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Multiple Settings •don’t make eye contact with the dorky potato• | Long Term | Dark | Heavy Character Development | Adv Lit by a lazy ass


chronically unmotivated.
Fair warning... this is really long.

me: repeatedly calls myself lazy in this post
also me: works on it for literal days

this is a sheepish smile. drawn by me.

I like to skip the uptight introduction phase where we tryhard using formal speak to prove we’re classy in-character and worth each other’s time. I’ve got a background in advanced lit stuff, but… I really can’t be bothered to play the elitist game anymore.

My posts are polished—nearly all my brain cells work when I write official IC stuff. I’ve been doing this for 12+ years.

Despite that, I only use 2 brain cells to handle everything OOC, and they’re lazy little fuckers. Pretty sure one drinks on the job, the other one thinks he’s funny, and neither proofreads until after shit’s published. But it’s okay. OOC is when you peel the bra off after a long day of patriarchal bullshit. I’m not sleeping in a corset to prove something, friends—I just don’t care enough.

Let’s be chill and straightforward instead of calculating it all out like any number of bird species with fancy mating rituals.

Before I introduce myself, lemme give you a quick rundown so you can decide if you wanna read more or smash that back button and forget I exist.

THE RUNDOWN I love OOC chatter, please join me on discord to meme about dumb shit and get sparkle eyed over OC things

I’m 24, so I prefer writing with people 18+

Open to all pairings, queer or straight. MxM and NB// are my favorite. FxF is rare just because 95% of my characters are male (including FTM) or under the non-binary umbrella.

Heavy character development is my jam, expect to really dig deep and focus on that vs basing things more on plot.

I apparently don’t know what a side character is because all my OCs end up in the very developed main character club. I do very well with partners who like working towards detailed universes with a bunch of fleshed out OCs. Nobody interacts with just one person forever… where’s the rest of the world?

I’m supremely NOT a fan of slice of life, canon OCs, high school anything, and fandoms in general.

I don’t really care about post examples—it’s boring without context or any attachment to the OCs mentioned. If I like you, your vibe, your ideas— I could generally care less what your writing style looks like. I’m good enough at this shit to adapt to you if needed. (pft, look at my arrogant ass over here)

My post length varies. Sometimes I’m lazy. Sometimes I’m extra. Quality of content > length of post. Fuck minimum word counts. I’ve dropped 4-6k word posts before and played that 1k minimum game. Fuck that game. What is this, a college essay? Not me pulling a kusco’s poison on something that’s supposed to be enjoyable. If we like what the post does for the story, who cares if it’s one paragraph or a whole ass novella?

That said… if you come over here asking me if I’m cool with one sentence posts because fUcK MiNiMuM wOrD cOuNtS, I’m going to throw a half eaten bag of pretzels at you and call you a smartass. You don’t get to keep the pretzels. I’m still eating them.

I’m 100% ghost and MIA friendly, no heads up required, no getting pestered, and no worries about it being awkward if you come back. Obviously nobody really enjoys being straight up ditched, but… eh. I really don’t have it in me to be anal or hold grudges.

I eat pineapple on my pizza. I know that’s a dealbreaker for a lot of people, but tough shit. I regret nothing.

Expect me to be really fucking slow. Seriously. Lethargy is my common state of being, not the exception. Don’t use me as your sole roleplay fix—I’m a decent side of fries, not the enchilada that’s big enough to eat for 3 days.

I’m fairly active brainstorming or chewing unrelated fat OOC—you might hear from me daily, even—but official posts can take me deadass 8-12 hours to finish so I’m really sporadic about it. I personally think my writing is awesome enough to be worth the trade off of irregularity, but, hey. Some people don’t vibe with it and that’s okay.

I adore dark and gritty things. It’s generally difficult to trigger me so most topics are 100% okay, but one notable exception is anything involving pedophillia. I have personal experience with that sort of thing, and while I’ve dealt with my trauma enough to openly talk about it… it’s totally possible for something to hit me wrong. Ever been so seethingly angry it makes you nauseous? Me with anime sometimes. Oh, so it’s comedic relief now, is it? Ha. Ha. Ha. Yes. This garbage fire of a human is very funny >:c

I’m very respectful of triggers so do let me know if there’s anything that should be avoided. Although I do try to tell you in advance when I first pitch an OC like, oh yeah, this one has an eating disorder, any objections or concerns? Sometimes I forget, so never hesitate to let me know if you aren’t comfortable with something. I’ll never be upset or take it personally.

Now you get rambles.

I’m Jasper, aka Jazz, a self proclaimed mega dork. The dorkiness is charming. I promise. Haha, this poor fool believes it.

I’m non-binary. They/them pronouns are preferred but he/she is cool too and I’m down for gendered language in general. People find me intimidating sometimes, but I’m a cinnamon roll. I’m down for the bad puns, the old memes, the dad jokes, the not being able to play a genocide run in Undertale because it’s too hard to betray Sans like that and presumably murder the monsters I’ve befriended.

If you’re into MBTI… I’m an INFJ.

I’m also satirical shit and a sucker for social commentary, so you’ll see a lot of political undertones in my writing. So. many. undertones. What flavor are those undertones? I’m progressive. So far left, I’m even left handed.

I also love poking at religion. Christianity gets thrown under the bus a lot. No, it’s not bitterness.

...it’s maybe somewhat bitterness.

My roleplaying style tends to gravitate towards detailed universes that generally grow to have dozens of OCs… so I do tend to pitch things with that in mind. Normally I start with a central pair and it just naturally goes from there.

My last one started with 3 OCs total, 2 were mine and 1 was theirs, and after 3 years we had 40+ OCs each.

the pun is the most important thing here
I bet you like diving headfirst in a dazzle of badassery, don’t you? Well it’s your unlucky day because this isn’t the Olympics, and I am but a humble potato. I do the potato thing and never jump into anything… I roll.

Because they’re roll-plays.

This was not drawn by me—it’s a screencap from a szin animatic.

Look, ok… this hobby really sucks sometimes. I’m sure you have a couple horror stories, just like I do.

So what makes it not suck?

Lots of things, probably, but I’m gonna focus on 2: open communication and clear expectations.

I like to make friends and get a feel for you before officially starting a roleplay—mostly to establish a baseline level of comfort so we feel ok communicating vs letting things go until it’s not fun anymore.

It sounds kind of stupid, like, bro. What? Why you making this big thing like it’s so hard to fuccin communicate??

Mmmmm…. well…. nobody seems to do it. Not unless it’s an explicit thing you tape to your forehead in hopes that people get used to the idea. You have to allow time to figure out, ah, they’re not just saying “let’s communicate” or “I’m down to communicate,” they actually mean it and it’s gonna be okay to speak plainly.

We’re creatives. Artists can be sensitive about their shit. Anything that’s not entirely positive can feel like a personal blow to our person. Shit, they said they didn’t like this thing I made OH MY GOSH WHAT DOES THAT SUBTEXT SAY—

[squints at fine print]
u suck nerd get bent.

Ah. So that’s how it is.
more szin... random screenshots are how I express myself

It’s totally possible that in being honest about how we feel, you might say something that hurts me, and I might say something that hurts you.

I see absolutely nothing wrong with that because that can be resolved. It’s pretty easy for me to be like, ok yeah, that hurt a little bit but I respect where you’re coming from and we’re cool. That path leads to resolution, whereas letting things go until you can’t anymore doesn’t.

So you can expect me to be honest and communicate. I’m not an ass about it. This is pretty much the tone you can expect:

“I don’t think this vibes with my OC, they wouldn’t do this thing. But if we adjusted the idea in this way I think it would work, or how do you feel about this alternative path?”

“This conflict is too heavy for me right this second, can we take a break?” Or “I don’t feel like talking about this thing right now, can we brainstorm something else in the meantime?”

“I’m not sure what it is but something about this doesn’t sit right with me. Maybe we can talk about it and figure it out, or we can put this thing on pause for the time being until I figure it out myself?”

“I don’t love that idea, and this is why. Let me tell you what I was thinking and maybe we can find a compromise or something different we both like.”

I don’t want to hurt feelings, so I’m gentle with feedback and I try to be very productive by being clear about why I feel the way I do and offering suggestions on how we can move forward.

I also like to plan things out ahead of time so nobody gets caught off guard with things they’re not down for.

Shoutout to that one RP partner that suddenly made things weird and you just kind of laughed it off at first but eventually yeeted because this is supposed to be fun and not weird or uncomfortable??

Yep. Yep yep yep. Looking at you, person who lowkey goddmodded pregnancy on my abducted underage OC after trying to push an explicit sex scene with their whole ass adult OC despite the fact we hadn’t talked about shipping them at all...

Holy fuck, amirite?

You can’t just force shit on people with no warning or discussion on it. It doesn’t even have to be potentially triggering things, either—it could be seemingly dumb shit that you’re just not feeling and being forced in that direction kills your desire to keep writing. Or there could be things that someone likes in a general sense but in context of this specific story or dynamic they’re just not down with it.

It’s my policy not to write major things unless we’ve talked about it. I always talk a lot OOC, brainstorming and planning things out. I love doing unofficial character chats. I use them to brainstorm and talk about the characters, figure out conflicts, motivations, solidify their quirks and characterization, the way they speak, all that shit, and develop a good sense of the dynamic between our OCs before writing official posts. I use character chats to flesh out interpersonal conflicts and get a sense of what works and what doesn’t. The characters and story always ends up way more interesting and in-depth when I do this with people.

My character chats often include more than just dialogue, it’s really a diluted (read: lazy) version of actual posts.

They might be a few words if it’s some dumb back and forth over something silly, or they could be a few sentences, or a few paragraphs with rough descriptions of more polished things. I might more quickly and explicitly write the inner workings of an OC’s conflict, whereas in an actual post it would be drawn out in several posts and more subtle, but for a character chat I’m really just conveying the core to you or trying something out to see how it feels.

If we brainstorm OC dynamics + plot points first, it’s no big deal to change things if we don’t like the direction or we think of something that requires retcons to previous material, but if we jump in and it’s already in official posts it’s like… uhg, do we really wanna say anything when all this work has already been put into polished posts?

I’ve completely ditched entire arcs before because after working through it with character chats to take snapshots of certain points and see how the characters would react to each other, it wound up unpleasant and neither of us liked it. So we retconned it all and tried something different.

If we talk about major plot points and arcs before they’re officially written, we all know what to expect and it’s possible to make sure we’re both happy with how the story goes. We end up loving the story because only things we’re happy with are allowed in. So there’s a lesser chance of it becoming a chore because you don’t like the direction and it’s not exciting anymore.

just OC things
Making character sheets lowkey bores me. I know I just have to do it once and then it’s pretty much fine forever, just adjusting things as needed, but… bleh.

My creative process is kind of a mess, so being forced to organize it into neat little presentations before I can even convey anything to you is basically the bane of my existence. Can you just read my brainwaves?


Uhg, fine. That’s fair. Let’s compromise with somewhat organized rambling.

I have a Google spreadsheet to keep track of OC details like name, height, age, sexuality, gender, pronouns, etc. I use this database for both our OCs, updating it with whatever you tell me about yours, too. You’re free to use it as a helpful reference or completely ignore its existence.

Here’s how creating / pitching a character typically goes
>Periodically update OC Database with whatever info is figured out. There’s usually blank spaces. Stuff like MBTI or DnD general alignments are somewhat petty details, but I keep them in the spreadsheet because… I guess I like torturing myself with the chore of it, eventually.

One year later just: oh, by the way, figured out Jerry is chaotic evil :T

Exact age is also a detail that tends to be figured out later… it’s variable based on the story, so.

[in discord]
[backing up to a Google doc if I’m being a good potato and staying organized]

>Send face claim

>Send any relevant song(s) that represent the OC

I usually have at least 1 general vibe song for each OC—it’s part of my creative process. Sometimes an artist matches up with my idea of the OC’s voice. Other times it doesn’t match at all… so I say fuck it and don’t offer an example of their voice. Occasionally an OC doesn’t have a song at all, but that’s pretty rare, ‘cause… it’s cooler to have a song, y’know?

(Depending on your taste in music, you’re either gonna hate me having songs for all my OCs or enjoy getting your playlist fed).

>Ramble my ass off about random shit—backstory tidbits, personality things, inner conflict details, random OC quotes, possible character dynamics between this OC and your OC(s), this random poem I wrote that I’m somehow both proud and embarrassed about…

OCs tend to adjust/change some from the initial pitch as we plan stuff or play around with CCs, so it feels like a waste of time for me to put together a legit character sheet. Plus… I’m lazy. So. I don’t like doing them, and I don’t care if you avoid them too.

Also… the fact I have a spreadsheet should reinforce my earlier declaration that I’ve previously had 40+ OCs in one RP. It should also give you an idea of why I’m lazy about character sheets. Who the fUCK wants to make 40 character sheets?? It gets old. It gets really old.

I promise you’ll get an intuitive feel for my OCs even if I’m not so proper about introducing them. It’s fine!

All that said, the OCs offered in this thread do have more polished sheet-like things because I’m talking at you and not with you at this point, so... it’s kind of necessary to go a bit extra to convey things.

Every single one of my OCs are queer somehow. I’d be utterly shocked if one of my characters wound up being cishet. I have cis characters, and I’ve had a few het characters, but putting the two together never happens for me. Maybe I’m just too queer?

Most common sexualities:
Pan, Gay, Bi, Ace.

I’m a huuuuuuge fan of romance—but keep in mind that a lot of times, people use the concept of romance as a crutch and get lazy with their character dynamics. They’re in love, so the relationship is deep!!! No, no. It isn’t deep unless you make it deep. If you took away the stereotypically romance things, the attraction, the guilty pleasure clichés, would the relationship still be interesting?

I’m also a huge fan of platonic shit. There’s dynamics you can only have outside of romance, y’know?

I also have Ace and Aromantic OCs that have different concepts of what a relationship means vs the mainstream idea of one.

It’s all good shit, so I’ll pretty much go for whatever you prefer + whatever feels best for the OCs in question.

Onward to Plots and OCs
I originally intended to elaborate on most of this and write up sheets for about a dozen OCs... but after spending a few hours trying to accomplish that, I’ve decided it’s way too much to write (and read) so fuck that idea.

Definitely click on the Dr. Bennett tab and take a look at Hemmie—he’s a wonderful example to get a feel for my characters.

I got lazier about writing sheets for the remaining OCs because I’m really rEALLY ready to be done drafting this thread. Especially since writing threads on mobile tends to make RPN spazz and randomly erase shit... among other quirks. I’m pretty done with this text editor’s bullshit at this point. You can probably see the downhill trajectory of my patience.

Ps: I don’t usually do fandoms... but if you’ve ever seen Into the Badlands or the Netflix series Marco Polo and want to do something lowkey inspired by either of them, I’ll probably fucking love you.

If you have your own ideas, pairings, or cravings that you think I’d be a good match for, absolutely feel free to tell me! I have plenty of interests that aren’t mentioned here... and other ideas, too. it’s not an exhaustive list by any means. I just had to stop before I went too overboard.

Also... I didn’t write his character sheet because, again, I’m ready to be done and just find some partners, but I wanna highlight a pairing that I’m really craving.

Sheriff of Nottingham x Robin Hood

Sheriff is my OC. Here’s a super lazy pitch: Brook is a gunslinger with sociopathic tendencies, a loose moral code, and he supports the regime unquestionably not because he believes in it (he doesn’t really believe in anything) but because he owes his life to someone and considers it a debt. He really likes Robin—but that means he likes to poke Robin, like a schoolboy who’s mean to his crush. I don’t mean like in a romantic way, it’s more like admiration and amusement. (Would love the dynamic to give off esoterically gay as fuck vibes, however, and developing romance is an option). Think esoterically gay obsession vibes like Graham and Hannibal. Brook generally views life as dull but Robin is exciting. He pretends to, but doesn’t actually fight seriously because he doesn’t want to kill Robin. That gives off patronizing, better-than-you, toying around vibes. He secretly wants Robin to like him, too, and wants to prove that all Robin’s negative perceptions of him are wrong. Even the ones that aren’t wrong. Not because he’s ashamed of any of them, mind you—it’s just really fun to prove Robin wrong.

actual picture of me introducing your poor OC to my OC

Anyway, on to listing other random shit to get your attention.

  • Reimagined Fairytale, Folklore, Alice in Wonderland — possibly with steampunk / early industrialization / bleak wartime vibes - generally more realistic vs magic based. <— Dr. Bennett and Barnes are from this one. Brook x Robin Hood probably would be too.

  • [TAKEN] Arthurian legend — can also include reimagined fairytales, etc, but likely more magic based vs realistic. <—Merlin

  • Reimagined Howl’s Moving Castle + Spirited Away + (lowkey) Demon Slayer

  • Corrupt religious order / Roman Catholic Church + supernatural beings

  • Sci-Fi dystopia - heavy classism, androids, augmented humans, systemic oppression, modern slavery (both human and Android), question of what constitutes humanity, etc

  • Angels and demons <—Michael, paired as Pessimistic Guardian Angel x Fallen Archangel

  • Greek Mythology <— (I have tons of OCs for this one)

  • Norse and Celtic Mythology

  • Abrahamic Mythology

> I have some worldbuilding to combine different pantheons into one universe—Greek, Norse, Abrahamic, etc. It’s basically a “pre-creation” war where the Abrahamic god is trying to destroy the other gods to make a monotheistic world. I say “pre-creation” because the victor decides what history is written, so the resulting creation myth is whatever the prevailing pantheon decides vs what the actual truth is. Everything that happened before would become an erased, forgotten history. It’s not literally pre-creation.

  • ((My version of the Queen of Hearts from Alice in Wonderland))

    Heimeric “Henry” Bennett
    Cis Male. He/Him. Bisexual. 6’0. Likely mid to late 30s.

    His voice is the deeper one right after the one that sounds like a kid.

    PhD in Humanities, maybe sociology or English

    Once a gentleman and a scholar, drafted as a soldier, he had his worldview challenged and became a revolutionary. His government went full savage to brutally wipe the revolution out, and he was among the captured, suffering psychological torture. Then, with only a fragile grip on his sanity, he was shipped somewhere far away and auctioned into slavery.

    He used to be a good man, the type of man to turn the other cheek, but he struggled after suffering the intense mental distress that accompanied the revolution’s defeat. He desperately wanted to stay true to himself and be the bigger person; he wanted to see good in people and the world. He wanted to remain unchanged by what happened... surely they would win if they changed him, if they broke what made him good.

    And yet, despite all his desperation to avoid it... eventually his scars proved too deep and countless. The good man snapped.

    Necks. He snapped necks.

    He murdered an entire family, children included—and went on to live life as man who had completely lost sight of who he used to be.

    • I’m always walking as somebody else •

    He now believes that there isn’t any good in the world or in people—it’s all just a lie, a pretense. He watched the culture of slave holders, perpetuating horrors while maintaining this illusion of being good people. He thought of his own nation, how everyone bought into the facade of their environment and ignored the underlying brutality. He thought of himself—how he believed himself such a good person, not capable of the things he’s done now. The more he thought about it, the clearer everything became. Goodness is a lie.

    Goodness is a disgusting, nauseating lie.

    He has this duality of having a really intelligent manner about him while also being beastly, primal, savage.

    He uses brutality to cope with his own mental instability, to come to terms with being hurt far beyond what he was capable of enduring.

    . . . “...I don’t want to be the victim anymore. I don’t want to be the trampled, the broken…”

    “I don’t want to live in fear of the next strike.”

    “I don’t want to scurry and hide in the dark corners of this cruel world, wondering what will come first—the slow withering away or being found and broken for the last time.”

    “...I want to do the breaking.”

    “Do you think it would feel better?”

    “Do you think they feel better? Is that why they’re so openly cruel… does it feel better to own it, rather than bind your hands to live an appealing lie?”

    “I can’t survive with bound hands anymore… I can’t endure a single blow more.”

    “I won’t endure it. I refuse! I—“


    “I want to do the breaking.”

    “...I want…”


    “I will do the breaking.”

    He started traveling back towards his country, committing acts of murder along the way. Anyone who seemed like they deserved it. Anyone who seemed like they might be a threat. He started gaining a following—people who happened to be saved by his acts of violence, outcasts who had no place elsewhere, people who wanted to escape the “civilized” toil and live a life where a warrior could do as they please.

    He essentially became a warlord.

    Many call him the Warlord of Hearts, based on a clearly endearing habit of pulling hearts out of chests.

    He now claims a territory in the outskirts of his homeland—a territory that’s well defended, thanks to a fearful reputation, his experience in war, and the efforts of warriors that joined him along the way. After establishing this permanent territory, many took to calling him the Red King, based equally on his pseudo kingdom, bloodshed, and distinctive red hair.

    He carries himself as an antagonist to the entire world—except those few granted a sense of belonging within his own borders—and given the chance, he’d even fight against those faces of the failed revolution, those whom he used to call his friends.

    He doesn’t bother to pretend there’s a self-righteous reason for it, either.

    . . . “I hate you because of everything I’ve endured on account of standing with you. I don’t care to debate the nuance of what was and wasn’t your fault. I don’t care if you also suffered—or how much.”

    “I blame you. It makes me feel better, so I blame you.”

    “You, and everyone—anyone I feel like. That’s my truth. You don’t like it?”

    “I don’t give a damn.”

    “So don’t come here with talk of right or wrong—don’t you dare tell me to be the bigger man. Don’t beseech me to walk the righteous path, to save yours or anyone else’s ass—I’ll hear none of it.”

    With a dangerous energy like a bear rising to its hind legs, in an instant, seemingly on a whim, he puffs himself up and invades their space. He devours the air between their faces until there’s little left—towering, looking down on them, closing in like a puzzle piece about to make a perfect fit.

    His advance had not yet stopped when he screamed—a scream without a shred of self control.

    “None of it!”

    It was the type of scream that drags up the sludge of despair and rage from the pit of your stomach and forces it out the throat, violently, as though puking out your insides, so all may see the disgusting, putrid tangle of that which makes you so very human… but brings only discomfort, even sickness, to any who are forced to acknowledge something so foul could exist in one who shares their species.

    It was a scream that made the next one hoarse, broken—a scream that leaves a residue that would be felt in his throat for days thereafter.

    There was a pause. Silence settled, his beard sparkled on account of keeping the spittle that didn’t travel to the other’s face. His posture remained larger than seemed possible given his normal mass, and his chest became a glutton for breath—a slight wheeze in one, surely the cost of forsaking self-control.

    He was not ready to yell again; he couldn’t yell again—but he tried, and it was apparent in the inflection of his voice that the attempt was there. Conveying that intent was enough to satisfy him.

    “Get the fuck out of my face.”

    Hemmie: gets in your bitch ass face
    Also Hemmie, 2 seconds later: get the fuck out of my face

    love u Hemmie, never change.

    Okay, that was a perfect example of how I do CCs.

    You’ll notice the tense got fucked in the middle there—I started in present tense and then switched to past tense. I thought about fixing this but decided not to because in a CC that tends to happen—SHAMEFULLY ENOUGH, BLAME MY TWO BRAIN CELLS—and if I’m using this as an example, fixing it here would be cheating. In an actual post, that would be fixed, and the whole thing would definitely be longer. Currently there’s nothing besides dialogue in the first half, after all.

    This would be a more polished CC because I went ahead and expanded the things outside of dialogue.

    Usually I start with dialogue, then I write cues in tags [like this] to outline actions, how dialogue is delivered, and any flowery language that’s already in my head at this point. Like the bear thing and the violent scream paragraph. If I write something in the tag that I’m really feeling (the scream thing) I’ll expand it, maybe add supporting paragraphs, and the CC gets more polished.

    The one before this that just had dialogue and two tags—[shaky] and [steady]—was a good example of a lazy CC. It’s not as impressive or pretty, but it gets a point across that otherwise wouldn’t be conveyed because I’m either too lazy to write out a whole thing or I’m still figuring shit out. Or both.

Okay, okay—I’m done. I did the thing. Can I have friends now?

I’m resisting the urge to add more OCs... resisting the urge... resisting...
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