Not sure where to put this RP...


New Member
If I were to start an RP loosely based off X-Men, but change a lot as in using the characters and concepts but not following the plot of the comics, movies, etc. at all, would this still go under fandom? I just want to make an RP about a school for mutants with the option for RPers to make their character a known X-Men character or a child of a known X-Men character. Still goes under fandom?

Any advice for this would be great, thanks guys. :)
Yes that is a fandom roleplay. Actually if you need help I have a series of missions that I use for a x-men AU roleplay that I'd be happy to lend you. They could be things the students do in the danger room or something.

Also be happy to help come up with story twists or whatever. X-men are my jam. I do A LOT of roleplays based on them.
That would be awesome! I would love for you to help me with this and be in this RP. I have the general plot but I don't do a lot of planning typically, just kinda go with the flow until inspiration hits, or there's an idea from a TV show, book, etc. I want to steal from, lol. Not sure when I'm going to start this RP, I need to write it and then my character and I'm waiting for one of my RP-mates to get better. Don't want to start without him. But I will let you know when I'm close, and perhaps we can plot until then!
KayMegz said:
That would be awesome! I would love for you to help me with this and be in this RP. I have the general plot but I don't do a lot of planning typically, just kinda go with the flow until inspiration hits, or there's an idea from a TV show, book, etc. I want to steal from, lol. Not sure when I'm going to start this RP, I need to write it and then my character and I'm waiting for one of my RP-mates to get better. Don't want to start without him. But I will let you know when I'm close, and perhaps we can plot until then!

Here are the missions as well as the "field trips" that I pre-planned for my thread. The idea originally was for a group so the missions were to make sure things kept moving forward and didn't stagnate. That's the one thing I see most consistently with school based roleplays - they never seem to go anywhere because people get stuck either in the "introduce characters stage" or they don't think of ways to move the plot along without resorting to making the kids sit in a class room.

Which I mean I didn't like going to class back when I was in school. I sure don't want to write about it as an adult.

I think having some ideas already created gives you an option of something to do when things get kind of slow or when people drop out unexpectedly. I'm not saying you have to have every aspect of the story pre-written or that you need like a twelve page step by step process on how to get through some epic quest.

No just having an idea like - okay maybe at some point we'll have our kids go to a beach and let there be some fun shenanigans when they use their powers in front of normal people.

Or we can have some kind of parent day or something - where kids have to pretend that this is just a normal school for the people who think their kids are just going to some fancy boarding school.

I mean of course let your players offer suggestions to but it never hurts to have ideas to fall back on.

And trust me when it comes to random stuff that can happen I am queen of ideas.

I watch way to much sitcoms and read a tone of comics. I can do wild shenanigans like a boss.
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readingraebow said:
That's the one thing I see most consistently with school based roleplays - they never seem to go anywhere because people get stuck either in the "introduce characters stage" or they don't think of ways to move the plot along without resorting to making the kids sit in a class room.
YES. I have done an X-Men based RP numerous times and it can get boring very fast if people are simply going to class, which has happened I think in every one of the RPs, even when I've tried different characters (from student to teacher to even the headmaster) but it always struggle during the "going to class" part.

So! That actually gives me an idea (before I've read yours). I could still do the mutant school idea, but require that all characters are 18+ (meaning they aren't students) and are either just there for the mutant hotel part of it for protection, or joining apart of the fighting X-Men.

Just a thought.
KayMegz said:
YES. I have done an X-Men based RP numerous times and it can get boring very fast if people are simply going to class, which has happened I think in every one of the RPs, even when I've tried different characters (from student to teacher to even the headmaster) but it always struggle during the "going to class" part.
So! That actually gives me an idea (before I've read yours). I could still do the mutant school idea, but require that all characters are 18+ (meaning they aren't students) and are either just there for the mutant hotel part of it for protection, or joining apart of the fighting X-Men.

Just a thought.
You can do that just have the Institution be a base of operation. There are several points in the comics when it's like that. I think focusing on the teamwork part of it will be nice. Again maybe have them complete missions as a part of the X-men - go places help people/avert natural disasters/etc.

Although you can still keep them kids - as several of the students in the comics do join squads of the X-men.

As I don't think it's the fault of young characters that make things stagnante more people not doing enough with the world or setting. Just because it's a school doesn't mean you have to go to class.

I mean you could have your roleplay focus on kids learning to use their powers, dealing with prejudice, start attempting to find their place in the wider world of mutants and humans.

Give them :real world experiences: rather than have them stuck in Algebra class doing functions or whatever.

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