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𝐬𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐨𝐀𝐒 😸
Roleplay Availability
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  • butterfly

    cyyu cover


    he thundering sound of claps and cheers filled the auditorium. The spotlights shined brightly as the contestants took the stage. This was the moment. The Champion was soon to be announced. The crowd started to die down as the announcer began to speak.

    "Your new Champion Tamer is–!"


    The auditorium went dark. The sound of glass exploding drowned out the crowd as their cries morphed from joy to panic. The larger main screen – centered at the back of the stage – flashed a dark blood red before disappearing.

    As the lights slowly flickered on, the stage that once held twenty contestants now only featured ten...

    The Digital World, a land behind screens and binary codes deep within the heart of the Internet. A land shaped by facts, ideals, and emotions. Where creatures called Digimon reside. This world, though buried under the human eye, has just as much of an impact on us as we do on them.

    Within the Digital World lies a dark presence aimed to exterminate the human race and take over Earth as their own. The Seven Demon Lords. Powerful demonic Digimon whose power and influence has slowly seeped into the Physical World.

    It started out small – glitches in checkouts, stoplights flickering, etc. – but now threatens war between countries.

    You have been chosen as the saviors of both the Physical and Digital World. You are Digidestined. Brought to this world to stop the Seven Demon Lords before their plan becomes reality. Fight alongside your partners and stop the Seven Demon Lords at all costs.

    The fate of both worlds is in your hands.

of blood and data

can you
both worlds?


adventure, action



spots open


β™‘coded by uxieβ™‘

ACT 1: The Dark Knight

Part 1: Through the Digital Flux

The roaring crowd. The deafening applause. The spotlights glaring down on the stage as the contestants started to line up. Here it was. The moment they had all been waiting for. The winner of the Digimon World Solo Tournament. The one destined for the title of Champion Tamer.

At last, the announcer took the stage. Urging the contestants to take a bow, smile, acknowledge those who had been cheering them on. The audience slowly drew to a silence as the announcer was handed the envelope. The winner's name inside. Unbeknownst to anyone, something was moving around in the dark.

The Tournament Director, Seiko Haru, was watching the live broadcast intently. Suddenly, a black shadow seemed to flash across his screen before the Glitches appeared. With a small smile, Haru murmured to himself, β€œFinally, it begins.”

Above the stage, the lights started to flicker. The announcer paused and looked up at the lights before a loud snap echoed through the arena. Without warning, the large spotlight suddenly crashed upon the stage. A crater left in its impact. The bright lights continued to flicker before suddenly going dark.

Screams of frantic panic filled the once joyous stadium, as the announcer tried their hardest to calm the crowd. Security rushed to try to move the contestants from the stage safely. The darkness suddenly breached by a blinding light from the main screen. As the flash departed, the lights slowly flickered back on. People stood and looked around in confusion and worry.

The announcer brushed off their pants and turned to check on the contestants when they realized that 10 of them had disappeared.

It was sudden. The light enveloped you. You felt yourself falling? Swimming? You weren’t sure how to describe it. Your body felt light but you could feel it being pulled. When you opened your eyes, you noticed 9 other contestants around you. All of them in a similar state. The environment around you seemed similar to that of the background of your Tamer Console. Blue and white digital waves constantly shifted.

A bright light suddenly shined from your Tamer Console. As you pulled it out to hold it, it shifted into a form unrecognizable to anything you had seen before. Before any words could be spoken, you felt yourself get tugged with even more force than before.

As you open your eyes once more, you find yourself laid on a patch of grass. The sounds of nature echoing around you. Grass? Nature? Weren’t you just in the arena? As you take a look around, you notice other people and…what were those things?
Cyra sucked in a deep breath as she stared at the bright blue sky. Her hands dug into grass that wasn’t supposed to be there and she felt her heart rate spike. She couldn’t find a name for the particular rush of adrenaline that filled her as she slowly sat up. Not panicβ€” never panic, but she wasn’t excited about... about whatever this is.

Moments before she had been in the arena, eagerly awaiting her victory when things began to go horribly wrong. The crowd screaming, the lights fallingβ€” an earthquake maybe? Though an earthquake wouldn’t explain that weird state, or ending up here. In some natural landscape that was completely alien to her. Cyra pulled herself to her feet as her eyes flicked over the two people near her. Fellow contestants she recognized, but couldn’t name. Not that it matteredβ€” Sunshine and Wallflower were probably just as clueless as she was.

β€œUgh,” A voice scoffed. β€œFinally.”

Cyra turned towards the source, gaze dropping down to land on a very odd creature. Cream colored fur, bright green eyes and an intricate color made of gold. The thing seemed so familiar, but she couldn’t quite figure out where she had seen it.

β€œTook you long enough.” As the creature spoke, something in Cyra’s mind clicked. β€œI’m Sal—”

Cyra burst out into laughter, nearly doubling over. No way, there was no fucking way this was really happening. The air filled with her cackling as a real, genuine, salamon glared daggers her way. An actual digimonβ€” a video game character β€” giving her a look of absolute disdain.

β€œGreat.” Salamon sighed. β€œShe’s already gone mad.”
He didn't want to be up there, the center of attention with people cheering for him. He didn't mind when random people were cheering for him, it wasn't like he'd ever see any of them or personally meet them, it was more that he was scared he'd be found and taken again. He'd begged the others to not let him compete, however they were so insistent he'd go. Not to mention that being it was an 'official college club' that meant if he didn't at least compete, the college might shut them down, after all it was a requirement that they compete in official tournaments and if he just so happen to win and boost the image of the college then it'd be a win-win for all involved...except for him. He kept up his hood in an attempt to keep his face hidden. He knew that did not actually help him, there were plenty of people who got his picture when playing and he had to show his face however the gesture helped calm him. He kept looking at the crowd, to see if there was a odd movement or if there was someone who didn't belong. He was so wrapped up in searching that he had nearly missed the snap of the light. He heard it and looked up, taking steps back to steady his footing. Carew felt more anxiety enter him. He didn't think this was an attack, however he kept his guard up. When security put a hand on his shoulder to move him, he instinctively elbowed them and pushed them away his training taking over. He tried to apologize to the guard and help him.

It all happened so fast he could hardly remember it. The bright light, the weird feeling, the console turning into something he didn't recognize. The flashes were what was strangest though. He could pick out a few images however most of it was like watching a video at 3x. He tried to focus on one image, one that appeared more detailed, it was of 7 shadows that stood over him and what looked like a group of lights however he couldn't see beyond that.

Carew slowly opened his eyes to the field around him. How'd he end up here and where was here? He thought he was taken again, however given that he hadn't been tied up, that probably wasn't it. He sat up and noticed a small and furry creature asleep next to him, realizing that it was a bear cub, meaning that the parent had to be in the area. He gulped, then saw the cap on it's head, the same one Bruin wore. He slowly reached out a hand, common sense being overwritten by curiosity and the need to pet the creature. "There is not way that-" the small bear gave a yawn before getting up.

It stood...on two legs...and rubbed it's eyes with Carew noticing the belts on him. "Oh sorry about that, thought you looked comfy so I decided to take a nap too. Hope you had a good one. I did, even if it was a short one." He sounded like he was 12 and smiled at him.

"What?" he looked on in astonishment over what or rather who was talking to him.
Group B - Hitomi Shizuku (Crest of Harmony)
β€œWake up! Wake up! Wake up! Oh please, wake up!”

The incessant buzzing was like a hammer against her skullβ€”fast, insistent, with a tinge of anxiousness. The voice sounded somewhat familiar to her, though Hitomi couldn’t for the life of her remember from where. Rubbing her forehead, the brown-haired young woman let out a groan before blinking her eyes open to clear blue skies.

Blue skies?

Her memories of what happened prior to her unconscious state were fragmented, but she remembered being in an auditorium for the Digimon World Tournament.

The Tournament.

Bolting upright, Hitomi gasped as memories came flooding back. The lights. The screams. Like the other contestants, she’d been on stage, anxiously awaiting the results of the tournament, when pandemonium broke out. The stage lights fell. Her tamer console glowed. Then…nothing. As Hitomi struggled to piece together the fragments of her memory, the buzzing voice once more interrupted her thoughts.

β€œOh good! You’re alive! I wasn’t sure what I would’ve done if you were dead. Be very sad, I expect. I might've even shed a couple of tears. It’s not easy to make a warrior of the Royal Base cry, you know.”

Eyes following the chatty voice to the creature that hovered above her, Hitomi couldn’t help her instinctive reaction. She let out a scream.

β€œGood God, Hitomi! No need to bellow so loudly. You’ll break the sensitive parts of my antennae, you know…”

β€œY-you know me?”

β€œI do. Don’t you know me?”

Hitomi took a closer look at the big, flying bee…and froze. She did recognize him. She’d raised him as a V-pet since childhood, after all. Granted, the AI she’d brought to the Digimon Tournament had been a TigerVespamon, there was no way she could forget the rookie stage of her virtual friend. β€œImpossible…”


β€œYou can’t be real.”


β€œI assure you I am as real as you are.”

Digimon? Real? She wasn’t sure if she was in a wondrous dream or a nightmare. How many times, as a child, had she thought how wonderful it would’ve been if her AI friend were real? That a person she could confide in truly existed beyond her fantasies. She loved Digimon as a game. But…real? Hitomi glanced down at the changed Tamer Console in her hand. She pinched herself.

β€œMore importantly, why are you here?” Fanbeemon continued inquisitively. β€œYou and the other humans. Not that I mind of course.”

At the mention of others, Hitomi glanced around, seeing two other contestantsβ€”two girlsβ€”in a similar situation upon a grassy plain…and two other Digimon. At least, Hitomi was fairly certain they were Digimon given the existence of Fanbeemon. National level tamer that she was, it wasn’t hard to identify them once the connection to the Digimon game was made. Instead, her mind drifted other matters: There were nine others, weren’t there? Not just two? She wasn’t sure where that memory came from, only that she remembered seeing it. β€œWhere are we?”

β€œThe Digital World,”
Fanbeemon answered plainly, making a movement with its front arms/legs that resembled a shrug. β€œDon’t ask for specifics because I really don’t know. I don’t know why I’m here either.”

β€œWhat do you mean?”

β€œCan’t speak for the other Mons, but I was minding my own business, collecting honey for the Royal Base, when I was hit with a sudden urge. A feeling that you needed me. That I had to be there. I followed that feeling here…and so here I am! Found you sleeping and was worried you might've died. ”



Hitomi smiled. Under normal circumstances, she wouldn’t dare be so rude as to call another’s explanation β€˜weird’. Only with Fanbeemon.

β€œAnyway, let’s collect your friends and get out of here. I don’t like being out in the open like this. Dangerous digimon live in the area.”

β€œT-they do?”

Fanbeemon’s reply was oddly cheerful. β€œI saw them while I was scouting around, looking for you.”

Hitomi swallowed, shaking her head before glancing to the other ladies. They weren’t friends. Not really. Rivals more like. Would they listen to her? Did it matter? They were all in the same situation…trapped in the same game? It only made sense for them to work together to get back home. That in mind, Hitomi moved to help wake the others. If they were already awake, she’d tell them what Fanbeemon told her. The bee-like digimon followed, seeming eager to meet new people. Hitomi wished she felt the same.

AnimeGenork AnimeGenork Nellancholy Nellancholy
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There he was. Right there.

Seneca couldn't quite believe what he was experiencing. He didn't expect one bit to have been a finalist in the tournament, ever more esteemed in the eyes of the world and adored by his followers, but he was. Perhaps that was the power of a practically limitless budget. As well as his natural charm and talent, of course. He didn't care for the prize. Hell, he didn't care for the game.

He threw his arms up in triumph, an expression of deliberate exuberance plastered on his face as he basked in the adulation of the masses present.

And then they weren't present. Or maybe he wasn't.

Space contracted around him. Within him. Then inverted.

A terrible sensation swept him away, head over chunky heels.

Everything went black and blue.

When he came to, he was lying on his back on a field of soft grass, the sun breaking over the canopy.

His mouth wasn't too dry and his eyes were open wide. He hadn't been out for more than an hour.

This almost felt like the time he went zorbing in New Zealand and ran over some broken bottles some drunks apparently went behind. After the orb ruptured, he'd fallen down just like this, lying there for a while. That seemed like so long ago, and so far away...

It didn't take long for him to pick himself up, and be addressed by a girl in a cardigan. Clearly, they were in some kind of unexpected situation, though most of what she said went in one ear and out the other. Was this some kind of simulation? An unexpected test? Playoffs to determine the actual champion? He tilted his head to the side a bit, noting the Digimon hovering next to the girl.

Were the projections always so vivid...?

"Well, the two of you certainly don't have to worry now that I'm awake, miss uh...girl and Fanbeemon." He smiled, brushing his finger over his bang in what was apparently supposed to be a reassuring gesture. "Whatever's going on, your odds of getting out intact have just skyrocketed with me at your side!"

As Seneca continued his boasts, a floating figure emerged timidly, coming from a little towards Shizuku and Fanbeemon's side rather than directly approaching the person it seemed to actually want to speak to. With a distinct tick-tick-tick-tick of finely rotating gears, the mechanical creature peeked out behind Fanbeemon, eyeing Seneca tentatively like a small child being introduced to a stranger. Apparently trying to greet him, the construct's gears rotated rapidly as it let out a series of rapid beeps.
01010101 01010011 01000101 01010010 00100000 01001001 01000100 01000101 01001110 01010100 01001001 01000110 01001001 01000011 01000001 01010100 01001001 01001111 01001110 00100000 01000011 01001111 01001101 01010000 01001100 01000101 01010100 01000101 00101110 00100000 01010100 01001000 01001001 01010011 00100000 01010101 01001110 01001001 01010100 00100000 01001000 01000001 01000111 01010101 01010010 01010101 01001101 01001111 01001110 00100000 01001001 01010011 00100000 01010010 01000101 01000001 01000100 01011001 00100000 01010100 01001111 00100000 01000001 01000011 01000011 01001111 01001101 01010000 01000001 01001110 01011001 00101110 00100000 01010000 01001100 01000101 01000001 01010011 01000101 00100000 01000001 01000011 01001011 01001110 01001111 01010111 01001100 01000101 01000100 01000111 01000101 00101110 00100000 01010000 01001100 01000101 01000001 01010011 01000101 00100000 01000001 01000011 01001011 01001110 01001111 01010111 01001100 01000101 01000100 01000111 01000101 00111111

But for his part, Seneca did not respond, more focused on darting around, taking in the surroundings, climbing halfway up trees and flipping on and off rocks in a way intended to show off in front of Shizuku and Fanbeemon.

AnimeGenork AnimeGenork QuirkyAngel QuirkyAngel
A clash of two worlds...there was the world she stood on. The lights blinding her sight, the competition now at an end. Were her fellow contestants solemnly awaiting the results? Or did they step back and forth, unable to contain themselves? Did they hide, did they step ahead of the rest, did they greet family that might be watching them live?
She did not feel any anger or resentment. Whether she won or lost, it was all the same; freudenfreude, they called it? Simply being there, standing at the forefront of the stage, was reward enough for Naru. Perhaps not everyone shared in that sentiment...but it was quite enough for her!
Her eyes inevitably pulled towards that same seat she had occupied so many times prior. Years ago, she stood there amidst the others, cheering on her favorite, and waiting with bated breath to see who had won. Was it odd that she had less of a stake on who had come victorious, now that it could be her? Hahah...maybe!

And then, then there was the other world. The one she had come from. A world inhabited by a monstrous mass of people. Limb against limb against limb, all mixing together amidst rough waves of color. Uncountable voices mixed together, impossible words the result of dozens, hundreds, thousands of different messages being yelled!
Were her friends, part of the monster? She didn't know. She did not carry anything they could reach her through, after all. Was her family, part of the monster? She certainly hoped not! They could all take their time afterwards, together back home. Either home.

The monster stirred.

And in a flash of light, the worlds clashed again.
And the world she was standing on...lost.


The world shook and growled, pulling at the seams, before finally settling on a familiar set of hues. Celeste and lime and Pearl and.....no, that wasn't quite right.
The sun couldn't possibly be that far ahead.
Again...surely she had seen wrong. Or perhaps a cloud got in the way.
The sky had a nice celeste hue. The grass, barely visible without turning her head, was a healthy lime, or perhaps chartreuse? And the pearly white cloud, slowly moving back and forth, and its little pink eyes looking down at her...
...ah, that's what was wrong!

"...well hello there, little one."
The previously misnomered cloud smiled wider once Naru finally (finally!) decided to move.
"Oh, hello! Couldn't see the eyes over the tiny suns there, couldn't tell if awake yet or not. What a good sleeper!"
A closer look at the floating individual revealed it to be far from a cloud with eyes. In fact, it turned out to be quite the familiar looking not-cloud!
"Hahah...I suppose I am one, yes. Say..."
Slowly lifting her body up, Naru Takahashi began taking in more of the world they found themselves in, readjusting her glasses in the process. And yes, they. It would seem there were others, all followed by a particularly not-cloud-shaped friend.
...well...the way that cream colored one treated the nearest laughing person might tell a different story.

Like second nature, the little rabbit took its spot perched onto the woman's shoulder, waiting for the question that hadn't yet come its way.
"Ah, right. What do the stars look like over here, at night? I'm sure the light pollution is quite low!"
She wasn't quite sure where this 'here' was. Perhaps it was a dream? Or perhaps, it was...ahh...no sense dwelling on it, not yet.
First, Naru stood up all the way, torn between approaching the cackling one with the very angry 'friend', or the pair that had yet to move from their spot on the ground. Decisions, decisions...

"Should meet them both, eventually! And then, and then...then run, run, run!"
Just as naturally as it had settled down on her shoulder, her opposite hand came to rest on top of the rabbit's head, softly patting it. There was no urgency in its voice, and so the person it spoke to did not act with haste.
"Hahah, but wherever would we even be running to? We could well get lost!"
Amidst the cheerful chants to run, the woman and the rabbit took slow steps to approach the laughing Cyra. She did not yet know which world she was standing on. Nor the joys and sorrows that might come from being in it.
Hopefully...hopefully, she would be ready when they came.

Kurt LeBeau | Crest of Passion | Palmon - Vivi | Group C​

Kurt already had trouble fighting his nervousness despite his face remaining mostly cold and unresponsive. The nerves were trembling both from the excitement that he managed to get here, to this place and point but at the same time he was scared, scared he would disappoint people, scared of how others would react to him. Though it was already too late to be nervous about such things he was already here on the stage with the other contestants. One did not expect the nervous Kurt to wield his guitar that for some time now hung from his back like a battle axe and raise it in the air as others did their bows, smile, or other things, it felt oddly fitting for him to do so. After doing so he hung his guitar back onto his back, as the audience dropped dead silent.

As the spotlights nearly hit the ground, Kurt turned around, his back towards the light as he stood on the outer edge of the contestants, it might have appeared as if he was trying to guard someone next to him. Well, he wasn't planning on doing that he was trying to save his hide if that wasn't understood. The bright light blinded Kurt for a bit before he felt himself falling, the only thought in his head at that moment was "Well that's the end of me. At least I had a good run."

That was until he opened his eyes, the place was familiar, it looked almost the same as the background of his Tamer Console, what did concern him was the blaring bright light coming out of his Tamer Console. Wanting to check on it Kurt pulled it out from his overrals pocket. What happened next he did not expect, especially as his eyes closed again as soon as he witnesses his Tamer Console shift into something.

The next time he opened his eyes he was on a patch of grass, the sound of wind swishing through the grass, the feeling of the grass on his skin, the nice scent of fresh air. That was nature and a prime example of one, not one tainted by man's existence. But was he in some dream caused by a coma, or was it some sort of afterlife caused by his death when the spotlights hit. He hoped it was just a coma as he wouldn't want to have Gramps and Granny to bury him.

Kurt simply laid there, enjoying his time, he felt that in his hand he held his guitar so he knew it was safe. But he simply laid there, enjoying it. If it wasn't for a certain being coming closer and kicking Kurt in the shin, he would still probably lay there.
"Wake up you sleepy head."
"Ouch, what was that for? And better yet who are you?" Kurt responded as he shot up into a sitting position trying to find the one who kicked him in the shins only finding some weird plant creature that he mistook for a statue.
"I did it happy. Now stand up, we have stuff to do."
"I knew I am weird but I did not expect a plant to talk."
"Ooh so that's how your calling your partner now are you."
"Wait, Vivi. Is that you?"
"Yes, it is. Now get up. Sheesh."
As he was ordered by his Palmon Partner Vivi, Kurt stood up with a small kip up and placed his guitar case that contained his guitar onto his back, and he went to the closest two people he saw.
"Well, at least I'm not alone in this Limbo."
Kurt speech example 9B4C74
Palmon - Vivi speech example BBC26F
that's not how this works
This was it, finally. Noemi had one hand delicately perched upon her hip as she peered coolly over the crowd, the audience to her crowning achievement. Not only for the Richelieu familyβ€”no, this was hers and hers alone. And this win would finally prove that she, Noemi Violette Richelieu, was indeed the prodigious child she’d always been told she was. A master of music, the arts, academics, and now, Digimon.

She hoped Rue was watching, and that she was proud. But that thought was fleeting, as much as the ceremony itself.

Noemi could not recall the exact details that led to the strange hallucination, only that a spotlight was falling, falling toward her, and she had a brief notion that her competitors’ blood would surely ruin this day for her. Then, she blinked, and she found herself in a different place altogether. Although she was brilliantly educated, she could not begin to describe this… this… what the hell was this? Others were there, at least nine, which meant only half of the contestants had fallen into this… tunnel? What was that light?

Her Tamer Console nearly fell out of her grasp, and she desperately clutched at it, though she knew it would be useless to her in the grand scheme of contacting emergency services. Still, she felt as if it would be important. Maybe. Her eyes widened as its appearance shifted before her eyes, changing into a small green device. Now it truly was useless. Shit.

And then, nothing.


β€œOh, please be alright… Please wake up soon…”

The warbling voice broke Noemi out of a restless sleep. Her eyelashes fluttered, her eyes struggling to adjust to the light, even after the bright lights of the stage and the tunnel of light… wait. The tunnel. Where was she?

She shot up, wincing with a groan as a headache overcame her from sitting up too fast. Grass… vast expanse of sky… So she wasn’t at the Digimon World Solo Tournament anymore. Noemi didn’t know Japan very well, but she wasn’t convinced she was there anymore, either.

Beside her, a… creature… flopped back onto its behind, staring up at her with wide, dark eyes. Normally, she would be concerned by the three horns protruding from its head and the way the ears tapered off like fingers. But she was distracted by one very important detail:

This was the cutest damn thing she’d ever seen.

β€œOh, I’m so glad you’re alright—”

But she didn’t hear. β€œAre you real? Or is this a dream? I don’t think I could have dreamt up this.” Her words dissolved into rapid-fire French as she grabbed the creature’s cheeks, stretching them as if it was a stuffed animal. Under her touch, the creature whimpered, but it didn’t try to pull away. Eventually, she stopped, her mother tongue dying in her mouth. After a breath, she whispered, β€œC’est impossible… You’re… You’re Lopmon?”

β€œI am…” Lopmon peered up at her, the fear dying away. She hadn’t meant to make the poor thing afraid. But she wouldn’t apologizeβ€”she was a Richelieu, and she was supposed to command respect.

β€œAre we the only ones… Oh.” Noemi listed her head as she saw she was with two othersβ€”competitors from the tournament. But why was there only three of them here, with… Oh, wow, these were Digimon, weren’t they? Hm. That was odd. β€œSo what the hell is going on around here?” She swung around, leveling her gaze at the Lopmon, who seemed determined to stick by her side, even as she stood and made her way over to her companions.

Gently grabbing onto her leg, Lopmon shook its head. β€œI don’t know…”

That was entirely unhelpful.

Noemi snorted. β€œFantastic. Do we at least know who won the tournament?” She fisted her hands on her hips, lifting her head haughtily. Surely this was all a ploy to prevent her from accepting her title.

…yeah, she had her priorities straight.
MOOD: Haughty & Confused


OUTFIT: sleeveless tank & designer jeans

INTERACTIONS: Lopmon, Hitomi, Seneca


TAGS: QuirkyAngel QuirkyAngel Nellancholy Nellancholy

code by valen t.
Things just happened very fast. First he was in the tournament auditorium looking the contestants, getting himself ready to go and overall fighting his own nerves. It doesn't last long as something blows out the lights sending glass from those fixtures everywhere and for Austin, soon after this , the world goes dark.

When he next came to there is a small, red, goblin thing staring at him. "Hey, you're finally awake! You have been lying here napping for a long time"

"Wha? Where in the world am i ?" he asks looking around to see what looks like a grassland area, the sun beaming down on the area. "Wait i was just in the arena and now im here?"

Not just you, but some other humans too. Quite a few of you just showed up here. We really should find the others and get on out of here. Though i'm sure we can best any digimon that tries harming us. We've done so before. " he says while shadowboxing the air around him.

"Done so before?" Austin says , the metaphorical gears turning in his head as he tries parcing that, "Sol? Is that you?" he takes a stab in the dark.

"Ding ding ding! That is correct, I am your partner" he nods to Austin, " Now what do you say we get going and find the others and start doling out justice?"

"Okay but you do need to calm down, no need to go looking for battles in...wherever this is.

"Oh right, we are in the Digital World."

"The what??? Wait how did you even find me ?"

"I honestly don't have the foggiest idea how. I just got a feeling you needed me and it led me here."

Austin, still very puzzled gets to searching for these others Sol mentioned, with the Coronamon tagging along with him looking around the whole grassland for threats.
Group B - Hitomi Shizuku (Crest of Harmony)

β€œThank you…?”

Upon closer inspection of the violet-haired figure, it would seem that β€˜she’ was a β€˜he’. Maybe. These days it was hard to tell, what with all the medications and procedures that modern society developed to allow freedom of identity. Hitomi couldn’t imagine a worse introduction than to accidently address someone by the wrong pronouns. Better to think of them as β€˜they’ until they themselves clarified…should they ever decide to clarify. Hitomi had more social sense than to start a conversation by questioning the other’s gender, after all. Some might consider it rude. Or worse – insulting.

Utterly unaware of their tamer’s silent, mental stress, Fanbeemon’s attention was on the Hagurumon that appeared by their side. β€œYeah…I still have no idea what you’re saying.”

At the bee digimon’s words, Hitomi’s eyes drifted from Contestant Seneca Albright to the floating gear with a face. Green orbs lit with interest.


The hologram and pictures paled in comparison to the real thing. Hitomi reached out, touching the cool metal surface with hesitant fingers, and confirming for herself the solidity of the impossibility before her. β€œStrange. Why doesn’t it speak the same way you do?”

β€œBeats me. Hagurumons are weird like that.”

β€œThat’s not very nice. They’re just speaking another language, aren’t they?”
Machine language? Morse code? Hitomi wouldn’t pretend to know what a series of beeps meant, but the pauses in-between suggested a cipher of some sort. Maybe? She’d need a pen and paper to try and figure it out, though codes and alternative languages weren’t her specialty. It simply irked her that someone in their little group wouldn’t be understood…or just brushed off as β€˜weird’.

There was little doubt in Hitomi’s mind that they would all have to work together to get through their current ordeal; Collaboration required communication and comprehension. At least, that was the case in all her group projects.

β€œIt’s true though. I can speak with most other Digimon…usually. Some are too violent to talk to.”

Hitomi nodded toward the Lopmon that seemed to be trying to wake up Contestant Naomi Richelieu. β€œYou’re both speaking Japanese.”

Ja-pa-what?” Fanbeemon shook its head. β€œNo, no, no I speak the same way I’ve always spoken.”

β€œWhat way is that?”

Shrug. That seemed to be Fanbeemon’s response to many things. β€œThe way most other Digimon speak.”

Hitomi sighed. β€œNever mind. We’ve got more pressing matters to deal with…”

The matter of being lost in an unfamiliar location with limited supplies and no knowledge of how to get home. Gaze returning to Seneca who appeared to be darting around, climbing trees, and flipping rocks looking for…something?...Hitomi tilted her head in confusion. Did they even know what they were looking for? Where was that confidence coming from? The conviction the violet-haired contestant displayed wasn’t something Hitomi could relate to, especially given the surreal situation they were caught in. Hitomi needed knowledge. Plans. Running around recklessly, without any idea of where one was going, wasn’t Hitomi’s modus operandi. Which way did they go to return home? How long would it take? Where would they get food? Water?

Hitomi had limited experience beyond a couple of camping trips when it came to surviving in the wilderness.

Still…it was somewhat reassuring. Seneca’s optimism that is.

The faith that everything would be okay, that they could get through any obstacle no matter how insurmountable, was something Hitomi sorely needed at the moment. β€œMy name is Hitomi Shizuku.” Not girl. She’d have added the last part if she were braver or more confrontational.

Eyes flickering to the approaching French contestant, Hitomi shook her head. β€œWe do not. I’m not sure what happened after the stage lights fell…”

Could they even declare a winner with at least 3 contestants missing? Or...was this all just an elaborate ruse? Was the tournament still going on and all of this just part of the challenge? Hitomi didn’t know. There was no way for her to know until more answers were given/discovered. β€œBut I believe we’re on our own.”

Reaching into her purse, Hitomi pulled out her phone, showing the display with zero bars. β€œWherever we areβ€”,”

β€œIn the Digital World,”
Fanbeemon interrupted merrily.

β€œβ€”we are far from civilization. I’ve given up on trying to call for help. Instead, I believe it’s best to ensure we have all basic necessities met before anything else. Food. Water. Shelter. We pool our resources and work together to gather essentials for survival. Once that’s done, we can discuss what to do next.”

Sadly, there wasn’t much Hitomi could add to the supply pool. Her phone was useless. As was her wallet and car keys. She had a water bottle and a couple of pieces of gum. Lipstick. Moisturizer. Hand sanitizer. Tissues. Bandaids. Hair tie. Notepad and pen. Pepper spray.

And, of course, her altered Tamer Console. No idea what that did, if anything.

AnimeGenork AnimeGenork Nellancholy Nellancholy
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let there be light…!

This was it! The big reveal. Finally!

All that battling! All those hours spent on grinding and strategizing! All those hours of practicing! Victorious wins! Humiliating defeats! All the blood, sweat, and tears–

Fine, there was no blood, but there was a lot of sweat and tears.

–was worth it for this giant, momentous, SIGNIFICANT moment–!

'Calm down,'
Keith thought. He pressed his fingers against his pulse point on his neck. His heart was beating erratically. He closed his eyes and breathed in deeply. He counted to five and exhaled through his nostrils. He repeated the exercise until his heartbeat slowed to a steady rhythm.
'Cut the dramatics, Takara. Now all you can do is wait.'
Keith raised his hands and slapped his cheeks hard. The resounding smack earned a few looks from nearby contestants, but he ignored their inquiring gaze.

"I'm ready,"
he muttered. His amber gaze was brimming with determination.

Truthfully, Keith entered the Digimon World Solo Tournament with little expectations. Don't get him wrong, he wanted to win; of course he wanted to win. Keith wouldn't have entered the Tournament if he didn't plan to give it his all. However, he can't afford to be cocky. A World Solo Tournament was MOMENTOUSLY different compared to the Local Solo Tournaments in his prefecture.

This Tournament was filled with the absolute best – the crΓ¨me de la crΓ¨me – Solo Digimon Tamers. There was a high possibility he wouldn't win.

Did it stop him from having hope? Hell no. Keith welcomed the challenge.

"Your new Champion Tamer is–!"

He blinked. Wait, wha–? Fuck, did he space out again? Keith focused on the announcer. Did he–



What the fuck?

Darkness enveloped the stadium. Screams ensued. Sparks flew everywhere. A flash of dark blood red assaulted his eyes.

It was pure chaos.

Before he could react, Keith felt a harsh tug on his chest – no, his soul – and everything went black.

Why did it feel so ... bright?

His eyes cracked open. Huh? A sea of vibrant blue and dazzling white rushed past him like a gushing river. He was rapidly falling down – falling down? – a rabbit hole. Wait, that didn't sound right. Why would a rabbit hole be filled with water? He felt significantly lighter and more ... free? Suddenly, the gushing river looked more like a wave curling inward. Was this how surfers felt when they rode a wave? Wait, why didn't he smell seawater? Wait! When did he learn how to surf?!

Once his vision cleared, Keith spotted nine people–

Wait! Those are contestants!

He couldn't recall their names from the top of his head, but he recognized them from the stage. Why ... are there only nine? Ten if he included himself?

What the hell was happening? Did he smoke something strong before the ceremony?

Suddenly, a flash of light diverted his attention. Keith reached inside his pocket and retrieved his Tamer Console. Wait, why does it look so different? What the fuck?

In the back of his mind, it clicked.

The sea of blue and white was digital code. The same – or a very similar design – animation he always saw on the background of his Tamer Console.


Before he could speak, he felt another sharp tug and everything went black.

β€œβ€“up. Wake up!”

A hand – paw? – slapped him across the face, evoking an undignified squawk. Keith immediately shot up.
"Ow! What the fuck, Tom?! I'm awake, I'm awake! Fucking hell..."

"I don't know who this Tom is, but my apologies. You refused to wake up otherwise so I had to resort to brute force. I made sure to not hit you too hard,"
a feminine voice murmured.

Keith froze. What? If he wasn't crashing at his best friend's house, then–? Without warning, memories of the World Solo Tournament and massive blackout – including the wild trip through a fucking vortex – surfaced. He shifted to his side, expecting to meet a fellow contestant.

"You're not Tomoichi Yoshida."
He paused for a moment, registering his words. He smacked his forehead. Tom didn't enter the World Solo Tournament, you dumbass.

Sharp cerulean eyes regarded their grumbling human partner with a mask of indifference.
"I'm not,"
the Digimon confirmed.

Finally, it hit him.

"Hold the phone! What the fuck?!"
Keith scrambled back, crawling away from the tall anthropomorphic fox. A talking anthropomorphic fox. Suddenly, his back collided against ... an oak tree? He patted the rough bark. How did he get outside?

They raised their paws placatingly.
"I mean you no harm, Keith Takara,"
they intoned.

He tore off a low branch and brandished it like a sword.
"Like hell I'm going to fall for that! You...!"
He trailed, taking a moment to scrutinize the strange creature. The bipedal fox possessed golden yellow and white fur with dusk purple futatsudomoe symbols on their thighs. They wore long purple sleeves with yin-yang symbols on top of the fabric covering their paws.

Recognition dawned on his face.
Keith whispered. He instinctively dropped the branch.

The strange creature – no, Digimon – nodded.
"We have much to do, Keith. You must find the other Digidestined. I spotted three on my way here,"
they announced. They offered a paw toward their partner.

"Wait! Other contestants are here?"
Keith accepted the paw and rose to his feet.
"If that's true, the digital vortex..."
A groan escaped his lips. He scrubbed a hand down his face.
"It wasn't all a hallucination? Are you real? What? How? Where? When? Huh?"
He rubbed his temples. Trying to comprehend the absurdity of his situation was giving him a headache.

Renamon draped a paw on their partner's shoulder.
"I'll answer your questions to the best of my ability, Keith. For now, let's focus on finding the others,"
they advised.

He heaved a sigh.
"Fine. Lead the way."
Was it batshit crazy to trust a Digimon he once perceived on his Tamer Console? Abso-fucking-lutely. However, did he have a choice? If he wanted answers ... he needed to find the others.

Something in his gut urged him to trust his Digimon partner.

Without another word, Renamon guided Keith over a small hill and toward three contestants and their Digimon partners; the same contestants Renamon detected.

the line

β™‘coded by uxieβ™‘

Carew hesitantly held up a hand, moving it closer to the bear’s face. He gently scratched the side of the bear’s face and chin. Bruin giggled, moving his head into the hand, grinning at the movement. Carew stopped then lightly poked at Bruin’s nose who responded with a laugh. He couldn’t be here…there was no way this was real, a look of shock on his face, how could Bruin be HERE…with him. β€œAre you ok, it seems like there’s something wrong?” The way he talked didn’t matched how he’d imagined him. It was more earnest and sincere and yet this one fit him better.

β€œI’m fine…I just am…I can’t get over that you’re here, wherever here might be I mean.”

Bruin walked up and patted him on head. β€œIt’ll be alright, we got a lotta Digimon who’ll help out.”

β€œOther Digimon?” He didn’t even think about that.

β€œOh yeah there are lots of friendly ones if you just ask for help.”

He was jolted back to reality if it could be called that, from a call. He recognized her as one of the finalists that were on stage with him. The Black Guilmon near her, was that her partner? He waved to them and stood up, Bruin getting off of him. β€œI…we’re fine.” He saw his bag on the ground next to him grabbing it. β€œI’ve got no clue where we are, though given the scenery here, there are far worse places we could end up. Are you good?” He took note of how Bruin had taken a few steps to stand in front of him. Like how a dog would when a new person shows up. β€œI don’t get what happened we were on stage now we’re here. Think aliens collected us and we’re in a simulation now?” he asked half jokingly though given what happened that might not be to far off from the truth.
ACT 1: The Dark Knight
Part 1: Through the Digital Flux

As the competitors found themselves in this strange world, their newly transformed Digivices beeped. A mysterious, yet gentle, voice slowly piercing its way through the static.

β€œG-Greetings, Digidestined. Human partners to the chosen Digimon. I-I am Orphanimon. Y-You were chosen for your many individual talents, but now must come together to work as a team. This world and that of your own is in grave danger. I fear you have already been sensed by the darker forces that currently control the Digital World.”

The static seemed to grow more intense. The voice fading away slowly. β€œOprhanimon” became more distorted.

β€œI-I’m sure you h-have many questions…Unfortunately, I-I do not have the time a-at this moment. I-I will s-send a m-messenger to gu-guide you. Farewell for now-”

And just like that, the voice disappeared. The static loomed for a moment before dying out as well. The screens of the Digivice came to life. The image of a signal tower seemed to blink on and off for a few seconds before flashing green and connecting.

The three groups were now fully connected. Able to speak to one another and communicate. Though if that connection stayed supported, who knows?

As the message ended, the faint buzzing of wings seemed to fill the once quiet air. The trees of the forest started to shift and bend as three large insects descended upon the group.

Upon Naru, Austin, and Cyra a large red beetle whisked above them. It’s terrifying pincers slicing the trees behind them with ease. A large bee-like creature descended upon Lucy, Hitomi, and Noemi. Its stinger primed with venom as it struck. A giant praying mantis sliced at Kurth, Keith, Crew, and Shelly. Its arms are fitted with sharp blades.

Then, another voice. One that seemed almost younger than the previous voice came through their Digivices. It seemed kind and was trying to help them.

β€œYou need to get out of there! It seems they’ve already found out about you! Meet me at the Old Holy Ruins at the top of the hill!”
Hitomi mentioning the way the stage lights fell sent a chill down Lucy's spine for a moment, despite his confident exuberance. So that really happened? Some kind of terrible accident was about to befall them, and they had somehow been whisked away to safety, to this...strange place. (The other possibility did not occur to Lucy at all.) But what if...it wasn't an accident? What if it was entirely intentional? Ha! Was this the final straw for old August then? Knowing that he would never have the version of Lucilia he wanted back? So he'd rather wipe his own flesh and blood out if they wouldn't bend to his will by setting up an "accident"? Lucy didn't know that man had it in him. Even to kill a few other people as collateral damage...

But clearly, that plan had somehow failed. Lucy could tell, considering how this forest didn't exactly seem like the Good Place, so to speak. He didn't want to bet on everyone present ending up there if they really were dead, after all.

As Hitomi brought up the matter of survival, Lucy smiled back, his voice taking on an effusive tone. "Oh, right! That's a very astute observation, Miss Hitomi! Quite attentive of you. Now, you can simply leave that to me. I'll get started on gathering firewood, and I'm sure I can pinpoint some water sources while I'm up there. You know, this is rather like the time I climbed Yala Peak-"

His no doubt self-aggrandizing, dramatized story was cut off by the rising buzz of an insect's wings, growing until it threatened to drown out all sound in its surroundings. Almost like the sound of a helicopter, threatening to strike from above.

A wickedly sharp needle cut through the air like an iron arrow fired from a ballista, carried by a creature that looked like Fanbeemon's nasty cousin. With a decidedly undignified "UWAAAAAGH" Lucy reacted without missing a beat, cartwheeling aside to a momentary safety.

"T-the hell is that thing...? A-a friend of yours?" Even in a moment like this, he couldn't resist flashing Fanbeemon a nervous smile. "Come on, I'll get us outta here-" He'd had to run from cops and the occassional wild animal before, but this was...different.

He grabbed Hitomi's arm and dragged her slightly in order to hold Noemi with his other hand, running with them under the presumption that Lopmon and Fanbeemon would have no trouble following along.

Hagurumon, quite forgotten, nevertheless followed along. Taking advantage of its ability to hover, it dutifully positioned itself above Lucy like a shield, hoping that its metallic constitution would be able to withstand their assailant's sting.

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AnimeGenork AnimeGenork QuirkyAngel QuirkyAngel
Group B - Hitomi Shizuku (Crest of Harmony)

β€œHey, hey, hey! Don’t be racist, Human. Not all bees come from the same hive.”

Fanbeemon’s lighthearted response was freckled with occasional pants from Hitomi as the young woman struggled to keep pace with Contestant Seneca’s dragging. In fact, the boy/girl’s dragging/pulling was the only thing keeping Hitomi on her feet. Her heeled feet. Needless to say, Hitomi was having the worst day of her life at the moment. Everything ached. Her stomach. Her thighs. Her feet. She did not expect to be running from a giant monster bee on the day of the Digimon World Solo Tournament, otherwise she would have remembered to bring her tennis shoes. Perhaps she should’ve done so anyway. Preparation was the key to success in life, after all.

Silently cursing her ill-preparedness, Hitomi chanced a glance at the monster-bee rapidly closing in on them. She fought to quell the rising panic. Never, in all of Hitomi’s life, had she ever been threatened in such a manner, least of all by a creature she’d once thought fictional.

β€œThat’s Flymon. Remember how I said some Digimon are too violent to talk to? Yeeeah, that’s one of β€˜em. Corrupted ones. Granted, I don’t know much about world beyond the Royal Base. I just hear stories from time to time. This is actually the first time I’ve ever traveled so far from the aerial, covert honey base, you know. I--

β€œWe don’t,”
Pant. β€œhave,” Pant. β€œtime for stories,” Pant. β€œFanbeemon,” Pant.

Athleticism was never Hitomi’s strong suit.

Tripping over a heel that got caught between a pair of rocks, Hitomi cursed aloud, all thoughts of proprietary gone with the rushing adrenaline. She was going to die anyway.

β€œThis isn’t going to work. That Digimon has aerial advantage. Ya’ll can’t outrun it. Especially not with your twig legs, Hitomi.”

β€œWhat do we do then?!”
Hitomi screeched. By some miracle, she managed to dive awayβ€”one foot bareβ€”as Flymon swooped in. The ginormous bug circled around again.

β€œI’ll distract it. You and the rest hide.”

Hitomi’s eyes widened, her head shaking. β€œAre you crazy?! That thing’s huge! You’ll die!”

β€œMaybe. Maybe not. It’s a risk I’ll have to take.”

β€œI don’t like it,”

β€œCan you think of anything better?”

Hitomi’s silence was answer enough. Fanbeemon winked. β€œI’ll be alright, Hitomi. I know I am weaker than it. I don’t intend to keep its attention for very long. Just enough for you and the others to get out of its line of sight.” The smaller bee digimon’s antennae glowed red. β€œBesides, small doesn’t mean weak you know. There’s strength in numbers.”

And, just like that, more Fanbeemons appeared. One...two...three...four...ten in total. Hitomi gaped like a fish.

β€œMy 88 call,” Fanbeemon explained briefly. β€œThough...I don’t know why there’s so few of you willing to help me...Where’s my army? This is an emergency!”

β€œOn sabbatical,”
One of the Fanbeemons answered.

β€œYou called us quite a distance from base,” Another chimed in.

β€œAnd some don’t agree with what you’re doing,” Yet another chimed in. β€œHelping humans, that is.”

Fanbeemon sighed. β€œOh well, this will have to do. We’ll go with aerial formation number 6. In and out. Don’t let Flymon catch you, or you’ll be data before you know it.”

The squad of fanbeemons saluted before dispersing to surround the much larger Flymon in the air. At this point, Hitomi wasn’t even sure which of the fanbeemons present had been her V-pet. She didn’t care. As soon as Flymon became distracted by the little prey weaving in and out of its reach, Hitomi ducked behind a tree. She forced herself to breathe. To think.

Old Holy Ruins? Hill? Where was that?

Ophanimon was a mega-level digimon, wasn’t it?

Darker forces? Digi-destined?

It was no use. There was too much Hitomi didn’t know and too little context. What she did know was that voices were coming from her altered Digi-tamer console. So, she whispered to it. β€œI don’t know who you are, but we need help. Anyone. There’s a large bug chasing us.”

She couldn’t just leave for a hill and abandon Fanbeemon. It wouldn’t be right. And yet, was there anything she could do to help? This wasn’t a game. She couldn’t just insert a chip and expect her digimon’s attacks to go up. She had to trust Fanbeemon knew what it was doing. As for her...did she trust a random voice coming from her altered Tamer console? She wasn’t quite sure yet...but what else was there to do?

Her eyes tried to search for a hill of some sort, all the while keeping watch of the fanbeemon squad, which had become eight.

AnimeGenork AnimeGenork Nellancholy Nellancholy WillOWispJJ WillOWispJJ @ anyone who wants to hear Hitomi's distress call assuming all 3 groups are connected (?)
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Seeing that the laughing one was still somewhat unresponsive (or, perhaps, a bit too responsive?), and that the only other duo in the vicinity had gotten up, Naru readjusted her course over to the man and Coronamon, giving the both of them a friendly smile. It was, after all, easier to talk to someone when they could breathe. (Was that one going to be alright, laughing so much?)
"Hahah, well hello. It would seem that...we are in a similar sort of predicament, wouldn't you say?"
The Lunamon propped onto her shoulder followed suit, shaking one of its ears in a sort of wave.
"Hello! You have a good sleeper too! Good to see!"
Now, was it good that Austin had been asleep, or that he woke up? It was...hard to tell, from the way it spoke. But it was certainly emoted like it was a good thing! At least.
"Say...I don't suppose you were also-"
A familiar jingle, from an unfamiliar form. She pulled out the digivice, its new form still feeling perfectly comfortable in between her hands, and listened.
Listened to the bearer of bad news, message almost consumed by static. On the bright side, even the fiercest of interference sounds couldn't stop her from making out the entire plea.

A frown formed on Naru's face, the implications of Ophanimon's message completely replacing the question she was going to ask before. Practical...well, this went far beyond the scope of anything that could even be considered a prank, so there was no need to even consider it. And once the buzzing of static was replaced by the buzzing of membranous wings, the calls of her partner sprung back to mind. Was that what it was telling her to run from? Hahhh...
Resting easy was going to be a bit harder than initially thought.
"It would seem...we might have to postpone pleasantries, yes?"
The flashy entrance of the large beetle did little to dissuade her chosen course of action, already holding onto the little rabbit in order to run away. It might be faster than...no, it likely was faster. But its size carried with it as many disadvantages as it did advantages. What put a pause to her, however, were the two messages that came loud and clear through the digivice.

"Hahahah, run, run! The Oni is you, you, you!"
The Lunamon kept chanting, laughing atop Naru's shoulder as it kept telling her to run. After all, there were no bonus points for guessing who was behind them, were there? Getting it right or getting it wrong, it certainly didn't change that Kuwagamon's displayed aggression. Coupled with the message from before...well.
"Not now, sweetheart. Ahem."
Much like Hitomi did in their spread of the forest, Naru spoke into her ex-console, believing beyond reason that her voice would reach others as well as theirs reached her.
"Ah...hello, yes. If your issue is at the same scale ours is, I am afraid we could do little from here. And a rendezvous sounds...dangerous. Does it not?"
Moving to the nearest tree line, dragging Austin along if he did not move quickly enough, Naru readjusted her glasses, following the beetle wreaking havoc upon more trees with her gaze. There was a minor sense of urgency in her steps, but it was almost entirely absent from her voice.
"After all, the only thing worse than one giant, very dangerous looking insect would be...more than one, yes? Yes. Hmmm. Well...of course, things change if we or you manage to lose it, or perhaps...even subdue it? Hahah...all the best, friend."
How good was Kuwagamon's sight? What about its hearing? Was this, really, a gamble she felt confident taking?
...not exactly. But with so little time, ahh...what else could they do?
"What do you think, dearie? A direct hit at its abdomen. Would that be enough to make it flee?"

The Lunamon on her shoulder had been pouting, at least until its tamer talked to it again. Easy to please, that one.
"Nope, nope! No use, hahah, not at all! Ice and Dark? Maybe in a dream!"
Certainly still quite positive for delivering such news, its ear went to point at Sol, the Coronamon nearby.
"Fire might, though! Haha, especially a vaccine's fire!"
The idea held some merit. It wasn't the only plausible idea, but it was certainly a start.
...in the end, it was up to Austin and Sol if they would give said idea their time. And...what was the laughing woman up to, by now?
that's not how this works
Noemi frowned. This was not the answer she’d been hoping for. Glancing around, she realized Hitomi was right. They were indeed by themselves here. Well, save for the Digimon hovering around them. She crossed her arms and scowled. β€œBasic necessities? We don’t even know where we are. Who’s to say the city isn’t right over there?” She pointed vaguely to her left, completely ignoring that Hitomi was likely correct about the situation. Still, Noemi wasn’t ready to go into survival mode just yetβ€”mostly because she didn’t have such a mode. Call her spoiled, but she wasn’t giving up hope that someone was going to fix all this with a wave of their hand.

Before she could unnecessarily argue with her companions even more, Noemi heard the strange beep of herβ€”well, it wasn’t the Tamer Console anymore. But β€œthingy” wasn’t very sophisticated either. Anyway, the device beeped, and through the static came a voice. Her anger melted into annoyance, a grimace crossing her face. This β€œfate of the world” stuff sounded way too much like a fantasy movie. Maybe the stage lights had fallen on her, and she was in some elaborate dreamworld. Sure, it felt kind of real, but that wasn’t to say it was.

In any case, Orphanimon mentioned a messenger, so Noemi was even more convinced that they should just stay right here. β€œSee? Help is on the way. We don’t need to worry—”

Eat your words, Noemi.

Buzzing filled the air, and Noemi turned slowly around to see a large bee flying toward them. She had never been stung by a bee before, but she had a feeling it hurt less than whatever this thing was packing. Not that she had time to dwell on that, as her other companionβ€”Seneca, she thought, though she’d honestly forgotten half the names of the other contestantsβ€”started dragging her away. She yelped. β€œHow dare you? Do you know who I am?”

More importantlyβ€”LOPMON! Noemi wrenched her arm out of the other contestant’s grip, running back to scoop the adorable rabbit into her arms. Then she took off after the others again, trying not to trip in her haste. Of course, she’d been expected to play sports and be the best at them, though she hadn’t liked them nearly as much as her other pursuits. Track and field particularly had always been a bit boringβ€”it was just runningβ€”but she silently thanked her parents for making her do it. Those skills were probably the only reason she was able to escape this thing.

To catch her breath, she ducked behind a tree, feeling the wind buffet the branches above her. And her hair! Ugh, she was having a terrible time with all of this. She peeked out from behind the tree to see Hitomi’s Digimon companionβ€”Fanbeemonβ€”summon a bunch of others. An interesting tactic, but Noemi had a feeling their attacker would just grow more enraged. She wasn’t about to take that chance and stick around.

The device in her hand beeped again, and she heard Hitomi’s voice calling for help. Another voice answered, insinuating that others were suffering attacks like this, too. Well, that was just great. Noemi raised the device to her face and said, β€œWe don’t have the time to sit around begging for help if we’re all in trouble. Might as well get ourselves to these β€˜Old Holy Ruins’ or whatever. Got that? Run.”

Lopmon patted her arm, peering up at her. β€œAre you sure?”

Noemi smirked. β€œDo you wanna fight that thing?”

β€œUh… well… no…”

β€œThen we’re getting out of here. I don’t usually take advice from strangers, but this merits an exception. Hold on tight.”

And with that, she took off sprinting away while the Fanbeemon horde distracted Flymon.
MOOD: Haughty & Determined


OUTFIT: sleeveless tank & designer jeans

INTERACTIONS: Lopmon, Hitomi, Seneca


TAGS: QuirkyAngel QuirkyAngel Nellancholy Nellancholy

code by valen t.
Lucy sighed as Noemi resisted, wrenching her arm away and dashing back to Lopmon, who itself seemed to be indecisive, torn between standing and fighting or fleeing with the group. Thankfully for her, she was able to scoop up that little creature and get both of them to momentary safety behind a tree. Now wasn't that nice? Such a display of devotion and friendship. Ah, if only he himself had something worth caring for like that...

Now, it was Lucy's understanding that the Rookie-level Digimon they had with them were none too shabby in a fight, and might have the capability of fending off that buzzing, stinging menace even if they had to take some injuries in the process. However, considering they had an objective (even one as vague as "the old holy ruins on that hill") it was probably a better idea by far to head to it instead of getting bogged down with a fight.

And on that note, Fanbeemon called upon several of its friends who arrived with a bit of prattling banter. One had to wonder if that was some kind of programmed exchange, or if they were being as honest about their feelings and these circumstances as a human being could be. Not that Lucy cared too much about expressing his honest feelings, of course. Either way, one buzzy bee was tolerable. Two was pushing it. Nine was just too many. The buzzing was making it hard to think.

But that wouldn't stop him from working on a solution. Holding up his newly-improved device to his mouth, he did his best to speak loud and clear into it. "Greetings, other stranded contestants! I don't suppose you're faring much better than us here on this lovely day? Would you happen to have an inkling of where this hill we're looking for might be? Oh, any old landmarks will work but coordinates are better."

With that statement made, and with the Fanbeemon freeing it from its obligation to act as a shield for the moment, Hagurumon floated up, ascending slightly past the canopy of the trees surrounding the group. Its red, mechanical eyes stared at the sky, swirling and clicking for a few moments before it returned to Lucy, timidly beeping at him.

00110101 00110001 11000010 10110000 00100000 00110010 00111000 11100010 10000000 10110010 00100000 00110011 00111000 11100010 10000000 10110011 00100000 01001110 00100000 01010000 01010010 01001111 01000011 01000101 01000101 01000100 00100000 01010111 01001001 01010100 01001000 00100000 01001000 01000001 01010011 01010100 01000101 00100000 01010101 01010011 01000101 01010010

"Ah, of course! Did you hear that, everyone?" So Lucy could hear Hagurumon after all. Acknowledging its presence was a different matter, however. He spoke through the device, addressing the other contestants. "The hill is due north from us! Well, I'm not sure about you, but that's where we'll be headed." He turned to the general positions of Hitomi and Noemi, calling to them before taking off running. "Miss Hitomi! Blondie! We're burning sunlight, let's get jogging!" Now that they had a fairly specific coordinate, they wouldn't be blundering around just to find their heading.

QuirkyAngel QuirkyAngel AnimeGenork AnimeGenork
ACT 1: The Dark Knight
Part 1: Through The Digital Flux

As Kuwagamon flew after the group, its sharp pincers sliced down any trees in its path. It made a deep hissing sound as it landed in front of the group. The hissing changed into a bellowing roar as it attempted to swipe at the group with its claws. Those with astute observation could see that within the chest of the creature was a dark abscess pulsing.

Flymon let out a deafening screech as it attempted to impale its stinger through the horde of Fanbeemon. Its wings buzzed as it moved with rapid speed. Its wings pulsed with a dark substance. Its mouth oozed with venom as it flew after the digidestined.

Snimon let out a sickening laugh as it flew down and slashed at the group again. Its blades, usually grey, were a dark metallic black. At its joints were dark pustules. It let out a menacing roar as it landed in front of the group.

The voice from the digivice spoke once more, "Hurry! You need to help your partners digivolve else you'll be those insects next meal! Try to find that bond with your partner, quickly!" The voice seemed to be rushing the digidestined to try. Whether it would work or not, what harm could it do?
Cyra’s laughs finally subsided, a moment or two after the strange voice’s message had stopped. Damn, if this wasn’t one funny joke! Digidestined? Chosen heroes? Cyra had never had anyone call her such ridiculous thingsβ€” and she had been called a lot of shit.

As the click of chitin and buzz of wings grew closer, Cyra’s hand flew to her scabbardβ€” Empty. Right, she hadn’t carried a sword with her in ages, and even then, Tokyo had much stricter laws about swords. She let her eyes flick across the ground for a second before abandoning that prospect.

Cyra dashed over to the purple haired lady, Salamon only a couple steps behind. The other groups seemed happy to run, or beg for help, but wallflowerβ€” err, Takahashi was correct. If their mysterious aide could fight, they would already be here. Getting cornered on the hill wouldn’t do them any good.

The voice spoke once again, and Cyra couldn’t help but snicker. β€œEyy, Salamonβ€” feeling friendly enough for a powerup?”

Salamon scoffed as she turned to face the insect digimon. β€œWhat do you think?”

Seems like they’ll have to rely on their new friends. β€œYou two figure out the digivolving thing and I’ll—”

A red claw swung down, and Cyra ripped off her scabbard. She held it up and let the length of leather, wood and metal creak against the weight of a beast that could only exist inside of a video game. Salamon barked, and Kuwagamon froze just long enough for Cyra to roll out of the way.

β€œAnd I’ll stall for time!” Cyra yelled, waving an arm to attract their enemies' attention. β€œNo way we’re running like the rest of those wimps!”

Bharani Bharani mdebourg mdebourg
Group B - Hitomi Shizuku (Crest of Harmony)

Hitomi blinked when a voice responded to her whispered plea. It wasn’t the voice she’d been expecting--either Ophanimon or mysterious individual that wanted to meet them at the Old Holy Ruins--but an entirely new voice. Female, from the sounds of it. Hitomi was reminded of a vision she’d seen a dream: Nine others. Shifting blue and white digital waves like the background of her Tamer Console. Was it a dream? Hitomi wasn’t sure anymore.

Clutching her altered Tamer Console close, so as to mask the voices protruding voices from Flymon’s hearing, Hitomi simply listened as others started to chime in. She recognized the voices of Contestant Noemi Richelieu and Contestant Seneca Albright. If her Tamer Console now acted like a radio, it was an insanely useful tool to have. What else could it do? Why did it transform?

Pushing aside the less important questions at the moment, Hitomi focused her mind on the matter at hand. It would seem asking for help didn’t do much good. Other than insinuating that she (and others?) were dealing with a similar pest problem, and wishing them the best of luck, the responding female couldn’t provide much assistance. Contestant Noemi’s suggestion was to run. And run fast. A logical conclusion, and one Hitomi would certainly follow if she were actually a fast runner...and didn’t mind abandoning Fanbeemon. Contestant Seneca seemed to agree with Contest Noemi. Hitomi wasn’t sure how to feel about that. On one hand, she understood. There was nothing they could do. The smarter move would be to run at the first opportunity, leaving behind the group member that offered to play decoy. Fanbeemon might even want it.

And yet, to Hitomi, it still felt wrong.

Any thought of abandoning any group member felt wrong to her. Would they do the same to her when push came to shove and she became a weak link? A smart decision, of course. She understood the need for the survival of the group. It was only human nature to want to save one’s own skin. However, it didn’t increase her trust in them.

β€œYou’ve got a dark look on your face,”

Hitomi suppressed a yelp, nearly jumping from her crouched position behind the tree as Fanbeemon appeared from her blind spot. She glanced back at the eight Fanbeemon trying keep Flymon’s attention before looking to the one in front of her. This one was her V-pet. Probably.

β€œWhy aren’t you running with the rest?”

β€œDid you want me to?"
Hitomi shook her head. "I thought you were with your friends,”

β€œWell...I trust you to make the right decision to get us out of this mess...”
Fanbeemon looked to the other two humans and their digimon, who were rapidly shrinking in the distance. β€œAnd it’s generally wiser to stick with the herd. Mons like us, who work at the Royal Base, know that better than most. It’s a Mon eat Mon world out there. As for my friends, you're my friend too, you know. Somehow, I expect you'll need my help more than they do. Here’s your shoe, by the way.” Fanbeemon held up her black pump, which had been caught between two rocks when she fell.

Before Hitomi could configure a reply, Flymon let out a horrifying screech and broke through the horde of Fanbeemons to continue its chase of the humans. There were six fanbeemons left, not including the one next to her.

β€œWelp, they tried...”

And they were still trying. Repeated shouts of β€œGear stinger!” followed Flymon as the squad of smaller bees fired volleys of tiny, serrated stingers at the larger Digimon, hoping to draw its attention.

Hitomi quickly snatched back her heeled shoe from Fanbeemon, removed the remaining one from her foot, and stashed both in her purse before running after Flymon. Or, trying to run after Flymon. Running barefoot was easier than running with heels on, but still uncomfortable, especially for someone unused to trekking in the wilds. She’d have blisters before the day was through. She still wasn’t a very fast runner, but she now at least knew the direction they were headed. North. To the Hill where some old ruins should be, and a mysterious benefactor awaited. Was leading a large bug in that direction a good idea?

The advice from the female responder came to mind: lose it or subdue it.

The latter seemed impossible, and the former was looking bleaker by the minute. Perhaps splitting up and running opposite directions was the wiser course of action, but it would only end up with them getting picked off one by one if they were alone. Flymon seemed determined to kill them all.

β€œWhy is it so set on killing us?” Hitomi asked between breaths. Even breaths. She tried to pace herself this time around.

Fanbeemon, who could fly much faster and further, dutifully hovered beside her as Hitomi jogged. β€œI can’t speak for Flymon because I can’t even begin to imagine the mind of a Corrupted One..." The rookie bee digimon shuddered. "Scary thought. I expect we'll get more answers once we head to the Old Holy Ruins and meet up with this person that wants to meet with us. But I can tell you why some Digimon are wary of your kind...”

Hitomi didn’t ask Fanbeemon to continue, not wanting to waste her energy on unnecessary words. Fortunately for her, Fanbeemon was a chatterbox and didn’t need prompting to speak its mind. β€œHumans aren’t common around these parts, you know. Most Mons don’t even know humans exist beyond the myths and loreβ€”and I doubt very many have even seen one. I’m one of the few that have,” Fanbeemon said that part proudly. β€œWell, I have today at least. There are all sorts of legends about your kind spread throughout the Base though. Some say you’re the saviors of the Digital World. Others say you are bringers of Calamity. Whichever the case, according to the elders of the Royal Base, the presence of a human in the Digital World typically signifies a period of great change. Some Mons don’t like change.”

β€œWhat about you?”

β€œMe? I don’t think one way or the other about the legends,”
Fanbeemon shrugged. β€œThat’s for them scholars to figure out. I’m a warrior. I just follow my instinct. And my instinct is to trust youβ€”the voice that’s been in my head since I was a digi-egg. I can’t really see you becoming any sort of Calamity, what with all the whinging you do,” Fanbeemon snickered at that part. β€œBut even if you do, I’d still stick with you, I think. One way or another, I know you’ll make me stronger.”

It was just about the sweetest thing any living being had ever said to her. In a morbid kind of way. Before Hitomi could utter her reply, the altered Tamer Console came to life again. This time the mysterious benefactor gave their adviceβ€”one that confused Hitomi even more.

She knew what Digivolution was. She’d leveled up Fanbeemon to Tigervespamon for the World Solo Tournament, after all. However, she’d done so through grinding and having her Digimon battle other Digimon. What was this bond nonsense? And how does one go about finding a β€˜bond’?

β€œ...were you stronger before?”

Fanbeemon scratched its head with one of its pointed arms/legs. β€œI think so, based on what the others in the Base of have said, but I can’t remember any of it. That’s usually the case for those that have died. I can only assume I lost a battle of some kind, and all that data was taken from me. We don’t generally talk about our past lives in the Royal Base. It’s kind of rude, ya know?”

Hitomi let all that information sink in before changing the topic. As interesting as it was, she needed to focus on the important matter before her: A giant, champion-level bug that wanted to kill them all. She lifted the altered Tamer Console to her closer to her mouth, speaking as she ran. β€œAny advice on how to do that? Find the bond with my partner, I mean. What exactly is this β€˜bond’ you're referring to? Like, an emotional connection or something physical? ” Hitomi hoped her voice reached the mysterious benefactor, but she honestly had no idea how the radio-like Console worked. Did she have to press a button to speak to someone specific? Could everyone hear her conversations? She didn’t have the console close to her mouth when she’d been speaking to fanbeemon but what was the range of sound that could transmitted at a distance? Hagurumon found that the hill they were looking for was β€˜North’, but β€˜north’ was relative to positioning, wasn’t it? She had no idea where the female responder and their group were. Any of the groups, really. She could only try and help the ones in front of her. β€œGuys! The distraction failed. Flymon is heading your way...fast.”

She kept the altered Console close to her mouth in case Contestant Noemi and Contest Seneca couldn’t hear her voice above the sounds of battle. Eyes to the sky ahead of her, she watched the Fanbeenmon squad trail after Flymon, raining volley after volley of sharp, serrated stingers that littered the ground, kicking up debris in its wake. Some of the stingers even slammed into Flymon’s back, though whether the larger bee felt anything, it was hard to say.

β€œThe wings! Go for the wings!”

β€œI suggest you all find cover. It looks like it’s about to launch an attack...”
Pulsing black wings were usually a sign of that, right? Hitomi really ought to follow her own advice, but she didn't want to lose sight of the others either. As Fanbeemon said, out-running Flymon was an impossibility for her. Hiding and waiting for it to leave was an option...but that could take hours to days at best. Assuming they even succeeded. Getting Fanbeemon, or any other digimon, to digivolve and fend of the bug was ideal, but Hitomi had no idea how to do that either. Hitomi weighed her options. She also needed a bit of time to breathe. Spotting a small cave between some trees, one the large bug digmon certainly wouldn't fit into, Hitomi ducked into it for temporary respite. It'd be fine. The altered Tamer Console connected them. Even if it didn't, she knew the general direction to go and look for them. Once she had time to think, it occurred to her that Contestant Seneca didn't have any problems understanding Hagurumon. Could he/she speak machine language? Or were they smarter than they appeared? Cipher decoding-wise, at least. "A river. A cave. Anywhere Flymon can't reach you. We can put our heads together and figure out this bond thing afterwards."

"And then I can digivolve?"
Fanbeemon asked excitedly.

"Maybe..." Hitomi didn't know what to expect. The Digital World was turning out be more like a horrid nightmare than any sort of dream. One she didn't know the rules of, despite having played the game for many years.

AnimeGenork AnimeGenork Nellancholy Nellancholy WillOWispJJ WillOWispJJ @ anyone who wants to hear assuming all the digivices are connected (?)
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While the two still try getting used to where they are and just what the heck is going on, Austin's digivice beeps. He grabs it and a odd voice rings through it explaining how everyone here was chosen for their talents and now need to work as a team.

This is followed by some bad news in that something is already after them, Sol already raring to go as what looks like a gigantic, red bug flies overhead of him, Naru and the others. "That...Cannot be good " he gulps as yet another voice would spring to life from Austin's digitize.

This one decidedly higher pitched and younger sounding, "The holy ruins at the top of the hill?" he repeats feeling that would be a far better idea then to try and deal with 3 bugs all at once.

That is until Cyra and Salamon decided to try and fight the Kuwagamon, "That isn't a good idea " he tries to say only to see that bug almost make a meal of Salamon. "I'm guessing you heard that too, but not leaving behind out here" a statement that brings a grin and smile to Sol's face.

He could at least by time for the others to get there as well as Cyra, hopefully in one piece. "Alright let's try this," he nods while Sol fires off a little glob of holy energy at this bugs chest area while backing away he and sol away from the bug after the shot.

GamerKitty205 GamerKitty205 Bharani Bharani
"Holy crap! Whoa!" Lucy let out several undignified grumbles and curses as he darted past the trees, his footing sure but his heart panicked as he tried to head due north. This wasn't as difficult as one might expect it to be, as long as one had a clear view of the sky. After all once you knew the time of day, all you had to do was look to the sun and you'd be able to determine your heading. Perhaps it had not entirely sunk in for him that this was a completely different time and place, where it was possible for entirely different laws of physics to hold sway, and even the flow of time itself might be different.

The Fanbeemon, despite their valor, could not contain Flymon for long. There were those bees that would kill hornets by swarming them en masse, crushing the larger creatures under a pile of bodies, flapping their wings with such vigor that the vibrations would cook the hornet alive. And yet, that wasn't quite what happened here. Maybe another twenty Fanbeemon, buzzing around and being nuisances could pull it off? Or maybe they just had to want it enough, like Augustus' personal assistant liked to tell Seneca. Either way, those buzzy girls (boys?) couldn't seal the deal, and Flymon busted through like a truck through plywood, likely wounding some of the Fanbeemon in the process with its stinger and mandibles.

Lucy had to wonder if they regretted coming to the other Fanbeemon's aid.

Of course, the time for a more personal regret was approaching, as Flymon blundered around the trees like a bull in a china shop, comparatively clumsy but barely losing speed as it tried to bear down on Lucy. Just great. Miss Hitomi had apparently managed to conceal herself well enough that Flymon decided to zero in on Lucy as a target instead.

The voice coming from the other end of the tamer console mentioned "digivolution". Yes, that's right. Wasn't he supposed to be able to command some sort of cool android thing instead of an unimpressive sack of gears? Clearly it had lost its power somehow. Things were getting better and better.

Flymon let out a menacing rattle as it swooped low, aiming not with its stinger but its mandibles as it attempted to seize Lucy, mangle him, feel his flesh burn with its venom.

"I don't think so!" Leaping aside, Lucy grabbed onto a low hanging branch, pivoting around the tree it attached to. He had momentarily dodged the lethal attack, and in the next moment...


...the branch broke, sending him sprawling to the ground.

He didn't notice yet, but he had in fact fallen just outside the cave Hitomi and Fanbeemon were hidden in.

For its part, Flymon didn't run into a tree or a boulder or anything like that. Despite having missed, it expertly controlled its momentum, dodging the myriad obstacles of the forest and turning back for another run.

Well, this was it. Dying here at the jaws of a big monster bug was still better than dying senescent (ha!) in the damn CEO's chair decades from now.

Pulling himself to his feet, Lucy gripped the branch like a baseball bat. Or maybe he should hold it like a spear? Should he try to slam it in the head, or stab out its mouth or eye...

Only then did he remember the quiet ticking of Hagurumon, who had dutifully followed him closely by taking advantage of its ability to float, compared to the earthbound partners the other people seembed to have. "So, uh..." He wasn't used to talking to that thing like a person, and he wasn't about to start. "Engage...digivolution routine, or something? Is that how you say it?"

A more opinionated Digimon might express exasperation at their partner's ignorance. They might sigh and roll their eyes. Hagurumon was physically incapable of doing either.
01000100 01001001 01000111 01001001 01010110 01001111 01001100 01010101 01010100 01001001 01001111 01001110 00100000 01010010 01001111 01010101 01010100 01001001 01001110 01000101 00100000 01010101 01001110 01001001 01000100 01000101 01001110 01010100 01001001 01000110 01001001 01000001 01000010 01001100 01000101 00101110 00100000 01001110 01001111 00100000 01000011 01001000 01000001 01001101 01010000 01001001 01001111 01001110 00100000 01000110 01001111 01010010 01001101 00100000 01000100 01000001 01010100 01000001 00100000 01000001 01010110 01000001 01001001 01001100 01000001 01000010 01001100 01000101 00101110 00100000 01010000 01010010 01001111 01000011 01000101 01000101 01000100 01001001 01001110 01000111 00100000 01001001 01001110 00100000 01000011 01010101 01010010 01010010 01000101 01001110 01010100 00100000 01000110 01001111 01010010 01001101 00101110

"Of course. Well..." Lucy gripped the stick tight.

As Flymon breached the canopy, Hagurumon was quick on the draw, despite the apparent futility of its effort.

01000001 01010100 01010100 01000001 01000011 01001011 00100000 01010000 01010010 01001111 01010100 01001111 01000011 01001111 01001100 00100000 01001101 01000001 01001011 01001001 01001011 01001111 01001101 01001001

It spun on the spot, launching its two smaller gears like a pair of oversized shuriken. They struck at Flymon's wings, grinding into them like buzzsaws against steel, and being deflected with a similar lack of effect. It seemed like it could do something, but several more similar attacks needed to land to do so, and they no longer had the luxury of time or surprise.

Now incensed, Flymon barreled towards the pair, who promptly dodged in opposing directions, leading Flymon to batter itself unknowingly at the opening of the cave. "Uryaaaaah! Take...this!" Bringing the branch down, he battered it a few times in the thorax to questionable effect. With something like a snarl at such undignified treatment, Flymon batted its wings, battering the two aside before taking to the air again.

They couldn't keep dodging for much longer...

QuirkyAngel QuirkyAngel AnimeGenork AnimeGenork
Things were certainly developing in an interesting direction, were they not? North...or rather, wherever North was for those speaking of a Flymon. There was only the one beetle as far as she could see, so the chances of them being on opposite ends of the hill...or even worse, an entirely separate angle? They were definitely not negligible. The inclination of the ground wasn't pronounced enough to tell, and...
Well, with the Kuwagamon finishing its rounds and starting to head 'round towards them, she was starting to have less leisurely time to consider these things. She would have had none, were it not for Cyra finally finishing her laughing routine and engaging the creature earnestly.

"Or so they all said. What do you think, Deneb?"
No longer needing to worry about being in front of the beetle for the time being, Naru addressed her partner, whose smile only beamed brightly once its name was used. The Lunamon jumped off of the woman's shoulder, turning around in the air and flapping its ears to remain afloat.
"Heheheh, no running? Okay!"
Likewise, the woman raised her Digivice, inspecting the more simplistic design compared to its original Console shape. It was more ergonomic, but so much less screen space - a good deal of which was taken up by the connectivity indicator. And was that an antenna?
If she didn't prefer old-school technology, she might have asked for a refund. But all the same-
"No more running, sweetie. We'll have to help others out of a bit of a jam, it seems."
She felt the rubber and plastic under her fingers, trying to let intuition lead the way. And when that failed, memory took its place, repeating the same motions she'd so burned into her muscles.

A bond. How vague could one's words get? Logic dictated that such a thing couldn't be tangible, let alone something one could 'feel' for. Something that simply happened, without care for what those involved needed, nor for when they needed it. An opinion that she wasn't alone in holding, judging by the requests made over the connection. So, what, would they have to abandon logic?
"Big domino! Run, run!"
The soft thump of the rabbit against her chest and its strange words completely broke Naru's focus. But whatever else could it do? As the tree she had been standing besides creaked and groaned, beginning to lean towards the clueless her, how could it ever get its partner out of the way in time? If she wouldn't run, what else was left?
A bond. A feeling. An answered call. A mutual need.
A blinding light that engulfed the two.

The light subsided, and neither Lunamon nor Naru were standing there anymore. A lucky break, what with the tree finally collapsing on that very spot; Kuwagamon's earlier rampage had set forth a chain of falling trees, culminating in the very real threat of the one she'd been using as cover falling on top of the labcoat-wearing woman.
"I...suppose thanks are in order."
Naru attempted to hold onto the much larger Deneb with her hand while the other, barely still holding the glowing Digivice, readjusted her glasses. The buffeting wind blew her hair all over, her own shades of purple mixing together against her partner's new matte fur. From Lepo to Lupo, but that was hardly the most surprising part.
Narrowly gaining a sense of balance over her running partner, the woman turned her head back, seeing the rampaging Kuwagamon grow smaller as the distance between them grew larger.
"...but that won't do, sweetie. We can't well go on our own, can we?"
The Sangloupmon, previously a Lunamon, groaned with reluctance. It was quite clear to it that its partner was not made for such a dangerous place as a battlefield! And yet, she insisted they go back?
"Just let me down behind the fallen tree and help those other cuties out, will you?"
It really couldn't say no to her...

Well after Coronamon's attack, Deneb returned to the action, materializing in the air above and in front of Kuwagamon before it could harm either of the other pairs severely. Its paws, clad in metallic blades, slammed down onto the beetle's head shell with the full force of both its weight and speed. And before its pincers could close down on the wolf in retaliation, its body melted like water, rushing past Kuwagamon's head and becoming one with its shadow.
"Naru, ask to help. I, help."
Leaping from the darkness behind the beetle, Sangloupmon pivoted and faced the corrupted foe's back. Its obscured eyes flitted towards the fallen tree it had previously run from, Naru's safety now depending solely upon it. It growled, unhappy that things had turned out like this. And very angry at the one that had put its partner in danger to begin with.

mdebourg mdebourg GamerKitty205 GamerKitty205

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