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Realistic or Modern Nothing Can be Simple (MxM, Assassin's)


Yiling Patriarch
All characters are (18)+
Tags: Modern, Romance, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Supernatural Elements
Pairings: (MxM)
Trigger’s: Graphic abuse, past sexual violence, past self-harm, Homophobia, Experimentation

I'd like the dynamic between our character's be that they are both 'Switches'. With my character leaning towards 'Submissive'.

I would really like my RP partners to write somewhere between 3-6 paragraphs, or 300+ words. I also prefer writing in 3rd person. No offense to anyone who identifies or enjoys 1st or otherwise, I just get extremely confused when trying to write or read in that POV.

Our character’s each are Head’s of separate assassin organizations. Before going off to create his own group, YC was a part of MC’s organization. It was there where he was trained and became second in command to MC. Both were respected and many wondered if it would be that one day they’d head the organization side by side, as their dynamic seemed so natural. There were even talks between the two about doing that. However, the two fell in love and not wanting others to use their relationship as a weakness they came up with a plan.

YC would leave and create their own organization, which allied with MCs. They would technically grow twice as big. They would rule the Underworld without anyone being able to stand against them. At that point they’d officially enter a relationship.

Unfortunately, things can’t be that simple. As both organizations became equal, MC left on a mission and vanished. For a decade he was not seen or heard from. Finally, MC appeared in YCs office covered in blood, new scars, and secrets that needed to come to light.
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