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Fandom Nox Pederis




characters |

The role play and future plots are closely focused on humans as trainers. As a result,
wild Pokémon are not an option as a character. Similarly, Pokémon rangers cannot be used in the sense of the games. Instead, they will have to be able to battle just like all the other trainers, or they will not be accepted as a character. In addition, neither Pokémorphs or fake Pokémon will exist in this world and are not allowed, the exception being Missingno. A section below will explain details on this Pokémon.

This role play is primarily for original characters, but canons are allowed here. Feel free to twist them until they're unrecognizable or to stick to their original selves. Most of us know that there is both a manga and an anime for Pokémon and some of those characters have their respective counterparts. Once one is being used, their counterpart will no longer be available. For a classic example, if you were to choose Red, Ash would no longer be able to be a part of Nox and the same would be true for the opposite. Choose your canon wisely, however, because you are only allowed one canon. When creating a canon, please be aware that some roles in the role play that they fill in the Pokémon world may already be taken, so perhaps consider having them retired from that position or something to that effect. At the moment, Giovanni is not available as a character.

pokémon |

When choosing your team, please take into consideration what is rare and what is not. There are plenty of Pokémon available, so there is no need for multiple teams purely comprised of eeveelutions, nor should all of their Pokémon be shiny. Also Pokémon like Feebas that are an absolute pain to find should be used sparingly. Pokémon are allowed to be abnormal from the rest of it's species. For example, one may have failed to hit their growth spurt and be a little behind the others or they may have a slight color disfiguration. Do not use this too much, though, because these are rare occurrences. If you have any unique ideas you would like to try out, run it by [/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE][COLOR=#b35900][FONT=Tahoma][SIZE=18px]Pine[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE][COLOR=#b35900][FONT=Tahoma][SIZE=18px] first.

The set of moves a Pokémon can learn in the games will merely be a guideline. If it's reasonable enough, you are allowed different moves. For example, Yellow's Kitty knows fly, although in the games Butterfree this is impossible. However, be careful when handling certain moves such as sketch, copycat, or mimic, because they may be difficult to role play. The number of moves a Pokémon knows is a direct correlation to how powerful they are. Any Pokémon that reaches the cap of eight moves should be very battle worn.

Legendary Pokémon in this world are not to be trifled with. The most powerful of them are largely dormant with god-like power and would take many teams of Pokémon just to wear down. These Pokémon will be treated as NPCs in the role play and/or may never appear. Lesser legendaries aren't quite as terrifying to face, but they are still a force to be reckoned with. Only highly skilled and experienced trainers are able to capture them. Your character is not allowed to have more than two, and even that many is pushing it, so please use this luxury sparingly. As for the lesser legendaries, there are several of these Pokémon in the world, but they are still very difficult to find. Below is a list of available legendaries for capture.

  • Articuno
  • Zapdos
  • Moltres
  • Mew (approval required)
  • Raikou
  • Entei
  • Suicune
  • Regirock
  • Regice
  • Registeel
  • Latias
  • Latios
  • Uxie
  • Mesprit
  • Azelf
  • Heatran
  • Cresselia (approval required)
  • Phione
  • Manaphy
  • Darkrai (approval required)
  • Shaymin
  • Victini
  • Cobalion
  • Terrakion
  • Virizion
  • Tornadus
  • Thundurus
  • Landorus (approval required)
  • Keldeo
  • Genesect (approval required)
  • Meloetta (approval required)
  • Diancie (approval required)

missingno |

Missingno is a ghost type in this role play. Missingno is not common, and as a matter of fact, it is the most rare Pokémon out there next to legendaries. The two choices it has for an ability are levitate and wonder guard, the latter even less common. Missingno is fast and swift, and to go along with it, it hits pretty hard. However, its defense is pitiful, especially with the wonder guard ability, and doesn't know how to take a hit.

Missingno appears as a literal group of sparkles floating around, clustering together when attacking and vaguely silhouetting a ghost of sorts. It cannot learn any physical moves whatsoever. It can, however, learn moves such as dark pulse, shadow sneak, shadow ball, thunder and icy wind. Use your imagination with this. Missingno's behavior is quite unusual. They are generally quiet and mysterious, never communicating with other Pokémon. It can, however, make high pitched noises that could give anyone a headache. Despite what may appear to be a timid nature, it is easily angered and can be extremely aggressive.

One thing that Missingno can do is take over any Pokémon's dead carcass or skeleton. The body will remain as it was, and somehow or another, stay intact while Missingno is inside it. In that moment, everything is copied from the old Pokémon. It will have the same move set, same advantages and disadvantages it would normally have in battle, everything. The only thing that remains is Missingno's personality, generally making it become even more aggressive and - depending on the host Pokémon - it will have a tendency to roar or growl a lot. Though it is possible for Missingno to separate from the old Pokémon, it is extremely difficult and perhaps even a bit painful. It is a long and hard process, sometimes even a few days, almost as though it is molting. When it is finally over with, then everything will return back to the way it was before Missingno took over said Pokémon.

submitting |

For the sake of organization, we ask that your characters are submitted through the character gallery. The below list is all the information required for your character, but you do not have to stick to the form and are free to add more to it. So long as all of the information is included in some way, your character will be accepted. There is no character limit, so go crazy. After your application has been accepted and you're ready to submit your character, send a PM to Pine with a link to your character and a short description of them. This short description should be about two or three sentences of basic information on your character. Once your character is accepted, this post will be updated with a link to your character and the description shortly followed after their name.

the visitors ;

Name: [First and last name for consistency, please.]

Age: [if it's a Team Rocket member, please keep it reasonable.]


Occupation: [Coordinator, trainer, Team Rocket etc.]

Appearance: [One paragraph minimum, even if you have a picture. Three paragraphs at least preferred.]

Personality: [Three paragraphs minimum.]

Party Pokémon: [What they have on them at the moment. You can change this by going to a PC in the role play. List them by species.]

their pokémon ;


Nickname: [if any.]


Type: [Fire, water, dark, etc.]

Ability: [Chlorophyll, rock head, levitate etc. Only one allowed.]

Nature: [Or personality, if you want to actually write about it.]

Moves: [up to eight, but this isn't necessarily common. It is common to have a strong Pokémon with five or six moves.]

the islanders ;




Appearance: [same principles apply for appearance and personality.]



Companion: [They're typically nicknamed, and this is basically the Pokémon that's always with them. It's uncommon for them to be apart for any reason save for school or something.]

their companions ;






Nature: [should be identical or close to their owner.]

Moves: [Another thing to remember - they don't train. More than likely, they'll have four moves or less and would probably be more for practical uses than power.]

the cast |


None at the moment.

team rocket

None at the moment.


None at the moment.
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