Here to deliver the token Loli.
Thats if your opponent can affect your pendulum scale. In my opinion, its still broken because you can pull out powerful cards that could help prevent other cards that could potentially hurt your pendulum zone.
I'm sorry, but don't talk shit about something you don't understand. The only way an entire mechanic could be broken is if the cards in it are. May I remind everyone that every deck became Synchro Spam in 5D's midpoint, and every deck became a Rank 4 Toolbox in ZeXal's midpoint? Heck, compared to those two eras, pendulum was the best thing to happen to the game as we saw all summon mechanics (Including fucking RITUAL SUMMONING at the start) were represented during Arc-V's formats. Duelist Alliance was especially special, as it was Arc-V's first set and single handedly brought Fusions and Rank 3 Spam to relevance while introducing a fairly simple but genius Pendulum Deck, Qliphorts. All the decks introduced in it were super good and didn't make everything that came before it obsolete either.