Suga Mami
Hello there! As you can tell, I'm new to this site. A little late of an introduction, but I guess it's not too late. You can call me L, Rika, Yri, or whatever. I hope I make new friends here and join a LOT of roleplays.
But so far, I'm already in love with this site. Especially the BBcodes, been experimenting with that.
I have a detail-oriented writing style and I guess there's a part of me that shouts, "WEEB." I'll be joining a lot of fantasy roleplays~ Take care of me RPN-senpai
But so far, I'm already in love with this site. Especially the BBcodes, been experimenting with that.
I have a detail-oriented writing style and I guess there's a part of me that shouts, "WEEB." I'll be joining a lot of fantasy roleplays~ Take care of me RPN-senpai