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Now looking for literate 1x1s

Robin man

Okay, I have a lot of 1x1s, but the majority of them have one liners or two or three sentences. Which I really don't mind. I love them all, but now I'm looking for some literate partners for 1x1s. Just a few. And the majority of them will have romance in them. And depending on the pairing I don't care what if it's MxM FxF or MxF


Be active: I would like it if you can reply more then once a day, but you don't have to. Please notify me if your not gonna be on for more then a day. If you don't, I'll assume you lost interest.

Now I do mean literate:

As I said, I want a few to be literate. Mostly a 1-3 paragraphs a post. No more, no less.

Now here a few ideas with a plot in mind

Searching for a sibling (A Killer Instinct based Roleplay, this would need someone that knows at least the basic backstory of everyone and the Killer Instinct universe)

Chief Thunder has left his clan in search for his younger brother. Non-aware of what his brothers fate. Before he leaves his brothers grave site he met a trespasser, a researcher on Thunders clan. Thunder was able to get the person out of the site before he goes, but now he has a unplanned follower, that same researcher from before.

The unknown Blight (Dragon Age based Roleplay, basic understanding of the Dragon Age universe)

After the last Blight of, the hero of Feralden and the other wardens rebuild their base Soldiers Peak. During the heros time Amaranthene one warden found something. A old unknown cave leading down to a unknown part of the deep roads, infested with Darkspawn. But for some reason nobody believes him, except for one other. Now with a few followers to support him. They will defeat the unknown blight.

The magical statue (Modern time Fantasy RP)

In a forest in the Pacific Northwest there sits a statue. In the middle of the forest. One day a person took a walk through the forest and found the statue. The person found the statue, the statue look magnificent. The person reached over and touched it. The statue slowly came to life. Turned to find out the statue was really a stone golem, if hasn't seen the world in centuries. And now the golem is in debt to the person freeing it.

Now here a few pairings I want to do at the moment

Elf x Human

Sorcerer x Apprentice

Royalty x Knight

Neko x Human
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You are the first I've encountered to know Killer Instinct. There are a few ideas here interesting me. Not quite sure what one I want to do more....
How about this,I can list them off,and you can choose what one you want to do the most out of them. Does that sound good?
Hi I'd love to role play with u :) I'm quit interested in :

Resurrected (modern time Fantasy RP)

In a old manor was once owned by a very rich man. But this man was no mortal human, this man was a vampire. He went to sleep during the eighteen hundreds. Two hundred years later the new owner bought the house and moved in. While in the attic the person finds a coffin. And a small podium. To unlock the coffin the person need to give their blood. Once the coffin unlocked the vampire walked out newly resurrected, and now he's in the humans debt. Either they like it or not.

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