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Fantasy OC Fantasy/Magic/Darker themes [MxF]


Paladin Highlord

Currently very active and will respond every day if I can.

Looking for a grittier fantasy plot with some magic (elves please!!!). Am in love with angst and magic. Love high intensity and stakes.

Romance would be an amazing addition if we feel it could evolve naturally. Slowburn, side thing. I like the buildup more than I like the actual being together.

I love dabbling in darker and mentally heavier settings and themes. For me our chars could be struggling with pretty much anything if it advances the plot.

That said, I don’t have many triggers/dislikes except
too lengthy details of gore. Bad things involving kids (unless it needs mention for lore or your char’s backstory). Nerves and cut veins. Dislocated joints is my latest (thanks, sybil). 💀

Random ideas/blurbs to serve as examples of what types of themes I’m looking for:

Concept, not neccesarily a plot in itself:
X has a violent past and is currently struggling with some sort of ptsd or other trauma response.
Y is just starting an unaliving rampage for vengeance. (maybe their deceased family member whispered in their ear to do it?)
They meet, and Y is about to do the slashing or the hacking (maybe they're from opposing factions?) but X offers to be their companion instead for information, and boom we have problems. X struggles through their trauma? Convinces Y to lay down their weapon (but then how will the ghost on my shoulder ever shut up)? Maybe the revelation is that X actually caused Y's intense drive for vengeance due to what they did in the past? Who knows.
Not really interested rn
An old 2017 blurb:
X parties, makes noise - everything to escape the crippling agony.
Z stays at home, blinds drawn, in constant pain from their own actions.
On their way to possibly do something stupid, Z stumbles upon the club - of course the very place that X tends to go. Z considers taking at least one last drink.
X, now meeting with a new face, takes action under the neon lights, and after a chunk load of alcohol, it follows them back to the gloomy apartment Z had earlier planned to leave for good.
The morning after comes with terrifying revelations, as X finds the marks of Z's destructive behavior. X, shocked, yet still not clear in their head, convinces the other to start partying together.
And how could this possibly turn out okay?

Essentially it's a story of two people who have each fallen into their own destructive way of dealing with pain. Would involve alcohol abuse, possibly substances as well.
Not interested rn
Deep within the forest - or perhaps hidden in plain sight? - a cult thrives to rescurrect a dead god (God A) through elven sacrifices.
X (initially practicing god B's - A's counterpart - teachings) is a member of this cult, but only driven by disrupting visions that led them there.
Z is also a believer and practitioner of God B, and upon gaining knowledge of the cult, strives to dismantle it from within.

This one is an RP that was planned but never executed. I was originally gonna play X and created somewhat of a history around her.
Listen listen, I have a whole ass heap of details around this story, including the stages of the cult, and if you're interested I'll love to lay it on ya! (the almost-partner is ok with this)


Here are my preferences:
  • age around 25+ (I'm 28. omg)
  • 3rd person, past tense
  • A couple paragraphs, with obvious adjustments depending on what the rp needs of course! I won't limit or force anything. Can provide writing samples if you like.
  • MxF (I'm most comfortable with writing female mains. For sides I love both!)
  • for character creation, I don't care about making sheets. I care more about the back and forth between us! I absolutely love the creation process, and I always create a new character for an rp to fit the setting.
  • If we want character pictures, I prefer painted/AI style if that makes sense? Pencil drawn and IRL pics don't immerse me, idk why. But no pic works equally fine. I don't even need a description before the RP really, those could naturally come up in the beginning of the RP.
  • ooc chatter is peak, big yaps, build the story with me! (can OOC in discord)
  • if you lose inspiration or want out, please let me know. It happens to me too, and I know it's terrifying to say it outright. But it's pointless to continue something when it loses its glow to you. We are humans after all, even though I'd prefer to be an elf…

Feel free to message me (please)

100% up for brainstorming! I'll definitely be able to throw out random ideas and I love love love story and char building <3
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Hey there. I look for fantasy writing with a role-playing partner, and would really like including elves. To be honest, I don't see elves being that much different, I would not say they aren't human, but still different enough to be recognized as elves, one of the several ethnic varieties of them too. And their Gods can be referred to and be relevant to the story we are writing, if you will be involved in it with me. I like writing a few paragraphs at a time, a few times each week, and would try approximating the amount of your posts. I most like writing a story, with fantasy, which can involve some supernatural things like powers of some kind, possibly, and really some creatures not familiar to our own world, some just different animals, some more special beings. I can mention story ideas if you would rather have something other than what you thought of working on but I am interested enough to go with that then.

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