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Rhaenyra Targaryen, Princess of Dragonstone and heir to the Iron Throne. The first-born of Viserys I Targaryen and Aemma Targaryen, she was named the heir to the Iron Throne when she was 15 years old, a title that nobody expected her to hold. As princess and heir, her position made it so she had to secure a husband and prepare herself for securing her line to the throne. After she turned 18, she began a tour to find a suitable match, but to no avail. With her father and stepmother's pressure building, it did not take long before her father decided who she was to marry. Ser Laenor Velaryon, the first-born of Corlys Velaryon and Rhaenys Velaryon. But there was an unfortunate twist to this marriage. Laenor was unable to produce a proper heir, much less marriage with Rhaenyra. Some say his tastes strayed from his lady-wife. Now in a hopeless situation with pointed stares and whispered words following her, Rhaenyra only has one choice. She must secure her own future by whatever means necessary.


Ser Harwin "Breakbones" Strong, eldest son of the Hand and heir of Lord Lyonel Strong of Harrenhal. Previously a knight of House Strong, he was appointed to the City Watch and became the sworn shield of Princess Rhaenyra after her wedding to Laenor Velaryon. This position came with a reputation, whispers that followed him around the Red Keep, mostly originating from the Kingsguard as they passed by the Gold Cloak stationed outside of the princess's chambers. Was he to be entangled in the spider's web? Nobody knew for certain. As the strongest knight in all the Seven Kingdoms, nobody dared to push Harwin, afraid that he would prove why he was called Breakbones. But nobody could deny the friendship he had with the princess, often escorting her and her husband Laenor on rides and hunts. However, Harwin seems to care little for whispers of court. He has a job to do, and he plans on continuing to serve the princess and protect her from harm.


Set after the marriage of Rhaenyra and Laenor, the princess found herself in a difficult position. Her husband, grieving the death and absence of his lover, has been unable to perform his duties and provide Rhaenyra with any security. Months have passed and there are whispers throughout the Red Keep, mostly pertaining to the lack of 'condition' the princess is in. Frustrated, Rhaenyra has been struggling to come up with a solution, with little assistance from Laenor who has busied himself with training among knights, drinking, and more recently, purchasing rather fine horses for rides and hunts. Because of this lack of progress, Rhaenyra decided that she would find a suitable match to provide her and Laenor with what they need. But she would not make the same mistake as she did before her marriage. No. This would be without attachment and feelings, it would be for the future of the Realm.
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