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New Member
Hello lovely people :)

I've been stupid craving a Fallout 4 based roleplay to use my OC for the universe but have yet to have the chance and hope you'll give me that chance. Who knows where might even become friends ;)

Now for the hard part. Hate to be "that guy" but it needs done.

Things I dont do:
-Smut. I freaking hate smut. There was once a time when I was okay with it but you know how it is. One jerkbag ruins something for everybody else and now I can't stand the stuff so i ask that we don't do it. I'm fine though if things like rape get brought up in conversation or is part of a characters backstory. I can look past that.
-Ghosting. We've all done it and we've all had it done to us and I'm realizing that's a pretty shitty thing to do so I'm asking we be open and honest to each other if either of us has a problem with what's going on in the roleplay. Otherwise nothing's gonna change. I'm willing to listen if you are.
-Age. I'm not going to ask for 18+ considering I don't want to deal with smut but i do ask that you treat topics like rape and murder with respect. This is more of a mental maturity thing then an actual age thing. This is the Fallout universe and even then such topics should be handled with the utmost care. Trust me I've met teenagers that were super mature and I've met people in their 40's that act like children soooooo all I ask is that you be mentally prepared for what may be all things considering.
-Activity. I ask at the very least once a week though I'd prefer once a day but I understand that life happens and people get busy. Whatever the case. As long as you tell me before hand that you won't be able to reply before such and such of date and I'll do the same for you as soon as in able. I dont wanna have to hunt you down and then come to find out your grandma died. That would come across as rude and insensitive and I'd feel bad lol.

Things I'm okay with:
-Dark themes. Smut aside I'm alright with cursing, blood, gore, and other things as long as it's not overdone of course. This is Fallout after all. Not church lol.
-Slowburn Romance. Admittedly I'm a sucker for this type of romance and prefer it over love at first site. Not an absolute must but would be a nice plus. As I said I'm fine with platonic towards the end as well.
-Best Friends. I love talking to people OOC. It just makes it easier knowing we get along both in and out of character and, to me, makes it feel so much more fun when were both excited for it and exchanging ideas and being fangirls (or boys)
-Doubling. I'll get to this again in a minute but I'm very okay with doubling. I feel like if I get someone to play as a canon character it's only fair that I should play one for you. That way we both get what we want and no ones getting left out. And hell if we want our OC's to be in their own separate RP I'd be willing to triple (if you'd call it that haha).
-IRL Gender/Gender Identity. This really doesnt matter to me. I'm not looking for specifically a dude or a chick as far as IRL goes. You can be whatever gender honestly as long as you write well enough and can play both female or male or whatever the RP calls for. I'm not going to be picky about your personal preference as far as that goes.

Who are you?
Canon wise I'm looking for someone who is willing to play as either Maxson or Paladin Danse. And as I said I'm very willing to double and play a canon of your choice for your OC to make things fair for both of us and I'll try my best. :)

Who is she?
And now for why I ask for either Maxson or Danse. Artemis is an escaped synth, a former Institute courser that feels horrible about the things shes done. 15 years prior to the events of Fallout 4 she manages to escape to the Chicago ruins and, after a near fatal accident, is saved by the midwestern chapter of the Brotherhood. Feeling a sense of debt she joins them and, using her former courser experience, is trained as a Brotherhood assassin (ranging from stealth and pickpocketing to archery, swordsmanship, and hand to hand combat) and quickly rises through the ranks. She is assigned to go to the Eastern Chapter to help them out with the Institute problem.
This is where it gets interesting, and is the main reason why I wanna do this, because of both Maxson's and Danse's stance on synths and I'd love to have an RP where they slowly realize that not all synths (being told that my character is a synth in the beginning of the RP so as to make her work for that trust from the start) are bad and some are genuinely out to help or just to lead their own lives. Whether it ends in close friendship or a romance is something I'm willing to talk about.

Sound interesting?
Send me a PM! I do most of my RP'S elsewhere but I'm willing to chat about it here :)
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