• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern Not Your Average Fairy Tale


Front Gates

Sega Sega Cychotic Cychotic
Fa MulanThe Plane ride to get to America from China felt forever long. Then, once they'd landed, Mulan had loaded into a private car. She was thankful that her parents had set aside the money to afford all of this. Transportation here and back home was so expensive every year. Mulan's mid-length hair hung in slight tangles. She hadn't styled it or done much of anything to her appearance since headed to the airport the day before. She wore soft yoga pants and a loose, over sized T-shirt for comfort. Despite her best efforts, she hadn't been able to sleep on the ride over, though, unfortunately.

With a yawn, Mulan glanced at the car's driver as he glanced down at his phone to answer it. She rolled her eyes some as he held the phone to his ear and seemed to chat with whoever had called him. She couldn't hear what he'd said over her music, she doubted she would have cared all that much, anyway. She's just glad to see that they weren't in the city anymore, so at least he probably wasn't going to rear end someone while he yapped away on his phone.

She yawned again, as the car pulled around to the front of the school. There was a fair amount of cars already pulled into the drive, and Mulan's car was pretty far from the front. As she removed her head phones, the driver turned to look over his shoulder at her. "Do you want me to get you closer? I don't mind waiting." He said, with a friendly smile.

Of course you don't mind waiting, you're charging me by the minute any time the car is stopped. Mulan thought to herself skeptically as she put on her own smile. "No, this is fine, really." She said back. "I can walk from here." She handed him her card and he charged it before letting her out.

With that, the doors unlocked, and Mulan climbed out of the car. She pulled her messenger bag over her shoulder as she climbed out of the car, and the trunk popped open for her as she walked around to get her things. She pulled a large duffle bag over her other shoulder and her head so that the strap crossed her chest. Two suitcases followed behind the duffle out of the trunk of the car before she closed it. Carefully, Mulan rested the smaller suitcase on top of the bigger one, and against it's pull-handle so that she still had a free hand as she made her way to the front of the school.

She noticed a group of other students who all seemed to know each other by the main gates. Looking them over briefly, she decided to keep her distance. She didn't really know any one here, and they all seemed engauged in their own conversations. Turning her attention back to the front, she sighed a bit, and went through the check in processes. After she got her card with her information, she headed inside, intending to go put her things away and meet whoever it was that she'd be rooming with.

As she walked, she noticed someone else - a blonde woman struggling with her things. Mulan wondered just how heavy her bags were, and then realized that only one other person seemed to notice. A dark haired boy, who seemed more interested in telling her she was struggling than actually helping the poor woman. Mulan decided it was probably a good time to start making friends, and took a deep breath to steel herself before heading over.

"Uh, hello. Do you need help with that?" She asked, making sure to pronounce her words clearly. She definitely had an accent to her speech. As Mulan spoke, she motioned to the woman's things with her free hand. "I could help, if you'd like."

Coded By || StoneWolf18 StoneWolf18
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front gate/calm/Ariel, belle, Beast
Jasmine leaned against the black gate and sighed. "Yes, I am fine, father."she said and smiled a little bit. She appreciated his concern for her safety, but sometimes he could be a little too overprotective of her. Im 18 for gods sake. I can protect myself, she thought and then looked around the area. The driver was walking up to her quickly and before she knew it, he slapped something into her hand. The stinging wasn't major but it was enough to make her wince a little bit.

"You forgot you're necklace, madam"he said and smiled. He leaned in next to her and whispered something into her ear. "please be careful here, alright? We don't need Jafar to mysteriously come back."he told her. A lot of rumors went around that somehow Jafar had gotten out of the cave and was going to force her to marry him. The man was disgusting and frankly, not her type. She clicked her tongue a bit and smacked him playfully on the shoulder. "You worry too much. He's not going to get out."she told him and pushed him away. "Now get going. Father is awaiting your return."she said and smiled, giving him a hug. With that, he left and Jasmine was alone in this school. She didn't like the idea of that.

I've gotta make some friends, she thought to herself and then looked around. Her gaze landed on the two girls who seemed to be speaking together. The boy she had marveled over was still standing there. But she wasn't in the mood for flirting right now. Well, it doesn't hurt to try, she thought to herself and walked up to the girls. "Hey. I don't mean to intrude, but my name is Jasmine."she said out loud as she put her hand on her hip. "I just arrived and got my papers. I was wondering if you can help me get to my room?I've never been here before, so i don't know if the schooling system is the same as Arabia."she said and smiled a little.

That was true. As a matter of fact, she had never gone to a school before. Her father would keep her in the palace so she could be courted. All her lessons were primarly based on being and acting like a lady. Never something such as math or history. The black haired female put her phone in her back pocket and held onto her duffle bag tightly.
images (10).jpg
JustAlexandra JustAlexandra Bellz Bellz Yennie Yennie

coded by dwale

Cindie Benenati



She dutifully huffed and puffed the big bags up the first stairs, when she heard an ironic, male voice from above. She looked up from the suitcase she was pulling, unable to lift it. She met eyes to eyes with a proud, but just a bit arrogant face framed by dark brown hair.

„Oh. Right. Yes. That's... quite an... objective remark.“ Cindie rose her brow, unsure how to respond. „ Well. Ah. I mean. You are certainly not wrong about it. You- you, my Sir, are... gifted with power of describing reality as it is. If my hands weren't full, I'd applaud as well.“ She said, combating weight of the suitcase, as she tried to pull it up. She shouldn't have taken this many things. But then again – if she didn't – she would be in danger of finding them absolutely destroyed by time she got home. She couldn't count on her stepmother sending her any neccessities if needed either. Besides, sapiens omnia sua secum portat.

„God...damn...the...“ she muttered under her breath as she managed to lift up her suitcase a few more steps, when she was interrupted by a voice of a kind stranger. A Chinese girl, her hair long and dark, appeared near her and the boy who treated her with report of her current situation. An offer for a helping hand made Cindie cheer up a bit.

She wasn't exactly used to being offered help – but carrying things was quite different than cleaning. Or doing dishes. Or other kinds of jobs. Whenever she needed to transport something back at home, she would usually call her nice neighbour – an old man who used to be a port worker. Despite his age, he could still move the big glass case in the living room for Cindie to clean behind it.

„Oh! Ahm. Yes. I do. I think. I am... I need to get this to the room... 367. I assume that's... the third floor? I have no idea how many rooms there are per floor. There must be a plan of the building somewhere in sight. And numbers written on each floor. Like. Floor 3, rooms 350-399 or something-.“ She bluthered out, her tongue messing up a bit. Fuck. She hoped it didn't make a bad first impression. „Yes. I have... no idea. Where I'm going. Or how to get this up to the place where I'm going.“ She admitted.

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Dean Kingston
r o b i n . h o o d
Mentions: Sega Sega Hel Hel
Mood: apalled
Currently: carrying Cindie's bags
Location: school front
The woman in front of him was a bit..interesting to say the least. He had not expected such a quirky response. Maybe Dean would offer to help. He contemplated it, but seemed to have lost his chance when a rather unusual Asian woman walked up towards the two of them. He paused, unsure of whether or not to continue following them along the stairs.

The blonde woman sputtered out some nonsense, all of it rather peculiar but catching Dean's attention nonetheless. She seemed a bit flustered,
as if unsure how to accept such help. It felt new.

He grunted, wanting to be a bit useful in such a situation. Although he wasn't sure whether or not he should do so, being that his first impression was anything but friendly.

And so, he promptly walked in front of her, gave a frustrated sigh, and took the bags from the woman's arms. Dean nearly opened his mouth in surprise; the bags were indeed heavy, carrying much more than he had originally thought they would.

Dean gave her a rather nonchalant glance. "Its only because you're in the way." He paused. "You'll most likely clog up the halls, heck, you don't even know where you're going."

He decided to not be so downcast; he would save it for later. After all, he knew nearly every part of his school because of his ability to pick locks with ease. The dorm was not too far off.
coding by cychotic

Location: Front of School
Currently: OMG ROOMIES
Mentions: Bellz Bellz Yennie Yennie Cychotic Cychotic minajesty minajesty
We're all a little naive

Ariel Walden
"Well, that may be part of it," Ariel laughed. She did have a habit of making messes without realizing it, but she wasn't dirty. She knew that Belle knew that, though. She was just teasing. Jason followed up with another tease directed at Belle, which made Ariel giggle. "She's the full package," Ariel mumbled under her breath, not confident enough to say something like that loudly.

Ariel turned around to whoever Belle was speaking to. It was a boy, tall and slender with dark hair. Apparently, his name was Dean. Actually, apparently, he looked like a Dean, whatever the heck that meant. Anyone could look like any name. If the guy had said his name was Scott Ariel was sure he would look like a Scott, but she didn't say anything. She had a feeling the two would be hilarious, sharing a room together. Like perhaps a show she would have liked to watch. Ariel looked down, blushing as Jason winked at her. He was teasing her now, but she kind of liked it, which made her feel even redder in the cheeks. She had not had an real boyfriend before, and usually help herself above things like crushes, but Jason seemingly had an affinity for making her blush and giving her butterflies. But, he had made it clear he was interested in Belle, and Ariel was fine with that.

The boy named Dean seemed especially irritable, so Ariel was relieved when he left. His presence had made her feel a little bit anxious like he might start yelling or trying to fight someone at any moment. Just as he left he was replaced with another girl - a quite beautiful one at that. She had beautiful dark skin and was curvy in the right places - something even Ariel could tell. Not to mention, Jason seemed to be enjoying her presence there.

"Sure, we can help you!" she said happily. "Actually, I don't know where exactly the girls dorm is either, but we need to drop off our bags as well," she said, lifting her bags from the ground. "So we can find it together?" she asked, but it wasn't really a question. She turned her head to Belle. "We should get our stuff set up in our room. Also, I'm hungry," Ariel's stomach growled. "I was too nervous to eat breakfast this morning," she pouted.
coding by cychotic
DAN NUOSAEUDan found herself suddenly awoken by the sound of heels and grunting. A beautiful Marilyn Monroe-esque girl...no, woman pass her. At first, Dan thought she was an angel, some dreamy vesper she had said when she was a child. But that was quickly torn apart when she saw her speaking to a boy. He was more brooding, like a dark forest, ancient and full of sprouting moss. And something about him just seemed sad. Not that he was pitiful, but that he wasn’t exactly ecstatic to be exactly where he exactly was. At first, Dan thought about helping her, but she quickly saw another girl had begun to help her. Not wanting to be a nuisance, she shouldered her duffel bag and began walking up the stairs.

“S-sorry. ‘Scuse me. Sorry, sorry.” She struggled past them, accidentally hitting the boy. “Oh god, sorry, sorry.” She looked back and locked eyes with him for a second before returning on her way. Once she reached the top of the stairs, she produced a notebook and began scratching her observations of the three in it. Were all the kids here beautiful? Her mouth quirked slightly as she started looking at the directory perched on the wall, trying to find her room number among the maze of little boxes.

Coded By || StoneWolf18 StoneWolf18


Girl's Dormitory - Stairway
Cindy, Dean

Sega Sega Cychotic Cychotic Maxilgal Maxilgal
Fa MulanThe blond girl's reply to the rude comments from the guy brought a smile to Mulan's face. She liked seeing others stand up for themselves, even if it was just with their words. As the other woman fumbled her way through an explanation of where she was going, Mulan nodded, and said, "I can show you where it is, if you want. I'm a Senior here." She gave a slight bow of her head in greeting, and reached out for the bags that the blonde had been carrying.

As she did, though, the rude man from earlier stepped over and briskly took her things from her. He turned and left, and through back a comment over his shoulder, assuring the two that his good deed was only because Cindy had been inconveniencing him. Why are you in the women's dorm in the first place, then? She thought to herself as she scoffed at his behavior. She looked back to Cindy and said, "Apparently, the charming one decided to help." The sarcasm dripped from her voice. "I am Mulan, by the way."

As she said that, another blond woman in comfort wear pushed around them, apologizing as she moved on. She'd been napping earlier, Mulan thought, anyway. Regardless, she only went a short ways up the stairs before staring at the floor map. With a sigh, Mulan turned from Cindy and continued up the stairs, dragging her stacked suitcases up the stairs as she did. For as many bags as she had on her, they didn't seem to weigh her down like one would expect. Quietly, she headed up the stairs and followed the dark haired man in case he, too, didn't know where the blond woman's room was.. and because She wanted to make sure that he wasn't rude again.
It was probably none of her business, but she figured she'd lie about where her room was if they protest her presence.... or come up with some other excuse.

Coded By || StoneWolf18 StoneWolf18

Location: Front of school
Scenario: 3's a crowd 4's a party
With: Ariel, Jason, Jasmine
Mentions: JustAlexandra JustAlexandra Yennie Yennie Cychotic Cychotic

✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿
Belle was just about to comment further on the salty attitude of the pretty rich boy who had bumped into her earlier when a foreign voice enter the group. Turning, she saw a girl with beautiful well everything. She was just perfect. Belle, being the observant person she was, glanced the girl up and down before smiling kindly at her. "Well welcome to America, my name is Belle, this is Ariel and Jason." She said, taking it upon herself to introduce the two. She glanced between them hoping that they didn't mind before continuing. "We can definitely all head over there together!" Without really asking or saying to head over, stepping in the direction of the dorms, she was glad that she had looked at the map of the school online before coming.

Glancing at Ariel, she had a mischievous smile on her face. "I am so excited that we are going to be roommates, but I will warn you now that if there is a sock on my door.....don't come in." Chuckling, she adjusted her bag on her shoulder before glancing Jason's way raising a single eyebrow at him daring him to make a comment about what he just said. Sure she had just met him, but she was sure that if she were to make innuendos, he would appreciate them. Ariel was too naive at times and it was going to be nice to have someone who gets her sense of humor.

"So Arabia huh? You got a genie in a bottle in there?" Belle asked warmheartedly. The girl was beautiful, but she was most likely nervous about how she was going to fit in here. Might as well make her feel as welcome as possible. Belle couldn't explain why she felt that need to stick up or help out others who need it, it was maternal really. Possibly from having to be a mother to her siblings and her man child of a father...
Code by @Starfish



Rosalind Schnee White

The man's initial reaction to the sudden whine worried Snow to no end. Perhaps he had already figured it out and he's going to tell the faculty or someone and get her kicked out of the school or worse, they could kick her dog out and make her stay. But fortunately, the man proved to himself to be a non-kill-joy kind of person.

"I'm Peter. Peter Coleman. And it's okay. If you love dogs, you love dogs. I'm no narc."

Snow released a sigh of relief at this before her bright smile returned to adorn her face, "You're right, I do love dogs." she peeked through her small shoulders to look at the bag she was pulling with her and thankfully the whining from inside finally stopped. Her smile grew even wider and brighter when she reached out for his hand and she slowly shook it, "Thanks, Peter. My name's Rosalind Blanchard but you can just call me Snow." she finally withdrew her hand but her smile never ceased.

A small giggle escaped her mouth once again because of the fact that Peter probably knew of the dog's presence inside her bag but he decided to roll with her bad lying. That was kind of nice. Perhaps not all people would react in a negative fashion once they found out that she has a dog with her. Hopefully, her roommate would feel and act the same way as Pete and most of all, hopefully isn't allergic to dogs.

Dwarfy, as he had named the dog, was a gift from her favorite seven butlers! The butlers were short in stature but they were definitely reliable and when she lost her father and mother and her stepmother began changing, they'd keep her company and she's always up for a good laugh with them. But now the poor girl couldn't see them anymore nor could she return to the Blanchard's mansion. So the small corgi is the only remembrance she had with them and the mansion and the young lass can't afford to lose it.

With that in mind, she leaned in to Peter and whispered, "I hope this stays between you and me." her voice was hushed and quiet before she pulled away with her red lips shifting upwards to form another one of her never-ending smiles. After everything was all said and done, she finally gripped the handle of the pully-bag and picked up the other bag one final time, "It was nice to meet you but I have to take these things to my room." the bubbly girl winked at Peter when she said the 'things' part to further emphasize her point and what she's referring to. Hopefully she gets to meet Peter again because she has a feeling that he'd make a good friend.

She gave him one final wave before she finally went on her way. There were those glances again, maybe this time people was staring at her not because of her face and outfit but because of her little accident from earlier. Either way, it was best to ignore the looks they're throwing.

But what Snow couldn't ignore is the number of her dorm. It has reached 434 and she could just imagine the amount of stairs she'd meet along the way. So when the scenario finally happened, with the young lady face to face with the stairs, she gave puffed her cheeks and pulled her every bags with her up the stairs. Snow should've gave that gym in their mansion some thoughts after all. And to make the matters worse, she couldn't pull the pully-bag with her up the stairs because her dog makes this adorable cute little noises every time the stairs bump. So Snow had to carry the large bag with both hands while she just decided to strap the other large luggage to her shoulder.

She considered it an achievement when she finally reached the top, she put her bags down and put a hand into the nearest wall before she leaned on it to relax her breaking shoulders and arms. She wondered if the school had an elevator of some sort.

Her breathe was still catching up on her when she pulled herself together and walked (wobbled) towards the room directory plastered on the wall.

"4..34...." she mumbled in between her exhausted pants as her eyes scanned the directory, completely unaware that her roommate was already beside her

TAG: TheWaffleLord TheWaffleLord Maxilgal Maxilgal
EDIT: fixed

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Cindie Benenati



When the boy grabbed her bags, Cindie flinched, startled. Usually things being taken away from you means- well- things being taken away from you. In that split of second, she saw all possible outcomes of the action – him spilling the things on the stairs, him throwing the bags away, throwing them perhaps at her, or even just... taking them with himself. For no reason except to punish her in a way. For blocking the way.
So she was surprised when he offered to help.

„Oh. Right. Thank you. Sometimes, you must look past the motif of an action and judge it by the outcome.“ She looked at him. „Thank you.“ she quickly added one more time and broke the eye contact.
Cindie wasn't really used to watching people in the eyes when she spoke - it made her feel exposed. Her stepmother always screamed at her for it: „Look at me when I talk to you!“. But the mysterious stranger really did have pretty eyes. No matter the coldness.

The Chinese girl's comforting voice interrupted her worries, and she straightened her back, with significantly less weight in her hands. „Oh! Alright, good, your help would- would be greatly appreciated. He is right about me clogging the hall. And I have no idea how to orientate in this space.“ She moved a bit to let the tomboyish girl guide her. She was stressed about other people not being able to smoothly pass – stopping the traffic was her fault. There were probably quite a few impatient and unhappy people waiting for her to pick up her trash and finally move along. Crap. She should've- waited for everyone to get by. Stay the last. Pretend to wait for someone. And then move things to her room slowly. „Mulan? I'll remember that, it's a quite beautiful name. I'm really, really glad to meet you. You are... literally a god-sent rope. I'm Cindie, by the way. Benenati.“

Cychotic Cychotic Hel Hel

Dean Kingston
r o b i n . h o o d
Mentions: Sega Sega Hel Hel
Mood: weary
Currently: carrying Cindie's bags
Location: school front
She had, well, she had flinched. It sent Dean into a moment of self-loathing. He really could have been just a tad nicer,
maybe not so rough. A flicker of regret flashed through his eyes before being sent away. He could not undo it.

"Sometimes you have to look past the motif..." Dean hesitated, almost dropping the bags in shock. Her words shot through his mind, sending bells of alarm ringing though. Something was off; no one said such a statement did not know him. His motifs and outcomes usually tended to have bad workings whether intentional or not. "I mean, sometimes," he replied, blinking slowly.

Maybe he felt so on alert because of that gaze she gave her. Her eyes were a beautiful blue, like the ocean on a winter's day. It was too intense for him.

The grip on his bag tensed and he nodded, carrying them up the stairs. "Cindie Benenati". Her name rang familiar, something tugged at the wisps of his mind.

"Cinderella?" he teased, a brow quirked up. They reached the room she was looking for, and Dean nodded his head towards it, the bags at his side a bit tiring to his arms.

"Could you open the door?" Dean suggested, tapping his toe against the door itself.
coding by cychotic
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Jason Montell
the beast

Jason's eye lid slid low as he observed the blush spreading across Ariel's cheeks. Was she really shy and easily embarrassed or was he making progress with her already? The self centered part of him believe it to be both. He smiled a smile at her that was full of promise and pursuit - if she was interested of course. After a moment he looked away from her to pay attention to Dean.

Oh boy his room mate was pissy. It was not looking good for the two of them if their dynamic were to continue this way. Jason didn't mind when Dean shrugged away from him and even laughed when the male said he 'didn't do best friends'. It sounded so petulant and childish that it almost made Jason really want to befriend the guy just to prove him wrong. It'd certainly be an entertaining 'side project' for the year. Jason liked to task himself to see just how much shit he could get into within the span of one school year. Last year had been moderately successful but this year he planned on going out with a bang.
Dean's comment about the sleepover did catch him off guard and he stood there with his eyes wide before bursting out in laughter. It seemed the girls had mostly missed his intent but it was not lost on Jason the horn dog. Suddenly his opinion of Dean was changed- somewhat. He still seemed like a childish dickhead but there was potential there. Jason wasn't sorry to see the guy go though, offering a short "See ya asshole." as a good bye.

It wasn't long before their little group was joined once again, this time the new participant was much more welcomed as far as Jason was concerned. It was the insanely attractive girl from earlier though she didn't seem to be giving him the time of day. That was alright, Jason didn't mind. He was certain he'd catch her attention one way or the other.
Belle did them the favor of introducing everyone in the little semi circle and Jason suddenly found himself overwhelmed. But it was in a very good way. So many options so little time. For now he decided it'd benefit him to be helpful. "Oh yea, I can show you guys to the girls dormitory since none of you have attended this school before." He was very familiar with the location of the girls dormitory. As to why, it wouldn't take too much thought to figure out. But he'd leave that assumption for them to mull over.

Belle's innuendo about the sock on the door caught his interest. Though she had initially seemed like a good girl it was nice to get these little hints about her wilder side. It made him want to get to know her even more. Jason smirked at her, not missing the opportunity to tease both her and Ariel. "I wonder how often poor Ariel will be locked out of her own room." He moved over to Ariel then, lightly bumping her shoulder with his. "If it gets too bad you can come crash in my room, I don't mind sharing."

"Ahh, is Arabia known for genies?" Piggybacking off Belle's joke, Jason turned his attention to the newcomer. "And here I thought their specialty was oil and beautiful women." He looked pointedly at her in order to gauge her reaction to his thinly veiled flirting.

Mentions: JustAlexandra JustAlexandra Bellz Bellz Cychotic Cychotic minajesty minajesty
Location: Outside the School
Currently: Talking with Isabelle, Ariel and the attractive Arabic girl
Mood: Flirting overload
coding by cychotic


status :

sliding down staircase railing

mood :


clothing :

http://www.worldoffemale.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/hipster-outfit-ideas-36.jpg - but with thigh-high stockings and not orange leggings, two small messy buns for hair.

with :


tags :


code by barista

° A L I C E °

Alice adjusted her sweater and set her small suitcase on the opposite bed. She craned her head back around, but the girl had gone off somewhere else. Luckily, the girl's half of the room was already set up, so she must have been wandering the building or hanging out somewhere else. It would have been nice to meet her, however. Alice began unpacking, folding, and tucking her clothes into the small drawers under her bed. Afterwards, she hung up lights, set put away her tea cups and pots in another drawer, stowed her collection of pocket watches away, hung some curtains, and stacked towers of books in the corner of the room, and made the bed with her own comforters. It was obvious that the both of them were very different just by peering at the dorm. At least it felt a bit more like home, though the room wasn't nearly finished at all. It still needed work to be done.
Now, the girl was bored. She became bored easily. Alice decided to wander the halls for the time being, until she found something useful to do with herself. For now, she would just skip around corners and watch busy people pass by. When she found a large window on a few floors up, she opened it and leaned, sticking her front half of her body out. Alice her the excited chatters and gossip about the school year to come. For once, the talk didn't bother her as much as it usually did. Alice slipped back inside the building and adjusted the two messy buns on top of her head that had been pulled at by the wind coming from the outside. She tiptoed back down the hall and towards the grande staircase. She jumped up on the side of the railing and slid down it, nearly falling off and tripping when she got to the landing.

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Sleeping Beauty


Status |How does words good?|
Mood |Sleepily anxious|
Location |Dorm Room|
Currently ||
Mentioned ||
Interactions | . D O V E . D O V E |
Dan lugged her heavy duffel behind her as she finally made it to her dorm room. It was a nice, plain little room, and Dan cursed herself for not thinking about decorations.

“I knew I forgot something.” She instead took out her comforter and laid it on the bed, and began making a little nest thing with her pillows. It was the optimal way to curl up and snooze for Dan. She took her books out of her bag and threw them haphazardly onto her dresser and began tossing her clothes into the drawers. She was a messy person, very messy. But that was how she liked it. Now free from any constraints and baggage, she opened the room window and leaned outside. People were still milling around, but it was a lot thinner crowd than the one she had pushed through while going up. Opening her last bag, she produced her knitting, yarn, and needles and placed them in a basket by the foot of her bed. Done. Yawning, Dan sat down and fell face first into her pillows, basking in the smell of home coming off of them. She sat up groggily, smacking her lips quite un-lady like, to see a girl with skin like fresh snow and ruby red lips standing in the doorway. Dan didn’t say anything. What was she supposed to say!!? Something dumb like ‘Hey, how are you?’ Her brain twisted into itself and produced an answer Socrates would be proud of.


code by Aukanai Aukanai


walking in/calm, little flirty/Ariel, belle, Jason
The dark haired female wore a smile on her face when they actually greeted her and offered to help. Wow, and i thought making friends would actually be hard, she thought to herself.
"Thank you for the offered help. And yeah, I wouldn't mind finding the dormitories."she said. When she cracked a genie joke, she chuckled and shook her head. "I hope not. The last thing i need is a genie."she said. Even though they were just joking around, Jasmine was a little serious. The last time a genie was involved in her life, somebody tried to marry her. And she didn't exactly like that. She never understood why she had a thing for genies. Even though the genie had helped her, she couldn't help but have something against them.
Jasmine's attention turned towards Jason when he spoke up. But I will gladly be your genie, she thought to herself as she finally got to see what he really looked like. Beautiful women and oil, she repeated. So stereotypical. Yes, their oil was magnificent and their ladies were beautiful but they were known for more. Like gold. Jasmine smiled a little bit and shook her head. "Alright, well shall we go? I kinda want to get to my dorm soon so I can unload my clothes and take a shower. It was a long drive here."she explained and tightened her grip on the duffle bags' strap. As the girls started moving, she slowed her walking pace so she was next to Jason. "Arabia isn't fully known for genies."she explained and then turned her head to face him. "But I will gladly grant you your three wishes."she said, returning his flirty side with a wink. She had spoke quiet enough so the girls won't hear but enough so he could. Before he had a chance to even react, she sped up her walking pace again so she could be with the girls.
images (10).jpg
JustAlexandra JustAlexandra Bellz Bellz Yennie Yennie

coded by dwale

Location: Front of School
Currently: OMG ROOMIES
Mentions: Bellz Bellz Yennie Yennie Cychotic Cychotic minajesty minajesty
We're all a little naive

Ariel Walden
Ariel looked at Belle with a confused look as they began walking toward the dorms. Sock on the handle? Wh- Oh. It took Ariel a second, but she remembered what that meant. The thought made her cringe. She had forgotten about that aspect of having room mates - even though she loved Belle. All of their personal lives would be shared, more or less. Ariel would have shared hers anyway, but she didn't really want to know about things like that. Well... sometimes she did.

She giggled as Jason nudged her. "Thanks, I might have to take you up on that offer," she said. She shocked herself a bit. Had she just.... flirted? If she had, it had to have been subtle.... she hadn't even meant to flirt, anyway. She was overthinking, of course. She had just responded to him. No big deal, right?

"Oh - hey is that it?" Ariel asked as they came up to town very similar looking buildings. There was a fork in the path, one pointing left with the word "Women" on it, one pointing right with "Men". "Huh... guess so," she said, taking the path labeled "women". She wondered if Jason would follow them. She knew from the rule paper offered that boys were allowed in the girl's dorm until 8pm (and vice versa). Based on Jason's general...ambiance...she assumed he wasn't afraid to go into the girl's dorm.

"Are you coming, Jason?" she asked. She tried to sound indifferent, but she wasn't sure if she was successful.
coding by cychotic

Mood:Slightly Jelly/observant
Location: Path to Women's Dorms.
Scenario: What in the ass?
With: Ariel, Jason, Jasmine
Mentions: JustAlexandra JustAlexandra Yennie Yennie Cychotic Cychotic

✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿
Well Jason was definitely the catch of the day. All the girls seemed to want a piece of what he was offering. Even Ariel! Belle's mouth almost dropped like a cartoon characters when she responded to him in such a flirtatious manner. If Belle wasn't so smitten with the man already she would have been so proud of Ariel, but instead she felt the familiar fire of jealousy for in the bit of her stomach. Swallowing it, she kept silent as they walked towards the girls dormitory, just listening to the conversation happening around her.

Belle wasn't sure what to think of Jason, now that she was getting to know him a little better. It seemed like he could not filter his flirting. Which would be a definite problem if Belle was going to invest her time into him. Adjusting the strap on her back, she slowed to a halt as she looked up at the large buildings and the labelings that Ariel was talking about. She was just about to step into the building quickly, trying to escape before she did something stupid when Ariel asked that innocent question.

It was like inviting a lion into a herd of sheep. Belle's hazel eyes sized the man up, watching his reaction carefully. It would seem that he was more than familiar with these dorms, probably more so than the boys. And that was unsettling to her. She forced herself to smile a bit before saying, "Wouldn't want to miss out on all this fun." Gesturing to all their luggage.
Code by @Starfish

Mobile friendly.

Alister stepped out of the car and tossed one of his bags over his shoulder like it was nothing, while the other was gripped tightly by his bulk hands. he looked at the young man who was his driver "Thanks lad." his accent was light with a hint of sincerity. The young man nodded with a smile then drove off. This is a total change of environment. Everything is so different then home. he thought as he hid his pendant under his shirt.

A small light breeze blew and ruffled his longish brown hair. The Beefy outlander walked through the gates with a wolfish smile. "I'M HERE!" he shouted with his arms outstretched. Suddenly people all around him shot strange glares at him. After a few seconds he realized where he was. "Oh sorry i thought i was still back home in the forest" he said laughing it off. He went on to register and walked to the spot he was in. He was quite lost in this entirely new atmosphere.

(if anyone wants interaction here you go)

Alister Evan Vidar
Screen Shot 2017-05-05 at 9.18.13 AM.png

Mentions: N/A
Mood: Excited
Currently: embarrassing himself
Location: front gates

coding by cychotic
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Rosalind Schnee White

Snow would never have thought that carrying her beloved clothes and beloved dog would give her this much of a hardship. With a final huff, she finally reached the door of the room where she was supposed to be a lot of minutes ago if not for her dog whining every single time there was a bump. She felt like her figure would snap any time soon.


The young woman turned to face the owner of the groaning voice. Then she was met with another female, short dirty blonde hair and oversize glasses. Snow went silent for a good minute before her lips quirked and formed a bright warm smile. She gently locked the door behind her before chuckling awkwardly, preparing herself for what she was about to do.

"Hi! My name's Rosalind Schnee White. Schnee means Snow so you can just call me..um.. Snow." she gave a goofy grin, the bag where her dog was started moving and producing a whining sound. Snow was just thankful that her dog's bark is soft and is never too loud enough for the two of them to get kicked out. Plus the young corgi barely moves around, probably due to laziness, so she won't have to worry about it making a mess.

Snow bent to open the zipper of her roller bag, "Um...I....I've brought my dog." she tried to just shrug the seriousness of it with a simple chuckle. Her sweet voice filling the room just before the softest bark followed and her dog was finally free. The small animal waggled around for a bit before Snow pulled out it's bed coming from the same bag it was before and settling it underneath the available bed which was hers. The black and white fluffy dog quickly nestled itself into the pet-bed.

Snow stood up and rubbed her elbow, "Sorry! I really love Dwarfy !" she paused to look at her roommate and unleash her hidden secret move. Snow's eyes glistened and she almost looked like a lost puppy, "Please tell me you won't tell." she sniffled.

TAG: Maxilgal Maxilgal
SCENARIO: puppy dog eyes



Girl's Dormitory - Near Cindy's Room
Cindy, Dean

Sega Sega Cychotic Cychotic Maxilgal Maxilgal
Fa MulanMulan gave Cindy a smile as they walked. Mulan definitely understood feeling lost in this school. She remembered when she first got here three years ago, the campus was so big, and she'd never been to america before. At that time, her English wasn't the greatest, either. Cindy seems to be used to being alone. She thought to herself as she listened. Her odd response to the offers of help gave Mulan the impression that the two had a lot in common. Mulan had often felt alone in her world, and never quite fit in with the girls in her school. Nor did she with the daughters of her parents' friends. She still felt out of place when she wasn't on the court. She didn't know Cindy's story, but from what she'd seen so far, she felt like, maybe, they had this much in common.

"Well, I understand how confusing this place can be, though you shouldn't feel bad about standing in the stairway." Mulan told Cindy with a kind smile. "They can get around if they need to. You know, if you want, I could show you around campus after we get moved in?" She offered, shifting her shoulder some to make the duffle bag over her shoulder sit more comfortably. "Just if you would like. If you prefer, I could leave you alone, too, I'm sure there will be an orientation session, later."

Mulan led the way from there to Cindy's room, and once they got there Dean pushed at the door with a toe. indicating what he was talking about as he asked the girls for someone to open the door for them. Without paying too much attention to the guy who'd also decided to help, Mulan leaned forward and turned the handle, pushing it open so that he could go inside first. It was move in day, so all of the dorm rooms were unlocked to make it easier for the students to move in without fumbling for the key with their hands full.

Coded By || StoneWolf18 StoneWolf18
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Cindie Benenati



„Oh, Cinderella indeed.“ She responded with a nervous chuckle as she started to fumble for her keys through her bag. Cash, her phone with its loud keychains- She was sure she put them somewhere there. Second pocket, third pocket, hidden pocket. The key was nowhere to be found. The moment she managed to feel the cold metal, Mulan just pushed through and opened the door. Cindie slightly parted her mouth. Alright. She didn't know that was a possibility.

She never felt this stupid and useless in a situation. And, truth to be given, her stepmother did a great job of giving her plenty alike situations to compare. She already made a fool of herself on the stairs, with blocking the passage with her bags. Which... maybe she should've left some things at home. No! No, no, no! She would never see those things again if she did that.

She looked at the cold-eyed helper – and then away. „...In my defense, I had no idea that was an option. Usually, being given a key means you are going to be using it.“

For some reason, she cared about her impression on him. And she didn't exactly think she was keeping the best score so far. There was- something. Something that attracted her to him. Will he leave once he drops her bags? She assumed she'll see him around but-. „I didn't catch your name, though. It'd be lovely if you provided me with that information, so that our current knowledge of each other could be par-on-par.“ She said, putting her things down.
She turned to Mulan.

„Actually- company would be nice, incredibly, incredibly nice. And as for the tour- I'd prefer to avoid the crowd pushing and pulling me around. Most of important information will get lost in the scoring-highly-on-the-decibel-scale sound field formed by the mass.“ She bit her lip. Noise! Why didn't she just say noise! What the hell! „Of course- if it's not an incovinience for you. If you have other duties I can just- stroll around myself later.“

Hel Hel Cychotic Cychotic


Sleeping Beauty



Status ||

Mood ||

Location ||

Currently ||

Mentioned | Sega Sega . D O V E . D O V E Hel Hel |

Interactions ||

Doggo. Doggodoggodoggo.

“He’s adorable!” Dan jumped from her bed and stuck her hand out for the corgi to sniff. Once she was safely assured he had accepted her. She hugged him. “He’s such a good boy! Yes he is! Yes he is!” She was vigorously rubbing his belly when she stopped, mid rub. “Isn’t...aren’t pets banned?” She stood up quickly. “I mean I’m cool with him but...come on Schnee. Is it ok if I call you Schnee? Your Schnee now. Schnee...he’s a dog! Who’s gonna walk him? And take him outside? And feed him? And water him? You should...You should send him home before someone finds out. I’m just gonna...turned a blind eye…” Dan rubbed her neck and backed out of the room quickly. Dogs were the best, but at the same time she didn’t want to get in trouble this quickly in the school year. Walking down the hall, she saw the kids she had scooted around. Waiting across the hall, she watched them go. Marilyn was beautiful, and also quite weird, Dan liked that. Scary chick was scary, and Dan liked that. The boy just seemed extensively moody, so she decided to focus on the girls for now.

code by Aukanai Aukanai


Dean Kingston
r o b i n . h o o d
Mentions: Sega Sega Hel Hel
Mood: amused
Currently: chatting with Mulan and Cindie
Location: Cindie's Room
As the door opened, Dean nearly sighed in relief. One could only carry so many bags for so long, especially when the destination was only a bit a ways in front of him. It made waiting all the worse.

He chuckled at Cinderella's expression when she fumbled through her pockets, her face a bit distraught when she realized she did not have it, only to be shocked when she did. By that time, it was already too late. Dean shot her a quirked brow, one of faint amusement and curiosity. The woman baffled him; there was something odd about her.

She looked at the cold-eyed helper – and then away. „...In my defense, I had no idea that was an option. Usually, being given a key means you are going to be using it.“

"Indeed," he replied, giving her a small smirk. For some odd reason, he found her appealing. "But there's really no use for a key if you take that long to find it."

Dean lugged the bags into the room, placing them down near a dresser and straightening his back. He stretched, happy to have the weight off of him.

„I didn't catch your name, though. It'd be lovely if you provided me with that information, so that our current knowledge of each other could be par-on-par.“

"Dean," he stated rather nonchalantly. "Dean Kingston." It was unlikely that she would recognize his last name and tie it to his father, Robin Kingston. To the father that was an incredibly successful politician, Dean was nonexistent. It was simply impossible for her to know of him unless she knew her way around the vine of closely kept secrets among the wealthy.

scoring-highly-on-the-decibel-scale sound field formed by the mass

"You mean...sound?" he inquired, swiveling his head to look at her a bit skeptically. It seemed that Cinderella had an endless list of quirks and peculiarities that were bound to spring up. All of which were intriguing if not amusing. Maybe he would join them on such a tour.

"I'll tag along." Dean shrugged as if asking 'What?' Before allowing them to question him, he added, "You'll get eaten out there. You don't exactly look like you fit in."

coding by cychotic


Cindy's Room
Cindy, Dean, Dan

Sega Sega Cychotic Cychotic Maxilgal Maxilgal
Fa MulanAs Dean pushed through the door to set his things down, Mulan looked back at Cindy and realized how awkward she looked. She hadn't realized that Cindy had been digging for the key, but the context clues there told her that was indeed the case. She scratched the back of her head, looking away and realizing that she may have caused the embarrassment. That hadn't been her intention, at all. As she looked away she noticed Dean's attention seemed firmly on Cindy. She'd hung out with with boys most of her life, and she could read his interest in his face. Dropping her arm away, she glanced back to Cindy to see if she noticed it too. Women are too much harder to read, Mulan decided as she watched their conversation.
„...In my defense, I had no idea that was an option. Usually, being given a key means you are going to be using it.“
"Indeed, but there's really no use for a key if you take that long to find it."
"Well... the dorms are, uh, unlocked today. For move-in, that's why." Mulan offered, hoping to make Cindy feel less foolish. She couldn't tell if she had, or not, but Cindy moved on with the conversation regardless. She felt it hadn't helped, anyway.
„I didn't catch your name, though. It'd be lovely if you provided me with that information, so that our current knowledge of each other could be par-on-par.“ She said, putting her things down.
"Dean," he stated rather nonchalantly. "Dean Kingston."
Mulan didn't recognize the name, and figured he must be a new student. She didn't know everyone, by any means, but usually she at least recognized them. She didn't have anything to say, now, and fell into a bit of an awkward silence, and looked around. As she did, she noticed a slight girl with short, blonde hair watching them. Odd... I wonder what she's thinking? Mulan thought to herself. It was about then when Cindy turned to address her again.
„Actually- company would be nice, incredibly, incredibly nice. And as for the tour- I'd prefer to avoid the crowd pushing and pulling me around. Most of important information will get lost in the scoring-highly-on-the-decibel-scale sound field formed by the mass.“ She bit her lip. „Of course- if it's not an incovinience for you. If you have other duties I can just- stroll around myself later.“
"You mean...sound?" he inquired, swiveling his head to look at her a bit skeptically.
Cindy certainly has an odd way of wording her thoughts. Mulan thought, as she gave a friendly smile, and nodded to the other girl. Dean's response seemed a bit rude, but by this point she was starting to associate the two in her head, anyway.

"Of course I don't mind," Mulan said, "And I can show you around some of the less busy areas of the campus if you want. The gardens are nice, and no one's probably going to be worried about seeing their class rooms today. I think."
"I'll tag along." Dean shrugged as if asking 'What?' Before allowing them to question him, he added, "You'll get eaten out there. You don't exactly look like you fit in."
Mulan looked back at Dean now, as he declared he'd come along. She supposed she didn't mind, though she hadn't really offered to show him around. Whatever, I'm making friends, I suppose. She thought as she shrugged at him. Surely he hadn't been talking to her, if she thought he had been, she'd probably have laughed.

She wasn't sure when Cindy wanted to go look around campus, Mulan just stood near the door way, uncertain if she'd want to unpack first. Her own bags were getting heavy on her shoulders, so either way, she figured she'd want to drop her stuff in her room first, to unpack later perhaps.

Coded By || StoneWolf18 StoneWolf18
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imageproxy (2).gif

As Eugene got his paper work, he hear a loud booming voice behind him. "IM HERE"! the voice had yelled out. The black haired male stood up straight from his slouching position and turned around. When he could see the male, he tilted his head a little. I should have announced my presence like that, he thought to himself jokingly. He shook his head, the thought making him chuckle a little. Yeah right.

Eugene's attention turned back to the ladies who had been taking quite some time to give him his paperwork. How long does it take to get my stinkin' papers. Its not like your barely printing them, he thought to himself. But his attention turned to his side when the same guy from earlier was getting his papers. He couldn't pass up the chance.

"Nice entrance you made there, pal."he said and looked at the guy in front of him. His appearance was quite familiar. Same color hair as his fathers. This quieted Eugene down a little as the memory of his father engulfed him. The robberies. The money. The...the..STOP RIGHT THERE! Eugene knew that if he had gone further into detail he would either burst in anger or in sadness. Either way his reaction was never good.

"Im Eugene,"he said, deciding to introduce himself. "Whats your name?"he asked. When the ladies finally handed him his paper work, he took it harshly almost snatching it.

Vali Ulfr Vali Ulfr

coded by: unlovable

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