Vigilante Code 3


Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
This is the story of a group of friends who met up while in college. They had a few things in common that transcended their majors. First was the fact that they were humans with extraordinary abilities or skills. Second was their outlook on justice. These friends had discussed justice and how law enforcement often fell short of the monumental task of stopping the worst criminals. They realized the System had become flawed as crime pushed law enforcement agencies beyond their budgets. They felt that criminals should pay heed to the 11th Commandment - Thou shalt not get away with it. They became a sort of club.

In their discussions they came to the realization that even a vigilante had to abide by certain rules - a Code of sorts.

  1. The Villain MUST be guilty beyond a shadow of doubt.
  2. Once the legal system has their hands on a criminal, it is hands off for the group.
  3. Never interfere with the police. Help them as anonymously as possible. Do not damage their case.
  4. The safety of the innocent comes first - whether it be victim or bystander.
  5. The punishment MUST fit the crime.

They agreed that their identities - and the safety of their friends - had to be protected. This meant hiding who they were. They discussed whether to use masks and gloves - or costumes. In the end they chose to adopt the latter, with great care in design and storage.

But all this was mere planning. Talk. Oh, they seriously considered donning costumes and stopping at least some of the violence on the streets. But it took an act of cruelty that hit close to home to push them to agree on taking action - with lethal consequences if they were successful.

The catalytic event that turned them from a club that just talked about becoming vigilantes and actually doing something came in the form of the death of a fellow student - Nico Kincaid. Nico had been an Honor Roll student at the college - on the President’s List no less (GPA 4.00) entering his junior year. He was 20 years old, never drank, avoided drugs and gangs. He was the pride and joy of his mother and older brother.

Nico’s older brother, Lucius Kincaid, had only recently finished a stretch in prison and had been trying to go straight. Nico’s mother has been on the news, mourning the tragic loss of her son.

But it isn’t even the fact that Nico is dead that stands out. It is HOW he died. He was tortured, his arms and legs broken, teeth removed, hung upside down and burned with a fire so hot as to make identification impossible by DNA analysis. The body was burned right in front of his mother’s home - a fire so hot that ordinary means of putting it out simply would not work. He was burned atop a pile of some sort of homemade thermoplastic - an estimated two tons of it - ignited with homemade thermite. The fire spread to the mother’s home and left it uninhabitable. She was lucky to survive.

Without a body the police could identify they wouldn’t process the case as a murder. They couldn’t even tell if the body had already been dead and for how long. In the legal system this didn’t bode well for the scales of justice.

Character Generation

I am only going to allow a limited number of characters. They may be chosen from among the following - one of each. (I do not want the types duplicated.) For the most part these characters are realistic. That is, they are NOT comic book metahumans. Most have withdrawn from actively playing sports once they realized how different they were.

Each character MUST have a Codename. They MUST be original and chosen BEFORE the character will be approved.

These characters should still be in college, either about to graduate, working on advanced degrees, recently graduated and in their entry level jobs, or have a very good reason to be maintaining a friendship. Their ages should be appropriate to their education.


NOTE: The Strong Man and Mentalist slots are filled already by myself and my Co-GM (sharlene79). You should wait until you have seen them posted before posting yours to get an idea of the quality I am looking for. Also … just because it says “He” in the description doesn’t mean it can’t be a she. (Sharlene’s mentalist is a she.)

Strong Man - just like it sounds. He has about twice the strength of an Olympic weightlifter. He does NOT have to be limited in intelligence or non agile. He could be an engineer, love football, etc. He’ll have the strength to put a fist through a brick wall, lift up one side of a car, etc. He will be a large man though. This should not be some small person. And just because he is strong will not make him bulletproof or knife proof.

Mentalist - Skills much like the character of the TV show by this name. He is skilled at reading people to a degree that LOOKS like psychic ability. But you MUST be able to explain it.

Super Athlete - not as strong as Strong Man, but more rounded, like a track star or football player. This is the man who can run a 2 minute mile, throw a 130+ mph fastball, break every record on the books.

Martial Artist - Think Kato from the Green Hornet. Hypercognitive, hyperagile, hyperreflexes. His abilities are cinematic. He should have been trained by the best.

Magician - Think Houdini. He is a stage magician / escape artist.


I do plan to develop a few NPC’s. These will serve as sources of education and information.

About the RP

This is a GM driven plot and setting. I do not know know it will unfold. But the villains have their agenda. As the group starts to interfere, that agenda may evolve.

The RP takes place in the NYC area. The college being used will be the University of New York. Characters make live all over the NYC area, including over in New Jersey (but they would need to be rich to pay out of state costs I suspect). It is also possible for a richer character to house others as roommates. It is possible for there to be romances.

I plan to narrate, run some key NPC’s, and develop the villains.

There WILL be metahumans, but very few and far between. And even the group won’t believe such beings are really possible until they see the evidence with their own eyes. The Strong Man and Super Athlete actually cross into this realm of ability.

The Group, while originally planning to fight small time crime, will soon face an enemy far beyond the scope of their original plans, one that is international, with metahumans among their ranks. (Think of the group as trying to fill the role of Batman.) The fights won’t be fair. You will just have to figure out a way to deal with such menaces, perhaps enroll the aid of similar beings with stronger moral fiber.

This group will have already spent time together training in self defense, Parkour, studying gang activity, reading Wanted files, studying sex offender files for their area, etc. They have studied the streets (layout, turfs, criminal demographics, etc).

The ONLY thing this group hasn’t done is take the law into their own hands. This is NOT a RP with an excuse toward violence. Most of the RP will be investigative - hunting for leads and following them. Tracking some minor thug who did an armed robbery by waving a gun around, grabbing some cash and running out is NOT much of a story. That is just a side event. Don’t sidetrack us with long posts about such.


I am looking for dedicated writers. You should be capable of writing in a detailed format with other members.

I am looking for 3-5 posts per week. I do realize that is a bit high. I do realize people have RL. But if you can’t remain active, then I will need to replace you. Your character may become the property of the RP for the rest of the group to run for the sake of continuity. In fact, that is precisely a rule I am going to enact:

If you fail to post, other members of the group may bunny your character. After 3 days, the bunny post should be limited. A week … and they will be allowed to do as they see fit … including injury or death. Exclusion: If you KNOW you are going to be out for a week but expect to return, we’ll make an exception.

Here is my rationale: Imagine a Little League team with an excellent pitcher. Now that pitcher starts coming up with excuses like their Mom is sick, or they have to go out of town that weekend, etc. What do you suppose the Coach would do?

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