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Multiple Settings ⯎ nue's partner search - open! ⯎ (+plots)


▸ Hello! I'm Nue! Been into roleplaying for a very long time, but I don't actually have much experience with 1x1s - it's mostly been group roleplays. So I thought I might have a try!

-- about me;
🞄 I'm 18, haven't started uni yet but will do in the next few weeks, which might affect my response times.
🞄 My usual response lengths are around 2-3 paragraphs, but I can definitely go longer. It's all sort of dependent on the situation and what I'm replying to. Either way, I'll always try to match your post length, and will always try to give something that can easily be responded to, or pushes the plot forward.
🞄 I'm mostly interested in original content. I don't really do fandom roleplays, however, if you tell me your fandoms I can see if there's any I'm interested in! (I'll still play OCs though, most likely.)
🞄 This might be a bit of a deal breaker, but I'm not interested in doing plots that are solely about romance. If it happens naturally in a roleplay I'm fine with it, but roleplays that are solely focused on romance, just aren't my jam.
🞄 I'm okay doing stories with darker/more mature elements, as long as it isn't a total edge-fest.


-- requirements;
🞄 I'd prefer that you're in the same age range as me; nothing against younger roleplayers, but I'd just be more comfortable knowing you're not a minor, in the event that a mature topic comes up in the roleplay.
🞄 I don't expect you to respond instantly, I don't want things to be stressy so it's completely fine if you take a while to respond, just note I'll probably poke you to see if you're still interested in continuing if it's been a while without response.
🞄 No set response length, but one paragraph minimum is preferred and detail/decent grammar is required
🞄 OOC stuff is totally cool! And don't be afraid to share ideas, either. Seriously, I'm cheesy and I love making aesthetic boards and playlists for characters and making headcanons together and stuff.

-- plots;
Here's some particular plots I've been wanting to try. The more specific details of them can be worked out over PM, this is just sort of the bare bones summary.

Some scam artists attempt to fake a cryptid sighting.. and actually run into what is not only an honest to God monster, but maaay pose a genuine threat to them and their entire world if not taken care of. Only thing is; when scam artists go to the authorities and tell them there's a monster in the woods, they're not usually inclined to believe them, so this may be something only they can solve..

Character A and Character B are best friends, but that friendship is tested when A comes to B with a shocking revelation: They've just accidentally murdered someone, and they need B's help to hide them. Things quickly spiral, and soon they find themselves both on the run. Not helping things is the fact that B can't tell if the murder really was an accident, or if A isn't capable of doing it again..

An alternate version of the previous plot. Both characters get accidentally embroiled in some kind of crime, and find themselves having to leave everything behind to go on the run.

Character A moves into a new house/apartment, only to find it's previous tenant.. hasn't left yet. Weirder yet, they aren't exactly.. alive. Now Character A is stuck with an extremely pushy ghost roommate, Character B, who won't stop nagging at them to help them solve the mystery of their own murder so they can move on, and it seems like the only way to get rid of them is to go along with it..

A concerned beach-goer approaches a girl lying on the shore, who appears to be wrapped only in a heavy fur coat. She has no ID, and her 'story' - that she 'came from the sea' - doesn't really seem to make any sense. They take her home to give her a warm bath and some clothes before they hand her off to the relevant authorities, but when they do, they make a shocking realisation - this girl is, in fact, a selkie, a creature capable of switching between a seal and a human, and she's ran away from home.

There's something going on at this boarding school for problem children. Children keep 'running away', and so far, not one has resurfaced. Two students both agree something bigger is happening here, but they're not sure what, and the teachers seem reticent to lend a hand, so they decide to take matters into their own hands.

PM me if any of those sound cool!
If you read all of those and went, 'these aren't specifically grabbing me, but I have a plot we might both be interested in' feel free to PM me as well.

And, just in case people want one, here's a tiny tiny writing sample:
"So you really won't go through with it?"


Adelaide blinked in surprise and looked up at the woman sitting across from her, taken off guard. Staring back at her was the stern - but concerned - expression of her editor and, arguably, best friend, Sheila Harlowe.

"Don't space out on me, Addy. The trip."


The two women sat in a quiet corner of a cafe. Sheila was a tall, imposing figure, lips drawn in a straight line and brow furrowed. She didn't mean to look quite so angry all the time, but unfortunately, it was her natural expression. In comparison to Sheila, Adelaide was a short, rather timid looking creature, with thick black hair that was arranged in a way that most of the right side of her face was obscured. The reason for this was clear to most upon a closer look; the skin on her right side of her face was thick and leathery, and considerably darker than the rest of it. She was dressed in clothing very unsuited to the hot summer weather, a black turtleneck and high waisted jeans.

"I'm not really a vacation person, Sheila.. besides, I have the novel to work on.."

"And tell me how much you've written since I last saw you."

Adelaide was silent, bowing her head and pushing a crumb of cake around her plate feebly as she tried to think of a response. Sheila sighed, and her expression softened.

"You need to take a break, or you'll never be able to finish it. It's free, it's already planned out for you, and it's a chance to get out of that bedroom of yours for a while! Listen, if you don't unwind, the quality of your novel is going to suffer - and your own health, at that. Take my advice, go on the trip, don't think about work for a bit, and unwind. Then when you come back, you can get right back into it." Sheila tried to smile encouragingly at her. Adelaide fidgeted in silence for a few moments, trying not to cave in to the unrelenting stare from her friend, then finally let out a huge groan of defeat.

"Just this once. Alright?"

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