

New Member

I'm Astriskia but Trina is a nice name. Well, I'm just starting out from here, and I hope this account eventually rises to the top. So now that I've stated what I've need to... Any advice? Help? Information I should know?

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Hello Trina,

Welcome to RPNation, it's nice to meet you. I'm not sure what you mean when you say you hope to have your account rise to the top, but just be friendly and be yourself and you'll fit in fabulously here. You'll find we have role players that have a diversity of interests and writing styles, so, I'm sure you'll find everything you are hoping for in a roleplay here. (:
Welcome, welcome, welcome!!!

Glad to meet you, Trina-Chan~

As Mordecai has said, being friendly and being yourself is a great way to start your time here in our Roleplaying Nation~

Many people with wonderful personalities and attitudes reside here, and you'll likely find yourself there with these wonderful users in no time at all!

I suggest that you look into the interest checks, or even just fill in your roleplay preferences, when you do either, it opens up opportunity to write and have a grand ol' time with some wonderful people~

Don't be too afraid to talk, no one will shoot a good man down! (Unless, of course, you are roleplaying, in which case, your character has that chance, lol!)

Consider me a person you can talk to, I can help you if you need some guidance, I'd actually be happy to~

Oh! Goodness, I should probably let you know that I am *bows* your friendly neighborhood Door man, (Though I suppose y'all could call me Jack, if you so desire, my newbie friend~) here to serve and here to smile~

I wish good luck on you, and I shall be here for a while if you find yourself lost, don't be afraid to speak up!

Fare thee well!!!

(Cool icon, b-t-w~)
Hello there, Trina - Welcome to the site! Hope you're finding everything okay. If you need any help, just shout! :)

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