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Fantasy • SAKURA ACADEMY • Fourms (Reboot)

N a m e  -  Ray Delow

N i c k - N a m e  - The time breaker or thousand step dancer

A g e -  14 going to be 15 soon

G e n d e r  -  male

O r i e n t a t i o n - Straight

  R a c e  - Elemental

  R o l e  - Student Council treasurer 


E l e m e n t a l   B a s e  - Space

S p e c i a l t i e s -

Ray can draw energy from the cosmos when he opens his gate during intense battle to be used to heal or strength his defense or attack

He can increase the gravity or lighten the gravity around him or others within 200 meters

He also make weapons and shields out of cosmic energy

and of course he has a trump or two 

D o r m  R o o m - TBA


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  H e i g h t  - 6:4

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Personality -

Ray is a very odd one he can be very kind and carrying not overly so to most but then he can be moody or wild, when in his moody phase he can be very apathetic or very emotional to certain subjects and can either become more twisted or become more easy going to the point of being flippant at times, He can work hard but sometimes will procrastinate because it's boring. Ray likes rivalry and even more so when it comes to love and has all kinds of ways of making things interesting like making a home made gift. Ray doesn't mess around when it comes to orders or requests from ruby because he know when she does it's for good reasons and he also looks up to her as a big sister and will try to be friendly to those she's close with even if they are awkward with him or he's not sure about them. If he doesn't like them he will find a way to mess with them in the most creative way, prefers older women but isn't the type to limit his options, the rest you will find out later in the rp. 


H i s t o r y -  Ray barely remembers his past, but one day he remembers waking up in a cave and saw ruby and her brother anican they saw that he needed some support so they secretly helped him being a new home and training ground, since then he has sworn to protect them and deal with any one that stands in their way.  Since that day he has trained hard even when they are not their so he can some day repay them for giving him a second chance at life

L i k e s -



training with ruby


promises kept

making gifts for those he likes

ruby's brother

and ruby

and more

D i s l i k e s - 

fake people


people that have no sense

Having his hobbies and interest ridiculed 

overly blunt or ignorant people

and more

Q u i r k s / H a b i t s -  When tired rests his eyes to regain his thoughts this can get him into trouble at times with the teachers

T h e m e  -

Q u o t e -  don't mistake my patients for cowardice i'm always weighing my options 

Extra : Ray needs to be in a sunny or naturally lighted area when tired because other wise he will take forever to regain his their energy and with out energy is pron to be grouchy
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N a m e   [Myuki Hiyashi]

N i c k - N a m e - Akari [Her idol name]

A g e -  17

G e n d e r  -  female

O r i e n t a t i o n - Heterosexual 

  R a c e  -  Elemental

  R o l e  -  Student, Idol

E l e m e n t a l   B a s e - Fire

S p e c i a l t i e s - Can fly using her blue games with near perfect maneuverability. Can incinerate anything her flames touch it can let it burn at a normal rate. She can generate a heat shield around her body melting projectile within 3 inches from her. Has pinpoint accuracy when throwing and shooting flames at objects and people.

D o r m  R o o m - TBA


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  H e i g h t  - 5' 6"

B u i l d She looks like she is on he slender side but is very well toned when it comes to her muscles and stamina. She may look delicate but is very far from it.

  H a i r  - Her hair is on the deep aqua blue side and like her brothers, will glow the same colour of her flames and will get brighter based in her mental focus and her emotional state

  E y e s  - they are a lighter red colour but also glow with the same colour of her flames. Do to the odd mix her eyes look like they are glowing a vibrant violet colour.

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P e r s o n a l i t y - She can act very happy and bubbly but when she isn't in public she can be very sadistic and borderline psychotic.

H i s t o r y - She is the younger twin sister to Homura Hiyashi and was the one who had murdered their parents and caused Homura to awaken his own fire abilities. The rest shall be revealed as the RP progresses.

Likes - Music, sweets, cute clothing, money, cute boys, fluffy animals, jewellery and  the smell of burning flesh

D i s l i k e s - disobedience, bitter foods, bossy people, horror movies, and her brother

Q u i r k s / H a b i t s - She tends to over act when she is in public and can sometimes be slightly annoying. When alone or when she is with someone she is about to kill with no witnesses she will end up playing with her target a little to much and leaves a signiture rose symbol near their bodies after they die.

T h e m e  - TBD

Q u o te - TBD

@Mr Swiftshots
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N a m e   Magnus Kagutsuchi

N i c k - N a m e  - The Mad Warlock

A g e -  34

G e n d e r  -  Male

O r i e n t a t i o n - Heterosexual, formerly married

  R a c e  Elemental

  R o l e  Scientist, Military consultant, Former Sakura Elite

E l e m e n t a l   B a s e  - Fire

S p e c i a l t i e s - Has a mastery in using his flames as both the regular burner type as well as being able to use them to grab onto things or hold things in place. He can also fly with minimal effort but only in a hovering motion towards the direction he wills his flames to go. He can even produce white hot flames that incinerate everything in an instant at the moment of impact. He has been said to be able to burn away other peoples spells but its been rooted as nothing but an urban legend.

D o r m  R o o m - N/A


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  H e i g h t  6' 1"

B u i l d - Has a very tone build and looks more like a young adult male rather than a 35 year old man. He although looking like he wouldn't be much help outside of the laboratory is also know to be quite skilled in combat, thus explaining his hidden build.

  H a i r  - His hair is almost a very dark mix between green and blu, leaning a little closer to the blue side. His hair unlike his nephews and niece's doesn't glow with the color of his flame but instead transforms into flames when his magic is activated to its highest level.

  E y e s  - his eyes glow witht eh color of his flames which are also similar to his hair being a mix of blue and green. When he uses his white flame the color in his eyes dont change and the prior glow stays.

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P e r s o n a l i t y He can be a bit over eccentric when it comes to his work. He has always been one to experiment and will use any data gathered from it to further his research. He can also be quite odd when it comes to women and has been known to try and seduce them continuously even after being rejected. Over all he is a very optimistic fellow with the need to invent and experiment all  for the good of the world as well as for the money hey receives for his ground destroying breakthroughs. 

H i s t o r y - He was once a student of the prestigious Sakura Academy and was the second ranked Elite from his first year in high school there after challenging and beating out that years second rank holder. He gained his title of The Mad Warlock due to his strange battle tactics as well as his obsession with wanting to experiment with new abilities and techniques in the middle of class duels. He had an urban legend surrounding him while he went to school about his ability to use white flames and although it hasn't been proven by anyone he definitely has white flames but can only use them for 2 minutes when activated. As a scientist he has gained funding and support from various governments around the world and has even set up military contracts to train elemental witches and wizards on how to use their powers and to draw out their true hidden potential. He has had various success's around the world and has even helped his own nephew gain a similar power through all the research data gained. He is aware of Homura's memory issue regarding his own sister but decided it would be better for him to remember on his own rather than try and force him to remember and ruin his mental health.

L i k e s - He lives and breaths research. He also has a thing for very beautiful women.

D i s l i k e s - Restrictions on his work, being reminded of his divorce, bitter foods

Q u i r k s / H a b i t s - When ever he is doing anything at all he will randomly crack his neck with no real need. He always has a cigarette in his mouth regardless of if he is smoking it or not.

T h e m e  [Optional; can insert their theme song or whatever]

Q u o t e You've managed to piss me off. How would you like to be my next test subject....

@Mr Swiftshots
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N a m e - Lucas Mane

N i c k - N a m e - Luke

A g e - 16

G e n d e r - Male

O r i e n t a t i o n - Heterosexual

R a c e - Elemental

R o l e - Student

E l e m e n t a l B a s e - Spiritual.

S p e c i a l t i e s - Summoning. Meditating.

D o r m R o o m - [Tba; add in once I assign you the room assignments]

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H e i g h t - 5'6

B u i l d - 130

H a i r - A warm blue.

E y e s - Blue A slight ring of hazel along the pupil

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P e r s o n a l i t y - Calm. Competitive. Outgoing. (Only for those he knows.) "Wise"

Shy. Timid.

H i s t o r y - For a while his parents had simply thought he had failed to develop powers to begin with. Though as few small things started appearing around the house, along with his increasing amounts of meditation. Which led them to quickly invest in one of the cheapest schools they could. Due to having a small amount of money before hand.

L i k e s - Neatness. Small groups. Birds and any small animal.

D i s l i k e s - Chaos. Large crowds.

Q u i r k s / H a b i t s - Tripping out of nowhere.

T h e m e -

Q u o t e - "This world is one of many. Where we all can get along. Or be at each other's throats. Why waste time fighting like monsters, when our time is limited." - Anonymous
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N a m e [COLOR= rgb(0, 0, 0)] [/COLOR]- Caspian De Sol

N i c k - N a m e  - Caspian

A g e -  18

G e n d e r  - Female

O r i e n t a t i o n - Straight

  R a c e  - Human

  R o l e  - Head Elite

E l e m e n t a l   B a s e  - Dark/Ness - Speciality: Mixed (Offensive & Defensive)

S p e c i a l t i e s - 

Offensive -

Dark Sword - Summons a sword of pure darkness, the sword itself is always on her person; a katana like sword instead inbued with dark magic.
Dark Fire - A sort of black flame that she can manipulate for her own purposes

Defensive -

Dark Shield - A shield of darkness, invisible until it is hit by an item, the place becomes weaker if constantly hit unless the spot is concentrated on.

Black Fire Smoke - Any fire she had at her disposable before now turns into a smoke.

D o r m  R o o m - 101


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A p p e a r a n c e


(( Ignore the eyes ))

  H e i g h t  - 5'3

B u i l d -  Normal Body Type

  H a i r  - Light Brown

  E y e s  - Both eyes are a Dark Gold

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P e r s o n a l i t y - Shy, Cold to new people, Keeps to self.

H i s t o r y - She comes from a pretty rich family. She is from a small town in England far away from the school, the only reason she came here is because her parents had went here once before; the program wasn't pushed as much as it was now meaning her parents tried harder to get her in, after about a year of waiting she did get in, placing her where she is now.

L i k e s - Reading. Night time, Cooking

D i s l i k e s - Light Magic, "Elite Five"

Q u i r k s / H a b i t s -  Habit; Summons small dark fire like creatures.

[COLOR= rgb(0, 0, 0)]Q u o t e[/COLOR] -  "I'd rather not fight you. But, i'll make this a special occassion." 

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Tag; @Mr Swiftshots
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N a m e   Arlane Darktower

N i c k - N a m e  - Lord of Hell

A g e -  36

G e n d e r  -  Male

O r i e n t a t i o n - Heterosexual. 

  R a c e  Elemental

  R o l e  -   Head of the Department for Justice, Former Sakura Elite, Father to Raiven Darktower

E l e m e n t a l   B a s e  - Spiritual (Demonic)

S p e c i a l t i e s - Arlane has the ability to summon and control demons from Hell itself, in terms of the chain of command in Hell Arlane only answers to Lucifer. He also has the ability to send people to Hell and retrieve them at his pleasure. The third ability he has is to enter Hell either alone or with another person.

D o r m  R o o m - N/A


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  H e i g h t  7' 5"

B u i l d - Arlane's build is best described as one of a well built and stocky gentleman. He doesn't make much of an attempt to hide his physical strength from others as he sees no need to. 

  H a i r  Arlane has dark brown hair like his daughter although it is beginning to be flecked with silver due to him being under almost constant stress. His hair is short cut and styled in a manner that you would expect from a government employee

  E y e s  Unlike his daughter Arlane has brown eyes. Sometimes Hells fires can be seen flickering behind them

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P e r s o n a l i t y - Arlane is a serious and focused person who enjoys the work he does, knowing that it provides for his daughter. He can best be described as a family man who cares deeply for his only daughter. When Arlane is not working he can be very jolly and fun to be around. 

H i s t o r y - Arlane was a student at Sakura Academy in his youth, being in the year above Magnus. During his time at the Academy, several bullies went missing mysteriously only to turn up babbling about having seen the Devil himself. When asked about the events, Arlane would smile and profess his innocence. He was regually ranked high in the Elite standings, usually in the top 3 and the top spiritual elemental within the school.

L i k e s Spending time with his daughter and her friends. Administering justice, working.

D i s l i k e s - His wife, his son, his nephew. 

Q u i r k s / H a b i t s - Arlane will often drum his fingers on the table or click a pen when he is working

T h e m e  [Optional; can insert their theme song or whatever]

Q u o t e "Off to Hell you go" 
@Mr Swiftshots
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N a m e  -  Mikhail Kharlimov 
N i c k - N a m e  - Mik 
A g e -  23
G e n d e r  -  Male
O r i e n t a t i o n - Heterosexual. 
  R a c e  - Elemental
  R o l e  -   Cousin of Raiven Darktower, escapee of Hell. Complete Jerk, former Sakura Academy student
E l e m e n t a l   B a s e  - Fire/Wind 
S p e c i a l t i e s - Mikhail never uses his abilities for good, only to torture and harm. He can use smoke to blind, choke and confuse as well as fire to bend people to his will.
D o r m  R o o m - N/A

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  H e i g h t  - 7' 5"
B u i l d - Mikhail is a scrawny rat with small abs. He rather resembles a beanpole
  H a i r  - Mikhail has messy blond hair that is often brushed away from his face
  E y e s  - Blood red.
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P e r s o n a l i t y - Mikhail is a manipulative little turd. He uses this to his advantage to draw information out of people. If something doesn't go Mikhail's way he likes to harm the cause of it until it is fixed
H i s t o r y - Mikhail was sent to Hell by Arlane Darktower for abusing Raiven in a number of ways when she was between the ages of 8 and 15. He escaped from Hell two years later and is now currently torturing Raiven mentally. He's well known for using tricks to make people like him. 
L i k e s - Raiven, Being in control, hurting people.
D i s l i k e s - Arlane Darktower, newspapers, Arcus Knight
Q u i r k s / H a b i t s - Mikhail will often lick his lips like a snake tasting the air
T h e m e  - [Optional; can insert their theme song or whatever]
Q u o t e - "Hello, Princess" 


N a m e    Charles Moreau

N i c k - N a m e  - Prime Minister

A g e -  [SIZE=11.9px]43[/SIZE]

G e n d e r  -  Male

O r i e n t a t i o n - Straight

  R a c e  Elemental

  R o l e  Prime Minister of France, Father of Raphael Moreau

E l e m e n t a l   B a s e  Shadow/Light

S p e c i a l t i e s - Charles is a prime example of what a Shadow/Light Elemental can do. He masters the art of illusion, he can make weapons purely out of illusions, but effective as the real deal. There is no real way to tell what he can, and what he cannot do.


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  H e i g h t  6' 5"

B u i l d Like father, like son. He has a flimsy build, however, he makes up with his ability and speed.

  H a i r  Like his son, thanks to the logistics of DNA, we can assure you that Fabrizius too, has Coal Black hair, and is arranged in a messy manner.

  E y e s  Same father-son stuff here too. He has silver eyes which lack pupils.

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P e r s o n a l i t y - Charles is a sophisticated man. Like his son, he is calculating, he knows how to use the weapons of diplomacy properly, however he bears no ambition. After all, why go further when you already have a lot of influence? He also is reserved, with time he can forgive and forget. However, he is no push-over in combat. He is a completely different man when it comes to the matter of life or death. Doing everything he can to preserve the survival of himself, and his close allies.

H i s t o r y - Charles grew up in a middle-class life in France. His education was spot-on, and he even became the valedictorian of Notre Dame Elemental's High School. After that, he dabbled in politics, rising up the ladder, being a champion of the people. Then the rest of the story of life happens, wife, kids, children's education, etc. To be frank, it was him who enlisted Raphael to represent France in Sakura Academy. 

L i k e s He has a love for slow piano sonatas, the sounds which make it seem like all is right in the world. He also has a taste for coffee, wine, and a lot of drinks.

D i s l i k e s - He distastes aristocracy and plutocracy. After all, he's representing a republic.

Q u i r k s / H a b i t s - He really doesn't have any quirks... so I guess that can be his quirk.

T h e m e  The French National Anthem

Q u o t e - "Perhaps, sometimes the best option, is not to pick one."
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N a m e  -  Zachary Jackson
N i c k - N a m e  - Zack
A g e - 18
G e n d e r  -  Male
O r i e n t a t i o n - Straight
  R a c e  - Elemental
  R o l e  - Student
E l e m e n t a l   B a s e  - Metals
S p e c i a l t i e s -

-Animates and shapes metal (So long as he has enough metal to do so)

-Can create metallic clones of himself, though anymore than four begins to heavily weigh on him

-Metals do not weigh him down, as his abilities counter their weight with some kind of telekinectic control.

-It's thought that his Elemental powers have some sort of mental link with metal, allowing some sort of communication between the two.


With enough concentration and time, Zack can most likely make anything that is requested.

D o r m  R o o m - 

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  H e i g h t  - 5'6
B u i l d -  Zack is a very ordinary looking kid. He is of medium build, with normal weight and the like. Yet Zack is very clearly muscular if you peek close enough. This is generally believed to be linked to his Elemental Base
  H a i r  - Very dark blue
  E y e s  - In a strange coincidence, his eyes match his hair color
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P e r s o n a l i t y -


-Emotionally unstable



L i k e s - 





D i s l i k e s - 

-Birds (has a fear of them)


-Math Classes
Q u i r k s / H a b i t s - 

-Zack collects odd information of strange subjects

-Collects every type of metal possible

-Is sort of a collection-maniac

-Has a terrible memory (In a way I'll explain later)
Q u o t e - 

"Don't say good bye. Good bye means going away, and going away means forgetting. I.....I don't want to forget you!!"

N a m e [COLOR= rgb(0, 0, 0)] [/COLOR]- Yaro Azar

N i c k - N a m e  - Ro-Ro

A g e -  16

G e n d e r  - Male

O r i e n t a t i o n - Straight

  R a c e  - Elemental

  R o l e  - Student

E l e m e n t a l   B a s e  - Fire

S p e c i a l t i e s - Fire-based Adaptation of the Arnis Fighting style

D o r m  R o o m - [Tba; add in once I assign you the room assignments]


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  H e i g h t  - 5'9

B u i l d - Lean

  H a i r  - Bronze/brown

  E y e s  - Purple, like an Amethyst

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P e r s o n a l i t y - Were he born in a time of war, Yaro would be a soldier. A fiery personality, with a strong sense of loyalty to boot, Yaro has been described as either the most supportive you know, or the most stubborn. Both are true, to a fault. Yaro is willing to go out of his way to protect and aid those he cares about, but to those he deems 'guilty' or 'wrong', he will challenge, fight, or otherwise hinder. This gets him into trouble more often times than not, but never mistake it- If you need help, He'll be the first hand offering it, but if you do wrong, he'll go out of his way to ensure you pay for it.

H i s t o r y - Yaro and his sister have not lived an....ideal life. Born in a city where those that treated elemental's with hostility, over the lack of jobs and general fear of one of them burning down their house or something like a hoodlum, Yaro and his sister were forced to hide their 'potential' because of their parents, who were these two bible-thumping catholic hypocrites, who believed that they were simply possessed, and that god would treat their 'condition'.

He was not sick, he was not possessed- Since how could having such useful abilities be considered a Curse?! If anything, he was blessed!

Eventually, things reached a breaking point when his parents caught his sister using her gifts to defend another kid from bullies. They wanted to punish her for doing the right thing, and Yaro....lost his cool. He doesn't remember clearly what happened when he snapped, but the next thing he knew, the man he called 'father' was nursing a burn across his face, and Yaro's mother was holding him back from continuing....whatever he did. He created that burn across his face, and Yaro personally had no regrets.

The next thing he and his sister knew? They were on the streets.

Yaro felt that the only people that would care about elemental's was going to be other elemental's, so with this mindset burned in, he began reaching out towards others like him in similar circumstances, those that were either shunned, kicked out, forced to hide what they are, and they used an abandoned warehouse to meet and socialize. Though it only encompassed roughly twenty kids around his age, Yaro began calling it a gang, a family. They were all treated like criminals for their gifts, but Yaro did his best to give them a sense of belonging. His sister worked part-time at a book-store, so she took to teaching the other kids, including Yaro, academics. Yaro was by no means a perfect student, but he wasn't a slacker, and tried to keep up.

Now, fortune seems to favor him.

Yaro and his sister were offered a place in this school, some boarding school where they could learn to properly use his gifts. Though Yaro has some basic control over his abilities, he is far from having actual training. To make up for this, he studies a Filipino Martial arts style known as 'Arnis', and adapted it to suit his and his sisters abilities. He wants to go to this school so he can learn to control his gifts, and pass it off to the others back home, so they can begin taking back what he believes rightfully belongs to them. A foolish goal, as violence only begets violence, but it is said that the path to hell is paved with good intentions.

L i k e s - 




Junk Food, who doesn't?


D i s l i k e s -



People that waste his time

Constant talking or blabbing

Doing nothing

Q u i r k s / H a b i t s - 

Yaro has always been an active child, so He cannot stand just...standing around and doing nothing. Whether it's by games, drawing, picking a fight, playing with an animal- whatever, He prefers to stay active and busy. Whenever he is bored, or he sits for too long, he either starts drumming fingers, or running a hand through his hair.

T h e m e  - When it Falls

Q u o t e - 

"Do I miss my home? Yes, I do. Do I miss my parents? Fuck no. See, that is why I do what I do, why I look out for my friends, my family. They don't have a home....in this cruel world, it was taken from them. So what am I going to do? I am going to help them take it back."

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N a m e  -  Adrianna Azar

N i c k - N a m e  - Anna

A g e -  16

G e n d e r  -  Female

O r i e n t a t i o n - Pansexual

  R a c e  - Elemental

  R o l e  - Student

E l e m e n t a l   B a s e  - Metal

S p e c i a l t i e s - Metal Based Arnis Fighting Style. Strategist

D o r m  R o o m - [Tba; add in once I assign you the room assignments]


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  H e i g h t  - 4'7

B u i l d - Balanced

  H a i r  - Natural Blond, partially dyed pink

  E y e s  - Amber, shines in sunlight

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P e r s o n a l i t y - In times of Peace, Adrianna is considered the one to lead, the one to help build, help settle. She is the planner, the thinker, and most importantly? She is likely the most caring person you'll ever meet. An individual of strong will, and even stronger convictions, she abhors needless and reckless violence, preferring to speak and settle through diplomacy and cooperation. Charismatic to a fault, the front she puts up hides an intense lonliness. Though she maintains a facade of strength and determination, inside she feels like crumbling, with how her brother is, and constantly blames herself when something goes wrong. She is considered the Yin to her brothers Yang, The Light to his Darkness.

H i s t o r y - If she had only not acted rashly....if she had only not used her powers....These are thoughts that constantly play into the mind of Adrianna. Learning early on the consequences of rash actions, Adrianna has always been the more careful of the twins, preferring to use her mind as her weapon, though she is capable of fighting (not as much as her brother though). She always is the one to calm down her brother in his fits of righteous anger.

In truth, she doesn't blame her parents for what they did....She knew in the world, the gap between Elementals and Humans was still very wide. They were scared, and they had every right to be. However, what happened DID happen, and she fully expected to be punished for it, even if all she did was stand up to a bully. But when her brother lashed out like she did, He made her feel something she never felt from him before....fear. Was that really what happened when you let anger turn into hate? Could the same happen to her?

When they were kicked out, the only person she blamed....was herself.

As her brother began bringing others together, with the intent of providing safe haven, Adrianna began working part-time at a book store, to continue her education. She provided the same education to the other young ones in the warehouse, trying to succeeded where their own parents failed. She always had to put on a mask of confidence and strong will, but everyday just made her feel worse and worse inside. The only joy she got was that she was giving these people a fighting chance. She almost didn't accept the invitation to this boarding school, believing she didn't deserve the chance, but her brother convinced her otherwise.

Now, maybe she has a chance to fix things....maybe she can make things right this time.

L i k e s - 


Board Games




Alone time

D i s l i k e s -




Large groups

Her own weakness.

Q u i r k s / H a b i t s - 

A bad habit of hers, when she becomes emotionally overwhelmed, she was excuse herself from wherever she is, and go to the nearest hiding place she can, often times crying her eyes out. It is her only way of keeping herself from breaking down in public. Yaro knows when his sister is on the edge of a breakdown, as she will start taking deep breath quickly, and clenching her hands into fists. He is one of the few people that can actually keep her from breaking down, though he is often the cause of them as well.

T h e m e  - Moonsong

[COLOR= rgb(0, 0, 0)]Q u o t e[/COLOR] - 

"My tears are not a sign that I am weak. They are a sign of me trying too damn long to be strong. I want to be strong, I really do, but I can't stop myself from breaking down when I don't know when thing will get better. But I will never become what my brother has- I won't let my anger turn into hate, I won't become  bitter. I will be the best person I can be, there is enough hatred in this world as it is."

─────── ─────── ──────
N a m e  -  Elch Reznov

N i c k - N a m e  - Moose

A g e -  17

G e n d e r  -  Male

O r i e n t a t i o n - Pansexual

  R a c e  - Elemental

  R o l e  - Student

E l e m e n t a l   B a s e  - Lightning 

S p e c i a l t i e s - He can send electricity through any conductor. The exception to this being himself.

D o r m  R o o m - [Tba; add in once I assign you the room assignments]

─────── ─────── ──────

  H e i g h t  - 6'9

B u i l d - Ripped. (PURE RUSSIAN MUSCLE!!!!!)

  H a i r- Blonde

  E y e s  - His left is purple and his right is gold. Neither are contacts however.

─────── ─────── ──────

P e r s o n a l i t y - 

+secretly a sweetheart 

-can be rude


+good at keeping secrets

+easy to be friends with 

-too eager to fight for what he thinks is morally right 


-Cocky at some things

+Humble at other things

H i s t o r y - TBR ;)  

He is from Russia, but his family is no longer present in his life.

L i k e s - 

+New people

D i s l i k e s - 


-The Elites

-Racism/sexism/etc. (not a radical just stops it if he can)

-People being mistreated 

-Loud areas/people being loud unnecessarily 


Q u i r k s / H a b i t s- 

He smokes strawberry scented cigarettes.

T h e m e-

Q u o t e- 

[COLOR= rgb(51, 51, 51)]Life is a gamble. You can get hurt, but people die in plane crashes, lose their arms and legs in car accidents; people die every day. Same with fighters: some die, some get hurt, some go on. You just don't let yourself believe it will happen to you.[/COLOR][SIZE= 14px]-Muhammad Ali[/SIZE]
10 hours ago, ZappiestAbyss said:

N a m e  -  Elch Reznov

N i c k - N a m e  - Moose

A g e -  17

G e n d e r  -  Male

O r i e n t a t i o n - Pansexual

  R a c e  - Elemental

  R o l e  - Student

E l e m e n t a l   B a s e  - Lightning 

S p e c i a l t i e s - He can send electricity through any conductor. The exception to this being himself.

D o r m  R o o m - [Tba; add in once I assign you the room assignments]

─────── ─────── ──────

  H e i g h t  - 6'9

B u i l d - Ripped. (PURE RUSSIAN MUSCLE!!!!!)

  H a i r- Blonde

  E y e s  - His left is purple and his right is gold. Neither are contacts however.

─────── ─────── ──────

P e r s o n a l i t y - 

+secretly a sweetheart 

-can be rude


+good at keeping secrets

+easy to be friends with 

-too eager to fight for what he thinks is morally right 


-Cocky at some things

+Humble at other things

H i s t o r y - TBR ;)  

He is from Russia, but his family is no longer present in his life.

L i k e s - 

+New people

D i s l i k e s - 


-The Elites

-Racism/sexism/etc. (not a radical just stops it if he can)

-People being mistreated 

-Loud areas/people being loud unnecessarily 


Q u i r k s / H a b i t s- 

He smokes strawberry scented cigarettes.

T h e m e-

Q u o t e- 

[COLOR= rgb(51, 51, 51)]Life is a gamble. You can get hurt, but people die in plane crashes, lose their arms and legs in car accidents; people die every day. Same with fighters: some die, some get hurt, some go on. You just don't let yourself believe it will happen to you.[/COLOR][SIZE= 14px]-Muhammad Ali[/SIZE]


Another Russian character :)  Mikhail is also Russian and Raiven is half russian on her mother's side and also a lightning elemental (You need to wait for @Mr Swiftshots to accept you)
N a m e  -  Elch Reznov

N i c k - N a m e  - Moose

A g e -  17

G e n d e r  -  Male

O r i e n t a t i o n - Pansexual

  R a c e  - Elemental

  R o l e  - Student

E l e m e n t a l   B a s e  - Lightning 

S p e c i a l t i e s - He can send electricity through any conductor. The exception to this being himself.

D o r m  R o o m - [Tba; add in once I assign you the room assignments]

─────── ─────── ──────

  H e i g h t  - 6'9

B u i l d - Ripped. (PURE RUSSIAN MUSCLE!!!!!)

  H a i r- Blonde

  E y e s  - His left is purple and his right is gold. Neither are contacts however.

─────── ─────── ──────

P e r s o n a l i t y - 

+secretly a sweetheart 

-can be rude


+good at keeping secrets

+easy to be friends with 

-too eager to fight for what he thinks is morally right 


-Cocky at some things

+Humble at other things

H i s t o r y - TBR ;)  

He is from Russia, but his family is no longer present in his life.

L i k e s - 

+New people

D i s l i k e s - 


-The Elites

-Racism/sexism/etc. (not a radical just stops it if he can)

-People being mistreated 

-Loud areas/people being loud unnecessarily 


Q u i r k s / H a b i t s- 

He smokes strawberry scented cigarettes.

T h e m e-

Q u o t e- 

[COLOR= rgb(51, 51, 51)]Life is a gamble. You can get hurt, but people die in plane crashes, lose their arms and legs in car accidents; people die every day. Same with fighters: some die, some get hurt, some go on. You just don't let yourself believe it will happen to you.[/COLOR][SIZE= 14px]-Muhammad Ali[/SIZE]


View attachment 228624
N a m e  -  Zachary Jackson
N i c k - N a m e  - Zack
A g e - 18
G e n d e r  -  Male
O r i e n t a t i o n - Straight
  R a c e  - Elemental
  R o l e  - Student
E l e m e n t a l   B a s e  - Metals
S p e c i a l t i e s -

-Animates and shapes metal (So long as he has enough metal to do so)

-Can create metallic clones of himself, though anymore than four begins to heavily weigh on him

-Metals do not weigh him down, as his abilities counter their weight with some kind of telekinectic control.

-It's thought that his Elemental powers have some sort of mental link with metal, allowing some sort of communication between the two.


With enough concentration and time, Zack can most likely make anything that is requested.

D o r m  R o o m - 

─────── ─────── ──────
View attachment 228621 
  H e i g h t  - 5'6
B u i l d -  Zack is a very ordinary looking kid. He is of medium build, with normal weight and the like. Yet Zack is very clearly muscular if you peek close enough. This is generally believed to be linked to his Elemental Base
  H a i r  - Very dark blue
  E y e s  - In a strange coincidence, his eyes match his hair color
─────── ─────── ──────
 View attachment 228623
P e r s o n a l i t y -


-Emotionally unstable



L i k e s - 





D i s l i k e s - 

-Birds (has a fear of them)


-Math Classes
Q u i r k s / H a b i t s - 

-Zack collects odd information of strange subjects

-Collects every type of metal possible

-Is sort of a collection-maniac

-Has a terrible memory (In a way I'll explain later)
View attachment 228625 
Q u o t e - 

"Don't say good bye. Good bye means going away, and going away means forgetting. I.....I don't want to forget you!!"


N a m e [COLOR= rgb(0, 0, 0)] [/COLOR]- Yaro Azar

N i c k - N a m e  - Ro-Ro

A g e -  16

G e n d e r  - Male

O r i e n t a t i o n - Straight

  R a c e  - Elemental

  R o l e  - Student

E l e m e n t a l   B a s e  - Fire

S p e c i a l t i e s - Fire-based Adaptation of the Arnis Fighting style

D o r m  R o o m - [Tba; add in once I assign you the room assignments]


─────── ─────── ──────

  H e i g h t  - 5'9

B u i l d - Lean

  H a i r  - Bronze/brown

  E y e s  - Purple, like an Amethyst

─────── ─────── ──────

P e r s o n a l i t y - Were he born in a time of war, Yaro would be a soldier. A fiery personality, with a strong sense of loyalty to boot, Yaro has been described as either the most supportive you know, or the most stubborn. Both are true, to a fault. Yaro is willing to go out of his way to protect and aid those he cares about, but to those he deems 'guilty' or 'wrong', he will challenge, fight, or otherwise hinder. This gets him into trouble more often times than not, but never mistake it- If you need help, He'll be the first hand offering it, but if you do wrong, he'll go out of his way to ensure you pay for it.

H i s t o r y - Yaro and his sister have not lived an....ideal life. Born in a city where those that treated elemental's with hostility, over the lack of jobs and general fear of one of them burning down their house or something like a hoodlum, Yaro and his sister were forced to hide their 'potential' because of their parents, who were these two bible-thumping catholic hypocrites, who believed that they were simply possessed, and that god would treat their 'condition'.

He was not sick, he was not possessed- Since how could having such useful abilities be considered a Curse?! If anything, he was blessed!

Eventually, things reached a breaking point when his parents caught his sister using her gifts to defend another kid from bullies. They wanted to punish her for doing the right thing, and Yaro....lost his cool. He doesn't remember clearly what happened when he snapped, but the next thing he knew, the man he called 'father' was nursing a burn across his face, and Yaro's mother was holding him back from continuing....whatever he did. He created that burn across his face, and Yaro personally had no regrets.

The next thing he and his sister knew? They were on the streets.

Yaro felt that the only people that would care about elemental's was going to be other elemental's, so with this mindset burned in, he began reaching out towards others like him in similar circumstances, those that were either shunned, kicked out, forced to hide what they are, and they used an abandoned warehouse to meet and socialize. Though it only encompassed roughly twenty kids around his age, Yaro began calling it a gang, a family. They were all treated like criminals for their gifts, but Yaro did his best to give them a sense of belonging. His sister worked part-time at a book-store, so she took to teaching the other kids, including Yaro, academics. Yaro was by no means a perfect student, but he wasn't a slacker, and tried to keep up.

Now, fortune seems to favor him.

Yaro and his sister were offered a place in this school, some boarding school where they could learn to properly use his gifts. Though Yaro has some basic control over his abilities, he is far from having actual training. To make up for this, he studies a Filipino Martial arts style known as 'Arnis', and adapted it to suit his and his sisters abilities. He wants to go to this school so he can learn to control his gifts, and pass it off to the others back home, so they can begin taking back what he believes rightfully belongs to them. A foolish goal, as violence only begets violence, but it is said that the path to hell is paved with good intentions.

L i k e s - 




Junk Food, who doesn't?


D i s l i k e s -



People that waste his time

Constant talking or blabbing

Doing nothing

Q u i r k s / H a b i t s - 

Yaro has always been an active child, so He cannot stand just...standing around and doing nothing. Whether it's by games, drawing, picking a fight, playing with an animal- whatever, He prefers to stay active and busy. Whenever he is bored, or he sits for too long, he either starts drumming fingers, or running a hand through his hair.

T h e m e  - When it Falls

Q u o t e - 

"Do I miss my home? Yes, I do. Do I miss my parents? Fuck no. See, that is why I do what I do, why I look out for my friends, my family. They don't have a home....in this cruel world, it was taken from them. So what am I going to do? I am going to help them take it back."

─────── ─────── ──────



N a m e  -  Adrianna Azar

N i c k - N a m e  - Anna

A g e -  16

G e n d e r  -  Female

O r i e n t a t i o n - Pansexual

  R a c e  - Elemental

  R o l e  - Student

E l e m e n t a l   B a s e  - Metal

S p e c i a l t i e s - Metal Based Arnis Fighting Style. Strategist

D o r m  R o o m - [Tba; add in once I assign you the room assignments]


─────── ─────── ──────

  H e i g h t  - 4'7

B u i l d - Balanced

  H a i r  - Natural Blond, partially dyed pink

  E y e s  - Amber, shines in sunlight

─────── ─────── ──────

P e r s o n a l i t y - In times of Peace, Adrianna is considered the one to lead, the one to help build, help settle. She is the planner, the thinker, and most importantly? She is likely the most caring person you'll ever meet. An individual of strong will, and even stronger convictions, she abhors needless and reckless violence, preferring to speak and settle through diplomacy and cooperation. Charismatic to a fault, the front she puts up hides an intense lonliness. Though she maintains a facade of strength and determination, inside she feels like crumbling, with how her brother is, and constantly blames herself when something goes wrong. She is considered the Yin to her brothers Yang, The Light to his Darkness.

H i s t o r y - If she had only not acted rashly....if she had only not used her powers....These are thoughts that constantly play into the mind of Adrianna. Learning early on the consequences of rash actions, Adrianna has always been the more careful of the twins, preferring to use her mind as her weapon, though she is capable of fighting (not as much as her brother though). She always is the one to calm down her brother in his fits of righteous anger.

In truth, she doesn't blame her parents for what they did....She knew in the world, the gap between Elementals and Humans was still very wide. They were scared, and they had every right to be. However, what happened DID happen, and she fully expected to be punished for it, even if all she did was stand up to a bully. But when her brother lashed out like she did, He made her feel something she never felt from him before....fear. Was that really what happened when you let anger turn into hate? Could the same happen to her?

When they were kicked out, the only person she blamed....was herself.

As her brother began bringing others together, with the intent of providing safe haven, Adrianna began working part-time at a book store, to continue her education. She provided the same education to the other young ones in the warehouse, trying to succeeded where their own parents failed. She always had to put on a mask of confidence and strong will, but everyday just made her feel worse and worse inside. The only joy she got was that she was giving these people a fighting chance. She almost didn't accept the invitation to this boarding school, believing she didn't deserve the chance, but her brother convinced her otherwise.

Now, maybe she has a chance to fix things....maybe she can make things right this time.

L i k e s - 


Board Games




Alone time

D i s l i k e s -




Large groups

Her own weakness.

Q u i r k s / H a b i t s - 

A bad habit of hers, when she becomes emotionally overwhelmed, she was excuse herself from wherever she is, and go to the nearest hiding place she can, often times crying her eyes out. It is her only way of keeping herself from breaking down in public. Yaro knows when his sister is on the edge of a breakdown, as she will start taking deep breath quickly, and clenching her hands into fists. He is one of the few people that can actually keep her from breaking down, though he is often the cause of them as well.

T h e m e  - Moonsong

[COLOR= rgb(0, 0, 0)]Q u o t e[/COLOR] - 

"My tears are not a sign that I am weak. They are a sign of me trying too damn long to be strong. I want to be strong, I really do, but I can't stop myself from breaking down when I don't know when thing will get better. But I will never become what my brother has- I won't let my anger turn into hate, I won't become  bitter. I will be the best person I can be, there is enough hatred in this world as it is."

─────── ─────── ──────

both accepted
 michiko izumi.jpg


N a m e  - Michiko Izumi "Wise spring"

N i c k - N a m e  - n/a

A g e -  [SIZE=11.9px]16[/SIZE]

G e n d e r  -  female

O r i e n t a t i o n - straight

  R a c e  - human

  R o l e  - Student

D o r m  R o o m - [Tba; add in once I assign you the room assignments]


─────── ─────── ──────

  H e i g h t  - 5'3

B u i l d - slim, yet busty

  H a i r  - mouse brown

  E y e s  Green, like a forest midday.

─────── ─────── ──────

P e r s o n a l i t y -  Timid, often confused, and quiet. Will stand up for other people, even if it puts her in danger. 

H i s t o r y - Michiko's homelife was poor. She was beaten quite often, and coming to this school would hopefully prove to be an escape.

L i k e s - Roses, Candy, Roasted seaweed snacks, classical music, gardens, humility,kindness.

D i s l i k e s -  Arrogant people,  Vulgarity, evil mannerisms.

Q u i r k s / H a b i t s -  loves to speak to inanimate objects.
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N a m e Aubrey Black

N i c k - N a m e  - Rey

A g e - 17

G e n d e r  - female

O r i e n t a t i o n - Hetero

  R a c e  - Elmental

  R o l e  - Student


E l e m e n t a l   B a s e  - Metal

S p e c i a l t i e s - Forming metal for weapons, and magnetizing


D o r m  R o o m - [Tba; add in once I assign you the room assignments]



─────── ─────── ──────


  H e i g h t  - 5 foot 6 inches

B u i l d - Toned like a swimmer

  H a i r  - Dirty Blonde

  E y e s  - Deep Ocean Blue


─────── ─────── ──────


P e r s o n a l i t y - [Very bubbly, but can change quick. She loves making Arcus happy, but she is also very infuriated by him. She is his best friend, but she has more than a friendship love when it comes to Arcus


H i s t o r y - [Optional;  you could elaborate on what their parents do, how their home-life was, rich or poor etc. etc.]


L i k e s - Arcus, the beach, metal, cuddling, and napping

D i s l i k e s - Girls flirting with Arcus, loud things, crowds, heights


Q u i r k s / H a b i t s - Squeaking and clinging to Arcus when scared


T h e m e  - [Optional; can insert their theme song or whatever]

Q u o t e - [Optional; insert a quote you think fits them or relates to them]
N a m e  - Fern Vinison
N i c k - N a m e  - Ferny/ Plants 
A g e - 17
G e n d e r  - female
O r i e n t a t i o n - Hetero
  R a c e  - Elmental
  R o l e  - Student
E l e m e n t a l   B a s e  - Plant based magic
S p e c i a l t i e s - Being able to create potions from plants, using plants for healing 
D o r m  R o o m - [Tba; add in once I assign you the room assignments]

─────── ─────── ──────
  H e i g h t  - 5 foot 8 inches
B u i l d - Tall and willow like
  H a i r  - Pale strawberry blonde
  E y e s  - Turquoise
 (With turquoise bue eyes)
─────── ─────── ──────
P e r s o n a l i t y - Quiet, reserved and shy. The oppposite of her cousin Raiven
H i s t o r y - Fern is Raiven's cousin on the paternal side. She joined Sakura Academy at her insistance that they could have a great time together. Much like Raiven, Fern enjoys music but unlike her, she cannot play an instrument. Fern's goal is to become a doctor when she graduates from the academy.
L i k e s - Potion making, cakes and studying
D i s l i k e s - Bats, horses and fireworks
Q u i r k s / H a b i t s - Fern is asthmatic and cannot take part in strenuos excersise because of this 
T h e m e  - [Optional; can insert their theme song or whatever]
Q u o t e - "Everyone has a flower waiting to reach the sun inside their hearts. Let's all work together to make them grow stronger"

@Leo Radomir



N a m e  - Daedalin Saumaz 

N i c k - N a m e  - He generally goes by Dae, if you want to use a nickname. Saum, and just D have also been used. (And if you want to use a cute nickname just say Dae-Dae)

A g e -  16 ( Sixteen Going On Seventeen )

G e n d e r  -  Male

O r i e n t a t i o n - Homosexual

  R a c e  - Elemental

  R o l e  - Student


E l e m e n t a l   B a s e  - Spiritual

S p e c i a l t i e s - Dae has two powers

Firstly, he can control any of the stuffed toys he makes. Of course, the bigger the toy, and if he can see it or not, will be major factors of how much he can handle.


Secondly, if he has attached eyes to this toy (normally made from buttons) he can see from these eyes. Depending on how far away the toy is from him is the only factor of how draining this is.


He can use both of these at the same time, provided he can handle it.


D o r m  R o o m - To Be Determined



─────── ─────── ──────


  H e i g h t  - Dae is 5 feet and 11 1/2 inches tall. He normally says 6 feet though.

B u i l d - Dae is thin, and doesn't seem to have much muscle. Don't assume that he is weak though, he can lift some heavy stuff, and can throw a pretty hefty punch

  H a i r  - Dae has dark brown hair, cut at a medium length, and is slightly curly.

  E y e s  - Dae has bright green tourmaline eyes. (Green tourmaline is a thing, google it.)


─────── ─────── ──────


P e r s o n a l i t y - Dae cannot, for the life of him, hold a conversation with someone new. The person he is talking to will have to be asking the questions for the first few times that they meet.


Once he makes a friend, or a group of friends he tends to "cling" to them. Using them as a source to meet new people.



Whenever Dae feels any emotion, you can easily tell what it is that he's feeling. He is never just somewhat sad, or a little happy. He's either crestfallen or elated.


He is also very pessimistic about himself, especially when he is depressed. Undermining how he acts or has acted, viewing everything with the worst possible outcome, and sometimes makes things that have happened seem worse than normal.


H i s t o r y -  Daedalin is an orphan of sorts. His biological parents tried to keep him, they really did. But they just didn't have enough money to feed another mouth. So they simply left him on the steps of an orphanage. No one knows this though, he simply thought that his mom died in childbirth and his dad of a broken heart shortly after. When he was found on the steps, all that was with him was a card with his name, Daedalin Saumaz, and his age, two years old. His birthday wasn't even on the card, so the orphanage decided to declare it the same day that they brought him in.


His six years in the orphanage weren't too bad. The place wasn't too run down, the cores weren't overbearing, and the staff was kind. The only trouble were the kids. Most of the kids were elementals, and poor Daedalin showed no signs of magic. He was bullied and picked on constantly, so much that he eventually thought they were right. That he was a mere human, and nothing more.


He was adopted when he was eight years old, and his family was very kind and accepting of who him. They didn't care if he had magic or not. Heck, they threw a party when he came out as gay to them. But his schoolmates were just as harsh as the kids at the orphanage, even some teachers were discriminatory towards him.


So around the age of twelve, he picked up sewing. And the first thing he made was a plain stuffed doll made out of a piece of scrap fabric, probably from some old sack, and some simple button eyes. After he finished making it, he set it on the table in front of him and looked at it. A few minutes passed of him looking at it, then all of a sudden, his vision changed. He was looking at himself, from the table, from... the doll?  Impossible. But sure enough, when he tried it again, he got the same results.

He was an elemental after all.



L i k e s - Fruit, Theater, Music (particularly sad, heartbroken songs), and soft fabrics.

D i s l i k e s - Stupidity, darkness, books that tell a simple plot in a complicated way, mushrooms, and itchiness


Q u i r k s / H a b i t s - After getting out of the shower, he tends to twirl the hair that would normally result in some sort of bangs around his finger, resulting in a "perfect" curl


T h e m e  - Million Years Ago

Q u o t e - "Even the darkest night will end and the sun will rise."

Random Fact: He has looked up ways to commit suicide seven times so far.

N a m e  -  Solace Hernia

N i c k - N a m e  - Sola

A g e -  16

G e n d e r  -  Female

O r i e n t a t i o n - Bisexual

  R a c e  - Human

  R o l e  - Student

D o r m  R o o m - [Tba; add in once I assign you the room assignments]


─────── ─────── ──────

  H e i g h t  - 5 ft. 9 in.

B u i l d Let's just say slightly built. She does have a 4-pack of abs and of course, she's very strong even if she doesn't look like it.

  H a i r  - Grey, somewhat smooth short hair

  E y e s  - Dark purple with whitish purple irises

─────── ─────── ──────

P e r s o n a l i t y - Aggressive, bold, and daring. As well as a bit tsundere. She fights usually on the front and uses all of her strength. She rarely holds back. When she's angry, she would have an urge to punch her aggressor in the face and beat them down. She may threat them as well. Like a delinquent.

H i s t o r y - When she was young, she always had to protect her sister from bullies. Of course, they always lost. When Ebalon had gotten the smarts for their devices that circulate electricity in controlled bursts, they were used on Solace. Somehow, it made her electricity resistant. It even charges her up to probably deal more damage as electricity circulates through her body. And with that, she started to practice hand-to-hand combat. Her opponents faced a very brutal outcome.

L i k e s - Challengers, Hand-to-Hand combat

D i s l i k e s - Bullies, constant ranged attacks

Q u i r k s / H a b i t s - She likes to play video games like her sister. She's more competitive so she would love to play against other players. In the art of playing video games.

T h e m e 

"Your moves are miscalculated, and underestimating your enemies, your biggest mistake. You will find the will of a single man can be broken."

N a m e  -  Ebalon Hernia

N i c k - N a m e [COLOR= rgb(0, 0, 0)] [/COLOR]- Eva

A g e -  16

G e n d e r  - Female

O r i e n t a t i o n - Bisexual

  R a c e  - Human

  R o l e  - Student

D o r m  R o o m - [Tba; add in once I assign you the room assignments]


─────── ─────── ──────

  H e i g h t  - 5 ft. 9 in.

B u i l d She doesn't seem to work out like her sister. She doesn't exercise but keeps a nice figure. She's a bit fragile

  H a i r  - White long silky hair

  E y e s  - Dark purple with darker purple irises

─────── ─────── ──────

P e r s o n a l i t y - She's more of a awkward person, but she does have a bubbly personality. She likes to keep her distance in fights, but she runs away a lot. If she gets angry, she would slap her aggressor so hard that it would leave a mark. She would also threat as drones flying around her ready to attack

H i s t o r y - When she was young, she was always a bully victim. Along with her sister. Somewhere within their childhood, she got her hands on some advanced science tech books near a high school. She studied it and made her own tech. As well as helping Solace to where she was now. In all her classes so far, her knowledge on science has excelled to the top of her classes. She had attended team competitions with her sister. As she watched Solace's victims experience the brutality of Solace, the others experienced Ebalon's scientific wrath.

L i k e s - Sweets, cute dresses, new tech, friendly people

D i s l i k e s - Bullies, things she can't really shoot at, spicy foods, sour foods

Q u i r k s / H a b i t s - She likes to play video games. She also likes to play the dating sims as well as shooting games. She could also compete like that too.

T h e m e

"It matters whoever wields the longer stick but it matters a helluva lot more about who's swinging it."
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magical hero.jpg


N a m e  Oktoro Isikage

N i c k - N a m e Stealth

A g e -  [SIZE=11.9px]17[/SIZE]

G e n d e r  -  Male

O r i e n t a t i o n - Heterosexual

  R a c e  - Elemental

  R o l e  - New student 

E l e m e n t a l   B a s e  - ice

S p e c i a l t i e s - Making Weapons out of his Ice such as scythes, swords, ect.

D o r m  R o o m - 109 (If available if not 110}


─────── ─────── ──────

  H e i g h t  - 6' 4"

B u i l d -Stealth has the build of a normally fit person but he can lift more than he seems he can though, he has white hair with a red streak in it and his eyes are yellow, with a scar over his left.

when he fights his left eye turns red and only when he's mad it gains a bluish green flame over-top of it.

─────── ─────── ──────

P e r s o n a l i t y - Caring, Quiet, Kind, sometimes Brash and blunt, Respectful

H i s t o r y -He would rather not go over it

L i k e s - Laying in the sun on a nice day, making sculptures with his ice, drawing, hanging out, blocking the world out at times with his music

D i s l i k e s - Being ignored, Showoffs, Disrespectful People

Q u i r k s / H a b i t s - He can sometimes get hotheaded depending on his mood that day and it would be best to leave him be.


N a m e   Ingo Isake

N i c k - N a m e  - Ingo

A g e -  16

G e n d e r  -  Male

O r i e n t a t i o n - Bisexual

  R a c e  - Human

  R o l e  - New student

D o r m  R o o m - [Tba; add in once I assign you the room assignments]


─────── ─────── ──────

  H e i g h t  - 5'4"

B u i l d - A little bit on the skinny side

  H a i r  - Dyed blue, naturally blonde

  E y e s  - Almond

─────── ─────── ──────

P e r s o n a l i t y - Inigo is a bit on the shy side. He has problems talking to strangers and can't seem to get small talk right. He is a bit jealous towards Elementals, even though he knows he shouldn't be. If you get to know him, he's kind and caring.

H i s t o r y - Inigo never really had any friends as a kid. He never learned how to interact with other people. Besides that, his life was decent. He wasn't bullied, he had a nice family, etc.

L i k e s - Red velvet cupcakes, art, interesting architecture, and candy.

D i s l i k e s - Elementals who are big headed about their powers, jerks, jocks, annoying people

Q u i r k s / H a b i t s - He draws when he's stressed

(okey serious this time XD im very sorry everyone. for making a disappointment  to u all and wait u but now here is my character)


N a m e  -  

Jinx De Leo

A g e -  


G e n d e r  -female 

O r i e n t a t i o n - Heterosexual

  R a c e  - elemental

  R o l e  - student

E l e m e n t a l   B a s e  - electrical/lightning 

S p e c i a l t i e s -Lightning manipulation

D o r m  R o o m - TBA

  H e i g h t  -5.6

P e r s o n a l i t y - 

psychotic,crazy,weirdo,likes to write notes and read books most of all is to stalk on her crush 

L i k e s -







D i s l i k e s - 

show offs





Q u i r k s / H a b i t s - she loves to paint and stalk her crush.

theme song:


N a m e  -  

jak de Loe

A g e -  


G e n d e r  -male 

O r i e n t a t i o n - straight

  R a c e  - elemental

  R o l e  - student

E l e m e n t a l   B a s e  -Metal 

S p e c i a l t i e s -metal manipulation

D o r m  R o o m - TBA

  H e i g h t  -6.6

P e r s o n a l i t y -

crazy,likes to read books, write information and watch people without any reason

L i k e s -






D i s l i k e s - 



no food


Q u i r k s / H a b i t s - likes to watch everyone and read books. play his quitar

theme song

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