And yet, the content peace of the view appeared short lived. Aside from the shape of ships in the far distance (likely her own family’s fleet), the world appeared utterly devoid of life on this spot. Yet, this was quickly contrasted as Lianna spotted the unbelievably large figure of a dragon in the distance, appearing the size of Gaelithox at even that distance. The slight reflection of green against the setting sun made it undeniable what dragon was speeding in the direction of the bay she sought refuge within: Vhagar.

Gaelithox cocked his head up towards the sky, a discontent grumble reverberating through his throat and vibrating under Lianna’s legs. She shuffled and pushed herself off of the saddle, landing beside Gaelithox and running a hand across his scales: “gīda aōla [calm yourself] Gaelithox, it is only Vhagar.” She attempted to reassure, but she supposed she could understand the beast’s anxieties when his size was utterly dwarfed by the elder dragon’s several times over. She shuffled towards the edge of the bay with a dragon in tow, allowing enough space for the immense creature to land comfortably upon the shore.

Quickly she raised her hand as Vhagar landed, covering her eyes from the water and sand which flew up towards her and Gaelithox let out a small cry of irritation. Lianna watched curiously, particularly at the taller figure on the back of the dragon. Unfortunately, due to Vhagar’s presence alone, Aemond Targaryen certainly knew how to make an entrance.

Had Lianna mentioned where she was, or whether she would even be there at the time? Of course not, but Aemond didn’t require that information, it was almost a given this would be where he found her, he was likely the only other person (save for her mother in case of emergencies) who knew of her admiration of the bay. “I didn’t expect to see you here!” She called out, moving her hand back to her side as Vhagar finally appeared to settle on the bay, Gaelithox hesitantly approaching her side and reflecting on her position, “I thought you were meant to be with your brother?

The moment she said it, Lianna had quickly connected the dots of what had likely occurred. Aegon was not a man she respected at the best of times, with his approach towards women and Aemond in particular vexing her. She was sure he must have done something for Aemond to end up at her side.

The air was unfortunately heavy between the two of them as Aemond had gotten closer, their relationship often left Lianna with nothing more than question marks. Aemond would search out for her in moments like this, but at the same time appear unwilling to cooperate with her. She was never quite sure what Aemond she’d receive upon seeing him: her childhood friend, or the distant man he was becoming. The lack of a clear answer was enough to allow her heart to beat uncomfortably against her chest.
coded by reveriee.
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Aelin Stark

Expectation was persistent in the life of the Stark woman, such obligation had always been at the forefront of her mind. Yet, for years Aelin had been keen in her observations of duty amongst her kin. While society and nobility were still prominent there was the lingering willfulness of a warrior, presenting a sense of freedom which was denied to most women of her station. Therefore, it had been common knowledge for many years that she desired nothing more than to be a shieldmaiden of the North finding solace in battle and purpose beyond that of a Lady doting only in matters of embroidery and court. Rickton had indulged his daughter and permitted her to practise with a blade along with indulging in the conversations of war and battle. The Wall had always been an allure for the young woman, fostering a future for her that did not involve marriage and childbearing.

It had all been in accordance to her plan, the declaration of her life to the battlefield and to little else. Perhaps it was ignorance that had driven Aelin to believe her intentions might have been received by her father who presided over them all from the throne of Winterfell. How wrong she had been in her assumptions. Quite the opposite had occurred in reality. A mere month ago her father had approached her with hesitance and informed her of his intention to seeing her attending court at King’s Landing. With the accompaniment of her aunt, they had arrived at the Red Keep where she was proving lacking in her decorum, refusing invitations of tea and sewing, stealing away to the training arena when she could. It had been then that her aunt slipped during a moment of heated discussion, revealing that her father and King Viserys had been in discourse upon a potential marriage and unification of the Stark and Targaryen houses.

While many would have been delighted at the notion, that Aelin was not such a woman with her long dark locks and willowy frame she held the beauty of a Lady of her stature, it was her disposition which was not easily overcome. Perhaps that was why they had mentioned the rogue prince, Daemon Targaryen an outcast much like herself if the whispers were to be believed. Not that she cared, it did not alter her intentions of avoiding the arrangement altogether. Thus, while everyone had been dining she had changed into a flowing dress, not quite a gown. It was an attempt to conceal her intended hiding place whilst maintaining her mobility for training. At her side the large ebony-hued dire wolf had padded along, peering up in occasion to his mistress, her hand stroking the head of Ajax briefly as they found their tranquillity upon reaching the empty training grounds.

It was after the shieldmaiden had retrieved a sword and began working through the motions of practice, slashing and stepping in accordance with what she had been taught that she lost herself to the moment entirely. Ajax had settled, peering at the woman with mild interest which had soon given way to sleepiness. Everything had been existing in a realm of peace until a voice pierced the air bringing her from her practice back to the present. Turning her blue gaze to transfix on the intruder perhaps it should have been no surprise the man who had plagued her thoughts earlier appeared, a smug smirk adorning his handsome features as he announced his amazement in seeing a woman present. “An accurate assessment, it is a misfortune that many women I have met during my time here hold a preference for more domestic activities,” her hand tightened on the blade as she watched the prince warily as if sizing up an opponent.

This man that they dared to suggest be her betrothed seemed to regard her with amusement. Aelin stiffened, determined to prove that her battle prowess was no mere passing fancy. While the irritating dragon rider leaned against the wall, suggesting surprise that she knew how to use her sword, she raised a shaped brow, the ears of Ajax twitching from his place of rest seeing the discontentment of the dark-haired woman. “Not all women prefer topics of tea and child-rearing,” she replied back curtly. Straightening, she approached, a predator evaluating, although she knew that Daemon was no prey, he was also a predator, a dangerous creature ready to pounce even if he appeared relaxed. “The North is primed against the forces beyond the Wall, following the customs of King’s Landing would only be a disservice to myself when there are plenty of risks within the mountains of home,” she mused. Yet, it gave her an idea, to appear brash and uncouth, unsuitable for marriage. “Take up a sword if you will it, prince. Let us see if you live up to the warrior’s mettle of the tales,” she taunted him, spinning her own blade briefly within her hand.


Aemond Targaryen

Suffering and discontent were something that Aemond Targaryen knew well. His sharp features examined the skies before him, the occasional growl of Vhagar pressing forth with the mighty breath of the mighty dragon. A beast he had coveted once he had been deemed a laughingstock, the presentation of the sow in his youth had bred a fire in his belly where he had claimed the dragon of the late Lady Laena after her untimely demise. While many would have despised him due to the green-scaled Vhagar being theoretically passed onto the children of her former rider, he could not resist the urge to test his mettle. For so long he had been pressed into a state of mockery, whether it be from his own brother or his bastard-born nephews, clinging to the good name of their mother and denying the truth of their father. He had no time for it.

One thing was certain, the white-haired man had continually been secondary to so many. Even his mother doted upon his sibling, Aegon becoming her priority where he was often left to the wayside. The only time Alicent Hightower had truly stood up for him was when he had lost his eye and gained a dragon. Alas, in his mind it had been an adequate trade. For many years he had subsisted in isolation, choosing to speak to few and hone his skills as a warrior and a dragon rider. The only comfort he had found was in Lianna Velaryon, his cousin who seemed keen to accept his faults along with his mettle. They had formed a fast friendship in their youth, one that he was reluctant to let slip despite the darkness which blossomed within his heart. If it meant persisting as they had been he would eagerly ignore the tension residing between his kin. The parents of Lianna, Corlys and Rhaenys beheld any spawn of Hightower blood as unworthy while showing favour to his half-sister Rhaenyra.

With his one vibrant violet eye scouring the horizon, Aemond found solace in the twilight, perhaps an apt metaphor for what lurked within him, lingering fragments of light beginning to be snuffed by the blooming darkness. Aside from such astute observations, it was a princess of Driftmark that he sought. Lady Lianna, the one woman, nay, the one individual who did not discredit it, perhaps the one person in his life that he did not try to entirely thrust the picture of the warrior he yearned to become upon. Vhagar grumbled at the sight of another mighty dragon before them, sweeping through the air with grace. Gaelithox was a sight to behold as was his rider. A part of the lanky man was reluctant to admit to the degree he found himself enraptured by the sight of Lianna, a dangerous notion at times due to the betrayals of the past.

With adept control his fellow royal commanded her dragon down, Gaelithox listening intently. There was no hesitance from Aemond and only the briefest call from the elder dragon herself as he beckoned for them to follow, Lianna having found a place along the shoreline that Vhagar would actually be able to land upon. “Ilagon Vhagar, gaomagon gīda (Down Vhagar, keep steady),” he urged the mighty being as they soon pressed toward the sand. He breathed in as they landed on the ground, already missing how the wind tousled through his long tresses and how the chill pressed into his lungs. “Rest, īlon kessa sōvegon aderī (Rest, we will fly soon)”, he assured as he prepared to dismount. With a pat to his steadfast dragon, he swept from the saddle and landed firmly on the ground, raising his hand in response as he approached Lianna, closing the distance between the two of them within the bay.

Amusement danced within his one eye, Aemond finding himself in a pleasant mood as he had avoided spending time with his sibling which always seemed to draw his ire. “Would you have preferred I requested an audience, Lady Lianna?” he stated and barely kept the smirk from his lips as his gait seemed strong and fluid. A sword strapped to his hip proclaiming all that he worked toward. Choosing to fight rather than sit idly like Aegon, no, he trained with Ser Cole relentlessly, determined to surpass even the rogue prince himself. Now that they were closer the tension settled over them both and he acknowledged her question with a curt response. “I grow tired of my brother’s antics, I would not neglect Vhagar in favour of listening to his prattling,” he muttered his tone dry. “Unless you would seek your solitude,” there had always been something between the two of them, while they had not formally acknowledged it, a part of him wondered if she was discontented by the unresolved station of their relationship. The likelihood of them being able to broach the conversation properly is quite slim considering the differences accumulating within the branches of the family. Another thing denied to him.

interactions :
Crown Prince
Daemon Targaryen

It truly was a rarity, to find such a moment of quiet within the confines of the Red Keep. For all its protection and sanctity came little to no privacy, people around every corner, bustling voices and prying eyes. So, any rare moment of quiet was often gripped tightly. Whilst the majority of the court were busy with some sort of feast Viserys must have been putting on, Daemon was thankful for the quiet of the training courtyard, it's only exception being the woman in front of him, her wolf and the occasional servant darting along the doorways on their own errands. Yet, Daemon was not unhappy with any of it.

Even with its silence being disrupted mostly with Aelin’s own voice, his curiosity was enough for him to not mind it at all. The Stark woman was fascinating to him, so beyond his expectations in the best way. Often, women of the court at the Red Keep bored Daemon to death. Their embroidery, their court dresses and their irritating children: nothing of the typical court woman appealed to Daemon aside from perhaps their looks. They were doting, obsessive and clinging. Daemon wanted a challenge.

Daemon was, admittedly, a man more than willing to have a peculiar wife. He desired for a woman who stood out of the norm as an individual in their own right, as a force to be reckoned with much like himself. He didn’t want someone who would blindly agree with him (much as he’d never admit such a thing), he wanted those arguments and opinions. After all, how would anyone get any good done if they surrounded themselves with just yes-men? Perhaps it was considered odd for someone of his status, but since when had Daemon cared that much for his general public perception, particularly at court?

He couldn't stop the small chuckle that left his lips of her comment on the women of court, “I could not agree more.” He muttered, at least he was not the only individual who saw the women of the Red Keep often for what they were: unbearably dull.

The prince was quick to pick up on her savory tone, the kind that begged for him to give her a moment of peace. Yet, it did the exact opposite, raising his curiosity tenfold. Perhaps she was aware of his brother’s plans for another arranged marriage of some kind? “I’m assuming that you may have heard of his grace’s plans??” He questioned with the raise of an eyebrow, “Please, do not take their scheming as an insinuation of my plan, I myself was only made aware of such things since my return from the StepStones; I have no intentions as of yet.” Would it be enough to assure her?? Likely not from the look on her features.

Her challenge was further confirmation of her dissatisfaction. He paused, perhaps not expecting a woman to be as forward as she herself was being. He eyed her curiously, then turned his attention to the wolf that was curled up nearby, seemingly not paying attention. Daemon knew better than to start playing games such a beast, and perhaps to its master, yet her challenge was something he couldn’t stop himself from entertaining.

“I suppose I am not one to refuse a woman at her request.” He shrugged, leaning to the side to pick up one of the training swords. “Lighter than Dark Sister…” He muttered, referring to the blade that remained strapped to his waist. Even now, with a different sword in hand, he refused to let the ancestral blade be anywhere but at his own side; it was not worth the risk. “I hope that you understand I have no intention of going easy on you if you do so wish for me to show you my mettle.

He shuffled on his feet further into the clearing of the courtyard, allowing greater space for her challenge. Daemon stood, poised with the blade in front of him in a practiced pose, “I commend you for your bravery, not many would be willing to challenge me outright in such a way. Perhaps this is that Stark courage and strength I’ve heard about, being hardened by the north.” He wondered aloud, eyes narrowing as he prepared for such a battle. “Or… Perhaps it is simply recklessness.” With that he thrust himself forwards, raising the blade into the air to make his first attack against her, his full weight being thrown with the blade. He was right, he wasn’t intending on holding back.
coded by reveriee.

interactions :
Heir of Driftmark
Lianna Velaryon

Even though it had now been years, Lianna had never quite gotten over the majesty of Vhagar and Aemond, her current rider. The beast, dwarfing her own dragon multiple times, rested in front of her, unaware of the fact she was such a dangerous creature which could smother a town into ash in mere moments. Yet, at the same time the dragon was beautiful in her own, battle hardened way, the green of her scales fluttering as she took her breaths, sand kicking back into the sea as her nostrils forced out air so strongly. She would be a fool to not stop and stare.

With Vhagar’s rider grasping her attention, she smiled politely towards him before shaking her head a little: “Of course not, you would have no need of it.” She confirmed. This was one of many instances the both of them would enjoy one another’s company away from the prying eyes of the rest of the world, it was ludicrous in her mind to not allow him such peace. As they got closer, Lianna finally stopped herself and perched on one of the larger rock formations that spurted from the sandy ground, taking off her riding gloves and wrapping them on her belt for safekeeping.

His words came as no surprise to her, Aegon was an unbearable individual and particularly to poor Aemond who dealt with the brunt of it most of the time. He was cruel and borderline unaware of his own cruelty; likely the result of his own neglect or aggression from Alicent. His attitude was something Lianna despised, and she couldn’t blame Aemond for being so resentful of the elder kin. “Of course, I imagine Vhagar to be a far nicer company.” She glanced towards the green dragon again, a small smile creeping on her lips as she watched Gaelithox shuffle that bit closer to the elder dragon, snuggling against her wing.

She shook her head a moment, “If anything, I would prefer the company.” She confirmed, turning her attention first to Aemond then out to the greater sea in front of the both of them. She took a deep breath, breathing in the sea salt with a satisfied smile: the smell reminded her of home and the simplicity of her childhood.

My father was injured at sea.” She finally spoke up, trying to at least explain why she had sought out such escapism from her home. “He’s not dead, but we’re not sure if he will be able to return alive.” Whilst she had a feeling Aemond did not exactly care for the Sea Snake, she hadn’t cared all that much, instead needing to air out her own thoughts. “With father injured all mother seems to want to talk about is marriage, it was all she was discussing at dinner I could barely get a word in edgeways.

Lianna understood her mother meant well, her entire attitude towards Lianna and marriage remained to always wait until both she and Corlys would be accepting of the match and Lianna herself happy. But with Corlys’ life hanging precariously, things started falling into question and leaving a bad taste on the Targaryen’s tongue, so much so she wanted to assure her daughter’s safety as a Lady. Yet, all Lianna had wanted to do was process the fact her father may never return from the Stepstones, at least living.

She glanced downwards, hand resting against the harsh rock dotted with scattered sand, “I’m quite fed up of hearing about it all...” She admitted honestly. Perhaps Aemond would be the one person she’d even admit it to. With all his duty and requirements from his family, she knew deep down a part of him just wanted something simple: to be respected. To Lianna, her honesty was a clear indication of such respect.

Her eyes darted back towards him, her smile growing back, though it was clear it was not entirely genuine: “I apologize for airing out my own problems without even considering your own.” She started, “Whilst I know your brother is being unbearable, well when isn’t he… How is everyone else?? Helaena?” Admittedly, the middle sister of the family, aside from Aemond, was the only Hightower child that Lianna had come to care for, neither she nor And deserved the treatment others were giving them. How things could be simpler if they were just allowed to live their lives the way that they had wished. Alas, that hope would remain nothing but that: hope.
coded by reveriee.
Aelin Stark

atmosphere of the training grounds had been serene before a certain prince interrupted her solitude. It had been a relief when Aelin had been able to slip away from the obligation of the feast, much to the ire of her aunt she supposed it would be quite telling in the lecture which was surely waiting for her later. The other Stark woman seemed to have very different ideals of why they were there. Many of which were in securing a marriage for herself. Causing the dark-haired woman to become sullen in the intricacies of court life. Now as the Targaryen male who was the object of her own dismay if whispers to be believed approached she regarded him with a cool blue gaze. A sizzling intensity builds between the two of them with recognition of one another but also of the plots blossoming beneath the surface in terms of their connection.

It was never in the nature of the Stark woman to shy from a challenge and while she feared being the object of conquest for some male, she would gladly prove that she was indeed not marriage material to the rogue prince. Easier to thwart the musings early, then she would be permitted to return to the North and perhaps to sway her father into the idea that she would be a shield maiden and not some political token. Yet, she had to admit that when a chuckle was stolen from the lips of Daemon his handsome features and confident demeanour were not entirely appealing even if she had resolved to give him the cold shoulder. The agreement about women in the Keep caused her to smirk. “Surely an unpopular opinion amongst most,” she admitted. Yet, he had to be looking for a traditional wife, weren’t all men?

There was little in the way of dance, Aelin squared herself against the man before her, stiff and rigid in her disposition. Yet, it was Daemon who spoke freely, the prince outright drawing attention to their predicament which caused her to raise a shaped brow. “I have heard musings of the intentions of King Viserys and my father, none of which interest me,” she admitted and turned her blade in her hand to prove her point. “If you are equally as unaware then I would implore you not to form such intentions. Surely no one would fault the rogue prince himself for expressing disinterest,” she responded in an almost taunting and challenging manner.

Perhaps it had been her own arrogance and sheer desire to prove herself a lacking bride that had brought the willowy lady to the point of provoking the white-haired male into the arena. Guising the acceptance under the good manners of not refusing a woman, she scoffed at his audacity, permitting an unamused expression to haunt her fair features. Still, he took up a training sword much to her approval, absently muttering the differences between it and her usual blade. She bit her tongue to hold back a comment that it was not all too shocking that a training sword would be lighter than something used in battle. Best not to test her luck too much.

However, to the agreement of Aelin, it seemed that the prince expressed his intention of not going easy on her. “If you held back I would be disappointed. I would rather take my win with no excuses on your behalf,” her tone was almost teasing in nature. But she held her ground in the arena her strides sure and calculated. Even as he mocked her pondering between the courage of her kin and a reckless nature that she had to admit was quite true she could not deny her retort. “Then let me commend your bravery, prince for daring to face a Stark. Or your arrogance, whichever seems more fitting.” Their banter was interrupted by his step and strike of his blade. Blue eyes narrowed as she felt the sheer power of the hit reverberating down her arms. Shit. Stronger than she expected but not surprising, with a twist of her own sword she moved to the side, a feint to the right and a well-placed jab towards his left side. Speed was her only advantage here it seemed. Automatically, she stepped back after the jab and took a chance to provide a slice, an angle down from the shoulder toward the belly. Ajax finally lifted his head as if acknowledging the two humans were obligated to provide some form of amusement for him.

"It seems that you hold the strength of your tales, but were your regalements of war born from bruteness or from tactical prowess?" The woman of the North could not help the further jab that escaped from her lips as she continued with her assault. Her breathing was coming slightly quicker now as a flush began to adorn her cheeks with the exertion.


Aemond Targaryen

Admittedly, the young Targaryen prince was always looking for a chance to leave the cumbersome nature of King’s Landing and seek solace in flying his mighty dragon. Vhagar had been the greatest achievement of his life, finding companionship with the beast in all her battle-born valour. She was quite the creature to marvel at and as he noted that the princess of Driftmark had come to visit and had eyed his bonded dragon with the same respect he could not help the inner curling of satisfaction around what some might call his cold and hardened heart. Yet, he could not help himself from admiring the lovely woman before him in turn. Trying to ignore the subtleties within himself such as how her mere presence caused his heart rate to increase and a need to resist the urge to flush in some capacity.

Needless to say, Gaelithox was a mighty creature in his own right and Aemond could not deny the appreciation he held for the dragon of the Velaryon woman. Even as she spoke, confirming he did not need to request a time to see her, a small and subtle smile adorned his thin lips. “I am gladdened to hear that you have not tired of my company in the months that we were parted,” he told her with a level of amusement to his tone as he approached. While they were now close, he was pleased when Lianna relaxed, eager to see her find comfort before him. It had always been a dance to find time for just the two of them. In truth, he was no fool and knew that her parents would disapprove of any sort of relationship with him. As anyone was when it came to the offspring of Alicent Hightower it seemed, despite the fact that his father was King Viserys, the king did not seem to inspire the same level of respect and devotion that a true Targaryen did. Like his uncle seemed to. It was something that he aimed to rectify within himself while his own brother, Aegon resolved to find himself on a different path.

While it did not take long for the two to find comfort in their conversation it was reassuring to the one-eyed prince that not much had changed in their absence from one another. The sensations of their connection had not diminished and in frankness, they might have even grown and he could not help but to appreciate Lianna and her own openness of speech when they were pried from the confines of expectation when it came to their roles as royals. A small chuckle escaped him as it seemed that she knew the reason he sought the company of his beloved dragon, one that he had claimed with ferocity and lost an eye out of the audacity of such an act. Internally, he had wondered if the woman before him would have despised him as well when he had dared to take such a risk considering Vhagar had belonged to her recently perished sister, but she had seemed to accept his boldness in stride. “Vhagar is finer company than most. Present company excluded of course. I expect you find your time with Gaelithox to be much the same,” he assured her.

It was a kindness to hear the woman of fire and sea did prefer his company and did not wish to shun him like so many others did. Aemond was momentarily lost at the sight of her, peering to the ocean. Ethereal and commanding of his attention. Yet, he listened to the woes that plagued her intently. “We received word of your father, you have my condolences,” he told her gently. “I would not doubt the Sea Snake so suddenly, your father is a fearsome man,” he assured her as if his mere words could make the outcome a reality.

Yet, it was the mention of marriage that chilled his heart and he turned so she could not read his expression. “I suppose that such is the role of all of royal blood, marriage is an obligation. Do you have suitors in mind?” he asked his voice cold and stiff. The idea of Lianna wed to another caused a deep pain to rush to meet him and he merely hoped that he could keep some of his composure in this situation. Ah, at least she conceded that she was tired of her mother insisting upon such a thing. “Perhaps you should choose your own husband before one is selected for you, but it is cumbersome the expectations they hold for us,” he admitted. Naturally, she was quick to apologize. “I welcome your burdens, I would gladly listen to whatever you wish to speak of. But if you must know Helaena is well, or as well as can be expected considering her husband,” he rolled his eyes. “My father is ailing, his health continues to decline but he remains out of stubbornness I believe.”

interactions :
Crown Prince
Daemon Targaryen

Daemon quickly realized there was no need to underestimate Aelin on account of her sex. She was a lot more capable than many men had seen both at court and on the battlefield and much to her dismay: it made him want to know more. Whilst he initially would have agreed with her musings of discontent at Rickon and Viserys’ plans, Daemon was now caught in his own web of curiosity, spun by her own hands as she desperately tried to push him away. She wasn’t a typical woman, and the Rogue Prince was not a typical man.

Was it the ‘gentlemanly’ thing to do? To accept her challenge of a physical duel? Of course not, but he was known as the Rogue prince for good reason. It was said that men should not raise their hands at a woman for any reason, but the amount of men who did so was more than could ever be counted. At least in this instance, Aelin was more than prepared and willing, the same could not be said for many other women throughout history.

When Daemon forest swung he was admittedly surprised to see she was not immediately knocked onto her back considering the force which he had brought down. But, if anything, that made him all the more curious to see where her strengths were in combat. He was quick to dodge the blade as she attempted a jab at his side then he moved to reflect its swinging hit. The amount of strength she was able to put behind it was enough to cause a chuckle to escape his lips from how it had surprised him. Her movements appeared to refer to the advantage of speed he noted, from the way she twisted out of his hits rather than trying to block them. He was right to assume he was the stronger, but her agility was impressive for him to witness.

The fight between them lasted far longer than Daemon had anticipated and he’d be lying if he said he wasn’t pushing his physical limits at points, his breath becoming labored as he dodged and blocked blow after blow. “I can assure you, both played their parts.” he noted at her jab, deflecting her blade once more as she swung it forwards. “But they were solidified in Dragonfire.” Whilst Daemon would never say he was bad when it came to fighting on his own two feet, he knew his renown came from the beast that he rode across the battlefield; towering above those he fought alongside and burning any considered an enemy. Ceraxes was as much to thank for his fame as his talents were.

You certainly do live up to your family name, Aelin Stark.” He noted with a smirk as their blades locked against one another, his strength pushing against hers and thankfully for him succeeding. With a grunt he forced her body forwards, throwing the blade in his hand with another slash which he hoped he’d land, unfortunately she was much too fast for his blade to keep up with. “You’d give many of the Westerosi army a run for their money.” He admitted. It wasn;t as if he was holding back against her, even if he was previously he certainly wasn’t anymore now that she had proven herself to be a worthy opponent.

“In fact,” He noted, taking a step back to reconsider the situation, to consider his moves and the next best action. The Rogue prince was not someone to take even a simple fight lightly, every battle to him was a right to keep his ego high as it was. “We could have done with someone like you on the Stepstones.” He spun the blade in his hand, his tight grip starting to wear on the skin of his palm. “Many of our men ran off at the first sight of danger, or could barely hold a blade longer than a few moments before being cut down.” It had been no lie, it was unfortunate that even some of the best trained soldiers would leave a lot to be desired when they found themselves on a true battlefield.

Perhaps I should vouch for you the next time a battle comes knocking upon Westeros’ door,” He mused, “Then again, that would be if you were not too busy protecting the north that your family is so protective over…” He hummed, finally pushing forwards again, leaning further to the ground and swinging upwards in hopes of landing a hit. The Starks were known for their loyalty to their family, their name and the north they were considered the true rulers of, Aelin may have been no exception and in a sense Daemon could respect such a commitment, if done correctly.
coded by reveriee.

interactions :
Heir of Driftmark
Lianna Velaryon

Lianna could not shake off the genuine and simple smile that spread across her features whilst Aemond was at her side. She knew deep down her parents wouldn’t have been pleased with any kind of bond she had with the boy, not after what he had done when claiming Vhagar. In the eyes of her Velaryon family: Vhagar had been stolen under their own noses before Rhaena even stood a chance at trying to claim her late mother’s dragon. But Lianna thought it was not that simple. To her, the beasts that led to their families' fame were not that simple. Whilst Aemond ‘tamed’ Vhagar, they’d both be in agreement in saying that Vhagar was just as responsible as him. Vhagar chose Aemond Targaryen as much as he chose her and whilst Lianna remained frustrated with his timing, she couldn’t deny that it was Vhagar’s choice to allow Aemond on her aged back.

At Aemond’s mention of her own dragon, she couldn’t help but lean forward a little to look past him and to her dragon. The winged creature stared back, letting out a quiet cry of acknowledgement before pressing his large head back against his wing. “I certainly agree, Gaelithox makes far better company than the majority of the court… And family…

Whilst she hadn’t wanted to think too deeply about her father’s injuries, she would be lying if she said that Aemond’s words didn’t make her feel any better. Perhaps it was the fact he wouldn't share such a courtesy to anyone and everyone. Perhaps that was something she appreciated about the Targaryen: his praise felt truly earned. His assurance was enough to tell her that at least, on a statistical level, he respected her father’s skill with his retinue of achievements on the sea. “Perhaps you’re right…” She muttered quietly, lookin down to her hands as she played with one of the rings on her fingers: “He’s known as the Sea Snake for a reason, after all.

The Velryon wasn’t blind to the change in the air that came with her mention of marriage, suddenly the air had become much thicker and far more intense. She fidgeted awkwardly as she listened to him, wondering if she should have kept the matter to herself in the first place. Did she really have any suitors in mind? Anyone she could really see herself being married to in the years to come? She wasn’t all that sure.

Well perhaps he sentiment wasn’t that she was unsure on who, but more the repercussions of her potential choice if she ever brought it up. If she truly thought about it, her heart would only turn to one individual, the individual she happened to be standing so close to at that moment; but she was far too unsure whether it was a good idea for her to mention at all. Statistically, it wouldn’t have been a bad choice: he was a Targaryen and son of a King after all. But, then there was the weight of several emotional elements which made things far more complicated for her liking.

All Lianna managed to stutter out was an out-of-character: “U-Umm… I suppose I’ve never considered the matter to be in any way my decision…” She kicked herself internally for the way she stuttered out her words: “There are potential choices out there I suppose, but I’ve never considered my opinion on it all that important to the final decision… I’m a woman after all, we’re often just dragged into these marriages and expected to accept it, we don’t have the privilege of choice most of the time.” Were there exceptions? Of course, and deep down Lianna begged to whatever god there was out there that she would be the exception.

She forced herself to look away, hoping the curtain of her curls would be enough to hide the slight red that danced on her cheeks. It was small, to simply have someone say they were willing to lend an ear when she spoke on her problems, but it was more than she’d ever admit. “Poor Helaena, I wish I could see her more often, alas, Alicent is rather protective over letting her even five feet out of the Red Keep.” She sighed, “But perhaps your father remains not just out of stubbornness, but fear of the future.” She wondered aloud, “Either way, it is nice to perhaps not have to consider those responsibilities here…” Lianna admitted, turning her attention back to the landscape, “You can almost forget them here...
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Aelin Stark

Many would have called the young woman from the North foolish for such a challenge and yet her motives were numerous. Wiping the smug expression off the features of Daemon Targaryen would be immensely satisfying, not to mention this would also prove that she was not what one sought for a noble bride. While her lineage may be impressive she was not without her roughened edges. The need for battle and the blade being many of them. Surely if her aunt was to see her now the woman would be casting the most disapproving look for the antics which she so often found herself indulging, it was more of a need for battle and the blade as she had discovered throughout the years and had no intention of changing her inner desires.

Yet, Aelin had to admit that a part of her was intrigued by the white-haired prince as he had been swift to accept her challenge. Many would have brushed off such a notion at the impropriety of the matter. Alas, she supposed it simply lived up to his namesake as he had the audacity to agree to her challenge. The first swing had been enough to show her exactly what sort of opponent she had coaxed into a duel and while she loathed to admit it, she was impressed. Certainly, not all the tales were exaggerated then. Still, he laughed in surprise at her own power and she fixed him with a glare and a raised brow for such a response.

Even as the Stark woman attempted to interject some humour to throw off the rogue prince she felt some amusement lingering in her blue eyes at his honest response. “If only we all had dragons to offset our egos,” she taunted still. Better to make herself completely unappealing as she aimed for the weak points of what she thought to be any male, their ego and prowess. Ajax seemed more alert on the sidelines now, watching the clashing of swords with some degree of intrigue at the two individuals who exuded a different sort of fire. “Perhaps the tales should lend more credit to your dragon,” her tone was light now strained with slightly laboured breathing as they continued their strikes and the dance around one another.

A clash of steel sang through the training grounds and Aelin found herself surprised as Daemon dared to compliment her. A frown marred her full lips before he shoved her back and she was swift to recover and find her balance lest she had ended up on the ground. “I have no need of your praise Daemon Targaryen,” she responded coolly. “You may keep your appreciation, the only words I need from you is your report back to the King that you find the idea of our betrothal utterly unappealing,” she mused. Her aunt would certainly flay her before she was able to say such a thing herself so she would need to make certain that the prince was the one to express such a notion.

Yet, as they circled one another the Stark woman permitted herself to life in a half-hearted manner so as not to be distracted from his footwork by the rhythmic tone of his voice. The issuance of how he could have used her blade in the last war he waged. “Perhaps your focus ought to be on training your army further, it sounds as if they were unprepared, no soldier should find cowardice in the heat of battle. Only the desire to fight, to protect their homeland and their loved ones,” she lunged again, slashing with her blade swiftly as there was the clinking of metal. “Otherwise, they are as ineffective as fodder, sheep fed to the wolves. It does sound like you were in desperate need of your dragon,” it was sad to think that soldiers in the South were not like those that she was so accustomed to from her own homeland.

Now, with her own blow deflected, Aelin simply watched and listened. “Vouch for who you will, my blade belongs to the North and by extension Westeros,” Aelin finished. “Although, my aim is to protect my own lands and people. The Wall is in ever need of defence,” the monsters beyond always threatening. However, she scoffed when he mentioned how protective they were over their lands. Albeit, the comment was true. With a strong swing, she moved to block his sword, but soon fell off-kilter and hit the ground hard, her energy expended with the sheer dance of their duel. As she landed on the dirt ground, she winced slightly and glared at her opponent, the loss bitter on her tongue. “It seems that I have underestimated you,” she muttered a bit darkly as she prepared to rise from her downfall and unfortunate defeat.


Aemond Targaryen

Even the simplest of smiles from the princess of Driftmark was enough to do wonders for the disposition of the young Targaryen prince. Ultimately, he was often cast into solitude, with many of his kin hating the line born from Alicent Hightower and her union with Viserys Targaryen. Then there were the relationships that he held with his own full siblings. Helaena was a different creature entirely as her mind was often in the clouds, insightful and all-knowing, he appreciated her immensely but she was consumed by the gifts that plagued her. While he could not stand Aegon in the slightest, his brother was a bane upon their name and bloodline. While Lianna seemed to understand him in a way that others had not bothered to, despite his claiming of Vhagar and the sheer disapproval of her parents he was certain.

Yet, it was as the lovely visage of the blooming woman before his figure spoke to her own dragon that it drew a slight chuckle from Aemond. “I would agree, Gaelithox and the freedom of the skies is a far better alternative than court or the majority of our kin,” the politics never seemed to end, while he knew that his grandfather was plotting for his brother to claim the throne his mother was becoming just as cunning. Meanwhile, the rest of the royal bloodline would cast them out swiftly from the Red Keep if they were so able. His uncle was amongst the first. Thankfully, the rogue prince was mostly occupied with his own endeavours and could not stand to be in the presence of Otto or to see the failing health of his brother.

Needless to say, their conversation naturally moved to the topic of Corlys and the white-haired prince found himself watching Lianna closely, an urge to take her into his arms as a form of comfort blossoming under his breast. But he held to the sake of propriety and the teachings instilled in him even if there was little need for it with the two of them being here on their lonesome. A small nod to her confirmation that he could indeed be right about her father and the attributes and mettle assigned to him. “Fret not until the time comes, my own father has survived ailments far beyond comprehension,” by his accounts it was a miracle that Viserys still drew breath with his condition.

If only the topic had not shifted so easily to the expectations of marriage, causing Aemond to tense. He dared not admit it allowed but the idea of Lianna being wed to someone else called fire to blossom within him. Even if he had never had the courage to tell her how he felt. Quite the cowardice thing for a man who thought himself to be a warrior at heart. While he could not deny the disappointment written upon his one blue eye at her answer he nodded. “Perhaps you should consider your own wants. You are a princess of royal blood, a dragon rider. Aside from your parents adoring you. It is not unheard of for Velryon and Targaryen royals to marry whomever they choose. My father and uncle are proof of such,” he shrugged. Trying to ignore the fact that Aegon and Helaena did not have the same choices. “You are worth more than some exchange with a nobleman, Lianna, make your voice and flame known,” he tried to convince her. While internally his heart beat with the thought of: Choose me.

Seeing the beauty of the woman before him, Aemond found himself transfixed for a long moment and then swallowed thickly as the topic was changed. Grateful as his pallor would have given away his own flush of cheeks immediately. “You always have an open invitation to the Red Keep, even if my mother is quite reluctant to let any of us out of her sight,” especially Helaena, Alicent doted over the girl the most, which was not too much as she was not known for her motherly demeanour. Considering the topic of Viserys he suppressed a sigh. “I believe that we all wait with bated breath for what is to come, his passing will not be met with grief but with fire,” the battle between the Greens and Blacks. Rhaenyra was claimed as the heir but he knew his mother and grandfather would never admit to such. Still, his gaze followed the woman he was taken with, watching her instead of the sea. “Yes, here I can almost forget the world and the expectations upon us. It is a moment of peace,” a person who brought him true peace. It was not something that came to him easily as he had known mostly torment and anger throughout his entire life. But she managed to bring forth a different side of the youngest

interactions :
Crown Prince
Daemon Targaryen

It came as no surprise that Daemon Targaryen’s biggest flaw, in the grand scheme of things, was his own ego. The Rogue prince was more than aware of his own talents and the fear it may have struck in others for what he could do. A resounding example being Otto Hightower, wh he knew for a fact was in the process of scheming another way to get rid of him from King’s Landing for good so he could continue to whisper his poisoned words in the ear of the king. It was unfortunate, truly, that Viserys was fool enough to trust him, but no matter how much Daemon tried he knew it would never be enough to be fully rid of the Hightowers: especially now that they were now forged as one through his marriage to Alicent (a foolish move in Daemon’s eyes once more).

Perhaps his own ego was the reason he was surprised to see Aelin challenging him without any degree of hesitance. He couldn't deny that there wasn’t some anger beginning to creep up in the back of his mind, the kind that questioned who on earth she thought she was to be speaking to him in such a way. Yet, it was beat out by his sheer curiosity and amusement which allowed him a moment to hear her out, no matter how much he was sure she was just trying to rile him up. The anger had to find some way to show itself however, Daemon’s swings became more aggressive, quicker and with little consideration of her potential handicap that came from her lack of direct experience.

But my Aelin was a stubborn one, both in the way she was still fighting on her two feet and by her insistence on ensuring no marriage would occur between the two of them. Even Daemon, as forthright as he was, had been willing to at least humor his brother. Then again, he probably didn’t have people chasing him down every five minutes, forcing him to stop what he truly wanted to do in exchange for something so positively dull. The male could understand a little her position as a woman, but her sheer stubbornness was such that it easily went up against his own. “I hope you realize I'm not planning on running to my brother whining about this plan like a child simply because you asked me.

The prince’s eyes narrowed in mild frustration, as much as he could respect her Aelin was doing an excellent job at pushing at his buttons one by one. With a final shove forward and his blade swinging down harshly, she was knocked to the ground, him standing above her with the sword pointed towards her chest victoriously for a few moments: “Whilst you may be talented at first glance with the blade, you are naive to battle.” He spoke, stepping back and allowing himself to lean against the hilt as the blade pushed on the ground. “You could have the most trained and skilled men in the whole of Westeros fighting in your army, but nothing will truly prepare anyone for battle, particularly the kind sewn in dragonfire.

Out of respect, as he would have with any male competitor, he held out his hand to her on the ground. “Unfortunately for the crown, not everyone has such noble desires like your own. Some will seek out glory, some will seek fame, some simply just want the coin. But when you’re faced with hundreds of men with their weapons drawn running at you, certain death, even the most talented of men will run with their tail between their legs for having underestimated the dangers.

For Daemon, a prince and general of many of these different armies, such a fact was one of the most frustrating aspects. To watch from the skies as stragglers stumbled away from the enemy, desperate for life and not even willing to fight for it? Well, it made him less regretful when he’d order in high Valeryian and cause damage others could only have horrific nightmares about.

His lips settled in a smirk as he looked down at the young Aelin, her rather gorgeous features perhaps accentuated by her desperate attempts to hide her frustration. It came as no surprise to him she was annoyed she hadn’t won, and perhaps wasn’t the best loser. “So, do you think you would run, when faced with certain death? With men running at you thirsting for blood and a dragon flying above burning all in its way, with no discrimination?” As much as his frustration would make people doubt, he truly had enjoyed their spar. It wasn’t often now that he was surprised by anyone holding a blade, but for someone as high in the court as her to be doing something so… Unladylike? Well, it was an enthralling thought to him, wondering the thrill she must have felt with the way she was challenging authority.

coded by reveriee.

interactions :
Heir of Driftmark
Lianna Velaryon

Whilst it wasn’t too often, Lianna wondered what it would be like if she were to just escape from Westeros as a whole. What would happen if she, one day, hopped onto Gaelithox’s back and told him to fly to the ocean and never look back? Where could she go? Perhaps she could go to Valeria and see what was really out there, what had really happened with the doom? Or she could go even beyond that? Would it be as peaceful as she felt at that moment? There was no way for her to be sure, but surely it would be a burden off of her shoulders, no longer having to worry about court and family.

Yet, all it could be was a thought, a daydream. Lianna knew full well she could not leave. She loved her parents far too much and she could never be sure how much her leaving would absolutely destroy her dear mother. And as much as she could try to deny it, she knew she’d never be able to really leave Aemond. The princess knew full well she was one of the few people who truly offered him the time of day, particularly after the whole Vhagar fiasco. Perhaps that was why the thought of marrying anyone besides him seemed painful, as surely her friendship with him would not be permitted? Not without a rife rumor.

Desperately, she attempted to ignore the way in which her heart began to hammer against her chest as she listened to him, staring wide eyed and nervous. The woman was certainly no stranger to insecurity, often spending many nights and days wondering how she was being perceived by the greater court, by her family, by those hse cared for, about her future and her lack of control over it. Aemond’s words to her sounded like a melody speaking the exact words that she needed to hear. She was a princess, with the blood of old Valeria in her veins and a dragon in her arsenal: why on earth shouldn’t her marriage choice be her own. “Perhaps you are right…” She muttered as an undeniably large smile crept up on her caramel features: “Maybe I should start thinking about the fact I may have a choice in this case.

Oh, how she desired to reach out to him, to take his hand or somehow pull him closer; to beg for him to perhaps choose her to marry and allow all her worries of them drifting apart to become nothing but a horrible nightmare. Yet all the woman could do was sit there, silent and utterly frozen, his words of reassurance flitting through her brain again and again. What he spoke afterwards came out as little more than a blur as she was consumed by her own mind, her desire fighting her logic.

But even her logic was fighting a losing battle. Because logically, Aemond was a great choice for a princess like her. He was a prince, a Targaryen one no less and rider of the largest dragon in the realm (aside from Cannibal, debatably but no one was sure of that); it would have been anyone’s wildest dream to have such a perfect choice. It was the kind mother’s wished to bestow upon their daughters, only to quickly realize the error in their ways when seeing Aemond’s rather… Choosy attitude towards others, with Lianna being a lucky exception.

Have… You thought about it really? Marriage that is?” She finally asked, her voice rather quiet, nervous as opposed to her normal tone. She kicked herself again and again for coming across so anxious, as if she were trying to purposefully make her own feelings and choices the most obvious thing on the planet. “I mean you don’t have the pressure that perhaps your brother or any noble women have but…” Why on earth was she asking this if not to make things painstakingly obvious to him of her wish to ask whether they’d be a viable match?

It wasn’t often Lianna was caught stumbling on her words or actions on the whole, let alone around someone she was so comfortable around. Even unconsciously, she was sure that she’d somehow managed to shuffle her way closer to him. “I guess I’m just asking if you’ve thought about it yourself? And if s if anyone has come to mind for you?” Again, she was mastering her act of making her intentions surely obvious? She couldn’t be one hundred percent sure that Aemond would pick up on it and a part of her begged that he wouldn’t. Yet, she didn’t want to change the topic, with her hopes perhaps being the prevailing force allowing her to let the silence linger for just a bit longer.
coded by reveriee.
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Aelin Stark

Ego was no stranger to Aelin Stark, she had plenty of her own which often caused a station of stubbornness which was not to be removed. Nor did she wish it to be, in order to be a noblewoman and retain her independence and ability to use a blade one could not permit leniency. Quite the opposite, she had challenged the status quo which had been thrust upon her visage from a young age. Thankfully her father had never truly minded until this point where there had been the ideation that she would be wed and have a family of her own. Where such a notion might bring some happiness and contentment it only brought forth a level of irritation which settled absently upon her brow. Part of the reason why she had commenced with this challenge, to put into question her viability to be a good wife and lady of any house. Especially a royal one, unfortunately, she knew little of Daemon Targaryen and how this could hold an alternative effect.

Many would have shied before the rogue prince and the might of his blade but the willowy woman from the north refused to give up her merit, she would not be best by the white-haired male who seemed intent on meeting each dodge and stroke of her own sword. They differed but the fire in their eyes was similar enough that she was not so blinded by her own intentions that she might have seen a kindred spirit. As they tested their skills against one another it was evident that the dance was prolonged due to their abilities, even if for the first time in a long while she sensed that she might not succeed. But at the refusal of Daemon to persuade the king against any speakings of a union between them her eyes narrowed slightly and a look of displeasure settled upon her fair features. “One could hardly discount your displeasure as whining if you were to truly disapprove of the match,” she retorted before another speedy sidestep from a hit. “Best to quell such notions before they become more than mere whispers.”

It seemed that with the distraction of her irritable disposition, it only took one further sweep before the dark-haired woman was knocked to the ground. The air left her lungs as she worked to control her gasp, the dirt of the training arena hard beneath her slender frame as her blue eyes peered up at the victor with sheer and utter disappointment and resentment for what had transpired. But she held her tongue, chest heaving slightly from exertion as the Targaryen prince pointed his sword down at her. A raised and shaped brow met his words as she considered. “You know nothing of my experience,” she seethed. He spoke of dragon fire and battle, but he did not know her or her abilities. Nor did she intend to let him. “It may be true that I have not the experience with dragons and their abilities, but do not discredit the hardships endured beyond the South,” she attempted to lash out at his ignorance, truly bothered by her own defeat.

As the roguish man before her offered a hand in support, Aelin found herself tempted to stand on her own and sweep it away. That would have been prudent when it came to the expression of her intentions. However, it was with reluctance that her mind acknowledged the fact that Daemon had permitted her this duel and did not treat her as a frail maiden. Taking his hand she permitted him to pull her from her position on the ground. A current surged through her and once she was vertical she stepped away swiftly as if she had been burned ignoring the way her heart hammered at their connection and how her mind connected that his features were actually quite handsome. “War is something few can comprehend, but one should not expend their morals for the sake of fear,” she responded bluntly and then moved to place her training sword back in the rack, each movement smooth and fluid.

Turning back to the Targaryen man, it was evident that the blue-eyed Stark was beyond determined in her reproach. The way he questioned her own merit and if she would not flee caused fire to rush through her blood. “I would rather perish than flee no matter the foe. I would gladly give my life for the sake of my home and my kin, for what is important for the survival of all the Seven Kingdoms,” the reply was a short retort. “I have spent enough time upon the Wall to know the dangers of battle, to know that no matter the fear it is not worth abandoning your ideals,” she explained, likely a bit shocking that her father had permitted her to fight, to be a part of any battle. But she had always been an exception for Rickton aside from when he had sent her to King's Landing with her aunt to find a husband. Something she had definitely not agreed to. “Although it does sound like your dragon secured many of the battles for you,” her tone was almost teasing, wanting to get on his nerves and prove that she was definitely not the sort of woman that he would wish to be around for an extended period of time.


Aemond Targaryen

There was never time for peace in the world of the young prince, there was always something that prevented it. Whether it be the strains of politics to the sheer stupidity of his elder brother. Even now he could feel hardship and war blossoming on the horizon, the whispers of what would be coming in the passing days after his father had perished. Not that he had ever been particularly close to the King, Viserys had never given his son the time of day or inclination of caring. Alicent had been barely any better, choosing to have her children reared by servants rather than herself. From what he could recall of his mother he had only been greeted by tired expressions. That and the fact that the Queen was more insistent on keeping Aegon out of his various levels of trouble. No one truly saw him, aside from Lianna and aside from Vhagar, they both brought him comfort in the darkness which threatened to consume his being. Naturally, he had known for years that the darkness born of the teasing had continued to fester and grow, only not present when he was with the lovely woman before him.

If only their lives were not so complicated, Aemond knew that as royals they would both in time have expectations of marriage and other duties thrust upon them. Alas, he found that when she mentioned such a thought there was a deep discontent blossoming within him. Lianna had been a true friend and with her coming of age and beauty he could not deny that more mature feelings had been fostered for the young princess. Not that he had the courage to speak on such matters. He was a man cast in shadow and deep remorse, trying to find his purpose. She was beloved and wanted amongst their kin. Surely even Rhaenyra would spare her attention. Even the rogue prince and his wife bore affection for the kin of the Sea Snake. Yet, as she conceded that a choice of partner might be within her reach, he simply nodded. “You need not discount yourself to a life of misery, any suitor would be lucky to claim your hand in marriage. Settle not for some fool, but who brings your heart desire. Marriage is too long otherwise,” he admitted.

The entire conversation was not something that the young Targaryen prince had expected and now he was caught in the throes of what he most yearned for and what he could not have. The caramel skin of the beloved Driftmark heir glowing in the sunlight and he pondered what it would be like if they were not at the whims of their parent’s ambitions. Perhaps he would not have grown to be so bitter. Alas, he would never regret claiming Vhagar as his own, the bond he held with his dragon was something he would deal with for all of eternity. Meanwhile, Lianna had asked if he had thought about marriage and what a union would mean for himself. This was a delicate balance as in truth he had given this some thought and speculation but he knew the impossibility of such matters. “You speak the truth, I do not face the same pressures that Aegon and Helaena did,” he had always been baffled by such a union, his sister had deserved so much better than the idiocy of their brother. Alas, he knew that his mother and grandfather had been up to their plotting, seeing to get their hands on the Iron Throne as his father declined.

There was the stumbling of Lianna as she sought for her words and Aemond could not help but feel his gaze soften slightly at such a sentiment. She truly was quite beautiful and endearing, that was something that no one could deny. Surely she could have any suitor in the realm and yet it felt like they were dancing towards something together. The two of them were friends for a long period of time, truly knowing the other when the rest of the world only saw his mask. “I suppose everyone considers marriage at some point in time. I am not excluded from such a sentiment,” he admitted and hoped to whatever Gods might exist that there was not a blush adorning his pale skin. Even now, with her fiery blood, she dared to ask if he had anyone in mind and he found himself glancing at Vhagar for a moment then clearing his throat, resisting the urge to rub the back of his neck awkwardly. “There is someone I would have liked to be with. However, there are complications,” he admitted carefully.

Finally, the warrior prince brought his gaze back to the princess he so coveted and adored. “Her parents would not be approving of such a union, or myself as a suitor. Something I can not hold against them. My temperament and Hightower blood can be unbecoming to certain individuals. Needless to say, it does not deter my affection for such an individual,” he admitted slowly. He pondered on whether Lianna would be able to see beyond his words and who he meant. The sea lapped against the shore, the perfect backdrop to the tragedy that he would dare to call their yearning, well, if she felt the same such a thing did seem quite impossible to him. No, she would see him as a friend and nothing more, likely refusing to read into his words and he would accept such a rejection with as much grace as he could muster for the fear of losing her entirely when she was a beacon of light in his growing shadows.

interactions :
Crown Prince
Daemon Targaryen

Although Daemon was a Targaryen prince, that did not make him all that more knowledgeable on the north than his fellow southerners. To the south, it was known as a borderline inhospitable land of cold, its people entrenched in traditions that have long since disappeared in the south; obsessed with their walls and their hostility to many others. Yet, it appeared such a sentiment worked both ways, particularly in the eyes of Aelin Stark, her looks towards the Rogue Prince being mocking, underestimating his abilities. He tried, and failed, to hide that it infuriated him, but he was a fool when it came to hiding his frustrations, having a face far too readable in its anger.

It would appear so…” Daemon finally conceded, albeit reluctantly. The majority of what he understood of the woman in front of him was built up on his assumptions and judgements, not on her own actions: after all, they had only just met face-to-face. Aelin’s harsh behavior made sense, a cocktail of her Stark upbringing and the duties often pushed onto upper class women that she may indeed have had to fight against day by day, no wonder she consistently seemed to be at the end of her tether. “The north is known to be… Unforgiving, both in the environment and its peoples, as I’m sure you may agree.” he hummed.

Her gentle hand, far smaller than his own, sent a surge of peaceful warmth through the prince’s body, one he tried hiding as much as possible. Perhaps it was a feeling shared, considering her fast movements which he swore he became even more conscious of. It was incredible, what a simple touch could do to make a woman suddenly appear so hypnotizing. Only then did he truly take a moment to consider her appearance and my, was she a beauty.

Aelin’s features shared a lot with what was expected of a family like the Starks: tall, willowy, with dark hair contrasting much to her own skin. Her movements were smooth and practiced, graceful in a way not many would be able to replicate with a blade in particular. Though she may have worn such a simple dress, all it appeared to do was accentuate her own natural features, her hair appearing darker, silkier, eyes more enticing. Daemon was staring, perhaps for a moment longer than he should have been now that he began to see her in a slightly different light, a light which made the thought of not even considering some sort of marriage borderline amusing.

With a quick shake of his head, he finally turned, placing the practice blade back in its place, “Morals are few and far between in the south, unfortunately…” He noted, “People can change like the wind, pursuing what they believe is best for them and them alone. It's selfish, really, but unavoidable.” He chose to lean instead against a different blade, his hands instinctively wrapping around the hilt of Dark Sister at his side as he watched her. Perhaps it was a movement more self-soothing than anything, or Daemon was far more a creature of habit than he would ever give himself credit for.

A chuckle rose from his chest, “The wall, oh how you all love to natter about that wall of yours…” He hummed, he was sure such a comment was bound to rile her, but perhaps that was what he wanted. She was trying to irritate him, why couldn’t he do the same? After all, her frustrations almost came across as cute to him, formidable as she was with a blade. “At least it has created an understanding of battle and war others do not seem to grasp. At least, you seem to not be a coward.” Perhaps cowardice was one of Daemon’s most undesirable traits in another, whether he shared such a trait he was not willing to answer.

Finally, Daemon tore his eyes away from the woman in front of him, instead choosing to focus on the beast that appeared to remain loyally at her side. His head tilted as he eyed the large wolf curiously. “It would appear however you have your own loyal beast, a dire wolf, yes?” He questioned, choosing to crouch on the ground at a closer level to the wolf itself. Daemon, being a dragonrider, was certainly understanding of the aggression of certain animals when provoked, yet his movements were slow, practiced and calm; not intending to spook or provoke the beast in case it chose aggression. Whilst dragons may have been many times more damaging, a wolf could deal just as much damage if it truly wanted to, “Gīda [calm].” It was an instinct that made him slip into his high Valyrian tongue when faced with animals. “I do not wish harm on you or your friend here.” He attempted to reassure, staring into the creature's eyes, brow softening to appear as approachable as possible.

coded by reveriee.

interactions :
Heir of Driftmark
Lianna Velaryon

‘Settle not for some fool, but who brings your heart’s desire.’ Only if it were as easy as Aemond had made it seem with such simple words, if the world were only so simple. If she truly committed to her heart’s desire, she was sure she would have been taking Aemond by the hand, begging that he choose her as a wife and that they perhaps committed to a life of quiet solitude, one unbothered by the ridiculous expectations that came from others. Alas, life would not be so and such joy could only remain just out of reach, as a part of her own dreams and fantasies.

Her heart rate irritatingly increased as they both stood in the quiet of the shoreline. The waves lapped against the sand, begging to knock against their feet but never quite being close enough. The sand nearby kicked up rhythmically with Vhagar’s breathes, so powerful that even the ground could not remain steady against her majesty. With the mention of Aegon and Helaena, her heart bled for the poor girl. It broke her heart the way that such a sweet and peaceful girl had to be caught under the fire and blood of the Targaryen family. She wanted to be left alone with her bugs and her embroidery, any fool could see that. And yet, her mother forced her into a marriage with Aegon, and she’d already had children at her young age. It made Lianna more than thankful her parents were willing to give her the time of day to express her own desires and opinions, to treat her as their daughter, not a doll.

Lianna tried to hide the way in which her breath caught in her throat, so he had thought of marriage? Of course he had, surely anyone at their age and status would have thought of such a thing even in the most pragmatic of senses. Her eyes widened for a split second, he had someone in mind? Her body flashed with several emotions she begged and pleaded she hadn’t shown outwardly. Jealousy ran through her system the way dragonfire crept up the throats of such beasts. The thought that he may have desired someone else made her blood boil in both anger and tangible sadness. The woman knew she was being a fool. Aemond was not hers, they were friends, nothing more, right? Yet the thought of him with another tore her heart in shreds. But the more he spoke, the more he explained, the more hope began to slowly creep through her system in its comforting warmth. Perhaps he was referring to her?

Rhaenys Targaryen and Lord Corlys Velaryon may indeed not have been approving of a union between her and Aemond. They likely wouldn’t see him as a suitable match for his Hightower relations and general nature. But such factors could be said for a lot of parents, right? Aemond wasn’t exactly the most beloved prince in Westeros, hells Lianna wasn’t sure if there was a prince that was considered beloved in the realm at this time. Perhaps there were other families, other parents who saw Aemond, regardless of his status, as unfitting for a husband? A part of her hoped that their child may share the sentiment that Lianna was such an exception.

I-I see…” Lianna stuttered out, finally tearing her gaze away from his own intense one. Even with a single eye, his eye held such an intensity that it left her holding her breath if she stared for a moment too long. Her mind rattled as she attempted to gain her bearings, to calm ehr racing mind full of doubts and hopes and desires. “Well… I don’t think you should let such a thing stop you.” It was uncharacteristic for her, the words tumbling out as if she hadn’t a moment to consider them before she spoke. Often, she was well composed, yet something about Aemond had caused her brain to become a tangled mess which could no longer consider her words as carefully as once before.

A parent’s approval of a match can only go so far, even at our own status.” She started, her brain attempting to catch up with her words, and failing terribly, “You are a Targaryen prince, son of our king, rider of the largest dragon in the realm that we know of, a practiced fighter with a heavy sense of duty not many others can attest to nowadays. Regardless of what someone’s parents may think, that appeal cannot be denied, no matter what they may think of your nature.” Her heart hammered rapidly against her chest, as if it were begging her to stop and think for a moment before speaking, but her body fell on her deaf ears, she was in too deep. “And, I think personally, those traits are perfect for a husband, surely, and many are unfortunately misunderstanding you. I think any woman in Westeros would be lucky to have you.” ‘Even if it may not be me…’ Lianna added the final part in her mind, finally tearing her anxious gaze away through her fear of his response.
coded by reveriee.

Aelin Stark

The North was not a place frequented by many visitors. Winterfell despite having its own sort of beauty was not held in the same regard as King’s Landing, despite such a harsh climate and struggle placed on the people by the wilds beyond, the monsters and threats that lurked beyond the Wall which they guarded so earnestly. Still, the woman of Stark blood adored it, the snow and mountains. It was a different kind of beauty and she yearned to return there rather than deal with the politics of the Red Keep. In contrast, her aunt seemed intent on integrating here and securing her a marriage she simply desired to return home, to pick up her blade in battle again. Alas, she had to admit challenging the rogue prince to such a duel had been a worthwhile distraction and it caused her to see him in a slightly shifted light even though he was a potential predicament for her as it sounded like he had been ascertained to be the appropriate marriage option.

Freed from the noblewomen who were presently feasting and would likely commence with embroidery or some other nonsense Aelin was soothed from such tortures for the present time. Even if she was presently bickering with Daemon Targaryen at times as the two expressed their unacknowledged frustrations at one another. She raised a shaped brow when he proclaimed that her homeland was unforgiving at times. “Perhaps it can be, but there is also beauty in adversity,” she considered for a long moment. “The mountains and snow can be quite lovely and Winterfell has heated pools for bathing and heated water which warms the castle, it makes the harsh climate quite tolerable,” she wondered if he had ever been. She had not recalled him visiting her home before, at least when she was present at the very least.

It was when she put her hand in his own even to rise from the ground that caused the willowy woman to feel a jolt of something which swiftly transitioned to shock at such an occurrence. She had been swift to place the distance between them and kept her blue eyes on the light gaze of the man before her. She could not deny that he was handsome with his strong jaw and regal features. Aside from the white hair, it was impossible to see the resemblance between himself and his brother. The way he moved was almost graceful, his prowess with a blade was unmatched, something she would never bring herself to say aloud lest she face his already mighty ego further. Still, in that moment she felt his gaze lingering on her as well and she worked to suppress the flush which threatened her cheeks.

Carefully evaluating, Aelin held her ground as Daemon returned his blade to the rack and out of habit returned his hands to his own sword which seemed to be a reassurance for the man. “I will never understand the need to compromise morals,” she muttered, that was not the way of her family. They stood up for their values and held them to the bitter end even if it resulted in their deaths. Maybe she would never understand the South. As he dared to call her mention of the Wall nattering she rolled her eyes and then huffed gently in response. “As the Targaryens natter about their dragons,” she shot back effortlessly, determined that he would not have the last word on this particular occasion. “The North has no room for cowardice if you mean to survive,” she offered smoothly, a lesson she had been taught from a young age.

More concerning was how appealing Aelin had found the sound of his chuckle, the memory settling upon her ears. Furthermore, it seemed that the prince was keen on surprising her as he turned his attention from her to her loyal wolf. She nodded in response to his question. “Ajax,” she offered the name freely but a smile touched her lips when discussing the mighty creature. While Daemon had knelt down she stepped forth warily, protective over her companion and friend. Yet, as his tone softened so did her own expression, unable to hold back how such an action obviously moved her. Ajax flicked his ears and then stood, approaching the pair and tilting his head as if trying to comprehend. He approached Aelin first as his mistress ran her fingers through the long and coarse fur. She offered a nod once more, “He means us no harm,” she could not bring herself to call Daemon friend, not yet. But her wolf approached and sniffed towards the rogue prince before settling down to sit before him so that their gazes might meet. “It seems that he likes you, prince,” she admitted with a matter of awe and reluctance in her tone. “Ajax has shown very few people the courtesy of an approach,” it caused her heart to flutter slightly.


Aemond Targaryen

The conversation was not what the young Targaryen prince had expected when he had sought out Lianna that day, but he could not hold his tongue when it came to her speech on marriage. He wanted her to choose for the sake of her heart and to know love when they had been thrust into so many other obligations. There was even the resolve that if she did not hold feelings for himself that he would accept it for the sake of seeing her happy no matter the cost. He was accustomed to personal sacrifice as he had never been at the forefront of anyone’s mind or so he had assumed. Granted that had been the teachings throughout his life when it came to negligence and dismissal. Despite the knowledge that he would be more suited for responsibility than his elder brother. Aegon was a fool on the best of days and he dared not think of such a matter and detract from the current conversation that he was sharing with the beauty before him.

The waves came to meet them, a boon against the fires which burned in their hearts. The breathing and shuffle of their dragons were more soothing than he could imagine. Aemond had to admit that here with the princess of Driftmark, he was able to find a peace which eluded him in his own home. There was no apprehension here, the two of them were free to speak what was on their minds and to indulge in the harsher truths that were their kin. While he did share with Lianna the sorrow for the fate of Helaena, he knew that his sister deserved some serenity rather than to be in the role that their mother thrust upon her. Suddenly, he was glad that he had almost disappeared into the shadows in comparison to his other siblings.

It had not been surprising when she had turned the conversation back to him and Aemond took the time to debate how to speak on the notion of marriage when who he desired was right before him and would be considered beyond his reach. But did she know? Could she see the affection in his one good eye whenever the two of them were able to meet? Surely he had been somewhat obvious as his crush had blossomed since they had been preteens and only gained merit as they aged. Still, he could almost taste the jealousy within her and there was a deep satisfaction which curled in his chest at the very notion. Yet, he could not deny the need for honesty in expressing that he might not be considered a good match for a variety of reasons. Surely he knew that her parents would never be accepting if he would ask for her hand. While Lianna softly mentioned that he should not let such sentiments stop him, he took a step toward her. “If I fail to consider such practicalities it may cause the woman I care for hardship,” he told her almost gently. A feat for him. Surely if she were to choose him her mother and father should he live would be quite livid.

The way that she spoke of him held such hope and such sentiment, Aemond swallowed thickly and he yearned to be the man she spoke of. But there was something deeper there, a darkness that seemed to grow and one that he had not been able to quell in the slightest. “A parent’s disapproval can be a harsh sting for their daughter,” he resolved finally. “I may be the son of a King, Lianna, it will make no difference to the rest of our kin. I hold Hightower blood, my mother and grandfather all but assured me that a portion of the Targaryen family will never hold us in any sort of regard. Their support lay with Rhaenyra and the ire of my sister is firmly set upon my mother.” He wished that this were not the case but it seemed that it was a constant theme. “You are perhaps the only one in this world who has ever truly seen me, truly knows me. Even if I believe there is a side of me that is not worthy of you, or even your friendship, let alone more.” It did not take long for her to speak that any woman would be lucky to have him and he frowned gently, wondering if she truly was unbothered by the thought of him having other suitors. “And you, would you have me?” he asked her turning his gaze to the water and trying to keep a mask of indifference in place. The vulnerability here was quite high and there was immense risk. Common sense would dictate that she outright refuse him and he would not blame her in the slightest for such a sentiment. He would walk away, but he also did not want to say too much lest he damage the friendship which kept him going through the shadows which enveloped him.

interactions :
Crown Prince
Daemon Targaryen

It was simple to Daemon to understand why people may not have felt at home on Kings Landing. The current ‘heart of Westeros’ was the hub of commerce, politics and culture; but that came with its disadvantages. Many felt they could not walk thirty feet without some kind of rumour spreading some fear on your life or some sort of horrific event knocking at your door. Even as the King’s brother, Daemon often didn’t feel at home at the Red Keep or any part of Kings Landing. No, Daemon subscribed more to the idea of family being the people you hold dearest, not the location of your birth or rearing.

I suppose we all try to make where we call home comfortable. I concede that you all appear to have made the best of a bad situation.” Cold and harsh conditions aside, the idea of mountain views dusted with snow and heated pools amongst the cold left an appealing taste on the tongue. Yet, Daemon was sure if he was faced with the north, he may not have seen it with the same rose tints as the beauty in front of him, he much preferred the heat after all, perhaps it was the blood of the dragon that ran through his veins which begged to remain in the cold environment?

Eyeing the woman once more, he supposed she was the perfect picture of a Stark woman (at least from what he’d heard in tales and fleeting exchanges). Strong-willed, committed to her values of the north and the wall and her beauty was certainly something which needed to be acknowledged. Whilst she may have appeared beautiful now, he could only imagine what she may have appeared like in her favoured environment, surrounded by pure white snow juxtaposing her hair perfectly. Daemon was sure that would be a site to behold (and a part of him wished he’d be able to see it some day).

Their stubbornness was tangible as they spoke, both wanting the final say, both wanting to come out on top of their conversation regardless of Daemon winning their little fight. His blonde hair, now chopped to a far shorter length after the final battle against the Crabfeeder, shook over his eyes as she shot back about their dragons. What was she expecting? Dragons were the reasons they sat upon the iron throne, the reason why they ruled the skies and (arguably) the land. The fact their admiration knew no bounds shows their deep respect of the creatures, surely? “I can’t disagree, but when you hold such a bond with a creature like that… I assure you’d be just the same.

Daemon watched, almost triumphantly, at Aelin’s features as they softened, a part of him hopeful that she held the same admiration for beasts and animals as he had done. He leaned forwards, reaching his hand out slowly and carefully to the great wolf which approached the woman’s side: “Ajax…” He repeated under his breath, watching with unbreaking concentration as Ajax approached his hand and sniffed, judging whether Daemon was indeed friend or foe. His smile increased, far more genuine than usual, once the wolf accepted his presence and approached, sitting close enough in front of him that Daemon could feel its heavy breath lightly brush the loose strands of his hair.

Gaining the trust of a beast as opposed to a person I would argue is a far better judge of character.” He remarked, half distracted as he carefully leaned a little further forward, allowing his hand to lightly stroke against the soft fur of the wolf, even if only for a moment. Admittedly, he was far more used to the smooth scales of Ceraxes, but Ajax’s soft fur was certainly a welcome change for the prince.

I have always found the company of animals to be more appreciated than that of most people.” He admitted, it was debatable who exactly he was addressing his words to: Aelin or her dear dire wolf. “You know where you stand with them, make one wrong move and you’ll get the consequences of your actions immediately, you’re not left second guessing as you may be with people: especially those here…” His brow furrowed when considering the presence of those likely still feasting in the great hall, as much as he tried to act like he didn’t mind the company, he was counting down the moments till he could finally be alone in the skies with Ceraxes once more, with a creature that truly understood him.

How old is he?” Daemon asked curiously, allowing his hand to fall back to his side and his gaze to trail back towards the woman. He appeared genuinely interested, staring with less a look of amusement and instead one of great intrigue: “I’ve heard stories of how dire wolves can grow to immense sizes, so much so I’m not quite sure what is reality and what is hyperbole.” He hummed in amusement. Daemon kept crouched on the floor, at Ajax’s level, but his curious gaze now darted between both wolf and owner. Perhaps this was the far more real side of Daemon Targaryen, the one not many people got to see: the softer side.

coded by reveriee.

interactions :
Heir of Driftmark
Lianna Velaryon

Whilst holding noble blood led to one holding far more possessions than could possibly be needed, it certainly all came at a price. With Lianna’s birth, she was immediately signed to a fate of painstaking feasts and events, traditions and expectations which would never be quite met. She may have had the freedom to travel far more than others with Gaelithox, but she still rode on a creature of huge responsibility. One wrong move, one wrong order and even the young dragon could flatten a village to the ground. The thought alone of having such a power beneath you, trusting you could be overwhelming.

Lianna’s erratic heart melted slightly, listening to Aemond and practically becoming a mailable clay in his hands. “The fact you even have a care for a woman’s wellbeing is far more than can be said for many men and husbands out there.” The horror stories she’d heard, both first and second and were enough to give her nightmares of a future match she may be forced into. The amount of tales which included a man’s abuse of power, strength and authority made her sick. It was so clear none of those men ever took a moment to consider the heart and mind of a woman, so the fact Aemond even spared a second thought was unfortunately, better than most.

The woman tried desperately to remain practical and realistic, convincing herself repeatedly that Aemond couldn’t have been speaking about her in any way. But it was becoming impossible for her to deny. Very few shared the unfortunate fate of theirs, being part of the wider Targaryen family and when it all came down to it; the only ones who cared how you were part of the Targaryen family was their own. Outside of their ties, a Targaryen was a Targaryen; they held the blood of the dragon, and some even considered them gods, but to themselves, there was far more at stake.

Our family certainly is… Complicated… To say the least.” Absentmindedly, her hand lightly traced the intricate embroidery of blue thread that wrapped her waist. She tried to focus on something that wasn’t him, which was becoming increasingly harder as the place between the two of them grew smaller and smaller, “Parentage, particularly around our families, shouldn’t be as important as it is. You shouldn’t be judged for any of Alicent’s actions, or the King’s for that matter. You should be judged as individuals.

Then again, was that much better? Particularly with her parents, who held such bitter feelings towards Aemond in particular for taking Vhagar before Rhaena even had a chance to try and claim her late mother’s dragon. They hated the ground he walked on, even if her mother tried to keep a pleasant face around them all. Unfortunately, with her mother’s advice she was becoming quickly adept at reading the older woman, knowing just when she was being pushed to the edge of her decorum. Aemond happened to be one of the few people who, when mentioned, she insisted the subject was changed.

But Lianna wasn’t entirely her mother’s daughter. Rhaenys would have likely flared in rage watching as he daughter’s feature’s softened listening to Aemond. The lady didn’t quite care, however, her own instincts taking over as she quickly reached forwards. Her hand carefully wrapped itself around his forearm, pulling him just a little closer and better facing. She ignored the way the water now began to lap at her leather boots with her movement, the rising tide not yet bothering her: “You are worthy Aemond, even if you may not quite believe it yourself.” She insisted, “A-and… In all truth I would have you in a heartbeat.

She’d spoken far too honestly, deep down the poor girl prepared for a quick and painful rejection regardless of the counter evidence. Her words had escaped far too fast for her to control or change, yet she knew deep down she hadn’t regretted them in the slightest. Instead, she stayed close, her grip tightening for a moment before she let go of his forearm, not wanting to push too much.

The only noise that quite caught her attention above her racing heartbeat was Gaelithox calling out, a groan escaping the beast as it shuffled back a little further along the shore to avoid the slowly rising tide which continued to lap at her boots and now threatened to encroach on Vhagar’s space. She wasn’t quite as skilled at reading the much larger dragon, but Gaelithox’s actions spoke volumes. To try and alleviate the tension, she giggled a little to herself, “The tide’s rising.” She noted, referring gesturing to her boots as she finally dragged herself back and retreated away from the encroaching water: “We may need to make a move somewhere before poor Vhagar doesn’t have enough space to lay, as nice as this pot is, it’s tide is rather unpredictable.” Perhaps she giggled a little too much to try and alleviate the heavy tension, hoping deep down she hadn’t just utterly ruined her one closest relationship: the one that mattered to her more than any other.
coded by reveriee.
Aelin Stark

Distaste was an understatement when it came to what the dark-haired willowy woman felt for the political navigations that were orchestrated within the Red Keep and King’s Landing as a whole. She had never deferred to such a world and pragmatically would have rather isolated herself to the chilled mountains that were her home. Apparently, the prince of the realm felt quite similarly in that regard and while it brought her a sense of intrigue it was not enough to assuage the apprehension she experienced over the whispers that their union would be a profitable venture for both of their families. There was little she despised more than the idea of being taken from the world she knew and being thrust into a loveless marriage, even if she was hesitant to admit that the white-haired warrior was not as atrocious as she had initially painted him as being. It seemed that their kin had taken some account into their dispositions and matching characters. Alas, she was too stubborn to admit to such factors willingly.

Home. The heart of Aelin ached for it but here she was enduring this place for as long as she was bid to. The loyalty she held to her father was far more pressing than her own disdain for being in such a place. “A bad situation to come, you become accustomed to the cold in time,” a smirk wound upon her lips at the sentiment for it appeared that the warrior was not keen on such a climate. Naturally, she found the heat a bit more difficult to endure but here it did not seem too pressing to say the least and she would find herself proceeding in accordance with such a thought that remaining was not entirely an ill-omen.

Their stubbornness had been clashing but the Stark woman could not deny the amusement settling into her icy blue eyes as Daemon made comment on his rapport with his dragon and how it tended to be enticing to all of his kin. Not something she could deny. “While I do not hold such a connection to a scaled beast, I can understand the sentiment,” she agreed and her gaze shifted to the dire wolf who was watching them both with a level of intrigue. Likely never having seen his mistress in such a state before but it was likely an improvement from the melancholy which she had fallen into since she had been forced to come to the Keep. Being caught up in politics and forced to mingle with a variety of dull women had done little for her mood. The princess was interesting, but Rhaenyra seemed to be caught in the web against her will not knowing the ways of battle but at least having rebellion in her heart. Needless to say, there was also an age difference between the two females.

Shockingly the tide had seemed to change as the rogue prince had knelt down and called out to Ajax in such a gentle manner. The approach of her companion is the one thing that softens her mood. Most chose to shy away from the mighty wolf or to ignore him entirely. Giving Daemon the sentiment of a name she was more than a bit shocked when her loyal friend permitted himself to approach the prince and to sit before him. Rather, it caused her to blink in surprise at the change of mannerisms. “I can agree with you in that regard, I believe beasts to be a far better judge of a person than anything else, they need not hide behind a silver tongue,” she admitted and found herself admiring his features for a moment then. The short-chopped hair and the weariness of war on his brow. Likely held a few other scars if he had been forced to sever his long tresses. As she loathed to admit it, the man was devastatingly handsome, likely which had gotten him his rogue nickname.

As her dire wolf permitted a pet she raised a shaped brow at the scene. Aelin found herself humming her agreement to the man before her. “I would much rather people approached me with such honesty, a duel is the closest I have gotten to transparency since my arrival at King’s Landing. I fear that I would wither in these halls. I know not how others endure it,” a frown lingered on her full lips then as she considered the implications of remaining here for any longer but there might not be much of a choice if her aunt so chose to remain.

The conversation returned to Ajax and Aelin approached them both with ease. “He is fifteen and should be grown by the age of twenty. We have been together since he was but a pup,” she stated and could not help the small laugh that stole from her at Daemon’s commentary. “The tales are not altogether wrong, a dire wolf can grow to the size of a small steed if properly cared for,” she admitted. “They also lived for approximately fifty years. Far too short for my liking, but I will take whatever time that we have together.”


Aemond Targaryen

The waves were a smooth backdrop to the intensity of a conversation. Nobility was a burden as the young Targaryen prince knew. While they had certain luxuries it was nothing compared to the responsibilities that were thrust upon them and he wondered what would become of them should they choose their own path. The wondrous lady before him was all that he had thought of and desired for such a long period of time that he feared the day that they might have this conversation. Rejection was something he was far too accustomed to and he had no reason to think that this would be any different. She had likely heard his name spoken in ire many times. That was difficult to comprehend the hatred between their kin when there was little merit. Alright, he had signed his own warrant there when he had claimed Vhagar but he had been but a lonely boy and had sought to show that he was not as pathetic as his brother and nephews thought him to be. He had sought to prove himself in this regard.

While Lianna seemed to praise that he even cared for the wellbeing of the woman who had consumed his thoughts and feelings a frown touched the lips of Aemond at the thought that some men did not think in such a capacity. That she might be forced to end up with such a man. “If someone were ever to treat you with such disrespect I would have Vhagar bring about their end,” the dragon behind him seemed to huff her own agreement to such a sentiment. “That is if Gaelithox does not take such a task upon themself first,” he told her firmly. There was a severity in his long blue eye as he observed the woman with a fierceness but also a gentleness as he loathed to think that she would ever be treated as less than anyone. She deserved to be a Queen and what a lovely one she would make. Not that he would ever be able to present her with such a title himself.

Perhaps he was being too bold that was always something he struggled with in the passing days, the white-haired man had defied everyone and become mighty as a warrior even if he had yet to see the heat of battle. Furthermore, he was now basically confessing how he felt when he knew that their hands were tethered. That her parents would never approve even if he knew his father as King would find a melding of their families to be a joyous occasion, Viserys chose to be naive to the truth of matters. “Our family has internal conflict,” he agreed and then watched her gently as she seemed distracted by the adornments of her clothing. “I will always be cast in the shadow of my mother and grandfather, something that does not bring me greatness but shame in the eyes of the rest of our kin. At least Coryls and Rhaeyns are parents worthy of bearing their name, you do them proud,” he confirmed. A part of him wondered what it would be like if his father had been respected more and had offered them more protection from discrediting rather than sheer indifference.

It was in the way that Lianna softened which gave Aemond hope, when she responded to his words not in complete disgust but had grasped his arm and drawn him closer. He went willingly and felt a small blush stain his own cheeks and his heart stuttered at her words, her telling him that he was worthy. It almost seemed too good to be true, but she had always shown him such kindness. The beautiful eyes of Lianna cast upon him once more. He reached up with his hand and stroked her cheek gently not even noticing the water lapping at their boots. “I am not deserving of you in the slightest, my lady. But your words mean more to me than I can properly disclose. If it would not be to your detriment that I would seek the approval of your mother immediately,” he hesitated knowing that she would refuse him instantly.

The turmoils of the heart it seemed as the two watched one another caught in the moment of their affections and the complications that would come along with them. It was only the protest of their dragons which drew them back. He had heard the shuffling of Vhagar as she seemed not keen on disrupting them but if the water touched her in the slightest he knew that she would become quite the cranky creature. A warrior to the end but she was quite particular, and he adored the beast for it. Hearing the giggle of Lianna it warmed his heart and Aemond chuckled gently with her. “Yes, I suppose we ought to move,” he admitted reluctantly as it brought him some coldness when she drew away. He stood and moved to follow her to a safer place but then reached out and grasped her hand gently. “Ride with me, it has been too long. Surely your mother will not miss your presence quite yet,” he tried to convince her wanting another few moments between the two of them.

interactions :
Crown Prince
Daemon Targaryen

The sun had slowly begun to set over the courtyard of the Red Keep, illuminating it in a deep orange glow. Light bounced off blades and axeheads to a borderline blinding level. If anything, the courtyard could appear beautiful regardless of its use. Without all the sweaty men and the sounds of grunts, blades crashing against one another and shouts of orders at the very least. Soon it would be nightfall, and surely people would start filing out of whatever feast the King happened to be holding. The Rogue prince wasn’t planning on being all that visible to those filing out, gods forbid he’d have to be stuck in some sort of inane conversation with a lord.

If anything, he would have much preferred to keep the company of the individual in front of him, after all Aelin had provided much more entertainment than many of them ever had in his life at the Red Keep. That wasn’t even including the large beast which followed her with ardent loyalty. “The bond that you have with Ajax, it may indeed hold similarities to the bond between a Targaryen and their dragon…” He wondered aloud, looking fondly at the dire wolf as it settled in front of him rather comfortably. “They’re not simple pets like many assume, the bond is beyond even our own understanding, it’s deeper, more meaningful; what you feel may be shared by your dragon, in all honesty, it’s incredible.” He admitted, turning his attention back to her and standing up straight once more.

Daemon couldn’t help the smile that crept across his features as he listened to the dark haired beauty, it seemed like they perhaps held a lot more in common with one another than he had initially assumed. King’s Landing was lacking in regards to honesty, truth and reliability. Truly, having someone speak to him as a human being, with little to no other motives, was a breath of fresh air he’d often begged for internally. “I couldn’t agree more with you.” He conceded, “Unfortunately, you have to get used to things around here, people’s hidden intentions, and hope to the gods that you one day will be able to leave and go somewhere far more bearable.” A look of amusement had dusted his features, though some could consider it his coping mechanism for the pure irritation he sometimes felt amongst the walls of the Red Keep.

It appeared they both further shared the sentiment of wanting to avoid the topic of where they happened to be standing, and the struggles it provided. Instead, it was far more comfortable to remain focussed on the one thing they seemed to be amicable on. “My… And he’s not even grown yet. No wonder the rumors have spread about how large they get, of course they’re subject to exaggeration but they are not all that far off.” Standing beside Ajax indicated just how large the wolf had already grown to be, his height when standing likely being incredibly foreboding for even the most fearsome of people.

A small frown flashed across his features, he crouched once more to Ajax’s level, his time getting a little more comfortable, perhaps wishing to forget that the rest of the world would have to eventually arrive to the two of them. “It’s unfortunate that they only live to fifty years, on average. I suppose that’s where my family is lucky…” he supposed: “When they’re not exposed to battle or harsh environments, I’m not even sure we know the age which dragons can reach. Balerion, the black dread, reached over two hundred before succumbing to old age: but I imagine it was far more likely that the effects of war finally caught up to the old beast.” His gaze wandered back to her, his smile a little bitter with sympathy: “Aside from the fear of battle, I’m thankful I may never have to see the day in which Ceraxes passes, it’s unfortunate you may not be able to say the same with Ajax here.”

It wasn’t very often that Daemon was able to show emotions like true sympathy, but there were only a couple things which got to him deep down. His ego being knocked was certainly one of those, but on a whole different level: the thought of those he truly cared for being harmed, deep down, hurt him more than he would ever admit. That sympathy extended to others at select times, perhaps only shared with those he’d come to respect and Aelin had certainly succeeded in such a short period of time. “I’m sure I do not need to tell you to savor the time which you and Ajax have together, I know I certainly would if I knew my dragon’s time was limited.

The sound of quiet movements from the other side of the courtyard shot Daemon back into a standing position, but he soon relaxed, realizing it was nothing but a servant passing through. Yet, the moment was certainly enough to provide Daemon ample time to get his bearings and return his mask he often chose to hide behind. “Say, have you ever been into great King’s Landing, because being cooped up with only the nobility is bound to not do any favors for you, I can assure you, at least out there… It’s far more interesting in my opinion.

coded by reveriee.

interactions :
Heir of Driftmark
Lianna Velaryon

As odd as it was, Aemond threatening to have Vhagar burn anyone who happened to treat her disrespectfully was incredibly reassuring. Even when she had been very little, dread settled deep in her stomach as she thought about maybe having to be with someone for the rest of her life who truly didn’t respect her, her values and her passions and instead chose to use her as a nanny and baby-making machine. Perhaps that was why the idea of being with Aemond was so appealing to her, he’d treated her with such respect for so long, why on earth would that change now? Gaelithox let out a small cry, likely in agreement with Aemond. That she certainly understood, she could never imagine anyone who disrespected her having the audacity to approach Gaelithox, because their death would certainly be assured.

Deep down, LIanna knew she was lucky. Compared to Aemond who was perhaps not seen so favorably by his parents or even their greater family: a lot of the family had come to at the very least respect Lianna. Her parents appeared to adore her, Rhaenyra certainly gave her the time of day as a sister in-law and though they had their issues even the Hightowers didn’t entirely despise her (aside from Aegon perhaps, but the feeling was mutual there). “They should spare you the time of day that you deserve, it’s not your fault to have been born in the bloodline you were…” A part of her always had a bitter taste in her mouth when thinking of his dear parents, Alicent especially. Whilst the woman provided the time of day to Helaena, the same could not be said for Aemond and Aegon, let alone how she treated them. She certainly would have a few choice words for the woman, if she was provided the opportunity.

Lianna’s deep brown eyes widened when he didn’t back off from her touch, instead reciprocating it and moving even closer. She unconsciously leaned into his light touch in her cheek, a bitter smile spread on her features. “I… Certainly wouldn’t have any qualms if you did, even if my mother would.” Perhaps it would be worth the try? After all, she could certainly push the logistical argument. Regardless of Rhaenys’ opinions, a joining of their sides of the family would be beneficial on both sides, Viserys could secure her father’s fleet once more (now that poor Laenor had passed at the least), Lianna would be a step closer to the influence of the throne even if she stood no chance of being queen and was more than happy to avoid it.

Yet she knew all too well that her hopes and prayers often became nothing more than thoughts in her mind. A part other wasn’t sure whether Aemond would ever actually approach her mother with a proposal regardless of his supposed returning feelings. Her heart hammered almost painfully with excitement that he may indeed have shared her own feelings, that deep within his heart he really felt like she would be a viable and correct option as a life-partner, far beyond friendship. She wished the two of them could have stayed like that forever, with those waves lightly dusting against their boots, the subtle noise of their dragons’ breath, the heat of their own bodies being so close to one another. When they both finally stepped back, she already felt the pull and desire to close that distance once more.

His chuckle made her heart skip several beats, how she wished she could hear nothing more than that for the rest of her life. It was rare, far too rare for her liking but it was enough to make the smile on her features grow just that bit larger. It was to her surprise that he reached back out for her, her head tilting before she softened just a little more. Her hand lightly squeezed his with reassurance: “Of course, you don’t even need to ask.” She smiled, pausing a moment or two too long before she finally let go of his hand and ran towards Gaelithox.

The pale blue beast looked towards her expectantly as she approached him: “Māzigon, ivestragī īlva sōvegon [Come, let us fly]!” She voiced with perhaps a little more enthusiasm than usual before she maneuvered herself on top of the beast and onto her saddle, carefully strapping herself in. She turned quickly to Aemond and Vhagar, poor Gaelithox looking absolutely dwarfed compared to Vhagar’s might, and gave a large smile to Aemond. “Jikagon [go]!” With her exclamation, Gaelithox’s wings swept quickly through the air before hoisting the both of them into the sky with great speed. Whilst Vhagar may have been the largest and mightiest, due to her old age she certainly wasn’t the fastest, her movements far slower in comparison to Gaelithox’s guileful ones. The two of them flew circles in the air as Vhagar took off, perhaps appearing as more playful and goading due to the way they were able to fly circles around the far larger creature. There was truly no feeling more free than being amongst the clouds on dragonback, at least in the eyes of the Velaryon.
coded by reveriee.
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Aelin Stark

Solitude would not be present for eternity, the dark-haired woman of the North knew that all too well. Especially, when it came to those within the Red Keep. There was little time for solace when many wandered and engaged in idle gossip. Truthfully, this had been one of the few times she had been able to access the training grounds without judgment. Even then she was certain that the meagre amounts of servants rushing about would certainly relay some of what they had seen which would not cast her in a favourable light in league with the other nobles. Something she was not keen to hear the complaining of her aunt the following morning. Another shortcoming that would be thrust upon her. Not that she held particular care when it came to such aspects. If she were such an embarrassment in the ranks of this court then they could return her home and forget any notion of marrying her off.

Albeit, Aelin was reluctant to admit that the prince she had been determined to abhor on principle alone had seemed a decent person to engage in conversation and a bout of sparring. He did not treat her like some frail lady, but rather an opponent. Even if she was still quite burdened by the fact that he had won their little bout. Although, anyone would tell her that most would not have stood a chance against such a skilled warrior. The sentiment still stung bitterly and she refused to allow herself leniency on that particular topic. Listening intently as he described the bond between herself and her dire wolf to that shared by himself and his dragon, she permitted a thoughtful nod. “I can imagine it is similar, they are not like a horse, they are an extension of yourself. Ajax is as much a part of me as I am of him, our bond is beyond description,” many would not understand it, but the man before her might. She understood the sentiment of feeling what Ajax might be feeling. “Your bond with Ceraxes, you share emotions?” she asked with a great amount of intrigue.

It was odd to think that she held so many similarities with the man she had been so determined to detest. The Stark woman was stubborn in all regards. Never had she considered actually engaging in such a conversation, naturally, she would have thought that she would spurn the man if they had ever come into any sort of contact. Yet, he was right when he offered his insight into how things were in King’s Landing and the court here. “I shall hope to return home swiftly then, the politics here, they are not to my liking,” a small sigh escaped her full lips as she pondered the sentiment. Anything would be preferable to the backhanded attempts at conversation that so many immersed themselves in here.

Returning to the topic of Ajax, the mood of the willowy woman was lightened as it always was when it came to anything to do with her companion. The wolf had been by her side for many years since she was a youth and she did not want to see them parted. The wolf peered up at the rogue prince with the occasional swishing of his tale. “They are mighty beasts, few amongst my family have even claimed them. I was lucky to be the exception, along with my brother,” her aunt and father had not been so lucky to have a wolf pup of their own as of yet. “I do fear the day when Ajax grows old, but I aim to cherish the time we have together, to ensure we make the most of it,” a part of her even hoped not to have many years where they would be parted by death.

Alas, her blue eyes were filled with intrigue as Daemon spoke of the dragons and their seemingly infinite age. “I am glad that you need not be concerned with parting with Ceraxes, how old is he presently?” she merely hoped that there would be no war that threatened the dragons. The creatures sounded mighty, but since she had been here she had only been graced with seeing one briefly flying through the sky. Thus, she then hesitated before taking the moment to inquire. “Would I be permitted to see one? They sound like fascinating beasts, truly beautiful in their own right,” Ajax tilted his head as if understanding the question and wondering about the sanity of his mistress when it came to such a topic. Surely most would think her mad for wanting to be so close to a dragon but she yearned to see the mighty creatures up close and to truly understand them as she did her own wolf.

While the two conversed, Aelin almost forgot that she was supposed to be showing resentment to the prince. Even as the movement announced that they would not be able to linger here for too much longer before being discovered. His announcement caused her to raise a shaped brow at the inquiry. “Were you offering a tour, prince?” she asked him lightly with a bit of a smirk lingering on her lips for the time being. “I would not decline as I do believe escaping the nobility here to be a grand idea,” she stepped form and then put a hand on Ajax’s shoulder, petting the great creature gently. There was much that she desired to see about King’s Landing and none of it would be within the halls of the Keep.


Aemond Targaryen

It was true that the young Targaryen prince would stand in defence of the lovely princess before him. Never would he let any harm come to her or anyone so much as cast disrespect in her direction. It seemed from the huff of his own dragon and Gaelithox that the mighty beasts shared the same sentiment in that regard. This further solidified his desires in that regard. Even if he knew that many would question the attachment that was shared between the two of them. They were from differing sides of the family and they would not be permitted to be together or even to be in the same proximity if some of their kin found out about these meetings. Alas, he knew that his own mother would not be so attentive. Alicent truly never wanted to be a mother in his opinion but had been thrust into the role of expectations as Queen. Then there had been the hope that she would bear children who Viserys would see as heir to the throne. Alas, this had never happened as even with male kin being brought into the threshold it seemed that Rhaenyra would always be the favourite. For his own mother, it showed the affection that her husband had held for his late wife, Aemma and how that did not extend to Alicent herself.

Nothing would change for the white-haired male, that much he knew but to hear the beauty with dark-brown eyes convey that she disagreed with the treatment he had received from their kin, that was enough to bring him true solace. He could live with the ire of the others, especially since he had indeed claimed Vhagar but if she were ever to look at him with resentment he did not know how he could possibly endure such a thing. Therefore, in that moment a part of him warmed from the shadows that he had always been cast into since his youth. From the moment they had tried to give him a pig instead of a dragon, there had been a deep bitterness breeding there into true resentment. “It is enough that you spare me the time of day, princess,” he told her and there was an odd gentleness to his tone that was not often present for the male.

Naturally, Aemond had taken a bit of a risk when he had admitted to his feelings and he wondered if what he had done was the very art of madness. Yet, there was hope when he noted that Lianna did not back away but she leaned into his touch. The first person in a long while that did not shun him or shy away from the intensity of his affections. Naturally, he had never experienced any emotions of the sort for anyone besides her. His own one good blue eye widened in response to how she agreed and mentioned that she would not reject him, that she held no qualms to the idea of his fondness. Yet, there was a terse smile when she conveyed that her mother certainly would. “It is my concern for the opinion of your mother that causes my hesitation,” he knew that he own parents would give their approval if needed. Yet, that meant little in the scheme of things when it came to her own familial unit, they still were at odds with the King himself for his choice of wife, his uncle being the only individual who had held back any sort of discord.

Even as they spoke on all of this, there was a large part of the lanky prince that yearned to simply throw caution to the wind and ask Lianna’s mother for her hand. Yet, it would be met with rejection with utmost certainty. His heart hammered with the need to explore these feelings and to have a partner that he cherished but he knew that their world was not so easy. Rather it was the opposite of such when their family was constantly at war with one another and a part of him wondered if this would become literal upon the passing of his father. Which he wondered if this would be soon, especially, as the health of the current regent was steadily declining even in the past few months. Yearning for something more than he could ever have when it came to the idea of marrying Lianna, the idea of the two of them being able to find happiness together.

The mood soon lightened and Aemond could not help but offer them both the needed ride upon their dragons, he had taken the hand of the woman who held his heart even if he could not openly disclose that aloud at the current time. As he could not deny the boyish grin that touched his features he ran in the direction of Vhagar although he was lacking the headstart as Lianna had gotten on Gaelithox and urged the dragon into the sky. As he settled into the saddle, there was a joy deep within his being as the air rushed through his lungs and he cried out. “Sovegon! (fly)” he uttered and his mighty dragon rushed into the air. He soon caught up with the other, glancing over at her as he took his own hands from his saddle held out his arms and took in the feeling of the air fully as managed to show off just a little bit. The bond he held with Vhagar had only grown throughout their years together.

interactions :
Crown Prince
Daemon Targaryen

Solace was a rarity within the Red Keep, much to Daemon’s dismay. Often one could not go throughout the walls of the Keep without catching someone’s attention and being stuck in some kind of inane, dull conversation. It was always bustling with rumour and gossip and very little actual work (at least when it came to the nobility, servants would be made to work till their knuckles bled). In the eyes of the Rogue Prince, even the chaos of battle could hold far more moments of solitude and peace, though that may have been due to his vantage point upon Ceraxes, far above any meaningful threat to his own life.

The blonde’s features softened as Aelin spoke about her bond with the wolf at their feet. It was rare to find others outside of his own family who may truly understand the bond he and other family members of his had to their dragons. With Ajax, Aelin may have been the exception to his ruling. A small smirk etched onto his features at the mention of the blood wyrm: “In a sense, yes.” He confirmed, “Though it is far more complicated then that, we feel as the other would, understand each other’s thoughts and feelings but need not utter a single word. Injuries are shared, losses are mutual, frustrations are certainly reflected…” Perhaps that was why Ceraxes was seen to be quite the fearsome beast, his rider had quite the temper himself after all.

You will be lucky to return back to your home sooner rather than later, but don’t start counting the days, often people are stuck in this place far longer than they desire it.” Perhaps it was Daemon’s bitterness towards his previous banishment which caused him to see the Red Keep so bitterly, but he couldn’t deny the fact that each time he returned, the place seemed stuck in time, people didn’t move, people rarely changed. If anything? They became far more insufferable to him, those who managed to escape its walls at least had the chance to see the real world and realise there was far more beyond the feasts and shows that his brother would orchestrate.

Alas, he was happy to see the conversation quickly turn back to a topic far more favourable to him, “It seems your own family have their beasts to their name, no wonder the Starks are the rulers of the north huh?” His final comment turned more towards Ajax than Aelin herself, his affections towards the creature rather clear. Any beast to show respect often would be enough to soften his heart at least a little, they functioned on a far simpler and easier level to Daemon. ‘You respect me, I respect you?’ That was a simple concept that Daemon could get behind, and it was baffling to him the amount of people in the dammed walls of the keep didn’t seem to be able to get that through their thick skulls.

Daemon hummed as he thought about her question: “Unfortunately, I’m unsure on his exact age, he was only just ridable age when my uncle Aemon claimed him, one of the previous heirs to the throne before… Well, what typically happens to heirs happened.” He glanced bitterly towards the doors that led to the courtyard he two of them resided, it was unfortunate the way the threads of fate had strung such events: “But if I were to guess, Ceraxes is mid to late forties, and far from slowing down.” He added pridefully with a smile. Daemon’s eyebrow rose in amused curiosity, glancing towards Aelin, my she did appear rather cute: tilting her head much like the wolf at their feet: “I would say so, yes, though you would have to come with me, I’m unsure of my family’s dragons, but they often don’t take kindly to strangers invading your space. But I wouldn’t worry, you’d be safe with me.” He leaned a little closer, as if letting her in on a secret that only the two of them would be permitted to know.

The Rogue Prince’s mind wandered playfully at her response, noting the way she did not immediately push away from such an advance. Often, many noblemen and women would run at the thought of spending any time in Fleabottom or the rest of King’s Landing, her curiosity spoke volumes. He leaned forwards a little more, closing the distance between the two of them till he was able to speak in little more than a whisper. “I assure you; the hustle and bustle of King’s Landing is far more entertaining once you’re outside of this stuffy keep.” He began, “However, you would perhaps need to remain discreet if you were to take up my offer, some of those in King’s Landing don’t take too fondly to seeing nobility flouncing around in their turf. But I would be more than willing to help you with that.” A smirk tugged at the corners of his lips, the thought of bending the rules that were often enforced providing him a degree of excitement he often wasn’t provided at the Red Keep. It was utterly enthralling to him.

coded by reveriee.

interactions :
Heir of Driftmark
Lianna Velaryon

The conflicts within Lianna’s admittedly complicated family was often a thought that kept her up at night, huffing in frustration and tossing and turning amongst her blankets. If there was something she’d learned about the Targaryens, it was that they held grudges. And if there was something she’d learned about the Velaryons: it was that pride was their biggest downfall. Therefore, mix the two together and you have a force that will never forget a previous scorn, never forgive. Her father may have acted favourably with Viserys most of the time, but Lianna knew deep down he was still resentful that he refused to marry dear Laena: let alone how he felt about the fact her mother had been passed on the throne in favour of the current king. For lIanna, it led to an insurmountable amount of extra problems she’d have to consider in any of her decisions.

Therefore, it was no wonder that her parents remained bitter towards all the Hightowers, Aemond in particular. He’d tried to undermine sweet Rhaena after all by claiming Vhagar after all, at least in their eyes. How Lianna sometimes wished she could turn to her parents and ask them to just get over their qualms, understand that it was Vhagar’s choice, not Aemond’s: but she knew it would be pointless. So it was no surprise to the woman that Aemond held a degree of hesitation in asking for her hand, strictly for the reaction of her mother.

Yet, surely there could be ways around things? Her mother had grown to accept the fact she’d been passed over for the throne regardless of her father’s frustration, she’d grown to accept Rhaenyra, regardless of her resentment for the woman after what happened to Laenor. In the grand scheme of things, maybe there would be a way for Lianna to force Rhaenys to push aside her frustrations and accept a marriage between the two. There were the more obvious, not-so-virtuous ways that such things could be achieved, but Lianna knew deep down she could never bring herself to do something so risky.

Regardless, all thoughts and hesitations seemed to dissipate whenever they were close. When she was beside Aemond a part of her felt like she would be ablet o do anything, get away with anything, find a way around all their problems. Perhaps it was the comfort of him being nearby, or his touch, or something else she couldn’t be sure. All she knew was that she wished she’d never have to get used to feeling the opposite by being so far away.

A gleeful smile spread wide across her features as they turned back to their dragons, the other source of peace within her life. Hoisting herself into the sky on Gaelithox’s back was enough to make her feel her problems washing away as the wind swept across her features. The princess leaned forward on her saddle hand running comfortingly against Gaelithox’s pale scales as he flew in circles in the sky as Vhagar took off in turn, she was quick to follow, levelling out far above the ground with a wide smile on her features as she looked over to Aemond, laughing at his own actions. It had taken her so much time to get used to feeling comfortable and effortless on Gaelithox’s back in the sky, she could only imagine what it must have felt on the back of a creature several times larger than her dragon.

Feeling as if his showing off were a challenge, a smirk crossed her features before she tightened the leather of her belt and patted Gaelithox on the back. As if understanding his rider’s orders perfectly, Gaelithox quicky picked up speed, reflecting the movements they’d learned over the years flying alongside her mother’s dragon Maelys. If there was one thing she’d been thankful for, it was Rhaenys teaching her just how to fly on dragonback in an effective way, she herself being known as one of the best in the family. As the two of them swept in the sky, Gaelithox surged forwards before lunging to the side, so harshly that the creature was swept upside down above Vhagar’s great wings, Lianna and Aemond parallel to one another before levelling out on the other side of Vhagar, just above her heaving wings.

A part of her wished moments such a s this didn’t have to end, high in the sky on Gaelithox’s back, alongside the person she’d grown to care for so deeply, someone she’d too grown to understand may feel the same. Her heart raced a little, perhaps not quite believing that to be true, but maybe, deep down, the idea that the two of them could remain beside one another for their lives could be something more than the daydream Lianna was convinced it would remain.
coded by reveriee.

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