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Realistic or Modern Not Your Average Fairy Tale


Rosalind Schnee White

Snow whimpered with the dog as Dan almost lectured her about walking the dog, feeding it and all. She winced once she was finally away, she faced her beloved friend dog while her red lips formed a sad frown. "How am I gonna tell her that you'll probably get murdered if you stay with my stepmom and that I have no home to sent you to?" tears rolled down her cheeks as she remembered her status in life. The porcelain girl plopped on the warm and soft bed as she buried her face on the pillow. As she did this, she showered her mind with positive thoughts in order to keep herself rolling with life.

Once she was done, she put the dog bowl near her bed and filled it with her corgi's favorite snack. She patted him lightly on the head as the dog feed on it, wagging it's cute little tail just to show how delighted he was to be with her. Snow felt her smile return. She went to the bathroom and washed her hands, it wasn't long before she happily skipped out of the room, whispering a quick goodbye to her dog before shutting the door close.

And now she was back to the school grounds. The open breeze relaxed her and she took a deep breathe. She saw one unoccupied bench not far away from where she was. She skipped towards the said bench and sat down comfortably. Snow hummed a song as she pulled out her phone and began playing the good ol' fashion tetris.

TAG: open for interaction
SCENARIO: sitting on a bench in the school grounds


Cindie Benenati



„Dean. Dean, Dean, Dean. ...James Dean, Dean Koontz, Dean Ambrose...“ Cindie muttered, more for herself rather than anyone else. „...no, those are not who I'm looking for- Dean... J.D. Jason Dean.“ Her eyes went wide in realization. That's who he reminded her of! Jason Dean! A character from that cult film- The Heathers. He only lacked a trenchcoat. The new, melancholic kid in school, stumbling around and quoting Baudelaire, mysterious and ironic, with cold eyes-

Just like him.

"I'll tag along." Dean shrugged as if asking 'What?' Before allowing them to question him, he added, "You'll get eaten out there. You don't exactly look like you fit in."

"Oh. You've both been here for a while now, or...?“ she looked at him, and then at Mulan. Damn, she was glad that she had some guidance. That she wasn't on her own. A series of lucky misfortunes, she figured, for everything happens by chance, and nothing happens with a reason, unless it's a logical product of an action.

„I'd love to see the campus. I didn't know there were gardens. We actually had a small garden back at home- tomatoes, some spices, a lemon tree.“ She said, looking outside the window. It was mostly her who kept it alive and neat though- with rare help of a neighbouring lady who mostly instructed her what to do. But she liked to spend her time there, out, in fresh air, even if the spending time there meant digging out weeds and cleaning the porch, just for her stupid stepmother's huge cat to dirty the floor again. She had a feeling even the cat had something against her. But alright. Everything was fine now- she- she was away, away and safe.

She was just about to ask the rest of the crew if they'd like to get going when she noticed heavy bags the Asian was preoccupied with.

„Oh-! You must want to unpack first.“ Cindie stepped back. „I didn't notice, I am so, so sorry. Would you like me to help you? I owe you.“ she bit her lip. Or would it be privacy invasion? For all she knew, maybe Mulan wasn't that keen on bringing people in the room. Maybe Cindie just made a bad impression. „...Or, if not... I assume smoking on the campus is forbidden. However, there must be a spot that's... not as... visible to the staff and others. The roof, or something.“

Mobile friendly.

Alister chuckled at the man's call towards him. "How ya doin lad? I'm Alister, Alister Vidar" he said with a smile. When he spoke his voice was so calm and relaxed yet energetic. "So where u from? I came from the UK in the outer lands. Born In Manchester though." Finally the lady finished with his papers and he kindly took them. "Thanks ma'am." He stepped out of line while motioning to Eugene to follow. "How about we walk and talk?"

As he started walking he tossed his bags over his shoulders. When he got too far ahead he stopped and turned around to wait for him, but as he waited he looked around at the school and the people in it. Then a girl sitting alone listening to music. she is quite cute he thought to himself. He made a small wave to try and get her attention and then a wink at her. Alister just stood there waiting for something to happen.

Alister Evan Vidar
Screen Shot 2017-05-11 at 6.15.09 PM.png

Mentions: @TheCandyEmo . D O V E . D O V E
Mood: Excited
Currently: Talking with Eugene
Location: front gates

coding by cychotic


Rosalind Schnee White

Snow White was this close to beating her old high score when she suddenly pressed the wrong button and the tile went all the way down, ruining her combo and her game simultaneously. She let out a displeased sigh. Due to this, she was back to the fact that she was sitting all alone during the first day of school. She made no actual friends yet despite the fact that she thinks she made a good first impression on that guy from the hallway. She's not really sure what kind of impression she made for her roommate though.

It was too late when she noticed the presence of a guy right in front of her. She might've missed his wave but she did caught his wink. Snow looked at him innocently before she blinked both eyes, long lashes fluttering. "Good morning, do you need something?" she tilted her head sideways rather cutely, as if puzzled as to why he's just standing around there. Perhaps he wanted to sit on the bench or something. He seems....familiar though. "Do...I know you?" her voice was barely a whisper as she squinted her eyes at him.

TAG: Vali Ulfr Vali Ulfr
SCENARIO: familiar face


Dean Kingston
r o b i n . h o o d
Mentions: Sega Sega Hel Hel
Mood: amused
Currently: chatting with Mulan and Cindie
Location: Cindie's Room
"Quite a while," he grunted, moving over to lean against the window. Dean peered down for a second before turning his gaze back to those around him.

I'd love to see the campus. I didn't know there were gardens. We actually had a small garden back at home- tomatoes, some spices, a lemon tree.

"A garden, huh?" he tapped his finger against the ledge. "Yea, we have a lot of those here. Not too many people visit, though. Makes them a good hiding place." A smile formed on his face. She was a gardener - not many people dabbled in such a hobby. Too dirty for most and too time consuming for others.

...Or, if not... I assume smoking on the campus is forbidden. However, there must be a spot that's... not as... visible to the staff and others. The roof, or something.“

Dean quirked a brow. Smoking was most definitely not something he expected the woman to do. It seemed entirely wrong for her features and the personality she was portrayed. Odd. It was a direct contrast to her being.

"There are some places," he replied with a shrug. "I could show you if you'd like." Maybe Cindie would find his offer a bit odd as well. Especially since he was being so upfront with it. Or maybe she would consider him a creep and not follow along with him at all. Whatever her choice, he did not care.

"After we situate Mulan's bags. If she wants us to, that is."
coding by cychotic
Mobile friendly.

Alister laughed a bit. "oh I was just saying hi to some stranger." He said with a bright smile. "Or is that not a thing you do here?" Alister liked using the foreign outlander card so he could flirt or talk with people he didn't know a single thing about. "Hmm? No i don't think you do? I don't know you." He said as he analyzed her face, trying to remember anything. He just stood there in awkward science. well this just got awkward. I think i should go. Alister picked up his bags again. "Well uhh I need to get my stuff set. see you around." He tossed his bags up a little to try and get a better grip, but when he did his axe pendant came out from his shirt. "Bloody hell!" he fixed his pendant, then motioned goodbye.

Alister flashed a smile and began to walk away. "so fucking awkward. she was cute though" he said slowly smirking. The first girl he met and he already failed at talking. He began to hope it wouldn't always be this socially awkward with every girl he meets. thinking about it now, she does look the smallest bit familiar. his thoughts started to ponder about the effects of first impressions, nearly accidentally running into people.

Alister Evan Vidar
Screen Shot 2017-05-11 at 6.15.09 PM.png

Mentions: . D O V E . D O V E
Mood: embarrassed
Currently: failing at flirting
Location: front gates

coding by cychotic


Front Gates

Sega Sega Cychotic Cychotic
Fa Mulan"Oh. You've both been here for a while now, or...?“ Cindy asked the two of them, Mulan glanced at Dean to hear his answer, then shrugged herself.

"I'm a senior this year." Mulan said. She listened to the other two talk about gardening and as they did she stayed quiet, she really didn't know anything about gardening, it wasn't her thing, to say the least. Once they mentioned her bags, and smoking, Mulan nodded. Surprisingly, she wasn't much of a smoker - though she had pleanty of friends at home who were, and a few here abroad, too.

"If you want, you two can go find somewhere to smoke while I unpack - I'll catch up in a bit if you tell me which one you're heading to? It shouldn't be too hard to hide with everyone distracted by move in." She said, not wanting to be much of an inconvenience. She was a bit of a private person, anyway. If they wanted to come along and help she wouldn't be opposed to it, honestly, but she was starting to feel like the two would prefer to get to know each other without her around.

Once they'd replied with their decisions, Mulan nodded and turned to head towards her fourth floor room, wondering who her roommate would be this year.

Coded By || StoneWolf18 StoneWolf18

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