Story nothing grows when it is dark

digital witness

isn't that a little derivative?
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)

───────── ۞ ─────────
c o v e rx.y o u rx.c r y s t a lx.e y e s
and feel the tones that tremble down your spine
───────── ۞ ─────────
c o v e rx.y o u rx.c r y s t a lx.e y e s
and let your colors bleed and blend with mine

( ( link to character storage thread ) )
i. eve & naomi as kids / 1,124 words / link / general
ii. eve breaks the news to chad / 808 words / link / general
ii a. chad makes an unexpected visit / 1,439 words / link / general
iii. eve sits on a throne of lies / 1,193 words / link / general
iv. ruh-roh, jaida / 447 words / link / general
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prompt : i
word count : 1,124
ocs : (smol) eve, naomi
rated : g
music : n/a
notes : n/a

Hissing to a stop, the bus’ engine purred, vibrating through the soles of Evangeline’s shoes and up into her legs as she walked the narrow aisle to the front. “Watch your step at the bottom there, sweetheart.” The driver - a newly-graying woman with a friendly face - reminded as the fingers on the girl’s free hand curled around the thin, metal railing; the other holding tight onto a stack of rolled papers.

Evangeline bounded the rest of the short journey down the steps and planted her feet firmly onto the sidewalk below before she spun on her heels to face the bus driver. “Bye, Miss Sherry!” She called out, a broad smile pulling the corners of her mouth upward as she waved through the doors of the bus.

Following a brief wave in return, the bus lurched forward to continue on its route and excitement began to bubble up inside of Evangeline as she turned to face her house. The papers that she’d held so tight to were itching to be unrolled as she moved in a half-sprint toward the garage door and entered the code.

Inside of the garage she could hear her sister’s cries coming from within the house: faint and muffled through the walls. A common occurrence, she’d quickly learned, living with a new baby. What hadn’t been quite so common was the silence that shrouded the rest of the house. It was heavy; almost tangible. Evangeline shut the door behind her as she stepped inside, listening for any sign of her mother, but unable to hear anything over Naomi’s incessant crying.

Mom?” She finally called out, the hardwood floor creaking softly beneath the soles of her shoes as she moved through the laundry room that was connected to the garage and into the kitchen. “Mom, I’m home!” She called again; her palm sticky against the papers that she still held onto. Naomi’s cries grew louder, occasional gasps for air interrupting the sound before she’d belt out again. Evangeline nearly turned to head for the nursery instead, but stopped herself when she caught sight of her mother on the couch.

The shades had been drawn shut and a dusty haze seemed to cover every surface with a thin film. Evangeline’s eyes moved about the space, a dozen questions circling through her mind before her eyes came to rest upon her mother. “…Mom?” She gripped with both hands at the papers now, her stomach churning inside of her and her previous excitement quickly dissipated as she took note of the vacant look that plagued her eyes. Something was wrong. Why wasn’t she speaking? Why was it so dark? Why was she still in her pajamas? Could she not hear Naomi? Evangeline lingered in the doorway, unsure as to whether or not she should step forward.

Mom, the baby’s crying.” She finally spoke again, her voice low and wary as her eyes studied the woman on the couch.

Is she?” Evangeline’s heart sank inside of her chest when her mother’s voice matched the emptiness in her eyes.

The young girl racked her mind for anything that she might be able to say to snap her mother back to life and her attention suddenly shifted back to the papers in her hand. The test. “I… I got an A on my test. The one that we stayed up all night for,” she began, an unsure smile wavering against the edges of her mouth. “Miss Stephens said that it was the best grade in the class. Do you want to see?” She offered the papers forward, extending her arm out in front of her, but her mother only shook her head.

Not right now, Evangeline.

Naomi wailed out again and Evangeline lowered her arm, watching curiously to see how her mother would react. “Shouldn’t you feed the baby?” She finally asked when she failed to move from her spot on the couch. But just as quickly as Evangeline had pulled her out of her haze - however minimally - she was fading back into it again and leaving her daughter to her own devices.

Becoming increasingly aware of the fact that her mother would do nothing to satiate her sister’s crying and that it would be too long for her to wait for her father to return home from work, Evangeline stepped out of the living room, discarded the curled stack of papers onto the kitchen table, and moved tentatively toward the nursery.

Inside of the room the shades were drawn shut and a shadowy haze was cast over her sister’s decorations, contrasting against their bright colors and soft features. “Hey,” Evangeline hummed as she stepped toward the crib, though she wasn’t sure that Naomi could hear her over her own crying. She stepped past the crib and pulled the curtains open, drowning the room in light. The sun peeked through the blinds and bounced off of every surface; only seeming to push Naomi even deeper into her distressed state as she cried out. “Shh, it’s okay” she returned to the bedside; the backs of her fingers grazing over the side of Naomi’s cheek as she reached over the side of the crib; the skin red and hot from the exerted state that she’d driven herself into. For a moment, her crying ceased, shifting into a series of quiet gasps for air as she attempted to regulate herself to normal breathing once more.

Hi, Naomi,” a gentle smile curled itself around her lips as a pair of tear-filled eyes looked up at her. But the moment was short-lived and Naomi wriggled uncomfortably against her blanket, crying out again when Evangeline didn’t pick her up. “Shh, it’s okay.” She cooed. She’d never taken her out of her crib by herself. She’d held her many times, but she’d never been permitted to lift her so high without help from her parents. It was becoming increasingly clear that Naomi wasn’t going to wait for her to think through her decision, so Evangeline swallowed once - realizing that her mother was going to be of no assistance this time - and she tried to recall what she’d observed in the past as she reached down, cupped the back of Naomi’s head to support her neck, and lifted her small body out from her crib.

She moved slowly and carefully to position the baby’s head in the crook of her elbow, pulling her close. Instantly, Naomi began to settle against her chest; her small lungs eventually working in time with Evangeline’s as they fell into sync. “See? It’s not so bad, is it?” Evangeline smiled, rocking carefully as a set of tiny fingers curled themselves around her thumb and gripped down with all of their strength.

I’ve got you.


prompt : ii
word count : 808
ocs : eve, naomi, chad (npc)
rated : g
music : n/a
notes : au where eve is dating the Douche™

...How old did you say she was?” A quiet, drawn-out breath followed his words and Evangeline could almost picture the way that he was surely running his fingers over his chin, dragging the tips through his facial hair like he always did as he attempted to wrap his mind around their current situation.

She'd left on a whim; too preoccupied to inform her partner of nearly two years of her overnight cross-country trip to her hometown of Birmingham, Alabama to save her sister from the borderline-abusive environment that she'd been facing under their parents' roof. She'd called Chad on the first night to inform him of her whereabouts in case he decided to stop by her apartment only to find it empty while she battled it out with her parents over the strict living arrangements that they'd exposed Naomi to; briefing him on the most basic details of the predicament that she'd found herself in. But things had... escalated since then.

Before she knew it they were making legal arrangements and planning court dates and, if all went to plan, Evangeline would be taking legal custody of her sister.

Seventeen.” She swallowed, and another long silence followed from the other line.

And she'll be staying with you for how long?Staying. There that word was again, cluing her into the fact that he still wasn't quite grasping the permanence of the situation.

Living with me.” She gently corrected, coercing him into the right direction. “I mean, the paperwork is still being processed, but once it goes through all of the necessary channels and things settle down, it'll be permanent.” She leaned back in the chair that she'd been sitting in, her eyes traveling the interior of the neutral, impersonally decorated, hotel room that she and her sister were staying in; taking the chance to drop the news on her boyfriend while Naomi was in the shower and conveniently out of earshot as a result.

Right...” He responded, rightfully bearing a degree of wariness that she'd expected from him. This was a big change; she couldn't expect him to be one hundred percent on board from the get-go, but he'd taken surprisingly well to the news so far.

However, whether or not that attitude would translate to the new set of obstacles that they'd face as a couple once she moved Naomi out to California with her was yet to be known.

I know this is unexpected, but she's my sister and I did what I had to do.” She pinched the bridge of her nose between her fingers, leaning forward until her elbows were resting against the surface of the table that sat near the window, securely fastened to the wall. “That being said, I think it's for the best if you stay at your place for a while - at least until she's had a chance to settle in. We can still see each other, but I want to give her a chance to get used to the apartment, and I think it'll be easier on her if it's just the two of us for a while...” Her words began to taper off at the sound of the water being shut off; a surge of panic coursing through her as she considered finishing her thought at the risk of her sister overhearing, but ultimately decided against it, unwilling to expose her to any more of the underside of their current circumstance than was absolutely necessary.

With little regard to the questions that were surely still stirring within Chad's mind, Evangeline brought their brief conversation to an abrupt close at the sound of the shower door being pulled open through the bathroom door. “Listen, I've gotta go - but we'll, uh... we'll talk soon and I'll explain everything. I promise.” Chad was able to offer few words of protest before Evangeline was ending the call just in time to give Naomi a small, gentle smile from her spot in the corner of the room as her sister stepped out from the bathroom in an oversized t-shirt and used a towel to dry the excess water from her hair.

Who were you talking to?” She draped the towel over the side of the bed, giving Eve a somewhat quizzical look.

Hm?” Eve lifted her eyebrows, buying herself more time while she conjured up a believable response that didn't involve making her sister aware of the boyfriend who - from the sound of it so far - wasn't thrilled by the idea of suddenly having to share a space with a teenager. “Oh, that was no one. Wrong number.” She waved off the look that Naomi was still casting in her direction, instantly shifting the subject. “Hey, what do you say we get dressed, get out of here, and grab something for dinner? I'll let you pick. Wherever you want.


prompt : ii a
word count : 1,439
ocs : eve, naomi, chad (npc)
rated : g
music : n/a
notes : au where eve is dating the Douche™

Thirteen days had passed since Naomi had come to live in California, and despite a number of initial hiccups that Evangeline could've seen coming, the transition was going surprisingly well. They'd gone furniture shopping over the weekend and, after a bit of creative redecorating, managed to transform the underused study-turned-storage-space into a second bedroom. Evangeline had encouraged Naomi to use her creative liberty - within a reasonable budget, of course - to make the space her own, and so far things seemed to be coming together nicely. It was of paramount importance to Evangeline that her sister felt at home in the apartment; a permanent fixture to coexist alongside her rather than forced to live awkwardly among her older sister's belongings with no hint of her own touch.

They'd retired to the couch after a long day of moving furniture and meeting with the principal of the local high school that, officially as of today, Naomi would be attending starting the coming Monday. Attempting to prevent her mind from dwelling on the ever-growing list of chores that they still had to get done over the course of the next few days for too long, Evangeline settled comfortably next to her sister; barely awarded the chance to focus on the Netflix movie that they'd agreed upon when there was a knock at the front door and she gestured for Naomi to remain where she was while she got up to answer it.

Muddled dialogue sounded from the television in the other room while Evangeline pulled back on the door, admittedly taken aback by who she saw on the other side.

Chad...” She could do little to hide the disappointment that she knew was present in her voice as her eyes lifted to meet the taller man's gaze. They'd talked this through and agreed that waiting was the best thing for all three of them, so what was he doing here now?
Try not to look so excited to see me, Eve,” she only became aware of the way that her lips had begun to curl into an unmistakable frown when he pointed it out, and she quickly moved to correct herself, taking on a much more neutral expression; though the underlying emotion remained. “What's that look for anyway?” Chad questioned, seemingly unaware of his own unwelcome intrusion while Evangeline kept him restricted to the doorway.
Eve shook her head. “Nothing. It's nothing... I just thought that we agreed to wait-
We did. We did, babe, I know. But my evening plans fell through and I wanted to visit my girlfriend who, might I add, is looking stunning as ever tonight.” He brought a hand to the side of her face, his large palm resting gently against the curve of her jaw as he leaned in to place a kiss near the corner of her mouth, which she reciprocated unenthusiastically, and before she could comment any further on the matter he was gently pushing past and the space in front of her was empty as he moved into the living room.

You must be Naomi,” he greeted the brunette with a level of enthusiasm that Evangeline knew her sister wouldn't match. “Put 'er there, kid...” he dropped a bag that, judging by the familiar logo, contained some variety of fast-food onto the coffee table and extended a hand toward Naomi while Evangeline lingered near the couch with her arms folded over her chest; watching as the sandy-haired man lowered his hand after a prolonged period with no notable reaction from Naomi. “I'm Chad, but Eve's probably already told you that.

Actually, she hadn't.

He fumbled on for a few moments longer, attempting to bounce back from the initial rejection that he'd faced from Naomi as he took the white paper bag from the coffee table and tipped it upside down. “I don't know if you two are hungry, but I'm starving, so I picked us up some burgers on my way here.” The grin that he'd displayed so proudly on his lips had Evangeline cringing internally. Burgers... really?
Naomi's a vegetarian.” Eve informed him quietly, but flatly, so that her sister wouldn't have to. You might know that had you not deviated from the plan and shown up unannounced.
Oh...” Chad paused for another moment, eventually allowing another smile to flit across his lips as his gaze shifted to the younger of the two sisters. “Right on, right on. Saving the environment. I can get behind that.” He nodded, moving one of the paper-wrapped burgers away from the space in front of Naomi on the coffee table. “I love animals, too, you know... they just taste so damn good; I could never do it. Props to you, though, kid, that takes dedication.” He continued on, blissfully unaware of the obvious kink that his presence was causing in their previously-quiet evening. “It looks like it's just you and me, Eve.
The brunette shook her head, lifting one of her hands in a subtle, but dismissive gesture as she moved to reclaim her spot on the couch near one of the armrests. “Thank you, but I already ate.” She'd hardly looked at Naomi, but she could feel the tension radiating from the other side of the couch while the younger woman looked on distractedly at the television.

Chad gave a slight shrug, mumbling something about having more for himself as he unwrapped one of the burgers and, without a hint of gracefulness, plopped himself down onto the couch between them. “What are we watching?” He asked between bites of food, snaking an arm around Evangeline's tensed shoulders and tugging her closer to him.

Naomi had had enough and, in response to the incessant chewing that she was surely hearing from the man beside her, lifted herself from the couch. “I'm going to bed.” She announced flatly, earning a sympathetic look from Evangeline as she tried to wordlessly apologize for her boyfriend's behavior in the split second that their gazes crossed.

She moved away after that, her arms folding over her chest once more as she leaned into the armrest and away from her boyfriend; her eyes spending more time on Naomi's bedroom door than on the television. She should get up. She should apologize. She--

Babe, come on... What is it? You've looked pissy since I got here.” The palm of Chad's hand found her knee and his fingers curled around it, rubbing gently.
It's nothing.” She answered too quickly to be convincing. “This is just exactly what I was trying to avoid.” It felt relieving to get it out there; to drag him out of the state of blissful ignorance that he'd seemed to be existing in since he'd made the decision to come knocking on her door. She released some of the tension that she'd been holding in her shoulders as a long breath passed through her lips. “There's a time and a place, Chad; this wasn't it.

She hadn't gotten the apology that she'd expected; in fact, no shred of remorse seemed to be present on the man's face as he coaxed his hand higher up on her thigh. It was as if her words had gone into one ear and fallen straight out of the other.

On the bright side... now we have some time to ourselves,” he turned, half facing her as his hand worked higher and his thumb dipped between her thighs. “I can think of more than a few ways to kill a couple of hours...” he leaned in, eliciting the smile that he'd been hunting for as his facial hair tickled the side of Evangeline's neck.
No. Not tonight,” she couldn't prevent a grin as he planted another kiss just beneath her jawline. “I'm mad at you, remember?” She pushed against him gently, a squeal passing her lips as he latched onto her, pinning her against the armrest and moving partially on top of her while he kissed her playfully. “Okay, okay! Chad, seriously. We can't. Naomi's in the other room.” A disappointed groan passed the man's lips as their gazes crossed, but, eventually, he moved off of her; allowing her time to catch her breath and gather her composure as she settled comfortably into the space next to him.

I was talking about finishing the movie together...” his voice trailed and a smug grin curled itself around his lips “I don't know what you were thinking about.

Right...” Evangeline rolled her eyes, pushing gently against his bicep.

Yeesh, Eve... get your mind out of the gutter.” He countered playfully, curling an arm around her shoulders and pulling her into him as she nestled closer.


prompt : iii
word count : 1,193
ocs : eve (16), naomi (4)
rated : g
music : n/a
notes : eve sits on a throne of lies

Modeling?” The tone that Evangeline's mother had adopted told her that she shouldn't have brought it up, and, that this - like all the times before - would not fall in her favor. “Evangeline, we've talked about this.” Her mother's eyes pulled shut as the tips of her index and middle fingers found the bridge of her nose and she exhaled, shaking her head. “You know how I feel about you putting your body on display like that.” Had she stopped to consider what her daughter had had to say, she'd know it wasn't like that; Evangeline's lips parted, readying her counter argument, when her mother spoke again. “What will people think, seeing you like that? It's sending the wrong message.” She turned back toward the sink, where she'd been doing the dishes, and submerged a plate into the soapy water. “You shouldn't waste your time entertaining such silly thoughts...

Though she never turned as she went back to finishing the dishes from that afternoon's dinner (her way of ending the discussion without actually ending the discussion), she noted the way that her daughter continued to linger behind her. “Go,” her voice was firm, though not quite angry “help your sister get ready for bed.” With that - like the many that came before it - the conversation was over; not to be discussed any further.

Evangeline trudged up the stairs, any anger and disappointment toward her mother that she'd been harboring within her beginning to dissipate as, upon entering Naomi's bedroom, she was greeted with a bright smile as the little dark-haired girl looked up at her from where she'd been quietly skimming through the pages of a picture book on her bed.

Will you read this to me, Evie?” Naomi asked instantly, her eyes big and hopeful as she jutted the book that she'd been holding out toward her older sister. “Pretty pleeease?

The corner of Evangeline's lips tugged upward in response to the perfectly crafted puppy-dog eyes that she was receiving. “Fine,” she agreed, all-too-aware of the fact that her four-year-old sister knew exactly how to play her. “But first we get ready for bed.” She reached out, taking the book from her sister's hands and carefully placed it on her pillow. “...Deal?

Deal!” Naomi exclaimed, not having to think long before she was springing onto her feet.

Arms up, up, up,” Evangeline instructed, helping Naomi out of her shirt. She paused once she'd pulled it over her head so that her eyes were covered, and her hands shot down in a movement that would've been too quick for her sister to predict, tickling her sides while Naomi squealed out, nearly toppling over with laughter had Eve not been ready to catch her. “Tweety Bird or Nemo?” She held both of the shirts up, displaying them so that Naomi could choose between them once she'd successfully managed to catch her breath.

After changing and making a quick stop to the bathroom, Evangeline helped Naomi settle herself under the blankets. The girl shuffled to the far side of her bed, leaving room for her older sister, who fit comfortably into the space next to her. The book - a short story about a puppy's first day at the beach - lasted longer than it should've as Naomi seemed to find a comment for every picture or action, pointing out her observations while she nestled herself comfortably against Eve's side and instructed her when it was time to turn the page.

I'm going to live somewhere like this one day - someplace warm... with a beach,” Eve pointed out once they'd reached the last page, which featured a picture of the book's canine protagonist running happily across the sand. “I'll take you with me and you can see fish just like Nemo for real.” She could see the gears turning in Naomi's head as the little girl gave a great deal of thought to what had just been said. “Would you like that?

And seals, too, like Fe?” Naomi's gaze ripped away from the page to look up at her, beaming with all of her youthful innocence as she pondered the thought.

Of course! Loads of them!” Evangeline smiled, pulling her closer. “We'll have to save that adventure for another day, though,” she closed the book and swung her legs over the edge of the mattress, moving to place it on top of her sister's dresser before returning to the side of the bed “because right now it's time for a little girl named Naomi to go to bed.” She grazed her fingers over her sister's forehead, brushing the hair away from her eyes, and in response to the pout of protest that she was still receiving from the young girl, she straightened herself up and placed a hand on either side of her hips; feigning an expression of utter bewilderment as she turned to either side and looked about the space. “Let's see... you've got Fe, you've had your story... there must be something I'm forgetting...” She tutted, tapping the tip of her index finger against her pursed lips.

Naomi's expression shifted at the sight of Evangeline in such a state and a giggle rose up from her chest. “A hug!” She squealed, pushing herself up from under the blankets.

Of course! How could I forget?” Evangeline leaned over the bed, greeting Naomi's outstretched arms with a tight bear-hug that had her younger sister falling into a fit of giggles as she rocked them from side to side and plastered a kiss on her cheek.
I'll see you in the morning, okay?” A smile flitted around the edges of her mouth as she helped her back down onto the pillow and tucked her under the covers. “Goodnight, Nomi.

The brunette stepped toward the hallway to return to her own bedroom for the night, but just as she was pulling the door shut, a small voice sounded from the bed.

...Evie?” Evangeline paused, but didn't speak; pushing the door open just a crack. “if you go, you'll take me with you... won't you?

She could feel her heart sink at the question. While she hadn't given her words much thought, it had clearly resonated something within Naomi. With nothing but the gentle glow of the nightlight to guide her, Evangeline closed the door behind her and moved into the bedroom. “Scoot over.” She gently coaxed, pulling up the corner of the blanket and slipping underneath. “You know how much I love you, don't you?” She rolled onto her side; Naomi remaining on her back as she looked up at the ceiling, thinking.

This much?” Naomi spread her arms out as far as they could go, attempting to physically gauge her sister's love for her.

That plus a whole bunch more.” Evangeline laughed, her hand finding Naomi's small frame and pulling her closer to her. “I'd never leave you, Nomi. Not in a million years.

A short silence followed, interrupted by the sound of their quiet breathing, and Evangeline watched through the darkness as Naomi seemed to consider what she'd said.


Eve snuggled closer, placing a soft kiss against her temple. “Promise...


prompt : iv
word count : 447
ocs : jaida, dominic
rated : g
music : n/a
notes : ruh-roh

"...Jai? You been in there a while. You good, baby?"

The sound of approaching footsteps coming from the hallway had Jaida straightening up from her position hunched over the open toilet to rest semi-comfortably against the glass door of the shower. She pulled her knees up to her chest and attempted as best she could to breathe through the sudden bout of nausea that had driven her out of bed. A cold sweat had begun to creep over her, chilling her bones while her skin seemed to burn, and left her face devoid of its usual color. Her fingers threatened to tremble, stopped only by the tight fists that she continued to hold them in as she held the fabric of her flannel sleep pants within her grasp. She rocked forward, groaning audibly as another wave of sickness racked through her and she brought her forehead to rest against her bent knees, counting her breaths as she made slow, deep intakes of air through her nose and exhaled shakily through her lips.

"I'm fine," she muttered unconvincingly without looking up as a pair of feet paused in the doorway; she swore she could almost feel his concern radiating off of him. "Something I ate just isn't sitting with me..." She didn't register the fact that her boyfriend had begun to move toward her until he was crouching down at her side and the sudden close proximity had her feeling like she couldn't adequately breathe. "Dom, I'm good," she countered much more sternly than she would've liked, growing impatient as the additional body heat had her feeling like she might be sick again. "Just give me a minute." She sucked in a slow breath as the man stood, lifting his hands in defeat as he moved to reclaim his place in the doorway and Jaida's head found its way to her knees once more where she pinched her eyes shut.

"Just... holler if you need me," Dominic offered hesitantly, "I'll be in the other room..."

Jaida could offer little more than a nod in response to her boyfriend's softly spoken words. She might've thought to apologize for how short she'd been with him had it not been for the uneasy tugging that was still pulling at her gut. Instead she opted to remain quiet and held onto what little composure she'd managed to maintain long enough to listen for the sound of the bedroom door being pulled shut before she was lurching toward the toilet once more. Her fingers grasped at the cool porcelain, gripping the sides of the bowl as she leaned over it and almost immediately heaved up what little contents still remained in her stomach.
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prompt : v
word count : 447
ocs : tess, ruth
rated : g
music : x
notes : n/a

The wind had steadily begun to pick up. It gave a howl as it blew through the trees, swirling their leaves in its wake, and Tess was suddenly grateful that she'd cut their daily venture for supplies short as the first drops of rain began to ricochet off of the roof's steel patching. The clouds had since gone black and they hung ominously in the sky, a looming blackness coloring the horizon. They'd bring with them a violent storm, that much she was sure, and she slung her pack onto the narrow countertop to sift through her gatherings from the day as she prepared for an evening holed up indoors with her daughter.

The fruits of their labor, while sparse, had been worthwhile. They'd managed to scrounge up three unlabeled cans of food from an abandoned house situated on the outskirts of the nearby town and Tess plunged her knife into the lid of the first and began to peel back the aluminum before she moved to meet Ruth, her five year old daughter, in what would've been the living room. The girl was sitting, legs folded underneath her, on the floor near the couch and hastily clenched her thin fingers around a small object before clenching her small hand into a fist and tucking it near her side as her mother stepped into the room with her.

Tess paused, a can of what turned out to be pinto beans in hand, and pulled her eyebrows into a curious furrow as she moved to sit in the space next to her daughter. Ruth's small body was tense as she angled herself away from the other woman, clearly with something to hide, and her eyes only lifted when her peculiar behavior was met with question. "What is that? What do you have in your hand?" She folded her legs, criss-cross, and waited patiently until the girl turned away from her and slowly began to loosen her grip around the object.

"I found it." Ruth muttered,

((( major wip )))

"Can I see it?"

"Only for a minute. I'll give it back."

"What is it, Mama?"

"It's a horse. Someone made this."


"I'm not sure. Maybe the people who lived here before us."

"Can I keep it?"

"I don't see why not."
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