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Multiple Settings • Looking for partners! •


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• Hello There! •


Thank you for clicking on my topic! If you're reading through this then I'm guessing that just like me, you are looking for an RP partner. Let's start with the basics that are probably important.

First of all, nice to meet you! My name is Nona, I am 22 years old and work full time as an illustrator and graphic designer (So sometimes I might be busy with deadlines). I'm Irish, so my timezone is GMT. Timezones shouldn't be too much of a problem though as I tend to give out a minimum of one post every day or two. While I do work full time I should still be floating about here very often.

Although I find it easier to play female roles (You know...being female and all haha) I can play any gender, I'm pretty flexible in that way so no worries. Parings (If any involved) I am normally in are MxF but again, I'm flexible with that too if given a good plot or I am persuaded. No oneliners please, I really can't muster up the energy to reply to something that has no thought behind it and let's face it, there's little to no thought in a oneliner reply.

I tend to mirror reply lengths out of habit, the more you write, the longer my reply to you is (this isn't on purpose, it just sort of happens naturally haha so don't worry if you can't do the same, as long as the reply has substance that I can work with I'll be super happy :)) my absolute minimum would be one paragraph I suppose, I don't have a maximum really if you're in the writing flow go for as long as you need to, but I don't expect a novel length reply from you so don't force it if you don't need to :).

If you chose to quit our RP for any reason, please just be honest and say rather than disappearing, I don't like waiting around for someone who is never going to reply. Also for those who aren't big on romance, that's fine! I'm a big ol' sap for it but some of the best RP I've taken part in didn't involve any! So don't think I'm trying to force you to include, the pairing lists are for those who want it to be included.

Topics/Genre I'm interested in:

Slice of life
Post apocalyptic stuff
Space travel stuff in general
Fantasy of any kind

Possible pairings ((If it's romance related RP you are after. Again, its optional and I don't have preferences here it's just some brain fuel)):

Random Encounter
Childhood friends
Childhood enemies
Boss X Employee
Fantasy creature (Humanoid e.g Angel, mermaid) X Human
Fantasy creature X Fantasy creature
Human X Alien
Arranged marriage
Prince X Princess
Princess/Prince X Servant
Royal X Prisoner
Royal X Thief
Royal X Bodyguard
Human X Spirit/Ghost

Obviously there are so many more pairings I could list on forever but I threw a handful up incase you don't have anything particular in mind and need something to kick your brain into gear. I'm not really big on fandom so I can't really give a list up of those, I prefer original plots. Sorry :'D (That being said I've been in a couple of Harvest Moon/Stardew valley themed RPs over the years that I've enjoyed, they just had no canon characters)

Anyways~ If you are interested please PM me and together with our lovely noggins we can brainstorm some plots or if you have a plot already that you are really craving to do we can talk it over. I'll happily share and talk about plots in PM, I just dont have plots in this master post as I don't want people to feel limited to just whatever plots I put up!

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Hey :)  

Saw your thread and figured i'd drop a reply. 

I read through your list of interests, fantasy and post apocalyptic popped at me. Perhaps we could craft an Rp with one (or both?) of these genera, with or without romance, as I'm down for it if you want to.

Message me if your interested. 
Ouch! Don't bump me so hard! Oh wait, this is pretty cool. I have a pretty dark and violent plot if you'd be into that. It could easily be morphed into one of the genres you like. If you don't like dark and violent plots then I'm for a good sci fi story :)

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I would love to do a Royal X Bodyguard Romance roleplay! I also have a plot to go along with it too, in case we need something else other then just pure romance - which isn't exactly my forte; but I'm still willing to do.
I would love to do a Royal X Bodyguard Romance roleplay! I also have a plot to go along with it too, in case we need something else other then just pure romance - which isn't exactly my forte; but I'm still willing to do.

Hello there! Don't worry Romance is rarely the main plot drivers for my RPs, it's normally just a little side or secondary plot when included. PM me your plot ideas and I'll see what we can think up :DD
@Nona May I shoot you a PM to discuss something Fantasy Creature-esque x Human?
Heyo. How are you with just tossing a few characters into a world and winging it from there?
GMT is pretty great for comparing timezones. XD I'm unfortunately 8 hours ahead of you, but if that's fine with you I'd love to do something fantasy or sci-fi.
GMT is pretty great for comparing timezones. XD I'm unfortunately 8 hours ahead of you, but if that's fine with you I'd love to do something fantasy or sci-fi.
Thats fine with me! c: PM me and we can talk about setting something up!
Ooh! Childhood friends or Childhood enemies sounds like it could be really fun! Would you still be interested in roleplaying one of those?
Ooh! Childhood friends or Childhood enemies sounds like it could be really fun! Would you still be interested in roleplaying one of those?
Yeah of course! No-one has asked for either of those yet so they are definitely up for grabs. We can discuss some plots through PM :)

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