Odd Romantic Roleplay Scenario - I want advice.


Just a sweet transvestite
Odd title, but I'm not too sure how else to put it.

When I write, be it by myself or in roleplay, I don't usually plan things out, I go with the flow, I don't press my plans, I make characters and have them do what feels natural. Currently, I have a character who's most natural action is to engage another player's character. Normally I'd have no problem whatsoever with this, however I'm treading new water, in that while both characters have a strong romantic bond, mine is asexual, and the other player's is ... well .... Hyper-sexual. I don't mean Nymphomaniac, I mean she was raised by succubi and is in essence the anthropomorphic personification of playful sexuality.

Before things advance any further in the story, I'd like to gather abit of advice on how I should handle these new waters, since unlike nearly all other places on the Kinsey Scale and Queer-Spectrum, Political Spectrum, and Ethnic Spectrum, I have NO associates I can ask for advice in this regard in person. The only person I've ever met to identify as Asexual, is, sadly, one of my "Poker Buddies", a group of people I consider the most horrid of human beings, whom I associate with for the sole reasons that I find their existence appalling, and their poker skills lacking. The one who identified as asexual now identifies as homosexual, claiming, quote: "'Asexual' is just what someone calls themselves after a bad break-up.". He also claims "Bi-sexual is just what a girl calls herself to avoid being called a whore and a gay guy calls himself for people to think he's normal. I should know. I was Bi, for like, 2 weeks." ... Considering I once pranced to the liquor store in a ballgown in the middle of the day, and identify as bisexual. Clearly I want people to think I'm normal.

Sorry on the tangent there, but yeah, Advice on how I should approach matters of the characters? I'll be more that willing to fill in any details asked....
My only advice is to get new friends. Those 'friends' sound like barrels of dicks and need a slap upside the head with reality. <_<
Well, its just the Poker Buddies. Those 3 I would never consider friends, and believe me to be just another dude. They've even met my husband and think he's just m'bro. I haven't even tried to convince them. 2 of them are straight dudes, all 3 are heavily biased, and incredibly narrow-minded, and The homosexual one's attitude can best be summed up by this comedy central sketch: [media]

Why yes. He DOES think me to be the worst homophobe out of the group.

But yeah, I'd prefer we stick to advice regarding the writing scenario.
My advice is just guess on how the Character would react and go from there. I knew an Asexual from the drama club i'm part of in high school. they where pretty normal but the thing is they had no real interest in sexual stuff. they do have some attraction like to a pretty face but as far as the sexual stuff is concerned there isn't really. so use that to guess as the situations go. but that's just me.
Not sure if you still have any questions, but this might be able to help!
Push the boundaries of your character. It is no fun if they are rigid and inflexible. Have the character try and slowly open up to the idea. Change is growth.

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