The Silent Z
Just Here
Hmm.... I see. I have seen a few that caught my eye, but didn't learn too much yet on them. Just read a little on for example (Gimmick Puppet. Some of the different Hero and warrior themes) But have noticed they are quite odd and gimmicky compared to older gens. I mean that Clock deck looked really strange to me. But yeah, I can understand the drop in use with systems down and it's reliance on level 5'sThe newer decks are...strange and gimmicky, but have interesting and good gimmicks. :p Cyber Dragons are actually only rarely used because of the heavy reliance on level 5/rank 5 machines...and is the reason everyone still sides System Down (or whatever it's called) which BANISHES all machine type monsters on the field.
Trust me, you do NOT want to see the meta decks...they have become basically win first turn or give up/make it so your opponent can't play at all, destroy their entire deck, and create a literally unbreakable board. It's utter infuriating nonsense.
They sound like a deck I'd hate and become annoyed by, seems like no fun with that deck. Infuriating indeed. What's the point of a duel if your just going to squash everybody in one turn or very few turns? Haha