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Futuristic Nuclear Fallout


*Jumps Through Window*
When the world is cased into chaos, and man is just barely surviving. People must learn to work together and try to stay human in the process. Will you fall into the madness or stay the person you are and tame the new nuclear land.
The blazing hot sun bared down on Ashton's skin as he slowly made his way through the city. Cries for help could be heard for miles. He held his Assault Rifle close to his chest. The road was blocked, so he had to park his car and continue on foot. He made his way to a gas station where he found a Jerry can. He filled it up with gas and was on his way, once again through the demolished city.
Something walked in behind him, noises could be heard as a man in a black hood ask "Where are you going stranger."
The man calmly stopped in his tracks. He quickly shot around and pointed his gun at the unknown man. "That depends who's asking." His voice is slightly distorted from the gas mask.
The man laughed as he brought out clawed gauntlets "Unless you want to lose the hands, put the gun down," he test his cloves by hitting the floor causing it to crack.
Aston glared through the gas mask but lowered his gun. "I believe my hands will stay where they are." He says coldly, voice still slightly distorted. "Cute, you can crack concrete." He looked the man over seeing what gear he had. "I'm going ask one more time, who is asking?"
He laughs "You can call me Feral, reaper of the wasteland. You're on my turf buddy so what is your name," he walks around studying the man.
Ashton keeps a close eye on him. "My name is Ashton." He says glaring at the man. "And I'm afraid I don't care that this is your turf. Now, if you would be so kind." He says sarcastically. "I will be on my way." He says and starts to walk back to his car.
Feral smiled "You wouldn't touch that car unless you want the four horsemen to get you," he hides any emotion under his mask.
He chuckled slightly. "It's my car." He says and slides over the few automobiles that blocked his way. "I'll touch if when I feel, good luck stopping me." He says pulling out a set of keys and twirling them.
A group of men could be seen coming towards them, they all point there guns at his head, and pop his tires "Get on the ground, BOTH of you." Feral looks confused "I am your leader you obey me."
Ashton sighs angrily. "You will pay for that." He says but doesn't sit. Nor does he attack. He look back at the men walking twoards them. "That will be four tires." He said and leans back on his car.
One of the men laugh "Smart ass, War you know what to do," a men in red walks up grabs him by the hair and slams him to the ground repeatedly.
Ashton grunts in pain but escapes the man's grasp. He takes off his gas mask and throws it to the ground. He quickly pulls out a grenade and puts the pin between his teeth. "Back the hell up if you don't want to die." He growls still in pain. "Don't think I'm not afraid to kill us all." He says coldly, still holding the grenade bead his mouth with the pin held tightly between his teeth.
The man in greens laughs and says in a weak voice "Oh, we believe you, in fact" he shoves feral into you and brings out his gun "I'll personally end myself so I can end both of you."
When Feral is pushed into him the pin comes out. He quickly throws the grenade at the other men. Grabbing Feral he jumps over the cars, and runs as fast as he can to take cover. They don't get far enough, and the shockwave from the blast throws them forward. Ashton hits the ground and rolls.
Before the anything else explodes he grab the men and blocks the fire, and then running a little away before putting him down "You ok, and thanks for the save right there" he takes out his hand to pick him up.
"Don't mention it." He grunts and accepts his help up. Standing he picks up his mask and dusts it off. He puts the gas mask back on, covering his Crimson eyes. Then looks back at his car. He frowns seeing the front of his car was blown off. "Well, there goes that." He growls and looks back at Feral. "We should probably go now, that explosion had to have attracted the mutants."
He nods and says "Shit we should run now" the men walk out there cloaks still on fire shooting at them, he runs grabbing the other men.
"Good idea." He digs through his coat and un-pins his last grenade. He throws it at the men that were shooting at them and ran down the street.
He looked at the man confused but shook his head. He continued to sprint behind him and looked back. Seeing if the other men were alive.
The man rode on motorcycles shooting at the air, they yell and the one in white yells "WAR GET THOSE BASTARDS," war rides getting closer holding a chain and swinging it.
Aslyn put a hand to her eyes as she trekked through the wastelands, her other rested lightly on her pistol.

She saw something glinting in the distance, and headed in its direction.
War stops chasing as Feral tries to catch his breath "Jesus fucking Christ on a bicycle," he said holding his chest. He then laughed "We sure just ran past those bastards," he said falling to the floor and a white raccoon came out of his jacket and sat on his back.

@Demon Slayer @TavvyDenai

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