• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern Not Your Average Fairy Tale


Mother of Tiny Lions


Welcome to your first day at J. Fanskeen! We would like to offer you a warm welcome to the school that you will be residing in over the next year. To begin, let go over a few of the things that the school offers to you!
- Access to a "decked out" Rec Room
- A small On-Campus Theater
- A park, located on the west end
- A Olympic-sized swimming pool - located at the on-campus gym
- And much more!

On your first day, you will be dropped off at the opening gates of the school - students are not permitted to bring their cars to the school. Once you are ready, speak to one of the attendants sitting at the front gates, they will give you the papers that you need - classes, rooms, etc. Don't forget - you need an ID! After you are permitted to enter, please feel free to walk around the campus, get yourself acquainted and find your room!

School Rules: (Are subject to change)
1. No alcohol/Tobacco/Drugs on campus
2. No intoxication of any students for any reason
3. No fighting
4. The opposite sex cannot be in dorms after 8pm
5. Curfew is at 11pm
6. No sexual acts between students or teachers
7. During class time, outfits showing more than 6in above the waist, no spaghetti straps, no hats, no "wife beaters".
8. Students may not leave campus without permission from a parent or school administration
9. Only service pets allowed

RP Rules/Info: (Are subject to change)
1. Most minimum is 2 paragraphs (approx. 14 sentences)
2. Must follow RPN guidelines (sexual stuff and all that)
3. If the RP is dying down - do something. Don't just let it die. Make a move! Do something exciting! Make people want to respond. We're not here to talk about math class, people.
4. Your first post will be arrival at the school.
5. There will be dates to reach different things, to keep the roleplay moving on. If you do not reach the part you must by the time limit, we will move on without you, and you will have to catch up. If you have a reason for missing it, it's fine, but you will still be behind. Again the RP will not wait for you
6. If your character is not done by the due date and you don't tell me before hand it won't be done, you're out. No if's, and's or but's.
7. We will have pre made relations between characters. You do not have to have a lot but you should have at least one. I reccomend having several, though, I have found from personal experience it makes things exciting if there is drama.

ROOMIES! (You won't know this until you meet the person in your room or talk to them and find out or something)

Eugene & Peter Pan - Room 232
Robin Hood & Beast - Room 453
Huntsman and Prince Charming - Room 336

Girls Dorm:
Snow White & Aurora - Room 434
Belle & Ariel - Room 222
Little Red & Alice - Room 354
Cinderella & Maleficent - Room 367
Mulan & Jasmine - Room 453

(I made up the room numbers off the top of my head but the pairings are all completely random)​
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Location: Front of School
Currently: Getting her info
We're all a little naive

Ariel Walden
Ariel looked out the window as her father pulled the car up to the front of the school. She couldn't help but frown at the enormous building. She wanted to crawl under the seat and demand her father take her back home this instant ... but she was not a child - nor could she act like one. She had to be a big girl today and get out of the car. Her father stopped at the curb and she pulled the handle, opening the door and getting out of the car. Her father was already in the trunk, getting out her things. He had made a sacrifice, dropping her off, but she had demanded that. She knew he was a busy man but he needed to do this for her, so she could be here and be strong.

He hastily handed her her bags and gave her a kiss on the head. "You know I wish I could stay longer, honey, but I have a meeting soon and the drive back home is over an hour," he said, seeming only slightly sympathetic. Ariel nodded as he rushed to get into the car. She mustered up a smile. "Bye Dad, Love you!" she called, getting a wave and a mouthed "love you too" as he drove away. She sighed, turning back to the front fates of the building.

"Only one way to go now, I suppose."

She walked up to the gates. There were two long plastic tables set up, three women behind each. She was there early, it seemed, as there wasn't much of a line. She reached the front quickly, standing in front of a lady with white-blonde hair. She seemed to be over 50, if not older. Ariel wondered for a moment if the woman would retire soon.

"ID?" The woman asked.

"Oh! Yes! Right here!" she pulled her learners permit out of her pocket. She was a good driver but her father hadn't allowed her to get her license, yet. It was "too much freedom", apparently.

The woman handed her back her ID, along with a few other papers. One was the school rules, another the introduction, and the last was her personal information. She walked past the table, barely waving bye to the woman at the desk as she poured over her things.
coding by cychotic



Natalia was extremely grateful that her parents weren't there to drop her off for school, or else she'd probably cry very much and beg them to let her stay home. As embarrassing as that may sound, it's the truth. Although she's excited to be here, it's a little scary to be somewhere completely on your own and miles away from you parents. Red tried to push the anxiety she was feeling to the back of her head. There was no need to get worked up over this, she just needed to walk up, grab her stuff from the front desk, and head to her dorm. Once taking a few deep breaths, Red made her way to the front doors of the school, where the desk was placed for her to get her information. The lady there seemed kind enough, and she was very quick and quiet when handing Red her stuff. Natalia was grateful for this, as she wanted to get to her dorm very quickly so she could settle down. Looking down at her map, Red was able to navigate the hallways and reach the dorm area where she would be staying.

Her room door was closed, so Red knocked on the door first instead of just walking in. After waiting a few seconds and not getting a response, Red knocked again, before pushing the door open. She didn't see any clothes or anything that could indicate someone lived there, so she just assumed she was the first to arrive. After choosing the bed she wanted, Natalia started to unpack all her items and get ready to meet her roommate. Although she was a little nervous at what to expect, Red was pretty happy with the thought of living with someone else. She would have to clean up after herself more, but it'd be fun to have someone to talk to and bond with on the first day. Hopefully her roommie was a nice person, because she didn't really want to live in an environment where someone hated her.

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Isabelle Moreau
Mood-on guard Location:Admissions Office (Outside tables) With:No one<Ariel Tags:@Blue Jay JustAlexandra JustAlexandra Scenario: First day jitters


No one to drop her off. Just a taxi that she paid for. Her father was most likely drunk in someone's yard back in Chicago and well her mother was dead. Sighing, she moved from the back seat of the cab. The driver got out to grab her stuff and she took it graciously. "Thanks." She murmured to the man before handing him the money that was due. She turned to face the school and scanned the surrounding areas. This was definitely not Chicago. They were out in the middle of nowhere. Now busy streets, no car horns or sirens....Its too quiet. Isabelle was a city girl. It was all she was ever exposed to. Grabbing her the one bag that was full of everything she owned, she started to walk towards the Admissions office. At least, that's what the signs were telling her.

After about another minute or two, she stepped inside the shaded area and towards a table and was right in line behind another girl. She stepped up to the table to talk to the elderly woman on the other side of it. Belle waited patiently as she took in the beautiful looking school. This was definitely a school for the rich. Not one window had bars on it! At least none that she had seen yet. Which amazed her. There was no metal detectors at the front of the school either...which was foreign to her.

"Miss?" Belle's head snapped back into reality and she blushed. "Oh sorry." She murmured and the elderly woman smiled warmly at her. "Name?" She requested and Belle cleared her throat. "Isabelle Moreau." She stated clearly and the woman nodded before silently grabbing a few files and skimming through the packets. "Ms. Moreau, here you are." The woman said as she handed the girl an I.D. card , her schedule and where her dorm was located. "There you go my dear." The woman said softly and Belle smiled.

"That was easy." She commented lightly and the woman laughed. "Well we try to make it that way, thank you for noticing. Have a nice first day dearie..." The woman smiled kindly once again before Belle nodded her thanks and moved out of the way. She stepped out the door and into the sunlight again, looking over her papers. Curiosity peaked as she glanced at the papers. Schedule, Room number. The woman had mentioned something about a roommate and the she would meet whoever it was in the dorms.

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Dean Kingston
r o b i n . h o o d
Mentions: JustAlexandra JustAlexandra Bellz Bellz
Mood: flighty
Currently: fixing school information
Location: school administration
Trepidation was a stirring storm within Dean as he stepped out of the car, giving the driver a short nod. His father had not cared to accompany him to another year of school, saying Dean was much too grown to have need for a chaperone. Dean had nodded in silent obedience, not a word of protest as he slipped in the car that would drive him to the Boarding School.

He regretted not saying anything back. But he was feeling anxious enough without his father's condescending words.

A shudder brushed through his body as the door shut behind him. With a burst of speed, the sleek black vehicle disappeared,
leaving his view of vision. Dean's head swiveled to the side, the familiar structure of the school greeting him as if an old enemy. He hovered there for a second before taking steps towards the attendants situated behind two long tables.

Dean slid his ID out of his pocket, twirling it in his hands as his gaze flickered through the three teenagers readying their information. He knew none of them, having paid no mind to his classmates save for a few in the past years.

"Kingston?" He looked upwards, directing his eyes to greet a woman who seemed to cheery against his foggy thoughts.

Dean only gave a small grunt of confirmation as he gave her his ID, watching with boredom as she inspected it. Paper shuffled, and the ID was returned. His eyes narrowed on the words, loopy letters with blocky fonts that screamed prestige.

"Room-mates..." This was new. Dean had usually requested a room to himself for his tendency of slipping out through the window. It was unlikely that he had room-mates this year unless some sort of mistake was made. He whirled around, his steps quickening as he walked towards the the ladies by the table.

In his despair, he barreled into someone by the doorway. Dean opened his mouth to retort some rude phrases until he noticed her face. He blinked before rushing out a hurried 'sorry' and brushing past. Maybe he lingered a bit too long on her face, but it wasn't his first priority.

"There's been a mistake." He inhaled sharply, hardening his voice as he reached the table. "I don't have room-mates."
coding by cychotic
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Rosalind Schnee White

"No matter what, just don't come back home yet okay?" with a single calloused hand placed on her small shoulder, Snow nodded her head as her bags containing her personal things were dropped right beside her.

After mumbling a heartfelt goodbye to their family's trusted butler, Snow found herself staring at the retreating back of the black car she just got off of. She knew it'll return back to their mansion. More like, her stepmom's mansion now. Apparently, Snow just got kicked out of the house and brought into a boarding school or something.

She was unwanted. Well, she was unwanted by one person at least. She wondered what happened to her step mom and why the sudden drastic change in demeanor? She gave up thinking and let out a sigh, a few walk from her spot is the gate.

There were already some assumed-students lining in front of a counter with a woman tending it. She figured that she should go there. She lined up and patiently waited her turn although the frequent glances from the other students were kind of embarrassing and nerve-wrecking for her.

When she finally got to the other end of the line, the woman stared at her for a good few seconds before grinning, bidding her a warm welcome and a request for her identification. She returned the smile before handing out her ID and having the woman take a look at it for a few minutes. After deciding that Snow was okay, she handed her her ID back and a few papers together with it.

Snow stepped out of the line after waving nicely at the old looking woman. She took a curious peek on the papers' contents before realizing that it was just a bunch of rules to keep and her personal information. Snow giggled at the way she looked at the photo on the upper right of her personal info.

The warm morning breeze caressed her skin softly and she was once more reminded that she was in a new environment. Back in the mansion, cold winds are what would greet her every time. It must've something to do with the fact that their mansion's surrounded with trees and at an upland. It was very nice home though. Everyday used to be filled with happy memories until recently.

She dragged her roller-bag using her right hand and the other pick-up suitcase which was almost close to exploding from the amount of clothes she shoved in there. That must be the reason why she was getting all these stares or perhaps it's because she's sporting a high-waist red skirt with her favorite plain white long-sleeve top and her lips were looking red as roses.

The feeling of getting stared at anxiously messed up with her brain, she sensed that the people are probably expecting something from her. So she tried her best to walk confidently, her heels clicking every time she took a step as she ventured towards her shared room with somebody.

Until her feet forgot to do their jobs and she tripped on thin air. She dragged her bags with her during her fall, sprawling her things all over on the process. She was thankful and was lucky enough that she didn't get any wound nor scratch. She quickly pulled herself to her feet and let out a small awkward giggle to make everyone who were looking know that she was okay before a self-cringe made way to her system.

SCENARIO: queen walk fails and trips AKA HELP HER UP
scroll box fixed!

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status :

meeting red

mood :


clothing :

http://www.worldoffemale.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/hipster-outfit-ideas-36.jpg - but with thigh-high stockings and not orange leggings.

with :

lil red

tags :

C classAteam

code by barista

° S C O U T °

Alice and her father decided to walk to her first day of school. The hotel that the two had been staying at for the week was only a mile away, so going out for a stroll seemed like a better idea than using what little money they had on a rental car. She had been dreading today, for several reasons. Of course, it was her first day of real school, in a real classroom. Before, she had been taught by whatever small schoolhouses they had in town. Now, this was high school. More specifically, boarding school. The Boarding School. Alice was equally terrified as her father. After he dropped her off, he would be leaving for the airport back to Ireland. He knew that this was an incredible and momentous opportunity, but she was his only daughter and family. He couldn't bare to leave her, though he had to. During the walk, Alice grit her teeth together and twiddled her thumbs, the anxiousness taking over. By the time they had arrived, she had become a bit more relaxed. Her father grabbed her by the shoulders and held her, staring at her. He then leaned in an hugged her stiffly and tightly. He rarely gave hugs, even if he loved his daughter more than anything, he was a serious man. She wrapped her arms around his neck. Alice pulled away and kissed him on the cheek. She then skipped off to the gates the hung wide open.
Alice checked her watch. She was right on time; no earlier or later. Of course, she was always right on time. The girl swept through the crowd and tried desperately not to fall over. Everyone else was older and taller than her, and she seemed like a child compared to the others. When she arrived at one of the foldable tables, a man in his early thirties asked to see her ID and paperwork. She dug through her backpack that was slung around her shoulders and came up with a handful of slightly-crumpled papers and a school card with her information printed on it. She stuffed the items into his hands so that he could flip through and verify them. Satisfied, he handed the documents back. Alice entered the school, terrified/.
Eventually, she found her way to her room. Alice carefully twisted the knob and slipped inside. She saw a girl with a pretty face and thick brown hair who seemed to be older than her. She cocked her head, rocking on her heels back and forth, before introducing herself.

"Hi. Alice, Alice Eld," she stammers, sticking out a small hand for the girl to shake.

Jason Montell
the beast

"You know I think this year is going to be really good for you Jay."
Elliot was smiling his dopey little smile, both hands on the steering wheel in that proper way of his. Jason turned his attention away from the man and back to the cigarette he had wedged between his fingers. He didn't bother to respond to the comment seeing as how Elliot had said the same thing last year and the man had actually been right. So yes this year was likely to be a good one, especially since it would be Jason's last year before he could move out and face the world on his own. To be perfectly honest he wasn't sure if he was ready for the but the idea excited him.
He brought the cigarette to his lips, inhaled and exhaled. He felt more then saw Elliot's disapproving glare. "Yea yea, I know." The window was already open so the man really had no room to complain but Jason obediently put out the cigarette, flicking the butt out the window with a smirk because he knew Elliot hated littering.

It didn't take long for them to actually arrive at the school. It wasn't too far from their nice little house in the nearby town. Jason hated how secluded and 'out of the way' the school campus was, so far from almost all of the things he cared about. They pulled up to the front of the school with Elliot exiting the car to help Jason with his luggage. Once the bags were out of the car and neatly stacked on the pavement the pair of them stood around awkwardly, unsure of how to make their good byes. His stepfather started first, in a concerned but not unkind tone. "Just remember - you're not alone here. You can always stop by my classroom or office if you need me." Jason just shrugged and nodded in response. He'd never openly show it but he appreciated all the efforts the man made to make them feel like family. Jason gathered his luggage and turned away tossing a, "Thanks for the ride. I'll see you around." over his shoulder as he made his way towards the student entry area.

He already knew the drill, showing his ID to one of the women seated. As he stood there waiting to be processed he couldn't help but to take a look at all the new eye candy. He'd had flings last year that were great fun but there was nothing like fresh meat. One girl in particular caught his eye. She looked mixed like him; her hair was a shock of red and her features uncommonly beautiful. There was no way to catch her eye as she seemed incredibly focused on her paperwork. Hopefully there'd be a chance for that later. "Here you are Mr. Montell. Good luck this year." He said his thanks and was then granted all sorts of papers that he'd likely lose track of within the week. A quick rifle through the room mates revealed his dorm number along with the name of his room mate. Jason genuinely hoped they wouldn't have trouble getting along as last year had been a nightmare with his previous room mate. It irked him just thinking about it.

Jason readjusted his luggage before moving towards the door. As he approached he saw some guy barrel into a girl as though he hadn't even seen her. They didn't seem to be too concerned either as they uttered a quick sorry before rushing into the building. It took once glance at the girl to see she was a bombshell. No way in hell he'd have run off after bumping into her. Jason fixed his gaze on her, hoping his immediate attraction was not too obvious but to hell if it was. "Well that was just plain fucking rude. You alright?"

Mentions: JustAlexandra JustAlexandra Cychotic Cychotic Bellz Bellz
Location: Outside the School
Currently: Talking to some very attractive girl
Mood: Ayy let's see where this goes
coding by cychotic
Isabelle Moreau
Mood- Flirty Location-Front of tables Mentions: Dean,Jason, Ariel, Peter. Tags:@JustAlexandra Cychotic Cychotic Yennie Yennie TheWaffleLord TheWaffleLord Scenario:Well hello....


Gasping, Isabelle could only nod at the boy who basically ran into her. He mumbled his apology and he caught her staring at her for a moment longer than probably necessary. "Its alright." She said in return before a new voice spoke to her. Belle raised her hazel eyes to meet the dark orbs of a young man who stood about 5 to 6 inches above her. The way he looked at her, was making her feel hot with embarrassment, as if he could possibly tell that she didn't even belong at this school. "Happens all the time." She sighed lightly and offered him a small smile. "If I wanted him to be begging on his knees in an apology, he would have been there now." She teased before sizing the guy up. Her first thought, intimidating.

He looked like a few of the men that you didn't want to mess with when they came to pick up payment in her neighborhood. Tall, muscular build and a bit brooding. But this was just a first read of him. Her hormones were also going crazy at how incredibly good looking he was. As a matter of fact, with all the boys she has seen here. They all look like models. Fucking rich kids. Luckily for Belle, she was blessed to look like her mother..That was the one thing that saved her. Not that she cared what people thought of her looks..but as she looked around at everyone, she couldn't help but feel completely out of the loop.

"Got a name? Mine's Isabelle...or Belle, whatever you prefer." She shrugged and held out her hand towards him, figuring that it was common amongst these people to use such formalities. She stared at him with a delicate brow raised, almost challenging him to not shake it. She missed home. Despite all of the crazy messed up shit that was happening there. She missed Ariel though she was sure that they would be reunited sooner than later here. And Peter, he was going to be at that high school all by himself. Isabelle felt guilt for basically abandoning one of her best friends, even though it really wasn't in her control.

Peter Coleman

Peter played with the car window, making it rise and descend by the press of a button. His expression was blank as the wind combed through his curly mop of auburn hair. He watched as the countless of trees went by them. Then the window rolled back up again and the air from outside was cut off. He was about to press the button again.

"Peter..." his mother warned. The young man sighed. He leaned back into his seat, folded his arms, and huffed. "Come on..." she said softly. "Chin up! It won't be that bad. This is a very good school!"

"Yeah, right," he muttered. "More like a good punishment..." It was uncharacteristic for him to be this grumpy--but why wouldn't he? His father had just shipped him off to a boarding school in the middle of nowhere, away from home and away from all the friends he had ever made. Sure, it was because Peter had gotten in a little trouble, having to be brought home one night by the police, but it wasn't his fault. His father didn't even care to leave a "goodbye" note; he had an early flight to catch, but that was just an excuse to Peter.

Plus, saying farewell to his brothers this morning had been difficult. Really difficult. There were tears. There were angry objections. Two of them, the small twins, wrapped themselves around Peter's legs like koalas, three pulled on his arms, and one had him around the waist--they were all trying to stop him from leaving the house. Peter would've gladly stayed. But his mother insisted that they leave and that she drove him there.

"You'll make new friends," his mother reassured.
"It may not seem like it, but--"
"He only wants the best for me. I know."
"And I want the best for you, too," she added. "Change is always hard. But I know this place will be kind to you. Who knows...maybe this is where Ariel and Isabelle went to start school."
"I doubt that..."
She merely grinned and shrugged her shoulders. "God works in mysterious ways."

Peter didn't respond. He turned his gaze away from his mother and watched the scenery go by. A few minutes passed, they made it to the campus. She pulled into the drop-off zone and unlocked the doors. "I'll get my stuff," he insisted. After he pulled his luggage out of the trunk--which was only two carry-on bags and a stuffed backpack slung around his shoulder, he walked to the drivers seat where his mother was seated. She rolled down the window. Her eyes were sad, but she grinned at Peter, nonetheless. "Be sure to call me and tell how your first day goes, okay?"
"Okay," he replied.
"I love you."
Peter grinned. "Love you too, ma." His mother reached out and kissed the top of his head, hand on his cheek. "See you soon." She just nodded, smiling sorrowfully. She was trying not to cry--he could tell. The young man stepped away and walked over to the sidewalk, waving goodbye. She waved back, and drove off.

With that, Peter started walking. He followed the directory signs and headed to the administration office, where a line of students had already been made. He pulled out his cell phone and played games on it while he waited, glancing up now and then to see when the line moved up. When it came to his turn, Peter shoved his phone back into his pocket and was faced with a middle-aged lady who had a warm smile on her face. "Name?" she said.
"Peter Coleman."
"Let's see, let's see...ah! Here it is! Your ID, your schedule, and the school regulations. Have a good first day!" She handed Peter such papers and his ID. He muttered a thanks and skimmed his eyes over his schedule while he walked away. Room 232...that was his dorm room. Right. Guess I'll meet my roommate, then. As Peter went on his not-so-merry way, something had happened.

A porcelain-skinned girl with ebony hair was walking in the hallway as if she were on the catwalk--a fashion runway. She certainly looked the part; dressed in high heels, a high-waist red skirt, and white long-sleeved top. A lot of people were giving her glances. The girl looked confident and elegant...until she tripped on air and fell.

Watching this girl fall from grace was just...satisfying. It was like a slapstick comedy gag, just completely unintentional--he loved it. He wasn't ashamed to admit taking joy in someone else's misfortune, especially when he was in a grumpy mood. A smile slowly blossomed on his face. His eyes lit up with impish delight. It wasn't long until Peter erupted with laughter. As he chortled like a little kid and walked past, he wasn't even looking where he was going...and he just so happened to trip over one of the girl's bags. He fell on the floor, just like she had a few moments ago.

For a second, Peter and this girl he didn't know made eye contact and just stared at each other. Then he laughed some more--even snorted a little. "Well, that bit me in the ass. I guess I deserved that," he said, chuckling in between his words. He stood on his feet then offered his hand to her. He wasn't a complete jerk. He was still going to help her up. "That was some fall, though. You alright?"
location: hallway
mood: playful
with: Rosalind White
tags: . D O V E . D O V E
Bellz Bellz
JustAlexandra JustAlexandra
coded by dwale


//Mood: Calm//Location: Out Front//Interacting with: No one//Mentioned: None//
Eugene let out a small sigh as he walked towards his new school. The crunching of his black boots against crispy leaves were the loudest sound around him. Should I just turn away right now? That would be a really good idea, he thought to himself as he continued to carry his duffle bag over his shoulder. Wait! On second thought, never mind. Too many hot girls that need to be taken care of, he thought to himself. He was amused by his own thoughts to the point where he was smirking. People would have thought he was crazy but oh well. They would have to deal with it. And besides, this damn school was in the middle of nowhere.

He stopped. There it was. The place where he would be living at for quite a while. He messed with the skull ring around his neck and chuckled to himself. "They have no idea what they have gotten themselves into by letting me in,"he mumbled to himself and walked towards the girls at the gate. After the ID was exchanged and all of his papers were given to him, he walked inside and sighed. Now where are those girls, he thought to himself and looked around.

code by Aukanai Aukanai

Colin Kobayashi
Colin rested his head on his fist as he drove, admiring the scenery outside his jeep's window. His thoughts drifted to school. He was almost excited for this school year, It was seemed like a nice change from home. Partly excited for the cute people and parties, partly for getting out of the house and away from his hometown.

The campus was finally in view. Pulling into the campus parking lot and parking, he swung his legs out of the car and grabbed his suitcase and backpack from the trunk.

Upon entering the building, Colin spotted the old lady giving the students their information. After waiting his turn, the lady finally addressed him after annoyingly making him wait for her to shuffle some papers.

"Name?" She asked, peering over her glasses. "Colin Kobayashi, the one and only." She rolled her eyes and handed him the papers. Let's see, let's see... Room number... 453! Sick. He readjusted his backpack straps and headed on his way.

451...452...453! He arrived at his dorm after getting lost like three times. A landmark would be really nice... Oh, wait! Colin hunted around his backpack for a moment and pulled out a small Japanese flag. "Perfect!" He said aloud. He placed it neatly on the marker hook on the door's dry erase board. "Now I won't have to find a place for that thing in my room..." He decided to enter the room and haphazardly decorate, as messy as it should be.

mood; better outfit; gray graphic tee and jeans, leather and beaded bracelets, jean jacket w/ patches
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Location: Front of School
Currently: Found Belle! And Jason
Mentions: Bellz Bellz Yennie Yennie
We're all a little naive

Ariel Walden
After scanning her information until she practically knew it by heart, Ariel was satisfied. She had the correct classes it seemed, and she was in the girl's dorm, of course, room 222. She liked that. Easy to remember - not that she couldn't have remembered anything, but she doubt she would forget something as easy as 222 on accident. She was a bit of a forgetful girl so things like that made her life a lot easier.

She looked up from her papers, realizing that what was just a few people before had developed into many people. Students were all over the place - running this way and that. There was something though. Something sounded familiar. Her ears strained to try to hear better. What was that? She looked around, scanning the crowd. Well... it sounded like Belle... and she had failed to text the girl yet - could she already be here? She looked down, pulling her phone out of her pocket to text Belle, when she heard the unmistakable voice of one Belle Moreau.

Ariel's head snapped up, looking directly at Belle. "BELLE!" she squealed, running at the girl full force and slamming into her with a hug. "I was just about to text you!~" She exclaimed. Ariel quickly straightened when she noticed the boy... or, he seemed more like a man, standing now in front of the two. "Oh, hello," she said, a bit timid. Her cheeks turned red. He was quite large and very intimidating. He looked a bit... well... mean, to be honest. Probably not what Ariel would normally hang out with, but Belle was a bit more on the wild side, so it didn't exactly surprise Ariel the two were talking. "Do you know him?" she asked quietly to Belle.
coding by cychotic
Jason Montell
the beast

Jason returned the smile easily, all perfectly straight white teeth. The next thing she said caught him a bit off guard but definitely raised his interest. Jason's eyebrow quirked up in amusement as he chuckled. "Oh really?" Though her tone was light and teasing Jason could tell there was probably some truth to the statement. "You know, I don't doubt that one bit." She looked like the kind of girl that could bring a man to their knees, begging for just an ounce of her affection and attention. She also seemed totally out of place, sticking out for her "wholesome" appearance. Not the type that was born with a silver spoon in her mouth that was for sure. Jason wondered if she was in a similar situation as he was, here because of someone else' connections. Either way there was something inherently different about her that he liked very much. Jason was hopefully that this interaction would not be their last.

She then introduced herself as Isabelle, or Belle if he preferred. "Isabelle. Very fitting." A lovely name for a very lovely girl. Jason found it dreadfully hard to keep his eyes from totally roaming all over her body but as she sized him up he returned the favor. She was much shorter then he was and looked as light as a feather, the dominant side of him enjoyed that very much. She extended her hand to him with a challenging expression as though daring him not to shake it. He rose to the occasion naturally. Jason took her hand in his own, noting that it wasn't quite as soft as he was expecting. Not to say they weren't soft at all but her palm had definitely been toughened by what was likely years of work. Another mystery he hoped to unravel. But for now he introduced himself, "I'm Jason." still holding onto her hand even after he'd given his name. "And I'd prefer Belle; sounds intimate." Still their hands were intertwined until he finally let go, a little smile on his lips.

He couldn't go further as their moment was interrupted by a high pitched squealing of Belle's name as the other pretty girl he'd been looking at ran over to envelop Belle in a hug. Only after she got over her initial excitement did she seem to notice his presence. He didn't mind though, their little interaction had been quite endearing. She immediately switched from excitement to timidness when they made eye contact, a blush spreading over her face. A sweet one. "Hello." Following Belle's lead from earlier he held out his hand to the new girl for her to shake it. Now that she was closer he could really see her and she was just as beautiful as he'd initially thought. "I'm Jason." He'd heard the question she asked Belle despite the girl trying to be quiet. "She doesn't really know me yet but I'm hoping she'll be willing to give me a shot."
He very much wanted to get to know Belle more, those hazel eyes stirring something within him. A short second after he spoke he seemed to realize the possible implications of what he'd just said.
"A shot at friendship I mean." He quickly interjected hoping they hadn't taken as 'giving him a shot to be with her' though he totally meant it that way. He didn't want to seem too eager, had to keep them guessing.

Mentions: Bellz Bellz JustAlexandra JustAlexandra
Location: Outside the School
Currently: Meeting Isabelle and the pretty girl from before
Mood: Ayy let's see where this goes
coding by cychotic

Location:Front of school
Scenario:Sparks fly
Tags: Yennie Yennie JustAlexandra JustAlexandra
Mentions:Jason, Ariel

✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿

Quite the Charmer....
Letting out a soft laugh, her cheeks were tinted with the slightest amount of pink. Secretly wondering how her name could be fitting. She was the exact opposite of what he name stands for. Don't over think! Her thoughts warned her, knowing that it was her mothers mental disorder that was rearing its ugly head when she began to become depressed by overthinking. Lord knowns what happened to her when she finally had enough.

His hand was large and encased her own small hand in it almost perfectly. They stayed that way for a moment as they continued to get a read on each other. She couldn't help but noticed that his thumb slightly traced across the top of her hand. Examining the skin there, which was thicker and calloused from working at an early age. The smooth skin that once resided there, long gone. She felt rather embarrassed in the way he was observing her. His eyes were unnerving despite the open personality.

Like they could tell that she had secrets that he could fish out of her. Just how he was going to achieve that ...well Belle was good at keeping secrets. Intimate? She was about to elaborate before the air was knocked out of her by the beautiful red head. "Ari!!" She gasped out and gave Jason and apologetic smile as she barged in their conversation. She was about to answer her question when Jason was quick to the rescue.

But instead, she was left blushing and avoiding his gaze for a moment. He quickly emphasized that he wanted to be friends and she was inclined to not believe him. There was the smallest smile on his lips that told her that he wanted much much more than that. Belle smiled widely at the man and nodded with a shrug. "Sure, I guess...if you can keep up with me and my mess of a life." Challenges were something she had always loved to give. And also conquer. Her father was addicted to alcohol, mother to drugs...and well...she was addicted to adrenaline and the unknown.

I would definitely like to know all of him..She thought, before scolding herself for the dirty thought. She turned to Ariel, not wanting to leave her out. "When did you get here? I left at like 5:30 this morning!"
Code by @Starfish

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Dean Kingston
r o b i n . h o o d
Mentions: JustAlexandra JustAlexandra Bellz Bellz Yennie Yennie
Mood: flighty
Currently: being a dumb
Location: school front
The lady merely gave Dean a forced smile, shaking her head.
"I'm afraid you do." The woman gestured for him to run off, a tilt in her gaze that was too condescending. She probably knew about Dean's father and who he was. It was most likely the reason why he was being treated so callously by the staff. With a furrow of his brow and tightening of his fist, he swiveled to walk off.

It wasn't as if he was particularly mad; it bordered mostly on the emotions of upset and sadness.

"I have room-mates," Dean whispered to himself, the papers hanging at his side with a defeated limpness.

"Where the hell is 'Room 453', anyways?" he nearly shouted, throwing his hands up in the air. "I don't want a damn room-mate!" He blinked, realizing his mistake as his words were a little too loud and too rough. He hated that. Dean hated his voice and its ability to sound so cold without any attempts at being so. With a glance around him, an uneasiness settled within his stomach.

Shit. There stood the girl he had run into, accompanied by another female and a rather flirty looking male. He inhaled sharply, almost choosing to turn and flee after his sudden outburst. It would do him no good if this 'Jason' guy was part of that group. He would rather not make such a bad impression on the first day.

Dean shifted on his feet, his eyes flitting to meet the girl he had bumped into. He shot her a rather forced smile before waiting for a reaction.
coding by cychotic
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Rosalind Schnee White

If Snow was a part of a comedy gag show then there would be this laughing track playing in the air and mocking her failure. As she hastily reached out for one of the messily sprawled bags on the floor, she heard the laughter she was dreading for. She stared as a man with messy and curly auburn hair walked passed her only to get one of his foot caught up with her belongings and he was welcomed by the same fate that welcomed Snow.

For a brief moment, the two stared at each other. It was a funny scene really, a girl who just had a fall holding a staring contest with a boy who laughed at her fall the very moment before tripping himself. Snow pursed her lips just right before she gave up on concealing her laughter. She burst out on a series of fit laughter and giggle. They laughed together for a good moment before he got up and offered his hand.

"That was some fall, though. You alright?"

Snow gladly took it with a goofy smile before pulling into it to get herself up,
"Teach you right for laughing at a demise of a poor maiden." she joked before she finally picked up the suitcases and pulling the other wheeled luggage towards her. It's quite embarrassing when you trip and fall alone but it becomes funny when you trip and fall along with somebody else. "Thank you for sharing the embarrassment with me." she chuckled a few more.

There was a good silence before a whine was heard coming from the roller-bag. Snow nervously gulped before she realized that having a corgi hidden comfortably in one of your luggage while socializing isn't the best idea. While she bit her lips, Snow silently hoped that nobody heard the cute whine aside from herself.

"Um, that was me." she lied horribly just to be safe as her smile twitched.

TAG: TheWaffleLord TheWaffleLord
SCENARIO: Divided We Stand, Together We Fall


Location: Front of School
Currently: OMG ROOMIES
Mentions: Bellz Bellz Yennie Yennie
We're all a little naive

Ariel Walden
Ariel smiled politely, the blush refusing to leave as he had clearly heard her ask who he was. "I'm Ariel," she said, tentively taking Jason's hand. His hand was big in comparison to hers. Actually, it seemed like his hand would be quite large in comparsion to [/i]anyones[/i]. Not only that, but it was much rougher than Ariel's hands. It felt somewhat similar to her fathers hands, actually. A working man.

Ariel gave Belle a look as their hands dropped. A shot? What was that supposed to mean? But Jason quickly clarified what he meant, making Ariel smirk a bit. It was a bit funny to see such a large person so concerned about what they were saying.

She turned back to Belle. "I left around the same time! Maybe a bit later, actually. My father drives like a maniac when he wants to," she pursed her lips. "What classes do you have? Room?" she asked, pulling out her papers. She had practically forgotten Jason was there already, sucked up into comparing the sheets between the two girls. "Oh my god," she said. "Oh my god! Belle! WE'RE ROOMIES!" she yelled, jumping up and down a little bit. "Oh my god this is literally going to be the best time ever it's going to be like a permanent sleepover with my best friend this is insane," Ariel was practically squealing with excitement. Maybe her father had done it - maybe he hadn't, but this was the best news she had received all day. No - all week! Maybe even all month!

Catching Jason's eye, she stood up straight - trying to compose herself. "Oh, sorry about that," she said, trying to hold back the grin that was trying to stick itself permanently on her face. A whole year with Belle! This is going to be amazing!
coding by cychotic


front gate/calm/ [USER=42045]@JustAlexandra[/USER] [USER=47128]@Cychotic[/USER] [USER=47193]@Bella:D[/USER] [USER=43701]@Blue Jay[/USER]
Jasmine groaned from the backseat of the black car. She was glad that the car had tinted windows because right now she didn't look her best. The black haired female had to travel a long way to get here and all she wanted to do was flop down onto the bed and take a long rest. But no. She couldn't do that. She would have to get everything situated and of course meet her roommate. Ugh..roommate. I hate sharing rooms, she thought to herself. Her thoughts were interrupted by her driver, also known as her father's friend. Her father had made him take her since he was trained to protect people during long distances.

"Are you ready to enroll in your new school, Jasmine?"he asked her with a thick Arabian accent. All she did was roll her head against the rough back seat to look at him. "No. I am not ready. I've never been ready."she said. "Well you better get ready. We are almost there."he said and looked back to the road.

Shit! I need to get ready, she thought to herself and quickly got her make up bag. In just a few minutes, a a whole new Jasmine was in that backseat. Her hair was perfectly curled, cherry red lipstick applied to her lips as well. She adjusted her black crop top so it would cover her bust and then she added the black lace cardigan. The driver chuckled and shook his head.

"It always surprises me how you get ready so fast."he said and then he stopped. Slowing down a little bit, the black car pulled up into the parking lot. Just like a scene in a movie, Jasmine opened the door and stepped out of the car. Closing the door behind her, she ran her hand through her hair and grabbed her bags. Immediately her attention landed on the back of a teenagers head. He was gorgeous.

Maybe this school won't be so bad after all, she thought to herself and walked towards the gate. She passed by the group of girls and the guy and went to the gate.

"Name."the woman said an emotionless tone of voice. The black haired female replied with 'Jasmine' and then she gave the woman her ID. Shuffling of papers could be hear and the clicking of Jasmine's black heels as she impatiently waited for her papers. Once the lady gave them to her, she snatched them and moved to the side. Quickly grabbing her phone, she immediately called her father to let him know that she arrived safely.
images (10).jpg
coded by dwale
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Cindie Benenati



A taxi stopped in front of big, heavy gates – an entrance to an enormous, glorious building. Students were roaming in front of the gates, some of them waiting to get a permission to enter, some of them hugging and saying goodbye to their families.

„So this is the boarding school that's so eager to have you.“

The ironic voice belonged to Cindie's stepmother. She was a woman that carried herself with sheer, cold dignity – whose voice trembled with power and authority, whose old fingers were ordained with rings, and hair always tightly and neatly tied into a bun on her head.

„Well, that's fair. If that baboon of a man really wants to pay for this...“ she continued, her voice cold and reeking of hatred. The 'baboon' was Cindie's father's best man – the only support Cindie had. After her father's death, his best friend, though married and a father of two children, swore he would guard Cindie as if she was one of his own. The Italian loyalty towards his dead pal burnt strongly in him.

„I am very thankful to mister Santorelli.“ Cindie said, her voice peaceful. She knew better than to toy with the hyena that was her stepmother. „It's a very kind gesture.“

Her stepmother made a disapproving noise with her tongue. „A criminal, that's what it is. But oh well. Nothing can be done anymore. Now please, don't let the driver wait.“

Cindie opened the door, and the driver jumped out to help her with her luggage – during the ride he managed to get a hint of what the family of this poor girl was like. He handed her two heavy bags and a suitcase.

„We must set some rules now.“ Her stepmother lowered the car window. „I want to hear from you every evening at exactly 8pm. Your father's... friend, might be the one financing this whole silly project you've got going on – as if you truly belive you'll find a home here – but I am the keeper of your destiny. In case you still want to have the door of my house opened, you'll respect what I have to say.“

Cindie shook her head in affirmation.

„A call – every night at 8pm. I also want you to message me when you get up in the morning. I want to be informed about your classes and schoolwork each week. You will write down every single penny you've spent during the month, and send the list to me. I want to know what you spend your money on and how much. Your phone bill as well.“

Cindie looked down, then up at the cold eyes of her stepmother, and shook her head positively once more.

„That shall be all for now. Enjoy your stay.“ The woman turned her head away and lift the car window up.

„Try not to fuck it up the first day!“ an annoying voice giggled from the car. „Yeah! Actually, maybe try avoiding people entirely. If your appearance is this offputting, who knows what you are like when you actually speak!“ an another voice, equally annoying joined in. Her stepsisters. Cindie rolled her eyes, grabbed her luggage, and without a word, with as much pride as she had left, turned around and headed for the entrance.

Luckily, the line wasn't long, and she reached one of the attendants sitting at the front gates in quick time.
„ID?“ the attendant asked. Cindie quickly pulled out her ID card from her wallet and handed it over in silence. The woman checked it and handed it back with a couple of papers. Cindie skimmed them over with her eyes and, anxious about making anyone in the line wait longer than they should, stashed the papers in her pocket and quickly stormed past the desk, puffing as her heavy luggage was too much for her small frame.

God, it's been a long day.

She really needed a cigarette.​


Location: Front of school
Scenario: 3's a crowd 4's a party
With: Ariel, Jason, Dean.
Mentions: JustAlexandra JustAlexandra Yennie Yennie Cychotic Cychotic

✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿
Belle laughed at what Ariel said about her fathers driving. It was definitely true. When the man was in a rush or even just wanting to get out of traffic, he would drive like it was some sort of race. Belle glanced at Jason for a moment who was just amusingly watching the two girls interact, shooting him another apologetic smile, she quickly shifted her eyes to glance down at Ariel's papers as well as her own. 222. Holy shit! That's my room too! Ariel definitely beat her in reacting though, Belle was use to Ariel's constant adorable excitement and wonder. But for others, it was probably a bit shocking.

"That's amazing! What luck!" She agreed with her. "I wonder, are you just excited because you know that I cannot stand when something is dirty....so I end up cleaning it up?" Belle teased the girl, Ariel wasn't particularly mess but Belle was a bit of a neat freak. So anything that wasn't the way she organized...was messy. Isabelle glanced back at Jason again with a light blush tinting her cheeks. Great. Already revealing you are batshit crazy and its only the first day. Just as Ariel was beginning to calm down, someone's voice was loud and clearly upset. Turning, she peered in the direction that it came from only to find the young man that run into her. His smile was somewhat forced but it looked like he was just trying to interact. "Cat got your tongue?" Belle asked him with a small lopsidedly grin.

Now that he wasn't completely in her face, she could get a good glimpse at who she was talking to. It was definitely someone she would have fallen for in the past. A family trait unfortunately. Jason and this new comer both had the makings of being the typical bad boy. Which made Belle feel sort of protective over Ariel in that moment. She was such a sweet and naive thing, corruption could be easily accomplished when it came to her. Maybe she was a bit pessimistic about people at a first glance. But one could never be to careful.
Code by @Starfish


DAN NUOSAEU“And you have all your things?”

“Yes mom.”

“Every medication, and you have the emergency phone numbers?”

“Of course! Don’t worry mom, I’m fine...I’m going to be fine mom.” Dan put a calming hand on her mother’s arm as they pulled up to the front gate. She could see her mother was very upset over what was happening, but Dan was just excited. A new school! Learning! So many people to observe! Her entire vocabulary was becoming exclamation points! “I’ll call you every weekend, ok? I love you a lot...oh and don’t forget to send me like, tons of candy! Oh and rock and roll CDs, and…” Her mother managed a small smile as she gave her daughter one last hug. “I love you.”

“I love you, honey bunny.” Dan kissed on the cheek before grabbing her duffel bag and jumping out of the car.

“Bye mom!!!” She stood waving until she was sure her mom couldn’t see her before turning and marching up to the desk. She waited in line for a few minutes, and she realized how tired she was. That happened to her a lot. One sec, she was the queen of pep and the next she was fast asleep. But, she ignored that when she was urged to the large foldable tables.
“Oh uhh, hi! Dan Nuosaeu.”

“Oh uhm...no sorry?” The woman seemed flustered before perking up suddenly. “Oh, Dawn Nuosaeu?” Dan kept in a sigh as she nodded. The woman grinned, and asked for registration.

“Hmm? Oh! Yeah yeah I know I have it right…” She dug into her jean pockets, producing an overly stuffed wallet. She had a nasty habit of keeping receipts in there. “Here!” She produced her health insurance card, and was quickly ushered away. “Have a nice day!” Dan then turned her attention towards the school. It was so cool! Everyone was rushing around like ants, and it made Dan giddy. Maybe she could make friends...like real friends. She entered the grounds, watching everyone and everything eager to see what awaited her. A girl had fallen over, and a boy in his own laughter had tripped over her bags, making an interesting scene in front of the school. When she entered the building, she wandered around, looking at all the cracks and shines in the building.

A lot of girls were in fancy clothes, probably wanting to make a nice impression. Dan, on the other hand, was dressed in a light gray t-shirt and navy sweatpants she had stolen from her dad. Her ratty sneakers were falling apart slightly, and she wasn’t wearing one piece of make up. Her hair was kept together by her beanie, and her large glasses were dirty. She quickly dove off to the side of the hallway to carefully wipe them down. The worst thing was dirty glasses. And then Dan felt tired again. She sat down, and gave a tiny yawn before leaning against the wall, letting her eyelids droop. A few seconds couldn’t hurt, could it?

Coded By || StoneWolf18 StoneWolf18
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Peter Coleman
"Teach you right for laughing at the demise of a poor maiden," she said, a playful tone in her crystalline voice. She had accepted his help and he pulled her to her feet. At least she was a good sport, it seemed. "Thank you for sharing the embarrassment with me."
The lopsided grin remained on Peter's face; a tiny dimple showed. He shrugged his shoulders and replied, "Ah, no problem. You just made my day." After that was said, he could've sworn he heard something muffled coming from one of her luggage suitcases. Like a dog, whining--to be specific. Peter raised his brow, pointing his thumb to it. It caught him so off-guard he was nearly speechless. He opened his mouth to say something about it, closed it, then opened it again to speak his mind.
"Uh... Was that--"
"Um, that was me."
Peter Coleman was a bit of a goof, but he wasn't stupid; he could tell she was lying through her teeth. There was clearly a dog in her luggage--even though the school regulations clearly said "no pets". Oh well. The young man just nodded, going along with it. He outstretched his hand to the dark-haired girl again, this time for a appropriate introduction.
"I'm Peter. Peter Coleman. And it's okay. If you love dogs, you love dogs. I'm no narc."
location: hallway
mood: content
with: Rosalind White
tags: . D O V E . D O V E
coded by dwale
Jason Montell
the beast

Ariel, not a name he'd heard too often. It was as uncommonly beautiful as she was. "Nice to meet you Ariel." His smile and gaze soft, not fixed with the same heat he'd given Belle. Her hand was softer than Belle's, an obvious sign of having never worked a day in her life. Plus she just oozed richness. Normally he felt very off put by that type but she didn't seem like the kind of person that flaunted what they had. He let her much smaller hand go but not without marveling at just how delicate it had felt when he'd been holding it. His hand was almost beastly in size compared to hers. Almost as soon as he let go he was forgotten as Ariel and Belle had a little reunion of their own.

He took a step back from the two girls, not wanting to intrude on the adorably amusing moment. Belle managed to flash him an apologetic smile but he just shrugged in a nonchalant way and mouthed "I don't mind" at her. Jason knew what it was like having a best friend though his was miles away in another city. So he was more than a little jealous when the two found out they would be room mates. He hadn't even bothered to look at his information sheet to see who he was paired up with. It didn't really matter because he doubted he would know the guy anyway. Belle mentioned something about cleaning up when things got dirty, revealing what was obviously a pet peeve for her. Not missing a beat Jason interjected, "Ooh she cleans. Does she cook too? Look after the kids?" He joked in a teasing manner, laughing to let her know he was just messing around. Jason then went back to his awkward third wheel status as Ariel gushed over how great the year was going to be when someone walked past him. He glanced over idly, not intending to take a second look until he saw what that someone was working with. She looked so good it was downright sinful.
"Oh my my my..." He mumbled to himself, unable to prevent his eyes from taking in all she had to physically offer. He did look away when she turned around from the table so as to avoid making eye contact with her but he feared he let his gaze linger a bit too long. Luckily Jason was presented with a welcome distraction when some guy shouted his name and sounded very pissed off about it.

"I'm Jason Montell." He spoke up, giving the guy a little wave. Glancing at the papers he had it didn't take him long to read the names of his room mates, settling on a Dean Kingston. "You must be Dean. You look like a Dean to me." Of course that made no logical sense and he had nothing to base it on but Jason acted as though he was right anyways. He rolled his eyes and shrugged, "To be fair I don't want a room mate either but you're gonna have to suck it up buttercup." He then walked over to Dean, slinging an arm lightly over the shorter males shoulders before bringing him over to the girls. "Don't worry, we'll be best friends just like these two. It'll be a permanent sleepover!" Jason winked and grinned at Ariel as he said the last part, hoping she didn't take his mocking too seriously.

Mentions: JustAlexandra JustAlexandra Bellz Bellz Cychotic Cychotic minajesty minajesty
Location: Outside the School
Currently: Talking with Isabelle, Ariel and some weird dude
Mood: Who was that fine ass dime that just walked by though? Oh wait- I'm still talking to these guys
coding by cychotic

Dean Kingston
r o b i n . h o o d
Mentions: JustAlexandra JustAlexandra Bellz Bellz Yennie Yennie Sega Sega
Mood: irritated
Currently: striking up conversation
Location: school front
To say that the man's response was a bit disorienting was...exactly what it was. Dean took a breath, deciding not to return the small wave. "You look like a Montell," he replied. He was in no mood to be friendly. Dean gave a grunt, folding the paper in his hand over and slipping it into his pocket, the edges crinkling.

"I don't do best friends," he stated, coldly, bringing his hand out of his jean pocket. Kingston didn't do friends in general; not a lot of people were willing to attempt to bond with him. He looked much too dangerous and brooding for that.

"I also," Dean paused, giving Jason a rather exasperated look. "Don't do sleepovers. Permanent or temporary unless..." The man allowed the words to be left unsaid, leaving them lingering in the air with heavy weight. He quirked up a brow, letting himself become a bit cocky. A tilt of the head towards the two ladies was all he needed to assure himself that the effect worked as intended.

"Anyways, I have some things to deal with." He pivoted, his steps swift and gait long as he left. Dean was glad to have worn a watch today; the thing was hiked up underneath his sleeve, and he pulled it upwards to glance down at it.

He didn't intend to enter the dorm room until later. Dean wasn't exactly happy with the idea of making...friends. He nearly decided to sleep in the trees but was smart enough to throw that thought away.

As he walked, he noted a woman with styled blonde hair and a rather vintage dress tugging along her luggage. Knowing his father, Dean's bags were most likely already in his room. He made a mental note to grab them before the others reached the room.

"You seem to be struggling," he remarked, a bite in his voice. To be honest, she was in his way and he was feeling too pissy to just move along.
coding by cychotic

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