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Realistic or Modern Not Your Average Family OOC

cuz I think that would be fun hm perhaps there could be a disconnect between both his child like body and the demon one? But the maintain the softness its just the demon form tries to act tough and scary
Im debating between a few different characters-
the spidersona (a socially disconnected nerd who has really strong morals)
the jerk lad (they are an absolute trash being who would easily trade away their soul for power, im not kidding)
just another soft bean (i say another because i have a ton of these chars)

probably some other characters too tbh, but ye
Im debating between a few different characters-
the spidersona (a socially disconnected nerd who has really strong morals)
the jerk lad (they are an absolute trash being who would easily trade away their soul for power, im not kidding)
just another soft bean (i say another because i have a ton of these chars)

probably some other characters too tbh, but ye
Yay taste souls
Im debating between a few different characters-
the spidersona (a socially disconnected nerd who has really strong morals)
the jerk lad (they are an absolute trash being who would easily trade away their soul for power, im not kidding)
just another soft bean (i say another because i have a ton of these chars)

probably some other characters too tbh, but ye
I like the spidersona

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