Nothing Fancy Really (( AbyssHarlequin, Scrypt, and TroubledNovelist private rp ))


New Member
Basic plot- In a classical dystopian society where modernized things such as electronics and modern styles are frowned upon. Instead the higher ranked people in the social caste system have regressed almost back to the classical period's ways. All the lower class get the cast out "modern" fashion, however most electronics were destroyed in the end. Finding one is rather rare these days. The higher class is mostly based on blood heritage, though if one is born with any flaws they are cast out of the high living area into the middle and lower class grounds. In the high class boundaries the grounds are kept mostly cleans actually and food is plentiful. However, this means that the middle and lower class areas are rather dirty in comparison with less and less food to be found and spared the lower in the caste system you are.



  • Abisso is a rather short fellow, only reaching about 5’2” in the end with a slight figure. His hair is mostly black, except for a white streak on the right sides of his bangs. Abisso’s hair falls to about his chin with bangs covering most of his eyes (he is in dire need of a haircut--). His eyes are a dark espresso brown, large and doe like making him look younger than his age of 16 years. Though, overall he looks rather young because of his soft features and rounded face, especially paired with that childish smile of his. Generally Abisso (in this setting) is found wearing a plain, tattered pair of pants that are a size too big for him and held up by a belt as well as a white button up shirt with mud stairs on it here and there. When it gets colder out Abisso is found wearing a long black jacket, obviously too big for him once again, but as long as it shields him from the elements he doesn’t care. Abisso is a musician. Playing the cello on the streets for money here and there just so that he can get by. He isn’t a professional but he is certainly not bad at playing. If he was he wouldn’t be playing for money, that is for sure. Now then, deviating from the normal, there is a reason Abisso just barely gets by in the lower class of course. He is one of those defined as a freak. Sweet little Abisso is a monster. He wishes he wasn’t. He didn’t ask for the power to rip open the intricate weavings of time and space into the endless Abyss. He really didn’t. He didn’t ask to have blood as black as tar. He really didn’t. And he hated it. He was just a timid boy that was born different. Born a defect. Abisso is the type that apologizes a lot and will cry at the drop of a hat. It is just part of his nature. Timid, quiet, rather like a small animal ripped out of its home and put in a cage and jabbed with needles actually.
  • Picolo, at standard size, stands at about 5’6” with a lean muscled figure. He has dyed indigo hair, and you can tell for the roots of his hair are black. He styles his hair into a fairly messy faux hawk, for his hair is in need of a trim at least. But who has the time for that. Not Picolo. He doesn’t really care anyway. His eyes are defined as that rare “lilac”, being a blue in pigmentation if you wish to put it simply (we are talking Elizabeth Taylor eyes here okay okay). He seems to have come from an Asian country of some kind (I say Thailand mkai) because of his distinct eye shape as well as his more squared facial shape and sharp cheekbones. Picolo gets by with wearing a plain olive green wife beater style shirt and ripped blue jeans most of the time, though on colder days, like any sensible person, he dons a patched up grey jacket to keep himself warm. Picolo is a rather boisterous fellow, brash and one would think he never learned any manners from his mother. Then again, he probably didn’t, giving the circumstances he lives in. He was probably cast out of his home when he was too young to remember for being a flawed individual. A size manipulator. One who can change his own size and the size of any object he was holding in his left hand as well. Not really something a normal family would want to put up with. Oh gosh no. But he doesn’t really mind. As long as he can get by well enough he is okay with this ability. He finds it rather convenient actually. Panty shots. Hey, they sell to the lecherous fools, right? Plus, Picolo doesn’t mind. Not oneeeee bit.


  • WIP


  • Faun has the oddest appearance one will probably ever see. And if not, then she can do things to change that. This is because she is a hybrid with the onoskelis demon, giving her the ability to absorb a single trait of any animal at one time. So if she touched a tiger, she could give herself a tiger's arm. And then if she touched a fly, she could give herself a compound eye. And so on and so forth. These changes can exhaust her however and thus they only last a certain amount of time, depending on how drastically it changes her body structure. The one change she has never been able to be rid of is her first. It happened when she was four years old and her older half brother set fire to her family's house. Her father had left them when they were quite young (most likely from the guilt of knowing he'd had intercourse with a demon) and so her stepmother was the one who saved her from dying in the flames. But of course, at the worst possible moment, her hybrid abilities activated and caused her to absorb half of her stepmother's face. Wholly. In that half of her stepmother's face was erased from her burning corpse (she had unfortunately been caught in the fire). The fire had so badly scarred the countenance that Faun didn't look particularly two-faced besides the clean line where her scarred tissue ends and her youthful blemish free face begins. Her normal appearance had been very European and still is: pale skin, dark navy eyes, light strawberry brown hair. Yet her stepmother's pigmentation was quite different, leaving her other eye a bright olive and the other half of her hair a deep, deep brown. She is of course, internally scarred by the fact that a dead woman's face has replaced half of hers, but she tries to make the best of it, braiding her two colored hair so that it is a swirl of chocolate and coral trailing down to the small of her back. Both sides of her bangs are fairly long and drape over the scarred side of her face, though sometimes she'll hide the blemish-less side of her face just to get a reaction out of people. She' was violently mistreated throughout her life in the orphanages and she's been left with hairline scars over most of her back. Of course the reason for this was she was too different. And even if she couldn't do anything about it, she was always told she might as well be dead with the face she has. But Faun's always been a perseverant soul so she found her purpose in the underworld after being loosed from the orphanages. She'll do most any favor one could ask for, and her “talents” have made her fairly successful in the black market. But she won't do anything that she doesn't wish to do. She knows she lives a very selfish life but she's never giving the opportunity to be selfless, and thus she has been left fairly soulless. She doesn't remember what it felt like to care. The only thing she knows is self maintenance, and so her only hates are what hurts, and her only loves are what helps.

And thus that is that for now.
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(( So

I am using Sabeji

tomorrow, or maybe this weekend, but eventually

I will type up a description of him and then make this page look nice

we need to discuss setting and such first off though ))
(Yeah...I'm not sure about setting

It's kinda fun to throw crazy character's in classical settings buuuuuuuuuut

Modern setting is always a thing

I don't really have a preference :/ )
(( Yes.

And I will use Alex, so. I'll write him up at some point as well--


All right for setting, I am totally okay with whatever you guys decide, so. ))


I think I get what you're saying

Like a caste based dystopic thing with a rich aristocracy...?

(( Yes

That sounds

Good to me



i am

going to bed because my mother is making me go to bed so

you two just decide whatever and I will figure it out in the morning

good night ))
(Oh alright

Um...I have my charrie form so I guess I can post that

In a minute /nods


And g'night Quin :)

And yes the setting does sound promising

It's kinda interesting to think about what it would be like if modern technology was only available to a very small, rich group and everyone else lived in the slums.)
(( I like this idea.


I already said goodnight to Quin but I guess there's no harm in saying Gute Nacht again.

But yes caste systems are quite entertaining to play out. ))
(Faun Dupont :: 19 ::

Faun has the oddest appearance one will probably ever see. And if not, then she can do things to change that. This is because she is a hybrid with the onoskelis demon, giving her the ability to absorb a single trait of any animal at one time. So if she touched a tiger, she could give herself a tiger's arm. And then if she touched a fly, she could give herself a compound eye. And so on and so forth. These changes can exhaust her however and thus they only last a certain amount of time, depending on how drastically it changes her body structure. The one change she has never been able to be rid of is her first. It happened when she was four years old and her older half brother set fire to her family's house. Her father had left them when they were quite young (most likely from the guilt of knowing he'd had intercourse with a demon) and so her stepmother was the one who saved her from dying in the flames. But of course, at the worst possible moment, her hybrid abilities activated and caused her to absorb half of her stepmother's face. Wholly. In that half of her stepmother's face was erased from her burning corpse (she had unfortunately been caught in the fire). The fire had so badly scarred the countenance that Faun didn't look particularly two-faced besides the clean line where her scarred tissue ends and her youthful blemish free face begins. Her normal appearance had been very European and still is: pale skin, dark navy eyes, light strawberry brown hair. Yet her stepmother's pigmentation was quite different, leaving her other eye a bright olive and the other half of her hair a deep, deep brown. She is of course, internally scarred by the fact that a dead woman's face has replaced half of hers, but she tries to make the best of it, braiding her two colored hair so that it is a swirl of chocolate and coral trailing down to the small of her back. Both sides of her bangs are fairly long and drape over the scarred side of her face, though sometimes she'll hide the blemish-less side of her face just to get a reaction out of people. She' was violently mistreated throughout her life in the orphanages and she's been left with hairline scars over most of her back. Of course the reason for this was she was too different. And even if she couldn't do anything about it, she was always told she might as well be dead with the face she has. But Faun's always been a perseverant soul so she found her purpose in the underworld after being loosed from the orphanages. She'll do most any favor one could ask for, and her “talents” have made her fairly successful in the black market. But she won't do anything that she doesn't wish to do. She knows she lives a very selfish life but she's never giving the opportunity to be selfless, and thus she has been left fairly soulless. She doesn't remember what it felt like to care. The only thing she knows is self maintenance, and so her only hates are what hurts, and her only loves are what helps.

So I guess that charrie is a bit shorter than usual .~.


Yup. I feel bad for liking to play out the upper class usually

They just have more access to things

But I think the best situations for caste based rps is a character who moves from low class to upper class /nods)
(( oh jeez

I will

type up stuff for Alex.

since he's generally.. feline in nature, I could see him being basically low on the caste system, maybe even a scavenger--

You have a nice idea though.

I may shift and turn Alex genderbent.

That would be interesting. ))

I figured my character couldn't be high class because she's very physically scarred

And mentally

Wouldn't really fit with the aristocrats

And then I suppose we can make more charries if we feel like we need them

And genderbends are always interesting with characters, but the original is also very nice as well

So I dunno

Whatever you want /shrug)
(( Yes yes.

Well I have never genderbent Alex, and he is the oldest OC I have that I still care about playing.

Might as well do it. Sounds fun.

And besides, I have played females before. Nothing wrong with it.

Also, I think I will join Quin and head to bed.

G'night. ))
(( I decided that

I probably won't be able to do anything with this rp to participate until Sunday probably.

I have way too much to do right now.

Last night I should have been studying but I brushed that off.



No role-playing for me until Sunday unless I finish everything I need to early. ))

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