Of Blood and Wine (a GoT-AU-RP).

CAP Ireland

Embodiment of the Emerald Isle
Before you submit your character consider two things:

1) How often will you be able to RP?

2) What your character's goal is.

Just things to think about before entering the RP.

Fill in all of the following:

Name: ________(of House_____ if applicable)

House: (Stark, Lannister, Baratheon, etc. Whatever house floats your boat as long as they aren't Targaryen)





Appearance: (pictures or a detailed description will do).

Additional Information: (Skills, interesting facts, etc).

*If anyone wants to play a pre-existing character go for it.*

Be sure you know what you're getting into by checking the Overview before you apply.
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Name: Viserys Targaryen (Daeneryses brother just FYI).

House: Targaryen

Sex: Male

Age: 22

Biography: Brought up in his brothers shadow, Viserys was always a step behind his brother, even though he felt he was much better suited for the throne. After Daenerys's death he was sent into a rage that ended when he claimed the Iron Throne for himself. Now, he is trying to rule as best he can but sees war looming on the horizon if he cannot unite the houses under him.

Personality: He may be one of the only dragons to listen to his advisors. After his rebellion he has been cautious with how he treats those in his court and out of it. He seems to be as good a king as his brother was, if not somewhat less bloodthirsty as he has spared the lives of his niece and nephew. Time will tell if the Viserys that emerged from the rebellion is the same impatient, big headed boy he was before of if this new Viserys is true to his new nature.

Appearance: Attached.

Additional Information:

·One of the three remaining Targaryens.


·Inpatient but intelligent.

·Has a thing for dragons.


Name: Kalista Targaryen

House: Targaryen

Sex: Female

Age: 17

Biography: She was the perfect little lady, polite, kind and as beautiful as her mother, Elia Martell. Unfortunately, when she witnessed her mother being ripped open by Viserys something snapped. Now she hardly ever speaks and follows her half-brother around whenever she can.

Personality: She was an intelligent lass who would have been the prize of any man. Now, less so. She seems to only ever talk in whispers when in social areas and is often either with her brother or allone in the gardens. She seems to be something of a time bomb, never mourning her mother or father openly or even attempting to run from her uncle. Viserys should keep his eyes on her.

Appearance: Attached.

Additional Information:

·She can perform everything a lady should be able to do and she can do it to perfection as she was brought up to possibly be queen.

·She loves to write.


Name: Aerion II Targaryen

House: Targaryen

Sex: Male

Age: 18

Biography: Just like all little lords did, he was trained to one day lead his house on the field of battle and beyond but he's always enjoyed the former over the latter. He spent his days sparring with whomever he could find and often ended uneventful duels by ensuring that his opponent would be unable to duel him again. When his uncle came to kill his mother (Lyanna Stark) he rose to defend her but was easily trumped by Viserys. Aerion hadn't tried to defend his mother out of love for her, but rather for his love of fighting, so his defeat has imbued him with a newfound love of his uncle. Many think this to be an act but Aerion's love is quite real. He admires his uncles strength and is trying his best to follow in his footsteps.

Personality: ''Full of life.'' is the term often used to describe Aerion. He likes to enjoy whatever he can whenever he can. Be it drink, women or a debate, he will rise to the occasion with genuine excitement in his heart. However, if the chance to duel or to train presents itself he will rush to it like the waves to a beach. He loves to fight and watch fighting. He distains weakness and has many radical views about how Westeros should be ruled. Time will tell if his visions come true.

Appearance: Attached.

Additional Information:

·Skilled in all forms of combat with a variety of commissioned weapons made for him at his disposal.

·Intelligent and quick of thought but often does not think things through

·Is indifferent towards his sister.

·He carries his blade (called Howling) with him almost everywhere. Rumors say he sleeps with it in his bed.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/57a8c21499a25_Viserys.png.2ef3a7e2ade69f8653d7adbc7b9da9ec.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="48281" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/57a8c21499a25_Viserys.png.2ef3a7e2ade69f8653d7adbc7b9da9ec.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/Kalista.jpg.0de09baae2ce5a504e6460e960cf05ba.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="48283" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/Kalista.jpg.0de09baae2ce5a504e6460e960cf05ba.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/Aerion.jpg.00179deabf9ae361ac3aedfb451df4d2.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="48284" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/Aerion.jpg.00179deabf9ae361ac3aedfb451df4d2.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Son of the House of Tyrell

: Kross Tyrell

Age: 22

Gender: Male

Sexuality: If it has a hole ...


Kross is the manifestation of a long-lost discipline, pride and honour of the House of Tyrell. Despite his underlying friendliness and humility, Kross always comes across as blunt, determined and, at times, aggressive. Kross is a naturally born leader that suits the rough courses of the army more so than the fine daggers of nobility. The man has a sincere air around him and always pays respects to those who deserve it, though if a boundary is crossed he is quick to snap. So far, no one is known to be able to keep him on a leash during his aggressive surges.

Other Bits:

- Incredibly biased against certain houses

- Paragon of the arts of war and combat

- Enjoys his position as a pawn

- Thoroughly enjoys fishing, crafting and da' hacky-sack

- Known as a raging alcoholic in taverns

- Naturally resents the biased views others have on the House of Tyrell and seeks to adjust it

- Absolutely huge







Despite being raised like a noble, Kross seeks to master the art of war rather than politics. This has put the House of Tyrell in a weak political, but strong military position. The House has been, of course, silent, for a very long time, but Kross seems to have plans that he wishes to fulfill -... to clash with the Three Headed Dragon. The Ministers of Tyrell dread the day that Kross comes into power, for he will bring down the House itself, and many others with it.
They both still live - any such grand changes (such as their death, if ever) will take place in the RP itself, if I am allowed.
Name: Daemon of House Dayne

House: Dayne

Sex: Male

Age: 21

Biography: Being born to Ashara Dayne (an unmarried young woman) and an unknown man, Daemon was born as "Daemon Sand". While he may hate the circumstances of his birth, he has never made a large issue of it. This may be, however, due to the circumstances of his early life. His uncle, Lord Deziel Dayne (unnamed in the books, father of Edrick Dayne in the books), died under mysterious circumstances after challenging Oberyn Martell to a duel for reasons unknown to Daemon, with no child to succeed him (Edrick was not born in this universe). (Rumors state that this could have been due to Oberyn being the father of Ashara Dayne's child, but Oberyn has not announced whether or not this is true.) Upon Deziel's death, Daemon was legitimized by Doran Martell, most likely to apologize to the grieving Lady Ashara Dayne (now the Lady of High Hermitage and Starfall).

Upon reaching age 6, Daemon Dayne, no longer Sand, was sent to his uncle, Ser Arthur Dayne "The Sword of the Morning" to be his ward. Throughout childhood, Daemon rarely, if ever, acted as in awe of King Rhaegar or Ser Arthur. Upon meeting his uncle, Daemon decided that his goal would be to become a greater warrior than either and wield Dawn someday.

His time in King's Landing as the ward (later squire) of Ser Arthur Dayne was very successful, as Daemon rarely used his free time for anything other than training with his sword and reading the histories to learn more of battle. Strangely, though, Daemon would occasionally spend time with Rhaegar, learning the lyre and intrigued by the poetry and songs that Rhaegar would recite.

Before the death of Rhaegar, Daemon was knighted by Arthur Dayne at age 16 and planned his return to High Hermitage. On the morning he was to depart, he was stopped by King Rhaegar and Ser Arthur Dayne. Both men, proud of the boy who they had watched grow, decided to give Daemon a gift. Rhaegar gave Daemon his favorite lyre, while Ser Arthur gave Dawn to Daemon.

Daemon eventually became one of the two bodyguards of Princess Nymeria of Dorne, the daughter of the late Prince Doran (Doran passed away in his sleep).

Personality: While Daemon is quiet, it is common to hear music from his lyre whenever his door is closed. Daemon is unusually unemotional, especially as it is rumored that he is the "natural" son of the extremely passionate Oberyn Martell. It is hard to get an understanding of Daemon's mindset, as he has a habit of looking to whoever he believes is in charge whenever a decision comes up.

Appearance: http://awoiaf.westeros.org/index.php/Gerold_Dayne (Daemon looks very similar to his uncle, but I figured the best picture to use is that of his cousin Gerold Dayne, who isn't around in this rp, as far as I know)

Additional Information:

-Going off of rumors, Daemon could have any of a list of fathers: Oberyn Martell; Brandon Stark; Eddard Stark; Lewyn Martell; or Rhaegar Targaryen.

-Daemon once cut off a hedge knight's hand for grabbing Daemon's arm while Daemon was passing by. Daemon claimed that the hedge knight was too close to Daemon and Nymeria, and said that he was only doing his duty; strangely, this is one of the rare instances where he shows visible anger. Even Nymeria was shocked by her companion's actions.

-While a ward, Daemon requested that Rhaegar and Arthur allow him to avoid Starks whenever they visited.

-Daemon is attracted to men and women

-While in Dorne as an adult, Daemon took to spending a large amount of time with Oberyn Martell.

-Considered the sword of Nymeria Martell


Name: Nymeria of House Martell

House: Martell

Sex: Female

Age: 17

Biography: Nymeria spent her childhood in the Water Gardens, where she happily learned everything that her father Doran would teach. She would quietly listen to Doran, knowing that someday she would rule Dorne. Early on in life, she promised her father that she would make Dorne into the greatest country in Westeros upon his death. Unfortunately, Doran passed away when she was 12.

Depressed upon her father's early death, Nymeria mourned her father's death for three weeks. Upon the dawn of the twenty-first day of her mourning, her uncle, Oberyn "The Red Viper" Martell, entered her chamber and asked if she still intended to improve Dorne. With tears still filling her eyes, Nymeria silently nodded. From that day until age 16, she was Oberyn's ward. As her uncle's ward, Nymeria's constant companion was her cousin, Elia Sand, daughter of Oberyn and his paramour Ellaria. For unknown reasons, Daemon Dayne, the heir of High Hermitage and Starfall, eventually began to spend his time at Nymeria's side when she was nearing her fifteenth name day. With Elia as her spear and Daemon as her sword, Nymeria believed that she was guaranteed safety wherever she went in the future.

Upon reaching the age of 16, Nymeria was finally old enough to fully rule Dorne. With Daemon and Elia still by her side, Nymeria now believes that her rule will be long and successful.

Personality: While Nymeria never became a master of the spear as her uncle and cousins, she considered herself to be quite skilled with a knife, though that may be because of her pride; yes, Nymeria, though beginning her youth with her father, seems to have taken after the Red Viper when it comes to pride. Despite her pride, Nymeria is very skilled in diplomacy and intrigue, at least inheriting that from her father. She tries to use her beauty to get what she wants, and desires to not resort to violence if it can be helped. She, unlike many, believes that the smallfolk should be treated with respect and kindness. While not as quiet as Daemon Dayne, she is also not as emotional as Elia Sand; Nymeria seems to be a middle of the road in that way.

Appearance: Similar to Arianne (who she replaces) http://awoiaf.westeros.org/images/a/a5/MagaliVilleneuve_AM.gif

Additional Information:

-Nymeria prefers to wear purple silk, believing it to be more royal

-Nymeria never showed any talent with weapons, but claims to be good with a knife

-Nymeria is the only living child of Doran Martell

-She always has her confidantes Daemon and Elia with her.

-She proclaims her cousin and closest friend Elia to be her sworn spear

-She proclaims her friend Daemon to be her sworn sword


Name: Elia Sand

House: Martell

Sex: Female

Age: 17

Biography: Elia is the first and "natural" daughter of Oberyn Martell and Ellaria Sand. She spent her entire life learning about combat, poison, and killing in general from her father. Upon Nymeria joining her as Oberyn's ward, Elia spent all of her time with her cousin. Despite their extremely different interests (as Elia prefers war while Nymeria prefers politics), the Elia and Nymeria never seemed to part ways.

Elia, like Daemon, is the constant confidante, friend, and bodyguard of Nymeria.

Personality: The polar opposite of Daemon, Elia is openly loud and emotional. She loves her spear beyond anything, and savors a challenge. However, Elia did inherit a lot of things from her father; much like him, she puts poison on her spear.

Appearance: Elia looks very similar to Nymeria (see above), but is much more muscular. Elia could probably pass for Nymeria if she wanted to do so.

Additional Information:

-Elia, like Daemon, is attracted to men and women

-Elia claims she will never marry; she says she is married to her spear

-She has voiced the desire to live like a wildling
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I'm not 100% on the ''-She has voiced the desire to live like a wildling'' but as long as shes not running around stabbing everybody I'm somewhat alright with her.

So, accepted.
Oh, sorry. I just meant that she's one of those "Grass is greener" people about that. Like...she wants to be a wildling. Beyond the wall, where life is more dangerous and free. But she doesn't have any desire to murder everyone around her in Dorne.
Name: Maisie Tyrell

Age: 21

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bisexual


Maisie has longed for a life of adventure but being brought up to be married off made that slightly impossible. She's had to stay in the Reach for too long and has only been allowed to leave now to venture to Kings Landing with her brother, Kross.

She is daring, bold and uses her wits to stay alive as best she can.

She also took in upon herself to learn how to fight after one of her Reach guards gifted her a ceremonial blade (the Red Morning, *attached*). She knows how to wield it well and often to devastating effect. Much like her person, the Red Morning may look pictures and harmless, but it is far from it.

Other Bits:

·Maisie loves the idea of being courted but has turned all her suitors down as she never felt she'd found the 'right one'.

·She, like all Starks, is strong willed and a natural leader but is loyal and has great compassion for others.

·She is a master of disguise as she would regularly escape her keep to enter taverns and see nearby areas.

·She is not very well known by other houses as she has never had a portrait commissioned before. She has used this advantage to talk to many a lord before formally meeting them to get a better understanding of who they were before she turned their proposal down.

·She enjoys being in the wild and accepts that all things must die at some point.


*attached*<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/body.jpg.cc9a6885934c2cb940455dd3fe4a2ebb.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="49714" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/body.jpg.cc9a6885934c2cb940455dd3fe4a2ebb.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/face.jpg.0ba402ada49227b73f54d8775a2ad0bb.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="49715" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/face.jpg.0ba402ada49227b73f54d8775a2ad0bb.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/57a8c233f0cc0_redmorning.jpg.296f5a76b4e939d4e098ddd5cc339db4.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="49716" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/57a8c233f0cc0_redmorning.jpg.296f5a76b4e939d4e098ddd5cc339db4.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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ajafueko said:
Name: Maisie Stark
Age: 21

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bisexual


Maisie has longed for a life of adventure but being brought up to be married off made that slightly impossible. She's had to stay in Winterfell for too long and, now that Lord Caelan is on his deathbed, she is preparing to lead from the front.

She is daring, bold and uses her wits to stay alive as best she can.

She also took in upon herself to learn how to fight after Lord Caelan gifted her a ceremonial blade (the Red Morning, *attached*). She knows how to wield it well and often to devastating effect. Much like her person, the Red Morning may look pictures and harmless, but it is.

Other Bits:

·Maisie loves the idea of being courted but has turned all her suitors down as she never felt she'd found the 'right one'.

·She, like all Starks, is strong willed and a natural leader but is loyal and has great compassion for others.

·She is a master of disguise as she would regularly escape her keep to enter taverns and see nearby areas.

·She is not very well known by other houses as she has never had a portrait commissioned before. She has used this advantage to talk to many a lord before formally meeting them to get a better understanding of who they were before she turned their proposal down.

·She enjoys being in the wild and accepts that all things must die at some point.


Nice to see you again. I'd say yes but people have asked to reserve the North...

Maybe you could all play nicely together?
Name: Theon Tully(of House_Tully_ if applicable)

House: Tully


Sexuality: Homosexual

Age: 15


Theon is the youngest of three. His father is Edmure Tully the current head and brother of Catelyn and Lysa and his mother is Relina Blackwood who is the cousin of Tytos. Growing up he was always in the shadow of his siblings. The eldest Rorin at 17 had the makings of grand warriors and his sister Sarian at 16 proved to be a great warrior and even future wife. Because of this Theon was ignored, intentionally or not, and left to caretakers. Often he would run off and get into trouble. His mischievous nature proved to be troublesome and finally on the ever of his thirteenth year he was sent to Winterfell as a Ward of the stark family. It didn't do much besides give him a new place to explore and some new friends. However once his aunt and cousins were exiled and uncle killed he became a war of the new lord wonderfell.


Theon is an adventures and mischievous boy. Often he pulls pranks or gets into trouble for one thing or another. Yet, he is also cunning with the mind of a strategist and tries to be three steps ahead of those he deems his opponents. While he may seem lazy and careless he usually has a reason for doing something. Despite his rather shadowed upbringing he has proved to be loyal toward those who earn his trust and very compassionate to others.


Theon has a rather feminine appearance having inherited much of his looks from his mother. He is rather small for his age at 5'3 with a slim seemingly delicate build lilth with muscle from climbing and running. He has high aristocratic cheekbones, a small nose, bow shaped lips and large slightly narrowed green eyes. He has pale skin that looks like it has never been touched by the sun and his dark red bordering on black hair is chopped short to his shoulders and often messy with long bangs that frame his face.

Additional Information:

. He is a great stragistist.

. He is rather skilled at stealing. Which he learned to further his pranks.

. He is a superb climber.

. He is a passable close ranged fighter but his skills lay in long range fighting.

. He has a bow that he always carries with him. He has dubbed it Whisper.

.He is great at blending in and disguising himself. He will even dress as a female if needed be. Though only as a last resort.

.He isn't well known to most of the other houses.








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CAP Ireland]Nice to see you again. I'd say yes but people have asked to reserve the North... Maybe you could all play nicely together? [/QUOTE] Could I be a Tyrell [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/14376-gospeller/ said:
@Gospeller[/URL] ?
Mifel Baratheon of House Baratheon

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    Name: Mifel Baratheon

    House: Baratheon

    Sex: Male

    Age: 17

Accepted, I look forward to trying to resist your rebelion when it comes.

Name: Lord Ethaniel (or Ethan) Lannister

House: Lannister.

Sex: Male

Age: 37

Sexuality: Heterosexual.


Ethan grew up under the watchful eye of his father, Tywin, and his mother, Joanna. Years later, his mother died in childbirth as she gave birth to twins, Jamie and Cersei, who remain at Casterly Rock with their father. The losses crushed Tywin and he retreated from the world to Casterly Rock, forcing Ethan away from the world. Ethan began to train his mind for the field of battle that was the world of politics. After he was educated to an almost extreme degree, Ethan began to roam Westeros for a time, excited to see the world. He soon fell in love but lost her to time. He finally understood his father's pain and confronted him about it hoping the two could rise from the ashes the pain brought. Tywin was rejoiced to see his son had become a man of intelligence and ability, so he passed the position of Lord onto him. Now, Ethan is older and wiser but is still hoping to be surprised by the constantly shifting powers in the world of Westeros.

Personality: A honest and loyal man. He values trust and intelligence and pitties those without it. Still, he has never been a cruel man and has only resorted to violence in the most dire of circumstances. He can fight, but much prefers to talk when resolving arguments. He loves to learn and 'enjoys the sound of his own voice' quite a bit.

Additional Information:

·He is not close to his siblings, Jamie and Cersie as he feels that there is something amiss about them.

·He loves his father dearly.

·He does not squander his wealth and has, in fact, made more money than he has spent.

·He enjoys learning about whatever, whenever he can.

·His father is urging him to make an heir.

·He can often be quite boring.

@PoetAlastor<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/del.jpg.8c55a2776c97a5c72462879b52d02e48.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="49918" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/del.jpg.8c55a2776c97a5c72462879b52d02e48.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/face.jpg.023ece18313fd4f98aea5467ae6686e1.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="49919" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/face.jpg.023ece18313fd4f98aea5467ae6686e1.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Israfeli said:
Sorry about the wait, I know for sure that the North will be posted today, almost certainly.
He can take his time, don't worry. I've taken up the Lannisters (blonds have more fun and all that) so this is it guys, go time.

Let the 'Game for the chairs where the kings sit-or queens, I'm not sexsist or anything-some of my best friends are females' begin!
Why would anyone want to sit in the iron throne? It looks extremely uncomfortable. Seriously wouldn't a nice comfy throne be better.

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