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Fantasy β€”β€’ ||π•Έπ–Šπ–‰π–Žπ–Šπ–›π–†π–‘|| γ€Œlit. m/f + m/f (or m)plot」

The Witch Son

and a swift justice to those that got away with it
Hi! My name is Em, I'm looking for someone advanced/novella literate - literate to roleplay with.

Anyone who can comfortably write 800 words is fine by me! I write anywhere from that to 2k depending on context and how we're posting. I also like collaborating on posts and writing it like a scene. Usually using google docs so we can collaborate on the post, and then posting the finished product up on rpn. This doesn't require we be online at the same time, despite the style - but it certainly is satisfying to finish a whole scene/post in one go. I love multiple genres in all my rps I always think there's room for drama, action, mystery, thrill, romance in everything we write. Being detailed and creating a nice setup is fun for me! I won’t require full blown character profiles from you or anything but at least small ones with some nice pics so I can get the gist would be nice.

I personally love doing pinterest boards for my main characters and even one for the aesthetic of an rp so if you're addicted to pinning like me lol we can bond on that.

I am more than willing to play more than one character as mains. I usually like to play both genders. I like using real people or actors for character images but illustrations are fine, just nothing anime styled please. I do love anime but I don't like the images for rp purposes. Currently I'm interested in medieval type rps, lots of world building and political intrigue involved, that sort of thing. I'm full of ideas on directions and things do with these settings but would love for the both of us to create the rp in terms of setting and characters and direction. So I expect my partner to be just as interested in plotting as I am. I think of this as a two-way street. That said I totally understand needing breaks or having a schedule, I don't expect to put a post up every day necessarily and I don't expect that from my partner either. As long as we keep communication steady it should be fine for either of us to just chill and not write if need be.

I'm honestly pretty chill and I do work full time so I understand that life requires ppl to be present. If you want a strict writing schedule I'm probably not for you.

I prefer to use discord as our chat (i love to chat and be friends with who i'm rping with! Discuss life and all that.) and here for our rp posts. Plots are below. Please be 18+, I don’t do smut but I prefer rping with someone older.


In the life of a noble it is often expected that you marry whomsoever your parents deem fit. Unless you are very lucky, it is an arrangement, not a courtship, even more so if you are of royal blood. These arrangements advance families and tie others together in a peaceful bond, sometimes they even go so far as to end a war. Such is the case here, between Kingdom A and B, two countries who are sworn mortal enemies. In the last battle before fighting ceased, the King of A was slain. It was a mercy on the part of B to give the country time to grieve, and unexpected, given that B’s King is young and strong. Some pushed him to attack while A was weak, but having slain its King, he sees instead a different opportunity.

A treaty is being drawn up, an attempt at peace is being made, in marriage between the King of B and A’s royal suitor there is a chance to unify the two countries. Can the two peoples be unified despite the enmity? Can A's suitor reconcile with the man who killed her father? This and more stands in between the young couple, but no matter what happens, they will have to marry. Till death will they part, a death that may come sooner than later if they aren't careful of both others and each other.

I like to double up. I have a Chancellor character who is the dark and seedy type that helps run Kingdom A. I would like him to romance a Princess from Kingdom B or maybe nobleman depending on what you'd like to do. And as for my other main character I would like but am not married to playing the Princess from Kingdom A.

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