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Fandom Number Hunters (Yu-Gi-Oh Roleplay)

Gregorious could tell this one wasn't quite sure how or what he meant. A nod and following what he spoke was done by the preteen girl but did she understand the old man? He was wondering that himself. But atleast she was trying, it would take time before it struck her of the meaning behind those words of advice and drawing exercise. Meanwhile he watched her move curiously and lightly, not judging or expecting, just observing.

The elderly duelist from a once Awesome and proud school known as Duel academy and its Ra yellow dorm. Gregorious stood tall and large figure of muscles upright, looking on as the girl played her defense mode monster and set two cards face down. Hmm...... Not bad for a opening move.

"Welp, I'm saying it's my turn huh? If your done then I shall get started." He spoke closing his eyes and holding his five cards. While placing his fingers upon his deck preparing to draw, but waited quietly with a clearing of his mind and exhale of breath, letting his fingers touch simply remain and feel the cards he was about to draw and display what he meant ormpart atleast. The whole deal was a bit more personal for each duelist and practitioner is his way and belief.

Finally after some moments passed and his fingers pulled out the card in drawing from his deck. Gregorious opened his eyes and smiled.
"Haha! Right, I'll activate the spell card *Amazoness Village* followed by the spell double summon! Which allows me to normal summon twice in one turn. Now come..... Amazoness Paladin and Amazoness Swords Woman rise into Attack mode." He spoke explaining his turn while hardly looking over his cards as he seen them before his turn and didn't need to see them again, just reacting to his prior thoughts and knowing his cards. "I'll set one card face down. Meanwhile both my Amazoness goddesses will gain 200 attack points once per turn as well as Paladin here gaining additional 100 points for each Amazoness on the field under my control. So let's risk some battle and see that defense mode monster, huh? Amazoness Paladin attack with Strike of the amazon! And just in case my girl should be destroyed by this move, I can always use my Amazoness village to special summon a new Amazoness from my deck. Haha " Gregorious spoke whilst Paladin went charging forward with her sword and now 2000 attack points aiming to destroy the face down monster of Yasuo's.

"Now.... I'll end my turn." Gregorious spoke

Yasuo watched in silence as the old man made his moves and plays. Already he had two monsters on the field, but not only that, they'd gain attack points a lot. Yikes. She was out of her league with dueling him. She shook her head and watched as her card was flipped so it was facing upward, showing her cat she used in her last duel. If she could save her little kitty, then she could deal him some damage on her turn, even with him having monsters out on the field. And to do that, she had to spring a trap....

But she didn't know which one to use. Both could be used to stop the attack, but she felt that both of them could be used later down the road in the duel. Oh boy. What was she going to do? She turned her gaze to Galaxi, but her alien friend only shook his head. It appeared as though he wasn't going to help her out in this duel. It was all on her. That just made things worse for the poor kid. But she went with the feeling in her gut and that told her to activate one of her trap cards. Besides, if he wanted to power up his monsters, and he attacked her again next turn, she could destroy them with her other face down card and get some free damage on him.

"Since you called for an a-attack, I'll activate my t-trap," Yasuo told him once he went to attack her monster, as the trap card appeared on the field. "It's called N-Negate Attack and it well... n-negates your attack, allowing my c-cat to stick around..."
Yasuo watched in silence as the old man made his moves and plays. Already he had two monsters on the field, but not only that, they'd gain attack points a lot. Yikes. She was out of her league with dueling him. She shook her head and watched as her card was flipped so it was facing upward, showing her cat she used in her last duel. If she could save her little kitty, then she could deal him some damage on her turn, even with him having monsters out on the field. And to do that, she had to spring a trap....

But she didn't know which one to use. Both could be used to stop the attack, but she felt that both of them could be used later down the road in the duel. Oh boy. What was she going to do? She turned her gaze to Galaxi, but her alien friend only shook his head. It appeared as though he wasn't going to help her out in this duel. It was all on her. That just made things worse for the poor kid. But she went with the feeling in her gut and that told her to activate one of her trap cards. Besides, if he wanted to power up his monsters, and he attacked her again next turn, she could destroy them with her other face down card and get some free damage on him.

"Since you called for an a-attack, I'll activate my t-trap," Yasuo told him once he went to attack her monster, as the trap card appeared on the field. "It's called N-Negate Attack and it well... n-negates your attack, allowing my c-cat to stick around..."

Gregorious looked on waiting to see his young counterparts move. Two cards face down, her monster in play for his Amazoness to attack, while her attack points likely could be higher then Yasuo's set defense mode monster. Would she counter his Paladin and/or save her monster? The scene was curious, unknowing of how she'd respond and what was laying in wait, when she would act or where she'd go next. Just where would that monster end up.... Graveyard or face up? Reveal one way or another anyhow.

All the while Gregorious noted Galaxi keeping quiet as Yasuo looked toward him for assistance perhaps? Hmm...... Curious. Maybe with nothing at stake this Astral intended to keep out of strategy and let Yasuo learn, act and move on her own. Allowing her to make the decision one or another.

As she acted and spoke his old eyes matched his grin. The trap card was activated and repelled his Paladins strike, keeping her card safe for another turn atleast and returning Amazoness Paladin to her place on his side of the field. "Haha..... Good, Good Yasuo. You successfully fended off my Amazoness with Negate Attack, keeping your kitty safe while preventing me from attacking further. Even if I hadn't of chosen to end my turn afterwards.... Looks to me your getting the hang of it, just keep that head up and eyes open, like you did and trust those cards. Any situation can turn with a single draw!" Gregorious smiled and offered some kind words of compliment and encouraging advice. "Just remember that, got it?"
Gregorious looked on waiting to see his young counterparts move. Two cards face down, her monster in play for his Amazoness to attack, while her attack points likely could be higher then Yasuo's set defense mode monster. Would she counter his Paladin and/or save her monster? The scene was curious, unknowing of how she'd respond and what was laying in wait, when she would act or where she'd go next. Just where would that monster end up.... Graveyard or face up? Reveal one way or another anyhow.

All the while Gregorious noted Galaxi keeping quiet as Yasuo looked toward him for assistance perhaps? Hmm...... Curious. Maybe with nothing at stake this Astral intended to keep out of strategy and let Yasuo learn, act and move on her own. Allowing her to make the decision one or another.

As she acted and spoke his old eyes matched his grin. The trap card was activated and repelled his Paladins strike, keeping her card safe for another turn atleast and returning Amazoness Paladin to her place on his side of the field. "Haha..... Good, Good Yasuo. You successfully fended off my Amazoness with Negate Attack, keeping your kitty safe while preventing me from attacking further. Even if I hadn't of chosen to end my turn afterwards.... Looks to me your getting the hang of it, just keep that head up and eyes open, like you did and trust those cards. Any situation can turn with a single draw!" Gregorious smiled and offered some kind words of compliment and encouraging advice. "Just remember that, got it?"

She gave a sigh of relief when her trap card went through, successfully stopping his attack on her Amethyst Cat. What luck that it worked and his face down wasn't something that could have countered it. Of course, she hoped he wasn't going easy on her just because she was a rookie at dueling. She wanted the old man to give it all he had just like she was doing at the moment. Even if it didn't really seem like it. Plus, Galaxi wasn't going to help her at all in the duel. This was something she was going to have to do to learn to do things by herself. As much as she didn't want to think about it, there could be a time where she would have to duel without the aid of her otherworldly friend and she'd have to duel by herself. ...She just hoped that never actually became reality.

At the elder's words of compliment and encouragement, the young human perked up slightly. Maybe she wasn't completely as bad as this game as she first thought, even with being a fresh out of the ranks duelist. Giving a nod to show that she was listening and understood what he said, she drew another card to start her turn. Okay, what could she do now? She glanced down at the cards in her hand. She could switch her cat from defense mode into attack mode and deal some halved damage to the old man's Life Points, but there was also the fear of the face down card he had placed. What could it be? A trap card? A spell? Maybe it was her turn to take a risk and hoped everything went right.

Yasuo placed her eagle down in attack mode and switched her cat also to attack mode. Now that her little feline was, she could declare an attack on his Life Points even with him having monsters on the field due to the cat monster's special ability. So she went to do just that.

"N-Now that Amethyst Cat i-is in Attack M-Mode, I can use h-her special ability to a-attack you even i-if you have monsters on the f-field."
Yasuo is looking rather relieved and perking up now, huh? Good. The more she realizes it's a duel and nothing to worry over, the better she will be. It will clear those doubts and let her move like a reactive champ. Now all that's left for this turn of hers..... Is finding out how she will play it. Take a risk or play it safe? Aanhhh........ Good, she's thinking it over now. Those cards must be giving some options, huh? Gregorious had been standing in observation as the girl thought and reacted, looked over her cards and pondered a move.

Meanwhile another crystal beast entered play..... Those beasts turn into spells and traps when destroyed, right? Or could anyhow. Seems like a double edged sword but a useful option. But what's this? Ah..... She's made her call now, huh? The eagle is in attack mode and now that cat too.

As the young duelist spoke of her Amethyst Cats ability and sending it forth to strike at his life points. Gregorious stood tall waiting for the feel of his life points being struck, then watching as they lowered by 600 points. While the cat returned to Yasuo's side of the field.

Gregorious chuckled and then offered a smile. "Haha.... Now your taking it the gears and shifting to charge full steam ahead. Nice as cold Ice! I take it your willing to take risks when the calculations are right, huh? Good." Gregorious spoke now curious to see how she will end her turn.
She watched as her cat raced across the field, bypassing his monsters and striking the old man with her attack, dropping his life points down from 4000 to 3600. Not bad at all for her first move of action in the duel. Before long her beloved feline returned her her side of the field once her attack was finished. Her eagle was nowhere near strong enough to attack the monsters and she didn't want to call forth her second trap card just yet. She needed to save that until she needed it just like in the tag duel she had earlier. So to end her turn, she placed one final card face down on the field, giving it away to Gregorious once more.

"I s-suppose so? I thought t-that having Amethyst Cat attack w-would be a good play? It's not m-much, but every little thing h-helps... I think?"
"Right! Keep that up and you'll see there is no reason to doubt!" Gregorious spoke with some energy behind his words. Despite his age the elder duelist still had his flares and energy of the old days. Just a tad less of course, but it was still there. Meanwhile as Yasuo placed a final card face down to end her turn. Gregorious nodded and closed his eyes before quickly drawing his card with a leap into the air and "Ah Yeah!" Shout before landing upon the ground and throwing down his spell card 'Pot of Greed' "Now with this ill draw two more cards." Gregorious smiled feeling his old bones getting more lively and good as the duel went along, increasing his enthusiasm and intensity overall. More pep in his step and passion in his eyes and body. All the while drawing his two extra cards.

"Oh yeah! Let's twist and shout! I'll activate my trap card, Dust tornado! Aiming for that face down from your first turn!" He spoke as the trap card sprung up and activated, bringing forth a powerful tornado spinning forward to the mentioned face down. "Now using the other half of tornadoes effect, I'll set one card from my hand face down to replace it. Then Activate this card! Ties of the Brethern!" Gregorious spoke feeling his life points take a hit of 2000 damage points. "The hefty price does cost me. But it allows me a worthy trade..... By targeting my Paladin, I'm able to special summon from my deck, two monsters of the same type and attribute and level as her just as long as they don't share her beautiful name. So come on out.... Amazoness Sage and Amazoness Archer!" Gregorious winked with a happy, energetic "Ha" as the two Amazoness monsters entered play and joined their fellow Amazoness on the field.

"Now with these two lovely women.... My Paladin will gain 200 extra attack points. While Amazoness village will increase each Amazoness on the field by 200 points, just like before. I can't unfortunately enter battle yet for this turn due to Ties of the Brethren nor any special summons this turn, but I'll take time. I'll also throw down another face down to end my turn. Your up Yasuo!" Gregorious added showing he was both enjoying himself quite a bit, but starting to turn up the heat with his moves. While also explaining each cards effect and reminding of others just in case.

Gregorious LP: 1400
"But... w-won't there always be d-doubt?"

"For an older human, he certainly acts like he's still in his youth," Galaxi commented as he watched the elderly jump around like he was so much younger. The old man was just full of surprises, wasn't he?

The preteen couldn't have agreed more with her friend if she tried. It was pretty cool to see actually. Yasuo watched as his trap card sprang into play and got rid of the first card that she placed down. She watched helplessly as Mirror Force was destroyed from play and sent to the Graveyard. And there went her plan of getting rid of his monsters on her next turn and attacking him with her two monsters. Not only that, but he also brought out, even more, monsters after taking a huge hit in Life Points just to do it. Thankfully he wasn't able to attack her after doing that and it was her turn once again after he placed yet another card face down on the field.

"W-Well, you put me i-in a corner, h-huh?" she commented quietly. What was she going to do about this? Without Mirror Force, she couldn't get rid of his monsters, unless she brought out an even stronger monster. But she didn't want to bring out Utopia. He didn't have a Number card. It wouldn't be fair. But she could maybe bring out one of her other strong cards. She had no idea what to do at this point. "...What am I going to d-do..."
"Maybe.... But when it comes to dueling, you'll one day see it the same as I intend to show you. When you know your cards and how to play them, trust in that deck..... Doubt and fear will fade, disappear and be replaced with mad skill. Plus confidence. " Gregorious spoke with a soft smile. "And if your like me...... Dueling will livin' your bones and bring youth back to them." He added before taking note of Galaxi and giving a nod. The observation was correct despite his old age his energy was still pretty good and physical shape as good as one his age could be. While dueling just seemed to turn back the clock just a tad and renew his spirit or strengthen it for a short time as he duels.

Meanwhile his eyes looked toward Yasuo again. Starting to notice her pause and quiet comment towards him after she watched on and her trap card 'Mirror Force' was destroyed and sent to the graveyard. Much to his own delight truth be told that could have seriously made his tactics take a turn for the worse.
"Sometimes risk pays off and you can corner your opponent. But don't hold up now." He spoke offered aiming to counter her quiet and seeming pause with a spark of motivation. "That deck still has cards to play and perhaps one draw will change your fortune. Like I said before..... A single draw can turn the tide."
"H-Huh? Is it over already?"

That duel had gone by like a flash for Yung. First the kid summons another Harpy lady, next thing you know he's won. It seemed too surreal, and his memory is vague as to what happened. Perhaps it was because of that daze that he soon found himself alone, both the duelists and the crowds having dispersed. He turned around, D-Gazer still on his eye. Seems another duel had started, but this time without people having gathered. The girl who was dueling had only a cat on her field, staring down three of her opponent's monsters. Well, 'monster' was quite a strong word for three beautiful adult woman wielding various weaponry. It looked grim for the young, timid girl. She seemed to be positively shivering in place. The words from the old man also gave the impression that it was her turn.

Yung walked over, almost in a trance. The closer he got to the girl, the stronger a feeling of... kinship grew. Almost as if she was the other side of the same coin as Yung. He couldn't quite place his finger on it, but that wasn't important anyway. The important part was...

"Hey, he's right you know! A duel's never over until your lifepoints hits zero!"

Whatever possessed Yung to randomly cheer on the stranger left as quickly as it appeared, leaving him red-faced in embarrassment. He didn't even know her, and the duel didn't look like it was important at all! Still, despite that, he couldn't avert his eyes. He was curious to see where the duel went, and this time for different reasons than just loving to duel.

It's almost as if he didn't want her to lose.

Meanwhile, back in the middle of the city...

"The Seventh One...? Isn't that-"

Tora didn't get to finish her train of thought as a sudden pulse in her chest interrupted her. Like the intense beating of a heart, something was pounding inside and trying to get out... or rather, connect with something. The woman clutched her chest tightly, a few droplets of sweat forming on her brow as an immense force overwhelmed her. There wasn't any doubt in her mind: This feeling could only be because of her Over-Hundred Numbers... Masquerade. It reacting like this could only mean one thing.

Tora looked up and saw a faint, golden silhouette behind the other woman. Three heads, gigantic and overwhelming. It was a figure she recognized, despite never having seen it before. Chaos Number 107. In kind, her own masquerade flashed behind her, only not in it's chaos-ified form. No, Tora's human form wasn't strong enough to handle the power of chaos- it was barely strong enough to handle her Over Hundred Number.

"...Amazing. To have such fine control over chaos, not to mention the most powerful dragon in our world, despite being in human form... you're truly something else, Ceata."

There wasn't any doubt in her mind, this was the strongest soldier the Barians have ever molded. While Tora was one of the emperors, though the lowest ranking one, she couldn't match Ceata's power as it was now. The resonance between 104 and 107 faded, but Tora made sure to show Ceata the glowing Number on the back of her hand before it was gone completely. Just that alone should have clued Ceata in to who she was.

"But why are you in this city? I thought I was the only one sent here..."
"H-Huh? Is it over already?"

That duel had gone by like a flash for Yung. First the kid summons another Harpy lady, next thing you know he's won. It seemed too surreal, and his memory is vague as to what happened. Perhaps it was because of that daze that he soon found himself alone, both the duelists and the crowds having dispersed. He turned around, D-Gazer still on his eye. Seems another duel had started, but this time without people having gathered. The girl who was dueling had only a cat on her field, staring down three of her opponent's monsters. Well, 'monster' was quite a strong word for three beautiful adult woman wielding various weaponry. It looked grim for the young, timid girl. She seemed to be positively shivering in place. The words from the old man also gave the impression that it was her turn.

Yung walked over, almost in a trance. The closer he got to the girl, the stronger a feeling of... kinship grew. Almost as if she was the other side of the same coin as Yung. He couldn't quite place his finger on it, but that wasn't important anyway. The important part was...

"Hey, he's right you know! A duel's never over until your lifepoints hits zero!"

Whatever possessed Yung to randomly cheer on the stranger left as quickly as it appeared, leaving him red-faced in embarrassment. He didn't even know her, and the duel didn't look like it was important at all! Still, despite that, he couldn't avert his eyes. He was curious to see where the duel went, and this time for different reasons than just loving to duel.

It's almost as if he didn't want her to lose.

Meanwhile, back in the middle of the city...

"The Seventh One...? Isn't that-"

Tora didn't get to finish her train of thought as a sudden pulse in her chest interrupted her. Like the intense beating of a heart, something was pounding inside and trying to get out... or rather, connect with something. The woman clutched her chest tightly, a few droplets of sweat forming on her brow as an immense force overwhelmed her. There wasn't any doubt in her mind: This feeling could only be because of her Over-Hundred Numbers... Masquerade. It reacting like this could only mean one thing.

Tora looked up and saw a faint, golden silhouette behind the other woman. Three heads, gigantic and overwhelming. It was a figure she recognized, despite never having seen it before. Chaos Number 107. In kind, her own masquerade flashed behind her, only not in it's chaos-ified form. No, Tora's human form wasn't strong enough to handle the power of chaos- it was barely strong enough to handle her Over Hundred Number.

"...Amazing. To have such fine control over chaos, not to mention the most powerful dragon in our world, despite being in human form... you're truly something else, Ceata."

There wasn't any doubt in her mind, this was the strongest soldier the Barians have ever molded. While Tora was one of the emperors, though the lowest ranking one, she couldn't match Ceata's power as it was now. The resonance between 104 and 107 faded, but Tora made sure to show Ceata the glowing Number on the back of her hand before it was gone completely. Just that alone should have clued Ceata in to who she was.

"But why are you in this city? I thought I was the only one sent here..."

Ceata responded rapidly to her, "...I was over confident and trying to gain the trust of the Grevix family. If I can give them 3 numbers, i should be able to prove my worth. As such, I can then assimilate into their ranks and study my foes, while also preventing the Astrals from acquiring them. Then my plan was to my Seventh One and brain wash them into my slaves. Unfortunately, I accidentally absorbed to much energy and became..." She flicked her stomach, which jiggled in response.

She sighed, saying, "Normally I'm a foot shorter, at least. I'm clumsy... I couldn't use my draw to get out the Seventh One! In fact, I drew a useless card. I did prove two things though..."

Her eyes turned red as she explained, the power of Tachyon shining around her, "The handicap fortunantly enough allowed me to find Utopia, number 26 I believe. More importantly... The owner of said card has an Astral bonded to them. My current plan was to train my motor control and enhance my deck with cards from this world... Though enough with formalities... How have you been?" Her speech turned into a friendly hello, with her power flowing back. Now she only need a Utopia... and she'll finally become a emperor! Nyeh heh heh!
Yasuo jumped a bit at the sound of the new voice. Both she and Galaxi turned their gazes to the owner of the voice that had called out. A young boy, who looked to be a little older than her, had made his way over to watch the duel take place between her and the old man. But why was he cheering her on? He didn't know her and she didn't know him. Why would he try to give encouragement to some random stranger that was dueling? She didn't understand it, but she was thankful for it? It seemed that he and Greg really believed in her for whatever reason and wanted to encourage her as best they could. She looked at the boy, all red in the face from his outburst most likely, and felt something about the older preteen. She couldn't place her finger on it either, but there was just something about him that she understood.

"You see? A lot of people believe in you. You need to have more faith in yourself and your deck. Just as you've been told this whole duel."

"...I g-guess so.. I don't know w-why though.... But.. Um, t-thanks for t-that?" she said to the other kid. "That's um, t-true? ..I guess.."
"...Welp I'm bored now." Alexander muttered to himself, leaping out of his hiding spot having already forgotten why he was there in the first place and what he was even doing at all. "Let's see...Dylan's gone...I've got absolutely nothing important to do...and I'm bored out of my mind." He mutters to himself. "Yeah, may as well find something to do." He took a quick look around before zeroing in on one peculiar person in particular, Ty Tibbsworth... a person who he didn't know in the slightest and had just sort of noticed randomly. "Hmm...Wouldn't it be hilarious if I..." Alexander quickly came up with something he thought would be quite entertaining. He'd challenge this person to a duel, offering them a rare card if they won, but not showing them what card it was. He'd lose on purpose, albeit not without putting up a decent fight...and give the person a common, incredibly weak, nearly useless card. It seemed like quite a funny thing to do to him. He walked up to the person whom he'd set his sights on dueling, a slightly peculiar smile plastered on his face. "Greetings there! I'd like to duel you, if that's quite alright. I need to test a new deck of mine... If you win I'll give you a super rare, really powerful card!"
The Silent Z The Silent Z
Alexander leapt out of his hiding spot. He had completely forgotten why he was hiding, why he was even here, or what he was even doing in the first place. Not only that, but he was bored out of his mind. Taking a look around him, he zeroed in on one person in particular, Tyberius Tibbsworth...a person who he didn't know in the slightest but who stood out to him for some reason. He came up with a rather hilarious idea. He'd challenge this person to a duel, and offer them a rare card if they won. And then he'd lose on purpose...albeit not without putting up a decent fight. But, once he lost...he'd give them an incredibly common, practically useless, super weak card! It seemed funny to him at least. He walked up to Ty, a rather peculiar smile plastered onto his face. "Greetings there! Would you mind dueling me? I want to test out a new deck I made. I'll give you a super rare really cool card if you can beat me!"
The Silent Z The Silent Z (Sorry if this is a pretty awkward attempt at spurring character interaction, I couldn't think of anything else at the moment.)
(No Probs! SolemnSongbird SolemnSongbird )

The complete duel was over so quickly. Ty had just started to play his moves upon meeting and getting asked by this guy to throw down, when suddenly it all ended. Harpie lady with Mist-Body and Cyber shield was a nice combo after using Mask of the Accursed...... But he had no idea that would him to victory in such a way. It all happened so quickly the young brash duelist was not sure what exactly just happened. It seemed like a decent yet basic tri-tactical maneuver that could effect more powerful cards and rare ones while he stuck with his Harpie lady to take the feild. So what happened exactly? Did the Ty merely get lucky, undervalued his move or did it just work perfectly into his plans? Guess he'll never quite know for certain.

Now he found himself free from the duels attention and able to head off elsewhere since it seemed deserted here. Wait......... Did someone just speak? They did and approached without even getting noticed by Ty until the greeting was spoken and challenge laid down! With a twist of Ante's too.

The guy had a smile plastered upon his face and spoke of trying out some new deck. Yet Ty didn't think on it long, a new card of rarity and power was the main focus after the mention of dueling. " A duel? Yeah after that victory how could I resist. Prepare to get your game on!" Ty grinned setting up his D-Gear and setting his stance. While looking toward the man before him. "Oh and Greetings too.... Of course."


Meanwhile elsewhere with his eyes open in focused gaze and aura gone silent in mere observation of this duel between Gregorious and Yasuo. JK sat comfortably with a blank expression upon his face, simply looking on and offering little to offer for reactions to what was going on. Though truthfully he was curious of this young timid girls deck type and interested to see his mentors old deck again through a attention grabbing duel. "I wonder..... How much risk the old mans looking to take? Seems like a...... Hmm...." Jk thought watching on and glancing between faces. Gregorious first, then Yasuo, followed by Setsuko and the new guy who appeared and spoke up toward Yasuo. While finishing up looking toward the spot next to Yasuo figuring that might be where her Astral pal in Galaxi would be. Before turning to the duel field once more.
The complete duel was over so quickly. Ty had just started to play his moves upon meeting and getting asked by this guy to throw down, when suddenly it all ended. Harpie lady with Mist-Body and Cyber shield was a nice combo after using Mask of the Accursed...... But he had no idea that would him to victory in such a way. It all happened so quickly the young brash duelist was not sure what exactly just happened. It seemed like a decent yet basic tri-tactical maneuver that could effect more powerful cards and rare ones while he stuck with his Harpie lady to take the feild. So what happened exactly? Did the Ty merely get lucky, undervalued his move or did it just work perfectly into his plans? Guess he'll never quite know for certain.

Now he found himself free from the duels attention and able to head off elsewhere since it seemed deserted here. Wait......... Did someone just speak? They did and approached without even getting noticed by Ty until the greeting was spoken and challenge laid down! With a twist of Ante's too.

The guy had a smile plastered upon his face and spoke of trying out some new deck. Yet Ty didn't think on it long, a new card of rarity and power was the main focus after the mention of dueling. " A duel? Yeah after that victory how could I resist. Prepare to get your game on!" Ty grinned setting up his D-Gear and setting his stance. While looking toward the man before him. "Oh and Greetings too.... Of course."
Alexander quickly set up his D-Gear, ready to duel. "Ah, I really must thank you for accepting my challenge. I suppose I will be going first then, if that's quite alright with you." He says before drawing his opening hand. Needless to say it was definitely not a disappointing draw. "I shall begin by activating the field spell, The Hidden City!" He yells, his smile fading as he put the card from his hand into play. "Welcome to the city hidden in the very depths of the earth itself, a city forgotten by history, a city where underground beasts roam and destroy all in their path! When this card is activated I can add any Subterror monster from my deck to my hand." Alexander took a quick look through his deck, taking out a card and showing it to his opponent. "I choose to add Subterror Ultramafus to my hand!" He added the card to his hand, leaving him with five cards once again. "Next I normal summon Swarm of Scarabs! This card may be weak, but it will be your undoing! I activate Swarm of Scarabs effect! Once per turn I can put it into face down position." His pitiful 500 attack power face-up attack position monster was suddenly flipped face down. "Now I activate the effect of my Subterror Behemoth Umastryx! When a monster on my field is changed to face-down defense position while all monsters on my side of the field are in face-down defense position I can special summon this card from my hand in face-up defense position! And then I activate it's effect! Once per turn I can change it to face-down defense position! I then activate the effect of Subterror Behemoth Ultramafus! When a monster I control is changed to face-down defense position while all monsters on my side of the field are in face-down defense position I can special summon this card from my hand in face-up defense position! Now I activate Subterror Ultramafius's effect, flipping him into face-down defense position! I set two cards...and end my turn with that!" The two cards he'd set would serve quite well in keeping him alive, making absolute sure that the moment his opponent activated anything or attacked him he'd be safe.




And two mystery set cards. ;3
The move was looking above the kids paygrade. Starting off with that Hidden city spell card then he brought out that little Scarabs monster followed by another...... more powerful monster and a chain of effects to lead to his third effect monster all in his opening turn with two face downs. It was no wonder this guy smiles before challenging folks to duels, a start like that one could be something to look forward to indeed. Even as the smile faded it told enough for Ty to question his move. So far his best shot could buy him one turn of good play before a potential onslaught by those SubTerrors........

Taking another gander at his opening five cards as Alexander spoke up with explanations of each effect and moving in with his turn, recalling what he said for better thought as Tyberius pondered his reply move. "Yeah, looks like a nice trio there. I'm betting those face downs might be trouble? Hmm....." Ty spoke thinking over his move and trying to shorten it that way it could keep more in his hand. Might give more options later with future draws, but on the other hand not using his full Arsenal available in his hand would only weaken his chances moving forward. No telling what those face down cards could be, going by the opening move if could be just about anything that could devastate quick, if his moves weren't careful.

Hearing it was now his turn Ty drew his card and pondered some more..... "Alright Ty..... No fooling around here, the last duel was a win but no guarantees here. The guy might be testing his deck, but seems like it's goings to challenge my Harpie deck with some fierce moves. Alright...... I think I got it." He thought lifting his head up and looking toward Alexander with a grin and focused eyes.
"Nice moves..... But I've got some combos of my own. Check it..... First things first, Time remove any potential trouble with Harpies feather duster!" Ty opened while throwing down his spell card looking to reset the spell and trap zones by wiping out his opponents face downs. "Next I'll throw down Harpies hunting ground and summon a old favorite, Harpie Lady!" Ty continued leaving him with three cards in his hand. Whilst putting into play his spell card and bringing his lady Harpie out onto the field. Even with harpies hunting ground she was at a disadvantage however...... "She's not the strongest monster in play. But Harpies hunting ground makes her glorious with its dual effects and now this card, Elegant Egotist!" He spoke giving pause to not only throw down but slow his pace a tad. "It allows me whenever I've got Harpie lady out to special summon another or even Harpie lady sisters from my hand or deck. So from my deck I shall call..... Harpie Lady's Sisters!" Ty smiled knowing his move would be good to give him some time before feeling the SubTerrors or other cards in that deck of his and their return wrath. Until then he wasn't sure what he could do until he saw this deck some more and figured out a better plan for the long term.

Meanwhile from his deck three Harpies came in close knit fashion upon being special summoned by his spells effect. Appearing beside his original Harpie lady.
"Now with increased points of Attack and Defense, I'll send out the Harpies to attack your face down Scarabs and SubTerror Behemoth UltraMafus with Harpie Lady and Harpie Lady's Sisters!" Ty spoke throwing out his hand to gesture the attack order, while he looked on waiting to see what would happen next.

It could bring some retaliation right off, but it atleast would help even the field of play monster wise.

"I'll end it with a face down." Ty spoke placing his card onto the field and face down in the Spell & Trap card zone. Now leaving him with two cards in his hand.

SolemnSongbird SolemnSongbird

Harpie Lady Attk: 1500
Harpie Lady Sisters Attk: 2150





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The move was looking above the kids paygrade. Starting off with that Hidden city spell card then he brought out that little Scarabs monster followed by another...... more powerful monster and a chain of effects to lead to his third effect monster all in his opening turn with two face downs. It was no wonder this guy smiles before challenging folks to duels, a start like that one could be something to look forward to indeed. Even as the smile faded it told enough for Ty to question his move. So far his best shot could buy him one turn of good play before a potential onslaught by those SubTerrors........

Taking another gander at his opening five cards as Alexander spoke up with explanations of each effect and moving in with his turn, recalling what he said for better thought as Tyberius pondered his reply move. "Yeah, looks like a nice trio there. I'm betting those face downs might be trouble? Hmm....." Ty spoke thinking over his move and trying to shorten it that way it could keep more in his hand. Might give more options later with future draws, but on the other hand not using his full Arsenal available in his hand would only weaken his chances moving forward. No telling what those face down cards could be, going by the opening move if could be just about anything that could devastate quick, if his moves weren't careful.

Hearing it was now his turn Ty drew his card and pondered some more..... "Alright Ty..... No fooling around here, the last duel was a win but no guarantees here. The guy might be testing his deck, but seems like it's goings to challenge my Harpie deck with some fierce moves. Alright...... I think I got it." He thought lifting his head up and looking toward Alexander with a grin and focused eyes.
"Nice moves..... But I've got some combos of my own. Check it..... First things first, Time remove any potential trouble with Harpies feather duster!" Ty opened while throwing down his spell card looking to reset the spell and trap zones by wiping out his opponents face downs. "Next I'll throw down Harpies hunting ground and summon a old favorite, Harpie Lady!" Ty continued leaving him with three cards in his hand. Whilst putting into play his spell card and bringing his lady Harpie out onto the field. Even with harpies hunting ground she was at a disadvantage however...... "She's not the strongest monster in play. But Harpies hunting ground makes her glorious with its dual effects and now this card, Elegant Egotist!" He spoke giving pause to not only throw down but slow his pace a tad. "It allows me whenever I've got Harpie lady out to special summon another or even Harpie lady sisters from my hand or deck. So from my deck I shall call..... Harpie Lady's Sisters!" Ty smiled knowing his move would be good to give him some time before feeling the SubTerrors or other cards in that deck of his and their return wrath. Until then he wasn't sure what he could do until he saw this deck some more and figured out a better plan for the long term.

Meanwhile from his deck three Harpies came in close knit fashion upon being special summoned by his spells effect. Appearing beside his original Harpie lady.
"Now with increased points of Attack and Defense, I'll send out the Harpies to attack your face down Scarabs and SubTerror Behemoth UltraMafus with Harpie Lady and Harpie Lady's Sisters!" Ty spoke throwing out his hand to gesture the attack order, while he looked on waiting to see what would happen next.

It could bring some retaliation right off, but it atleast would help even the field of play monster wise.

"I'll end it with a face down." Ty spoke placing his card onto the field and face down in the Spell & Trap card zone. Now leaving him with two cards in his hand.

SolemnSongbird SolemnSongbird

Harpie Lady Attk: 1500
Harpie Lady Sisters Attk: 2150





Immediately after the rather devastating Harpie's Feather Duster he activated the effect of one of his trap cards in the graveyard. "Because your Harpie's Feather Duster destroyed my Subterror Behemoth Burrowing, I can add any Subterror Monster I want from my deck to my hand. I choose to add Subterror Behemoth Voltelluric!" He quickly pulled the card out of his deck, showing it to his opponent. It really hadn't been good that his opponent had destroyed all his spells and traps, if he hadn't then maybe he could have protected Ultramafus from destruction when his opponent attacked it. Swarm of Scarabs being destroyed was no major loss, but his opponent destroying Ultramafus was. "Because you attacked my face-down Ultramafus, it's flip effect activates! All face-up monsters on the field other than itself are flipped into face-down defense position! Unfortunately for me Ultramafus is still destroyed by the battle." The two Harpie's that had destroyed his monsters suddenly flipped to face-down defense position. Now it was his turn to retaliate. He drew his card and...this could work. "I flip summon my Subterror Behemoth Umastryx, activating its flip effect! I can banish one monster on the field! I choose to banish your currently face-down Harpie Lady Sisters." He thought his options over for a moment. He had Voltelluric and Book of Eclipse in his hand. Book of Eclipse would be a nice way of saving himself in a tricky situation, and if his opponent tried to use Harpie's Hunting Grounds to destroy it he would just simply chain it's activation to the activation of the effect of Harpie's Hunting Grounds to flip his opponent's monsters face-down anyway, and Voltelluric was just a straight up wall...unless his opponent drew a Raigeki or something. For now however he needed to get rid of that other Harpie and figure out what to do later. Setting the Book of Eclipse would probably be a good idea to do afterwards, but not until he saw what happened when he attacked that dang Harpie. "And now, my Subterror Behemoth Umastryx will attack your face-down Harpie Lady!"
Destroyed by Harpie's Feather Duster


Cards who's effects were activated by being attacked.

Cards who's effects were used during Main Phase 1.
"The... Grevix. I've heard that name before..."

Tora's voice trailed off as she brought one of her fingers to her chin, thinking. She'd heard their name drop a few times in passerby conversation, but that's about all she's heard of them. They're wealthy and powerful, so it certainly wouldn't be out of the question for them to have Numbers... things were going to get tricky. Tora has only been here for a short while, but she hasn't made any progress on collecting Numbers. If things continued the way they were now, neither her nor Yung were going to get anywhere... and the boy wouldn't get any stronger.

Tora was snapped back into reality with the mention of an Astral. She flinched and hurriedly searched for Ceata's eyes.

"It couldn't be... I saw them, too. Just a moment ago... an Astral. So it wasn't just my eyes playing tricks on me... damnit!"

Tora bit slightly into her finger, but sighed soon after. No use getting wound up over it now.

"Sorry, everything's just kind of a mess right now... but I'm doing fine otherwise. The human I got paired up with is a bit silly, but he's a good kid... which cause whole new problems of their own."

Tora rubbed her temples, trying to wrap her head around everything. Ceata mentioned her wanting to become one of the emperors, which relieved the redhead of some of her stress. At least someone here has it simple...

"I wonder if you realize just how close to that dream you actually are..."

Meanwhile, back at the plaza...

Oh man, the girl had noticed Yung's cheering. This was incredibly awkward. Still, it looks like she pulled herself together now so... that's good, right? Now she could show him an even more exciting duel! ...Not that the duels so far haven't been exciting, of course! He just wishes that there had been a little more... Xyz summoning going on. Those monsters were the coolest! And now he had one of his own... Everything was great! Still, that was neither here nor there. Right now, only the duel with the grade schooler was important. Now that she's in the zone, he's curious as to how the girl will continue playing...
Immediately after the rather devastating Harpie's Feather Duster he activated the effect of one of his trap cards in the graveyard. "Because your Harpie's Feather Duster destroyed my Subterror Behemoth Burrowing, I can add any Subterror Monster I want from my deck to my hand. I choose to add Subterror Behemoth Voltelluric!" He quickly pulled the card out of his deck, showing it to his opponent. It really hadn't been good that his opponent had destroyed all his spells and traps, if he hadn't then maybe he could have protected Ultramafus from destruction when his opponent attacked it. Swarm of Scarabs being destroyed was no major loss, but his opponent destroying Ultramafus was. "Because you attacked my face-down Ultramafus, it's flip effect activates! All face-up monsters on the field other than itself are flipped into face-down defense position! Unfortunately for me Ultramafus is still destroyed by the battle." The two Harpie's that had destroyed his monsters suddenly flipped to face-down defense position. Now it was his turn to retaliate. He drew his card and...this could work. "I flip summon my Subterror Behemoth Umastryx, activating its flip effect! I can banish one monster on the field! I choose to banish your currently face-down Harpie Lady Sisters." He thought his options over for a moment. He had Voltelluric and Book of Eclipse in his hand. Book of Eclipse would be a nice way of saving himself in a tricky situation, and if his opponent tried to use Harpie's Hunting Grounds to destroy it he would just simply chain it's activation to the activation of the effect of Harpie's Hunting Grounds to flip his opponent's monsters face-down anyway, and Voltelluric was just a straight up wall...unless his opponent drew a Raigeki or something. For now however he needed to get rid of that other Harpie and figure out what to do later. Setting the Book of Eclipse would probably be a good idea to do afterwards, but not until he saw what happened when he attacked that dang Harpie. "And now, my Subterror Behemoth Umastryx will attack your face-down Harpie Lady!"
Destroyed by Harpie's Feather Duster


Cards who's effects were activated by being attacked.

Cards who's effects were used during Main Phase 1.
The young duelist was feeling the burn of destruction when his Harpie lady sisters were banished. Followed by the incoming attack from his Behemoth.... the only positive was the that Harpie got flipped face down into defense mode. But it left his field defenseless and with the combo taking his Harpies down it made his face down trap card useless with no beasts on the field that would help Tyberius with a different combo to take down that beast with the high defense. Based off the first move Ty knew he was going to feel some heat and be stuck in a tough spot, but his plans were seeming tougher now.

"Looks like your moves have game....." Ty thought, hoping his own moves weren't his last nor his only tricks left up his sleeve. It all came down to his next draw, if the draw was good then it might just turn things around. At the moment however it was still officially his opponents turn, right? Yeah. The thing left to do was wait and see...
The young duelist was feeling the burn of destruction when his Harpie lady sisters were banished. Followed by the incoming attack from his Behemoth.... the only positive was the that Harpie got flipped face down into defense mode. But it left his field defenseless and with the combo taking his Harpies down it made his face down trap card useless with no beasts on the field that would help Tyberius with a different combo to take down that beast with the high defense. Based off the first move Ty knew he was going to feel some heat and be stuck in a tough spot, but his plans were seeming tougher now.

"Looks like your moves have game....." Ty thought, hoping his own moves weren't his last nor his only tricks left up his sleeve. It all came down to his next draw, if the draw was good then it might just turn things around. At the moment however it was still officially his opponents turn, right? Yeah. The thing left to do was wait and see...
"...Huh. I'm almost surprised nothing went wrong there. Anyway, I'm now going to activate Subterror Behemoth Umastryx's effect, flipping it into face down defense position. This triggers and allows activate Subterror Behemoth Voltelluric's effect, special summoning it in face-up defense position. I now activate Subterror Behemoth Voltelluric's effect, flipping it face down." All that was left was to set Book of Eclipse, and he'd just end his turn. Unless...no, he would hold onto it. This card could be the most useful card he had...if he just managed to draw the right card next turn. It was a bit of a risk, since if his opponent managed to wipe his entire field he'd be left without any defenses, but it was a risk he was willing to take. He had a plan...an incredibly risky but possibly quite rewarding plan, but he needed time to pull it off. For now his only option was to simply end his turn. "I end my turn!"
So another subterror monster was now out on the field. Both were faced down in defense mode, due to effects and if Tyberius was catching on to the style of play his opponents deck entailed.... It was likely going to get worse from here on out. "Your monsters got some effects worth checking out. But...." Ty spoke while drawing his next card to begin his turn. "Cyber shield?" He pondered to himself then widened his eyes for he just recalled the true effects of his face down. The kid had it reversed for it wasn't two wing beasts tributes to destroy one card on the field, it was one tribute to take down two cards of choice. A move that if used in this combo he had in mind could turn around his luck and provide some advantage for awhile.

"Ok new guy, time to take this back to school." He smiled a bit and moved to summon a monster card from his hand. "First I'll bring out this darling in Attack mode: Harpies Channeler" He spoke taking a moment to see his card enter onto the field. "Next I'll activate her effect and by discarding one Harpie in my hand like this one...." He paused in explaining his move by showing his other Harpie channeler from his hand, then placed it in the graveyard. "I can special summon one monster from my deck. So I'll select Cyber Harpie lady!!! In attack mode of course." Ty continued getting a bit pumped to see his turn working out so far. "Then I'll triple my chain of combos by activating my face down... Icarus attack! By tributing a winged beast type like my Channeler who's on the field, I can select and destroy two cards." Ty explained giving pause to see his Channeler hit the graveyard and vanish from the field. "And I think you'll see where I'm leading. So if this works, I'll choose your two monsters there. Allowing a clear field for me and my Cyber Harpie! " Ty added allowing pause to see if the move worked, before continuing with his plan.
So another subterror monster was now out on the field. Both were faced down in defense mode, due to effects and if Tyberius was catching on to the style of play his opponents deck entailed.... It was likely going to get worse from here on out. "Your monsters got some effects worth checking out. But...." Ty spoke while drawing his next card to begin his turn. "Cyber shield?" He pondered to himself then widened his eyes for he just recalled the true effects of his face down. The kid had it reversed for it wasn't two wing beasts tributes to destroy one card on the field, it was one tribute to take down two cards of choice. A move that if used in this combo he had in mind could turn around his luck and provide some advantage for awhile.

"Ok new guy, time to take this back to school." He smiled a bit and moved to summon a monster card from his hand. "First I'll bring out this darling in Attack mode: Harpies Channeler" He spoke taking a moment to see his card enter onto the field. "Next I'll activate her effect and by discarding one Harpie in my hand like this one...." He paused in explaining his move by showing his other Harpie channeler from his hand, then placed it in the graveyard. "I can special summon one monster from my deck. So I'll select Cyber Harpie lady!!! In attack mode of course." Ty continued getting a bit pumped to see his turn working out so far. "Then I'll triple my chain of combos by activating my face down... Icarus attack! By tributing a winged beast type like my Channeler who's on the field, I can select and destroy two cards." Ty explained giving pause to see his Channeler hit the graveyard and vanish from the field. "And I think you'll see where I'm leading. So if this works, I'll choose your two monsters there. Allowing a clear field for me and my Cyber Harpie! " Ty added allowing pause to see if the move worked, before continuing with his plan.
Darn, there was nothing Alexander could do to stop this... What was that trap he had in the graveyard again? Breakthrough skill...he couldn't use that in any useful way at the moment though. He also had Subterror Burrowing in his graveyard, but that couldn't do anything to help him out. Both of his face-down monsters were going to be destroyed, and he had no way around it. His opponent didn't have enough monsters on the board to kill him, at least not at the moment, and his only chance of turning this around was to draw just the right card next turn. As long as he had one turn left there was at least a chance of turning this around... But for now there was nothing he could do, he was going to lose both his Subterrors and take a hit from that Cyber Harpie Lady. He was surprised that this Harpie deck was this powerful! He had gotten a decent hand, and he'd still gotten outplayed by this deck even though he'd been trying his hardest to put some serious pressure on his opponent.
Breathing a sigh of relief upon seeing his trap card and tribute of Harpies Channeler working. Ty gave a nod and smiled now risking a move that would keep his hand light for awhile, but would increase his Cyber Harpies attack power on top of his Harpies hunting ground. "I'll say nice deck, it's seeming like a powerful counterpart to my Harpies. But..... Sometimes beauty of these ladies will win out!" He spoke with a tooth revealing grin as he pulled his remaining card from his hand and activated it. "This will empty the hand and keep me short on cards for awhile. But here goes Cyber Shield!!!" Tyberius excitedly stated "I'll enhance my Cyber ladys armor with this equip spell, thus increasing her attack power by 500 points on top of the 200 granted by my field spell." Ty spoke "Normally cyber shield only works with a Harpie lady or Harpie sisters by due to most Harpie monster effects, they are treated as Harpie lady. Allowing to increase my cybers attack power." Tyberius explained though he realized this might be unnecessary with a older duelist, but it was good practice to keep his cards effects in memory.

"Now with 2500 attack points I end my turn after this attack on your life points!" Ty stated thrusting his hand outward and sent his Cyber Harpie lady into attack Alexanders life points.

Breathing a sigh of relief upon seeing his trap card and tribute of Harpies Channeler working. Ty gave a nod and smiled now risking a move that would keep his hand light for awhile, but would increase his Cyber Harpies attack power on top of his Harpies hunting ground. "I'll say nice deck, it's seeming like a powerful counterpart to my Harpies. But..... Sometimes beauty of these ladies will win out!" He spoke with a tooth revealing grin as he pulled his remaining card from his hand and activated it. "This will empty the hand and keep me short on cards for awhile. But here goes Cyber Shield!!!" Tyberius excitedly stated "I'll enhance my Cyber ladys armor with this equip spell, thus increasing her attack power by 500 points on top of the 200 granted by my field spell." Ty spoke "Normally cyber shield only works with a Harpie lady or Harpie sisters by due to most Harpie monster effects, they are treated as Harpie lady. Allowing to increase my cybers attack power." Tyberius explained though he realized this might be unnecessary with a older duelist, but it was good practice to keep his cards effects in memory.

"Now with 2500 attack points I end my turn after this attack on your life points!" Ty stated thrusting his hand outward and sent his Cyber Harpie lady into attack Alexanders life points.
2500 points of direct damage?! He certainly hadn't expected to take that much damage in a single turn, especially not from a Harpie deck of all things. His opponent's strategy seemed to be focused very heavily around offensive power mainly, making it pretty much the antithesis of his Subterror deck, which played defensively and set up for a powerful offense. Still, his opponent at the very least had no more cards in their hand now, meaning that a comeback from the situation would be at least slightly more feasible. He didn't know too much about Harpies, but what he did know is that they tended to have issues with recovering when they had no hand left. Meanwhile his Subterrors, with the right luck, had great searching and recovery power. Alexander knew that he could turn this around. His opponent only had one monster and that dang field spell. His opponent's equip spell was pretty much irrelevant to him though, since it didn't provide anything more than an attack boost to his enemy's singular monster which would be easy to get rid of. "I must admit, your deck is impressively powerful. I feel I may have underestimated you at first. I will concede that your deck is more than likely more powerful than mine. However, your power will most likely amount to nothing in the end. Anyway, does that end your turn, or do you have something else you can do?"
2500 points of direct damage?! He certainly hadn't expected to take that much damage in a single turn, especially not from a Harpie deck of all things. His opponent's strategy seemed to be focused very heavily around offensive power mainly, making it pretty much the antithesis of his Subterror deck, which played defensively and set up for a powerful offense. Still, his opponent at the very least had no more cards in their hand now, meaning that a comeback from the situation would be at least slightly more feasible. He didn't know too much about Harpies, but what he did know is that they tended to have issues with recovering when they had no hand left. Meanwhile his Subterrors, with the right luck, had great searching and recovery power. Alexander knew that he could turn this around. His opponent only had one monster and that dang field spell. His opponent's equip spell was pretty much irrelevant to him though, since it didn't provide anything more than an attack boost to his enemy's singular monster which would be easy to get rid of. "I must admit, your deck is impressively powerful. I feel I may have underestimated you at first. I will concede that your deck is more than likely more powerful than mine. However, your power will most likely amount to nothing in the end. Anyway, does that end your turn, or do you have something else you can do?"

2500 points of direct damage?! He certainly hadn't expected to take that much damage in a single turn, especially not from a Harpie deck of all things. His opponent's strategy seemed to be focused very heavily around offensive power mainly, making it pretty much the antithesis of his Subterror deck, which played defensively and set up for a powerful offense. Still, his opponent at the very least had no more cards in their hand now, meaning that a comeback from the situation would be at least slightly more feasible. He didn't know too much about Harpies, but what he did know is that they tended to have issues with recovering when they had no hand left. Meanwhile his Subterrors, with the right luck, had great searching and recovery power. Alexander knew that he could turn this around. His opponent only had one monster and that dang field spell. His opponent's equip spell was pretty much irrelevant to him though, since it didn't provide anything more than an attack boost to his enemy's singular monster which would be easy to get rid of. "I must admit, your deck is impressively powerful. I feel I may have underestimated you at first. I will concede that your deck is more than likely more powerful than mine. However, your power will most likely amount to nothing in the end. Anyway, does that end your turn, or do you have something else you can do?"
"Oh.... Umm thanks! Gotta admit wasn't expecting the compliment. Though I'd guess most underestimate the young schoolers of dueling. No sweat there." Ty spoke scratching the back of his head with a smile. Despite the fact it wasn't a easy pill to swallow, the guy was right with no cards in the young duelists hands and only two spells around to boost his single Harpie while able to make use of his hunting ground spell once in awhile to double its effectiveness, Ty was amounting to no end game right now. Just adding power and relying on it until his cards came to him, one at a time too. "Nah.... I can't pull any moves now, your up. Though one question to answer my curiosity if I've pulled this together right. Your deck...... It's based on the defense and effects, huh? Using them build into something more or perhaps combine with spells and traps to overcome sheer power?" Ty spoke obviously only speaking on what he's seen and gathered so far. Since this was the first time he's heard of and faced the Subterror archetype and its deck build.

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