Story Note's Of The Oblivious / Violet Rose


Captain's Favorite
Hello all ^^ I am Dististik, some may have read my book (or what I have of it), my blogs, or are in my roleplays but this is just another book. This book isnt a work in progress like the one Imagination is the limit is based off of but rather an improve diary themed one. Many people think that the book "Diary of Anne Frank" is moving but in a sence somwhat boring (yes, some people say that) due to it being a diary themed book. The fact that its an actual diary and not a story themed like one makes it more dificult for her to have made it interesting, plus the fact that she didnt know that her diary would be published all over the world. Well I wanted to try to make a realostic fiction diary themed book based off of my life. Genders and names of people will be changed (including my own) to remain confidenciality. I will make the first entrey into the Note's Of The Oblivious tomarrow so I have a fresh day to edit and splice up perfectly so people can read it and want to read more. I hope your looking forward to this "book" and I hope to see you around. ^^
Entry Of The First

Hello. My name is Areia Johnson. I feel as if all of my thoughts have been overflowing lately and I was given a project for school to keep a journal about two years ago and it seemed to help keep this all organized. My life has been so hectic it just feels like I need something to keep it all in check. To make sure I'm doing the right thing. I don't even see why this "diary" needs an introduction, all I'm doing is making sure I understand my thoughts. But it still feels like an introduction is needed. I'll start writing about my day later on but as of right now all that's needed is a proper introduction and for the introduction to explain I will rarely ever write responses like this. I will prefer to write in book format. I'll write you later today. See you then

10/28/2012 - 4:20 PM

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