Oadenol's Codex reprinted!


Junior Member
Hi folks,

They really do listen at DriveThruRPG! I made a request for Oadenol's Codex in hardcopy some time back, and they came through! A company that listens to its customers, amazing. I don't work for either company, just thought other people who like actual books and are frustrated by eBay prices would want to know. It's not cheap, but better than what you can find on eBay or Amazon, and hopefully having stuff in print sell will encourage DriveThruRPG to print more.

Link: http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product_info.php?products_id=27864

I just asked for Wonders of the Lost Age. Hopefully they'll print that one too! I've got a Twilight crafting type in a game that's lasted long enough to justify buying splatbooks.


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