Odeox Binks


New Member
Name:  Odeox Binks
Age: 31
Sex/ Gender: female  

Personality: loud, giggly and extremely irritating  

Short History: she just appeared in the lake one day, and started living at the castle. She was allowed to stay, so long she keeps the frog population at bay. She likes basically everything, and has always loved gossiping and spreading rumours.  

Position in the castle:  No one really knows, just an annoying busybody, occasionally catches food to be cooked.  

Special stuff, like powers or whatever? The ability to laugh at,  like, everything. Also the usual Gungan powers of extendable tounges and being able to hold breath for ages. 

Species: Gungan

Anything else?: Basically female Jar Jar Binks (sorrynotsorry) She has a pet Igitz


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Haha I totally was thinking about Jar Jar Binks and then you totally admitted it. Now we have a female Jar Jar and Badass Smurfs >XD

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