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Futuristic ̶O̶̶M̶̶E̶̶N̶ - A Twisted Pilgrimage


A Twisted Pilgrimage
Time was never a linear system.

As the end of the 224th cycle approaches, the prescient Augers from the Five Realms have professed the names of the Chosen Ones who must travel to Odem, home of the infamous Avatar of Pain. While it was regarded as the highest prestige that any living being could obtain, the equivalent burden was the sacrifice of four lives at the termination of their journey. Yet, for the remaining survivor, the spoils of victory meant the acquisition of their most paramount desire.

Limitless power. Unparalleled wealth. The subjugation of an entire planet. The reincarnation of a dead lover. The forbidden knowledge of the future. All of what seems impossible was made certain under the Messor’s power, if the Chosen Ones answered its call.

The time has come. Your name was proclaimed.

Will you risk it all to fulfill your destiny?
The main story will revolve around the journey of the Chosen Ones to Odem and their ultimate confrontation with the Avatar of Pain, the Messor.

The journey will be broken into three major parts.

First, The Preparation. This is a training of the Chosen Ones by the Augers and the Pantheon, because the journey is a dangerous one. They’ll be taught basic combat, and introduced to the type of challenges that they can expect in Odem.

Second, The Pilgrimage. This is the actual journey through Odem, trying to survive the challenges, pitfalls, and traps of the island. Odem is a planet that feeds on death, so everyone will have to be on their toes.

Third, and most important, is The Preference. This is where everyone will probably either band together or split apart when they confront the Messor. Think of this like The Hunger Games or Squid Games, but with the added strain of an extra boss to fight.
The fabulous @Fortuna is the original creator of this RP, for which the main inspirations were:

Hyperion by Dan Simmons​
The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins​
Genshin Impact by miHoYo​
The goal here is to have 4 committed, long-term players who will be seeing the story through to the end of The Preference, with the possibility for a spin-off or sequel down the line if people are interested.

1. The tone for this RP should be relatively mature, including violence and gore and possible psychological triggers. Please deal with all sensitive subject matter respectfully and, of course, respect RPN rules and the other players.

2. Posting expectations are set at one post a week per character (though of course this can always be slowed down if needed, just as long as people properly communicate). Word count matters less than interesting, well-written posts with proper grammar, spelling and punctuation that contribute to and advance the scene in some way (though try not to drop below 1-2 paragraphs if you can).

3. Collaboration on posts (particularly for fast-paced dialogue or action scenes) is highly encouraged (though of course don't control anyone else's character without permission). You're also encouraged to make your posts as detailed as you want, and to respect your collaborators by reading and responding to their posts as carefully as you craft your own.

4. There are only five open character slots in this RP, with the limit set at one character per player. Everyone is expected to actively participate in plotting discussions in the OOC, so that all players can be equally involved in worldbuilding and story-crafting, and no one gets left behind. The small group also means that every player and every character be will be essential to the story, so communicating in OOC if you need more time to post is especially important, that way posting rounds can be readjusted.

If you're interested in joining the RP, please read over the following section for basic information on the open roles and their respective Realms, and let me know which spot you'd want to take and any character concept ideas you have.
[The Chosen of Ame]
-Classification: Spiritwalker
-Affiliation: The Augers
-Archetype: The Conflicted Warrior
-Function: Tank

This role is currently: {OPEN}

AME (The Empyrean Realm) is the embodiment of light, home to the enlightened ones. It is an unbound, natural utopia built upon the foundation of peace. Minimal and quite utilitarian, its central ethos is centered around the ideals of meditation.

[The Chosen of Vanir]
-Classification: Synthetic
-Affiliation: The Council
-Archetype: The Unfeeling Engineer
-Function: Support

This role is currently: {OPEN}

VANIR (Realm of Innovation) is the embodiment of knowledge. Perhaps the most advanced of the Five Realms, this world greatly benefits from the studies and experiments conducted by its citizens. With widespread automation and technology, the number of biological species is trumped by their mechanical counterparts.

[The Chosen of Orcus]
-Classification: Post-human
-Affiliation: The Veiled
-Archetype: The Hotheaded Punk
-Function: Scout

This role is currently: {TAKEN}

ORCUS (The Abyssal Realm) is the embodiment of darkness and desires. There is never a dull moment in this world, for no rules exist to govern its inhabitants. If there was something you wished to take, it was all but yours to take. If it’s in a place of unbound freedom you wish to live, you must be prepared for the chaos and madness it exerts from within.

[The Chosen of Maat]
-Classification: Promethean
-Affiliation: The Intels
-Archetype: The Inflexible Enforcer
-Function: Shield

This role is currently: {OPEN}

MAAT (Realm of Ordinance) is the embodiment of justice. This world runs like clockwork, following routine regimented and ruled by discipline. Life is quite militaristic in this world and, to preserve order, there is no room for individuality. Those who don’t abide by the rules of their own volition are made to follow by force.

[The Chosen of Tenoch]
-Classification: Beast-kin
-Affiliation: The Pantheon
-Archetype: The Gentle Shaman
-Function: Medic

This role is currently: {OPEN}

TENOCH (Realm of Life) is the embodiment of growth and health. While Vanir might be teeming with machines, the world of Tenoch was left essentially untouched. Slow to adapt and much more communal, Tenoch hosts the most biologically diverse species due to the purity of their land. And yet, one-third of the planet is desolate and free from growth.
[accordion buttons & hidden scrolls]
{design by Fortuna, extra code by Ayama}
1. What the heck is this?
Put as succinctly as possible, it's the Hunger Games. In space. Your character has been selected for what, in all likelihood, will be a death sentence (alongside four similarly-selected others), and will be dropped with minimal training into a land of nightmares.
2. What's it about?
At its core, the intention is for this RP to be more of a character study, with the horrors the party encounters essentially acting as triggers for a deep-dive into who the characters truly are.
3. How's it going to work?
The first few rounds of posts (the Preparation) will center around the characters arriving at the training facility and beginning to establish interpersonal relationships and group dynamics while preparing for what they might be likely to encounter on Odem.

The main part of the RP (the Pilgrimage) will consist of the party moving through the Abandoned Realm, encountering various physical and psychological horrors that will test their limits and push them to breaking point- revealing who they truly are. During the Pilgrimage, characters may choose to work together as a team, or backstab and betray to survive and be the last one standing. Character death during this arc is not intended, but may happen if a character's creator desires it to be so.

The final part of the RP (the Preference) will have what characters remain facing off against the Avatar of Pain. There are many possible outcomes for this- we can decide as a group on what we want to see happen, or you can leave your characters' fate up to me >]
4. So wait, is this team-based, or not?
Yes and no. Just like in the Hunger Games, it is recommended for characters to band together to survive- at least at first. Since this RP will only have 5 characters (instead of 24), that 'banding together for survival' part is expected to include everyone, although smaller alliances &/or rivalries can also form. The closer they get to their goal, and the more desperate the group's situation becomes, the greater the likelihood of fear or desire pushing characters to selfish and betraying acts.

I'm looking for players who will be willing to explore the darker aspects of human motivations, and to delve into how extreme situations can bring out the worst (and best) in people. So there may be a ton of backstabbing, or only some, or none at all, depending on who the characters are and what they discover about themselves through undergoing this ordeal.

That being said, individual and collective enjoyment of the RP experience is, of course, paramount, so players need to be able to have discussions in OOC about their characters' actions and intentions, so that no matter what occurs IC all characters are able to continue interacting with the others and participating in the plot, and all players are enjoying themselves.
5. What's the deal with the wish?
Thanks to the Deus Ex Machina known as maaaaaaagic, a character's wish (that will be granted them by the Messor should they survive) can be pretty much anything you can think of- from the most personal and benign to the most grand and world-changing; the selfish to the selfless. Again in the interest of character study, I would expect to see an exploration of each character's motivation and the reason for their wish over the course of the RP. And yes, as characters bond and betray and develop and grow, their wish can change.
6. Are OP characters allowed?
Nope. Power-wise, the idea is to have all characters on a reasonably even footing, in order for them to be more or less equally at risk when facing the various dangers they encounter. This may require nerfing certain characters relative to their basic concept in the Lore (I am also willing to change said lore if we come to the conclusion that such a change is necessary). That being said, there can and will be moments when one character's strengths (genetic or acquired) play a crucial role in a particular situation- this is fine, as long as every character gets to have their strengths come into play and enjoy their moment in the spotlight.
7. First-come, first-served?
Not quite. There won't be a strict application process, per say, but with a group this small I will still be selective about the player and character cast to help ensure compatibility. What this means is that I may ask questions &/or request a writing sample if I think one is needed, and I may request changes to a character idea if something doesn't quite fit. If two or more players are vying for the same character, I will make a decision based on character concept and player compatibility (though in this situation players are also welcome to aim instead for another available spot if they so wish). There will be no deadline for 'applying'- I will simply respond to people as character ideas come in until all five slots are filled.
8. What's the CS deadline?
Once a player (and their character concept) is accepted, my expectation is that the CS be completed within about a week. This RP is relatively Lore-heavy, so between that and the fact that life happens I will, of course, grant extensions if one is requested but, if a CS is taking too long to come in, I will have to reopen the spot to prevent any delays in actually starting the RP.
9. Fancy BBCode required?
Absolutely not. People are free to use codes if they'd like to, and I will be providing a basic template for anyone who, like me, enjoys things being all matchy-matchy, but it will absolutely not be a requirement. The only thing I ask for in terms of formatting IC posts is that you provide a reasonably-sized image of your character, along with their name, Realm, archetype, and role. Bolding(/coloring) speech and italicizing(/coloring) thoughts for clarity is also encouraged, but again not required.

Please note that, if you do choose to use a code, it shouldn't be too tiny, too cluttered, or too filled with problematic colors, and it should always be accompanied by a plaintext version if, for any reason, one is requested.
10. But, that CS code...?
The CS thread will be coded just like the Lore thread, because my OCD is extreme and things not being matchy-matchy make my head explode, however no one will be required to use the code in question (raw or text-templated). If you have issues with it, or simply don't want to bother, just leave it plain when you PM it to me for approval and I'll take care of it. (You can send me WIPs as you work on your CS for any notes or suggestions, but please make sure the final version is truly finalized and fully proof-read.)
11. Will the OOC be on Discord?
It will not- I always keep things on-site, which means that if you tend to have issues being active &/or keeping up with an OOC that isn't on Discord, this probably won't be the RP for you.
12. I have more questions!
Great- ask away! I'm happy to answer anything on here and, once accepted, chat/plot/answer questions in OOC ^^
[accordion buttons & hidden scrolls]
{design by Fortuna, extra code by Ayama}

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