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Tomboy princess x Butler. (Reserved)


Keira's POV.

"Miss, please climb down. The king has ordered for you to see him in thrown room." Maid who stood under a large oak tree said, while looking up nervously. Her eyes were fixed on a girl that sat on one of branches, leaning her back against the rough surface of tree. Keira looked down at her maid with a bit of amused look. She climbed the tree to escape from her and the talk with her father. She already knew what it was about. He would probably once again lecture her about manners and how she wasn't acting like a lady.

After a while maids begging for her to climb down had gotten on princesses nerves so much that very unwillingly she jumped down from the tree, landing perfectly on her feet since the branch wasn't so high up. "Alright, alright..." She murmured while rubbing the back of her neck. Slowly she started to make her way to thrown room, not expecting the surprise waiting for her.

Anthony's POV.

Soft sigh escaped his lips as he watched the passing scenery while sitting in coach patiently. Anthony's unshakable patience was slowly running out, he was usually very calm and collected man but this ride seemed to last for forever and was making even him tired. Soon enough a large castle came in sight, the trip was finally over. The coach stopped before gate and he climbed out while holding a bag in one hand. The king had hired him to teach princess manners and make her act like a lady. At first he thought that king was joking, even Anthony couldn't help but feel amused about the whole situation. He adjusted his tie before walking through large gate, into castles territory.
Kira's POV

She was in the courtyard sleeping under a tree, relaxing in the shade of the tree when someone was standing in front of her. She opened her eyes ever so slightly to only see a silhouette of a women, the women then said " Miss, your presence is requested in the throne room". When she opened her eyes she saw one of the maid standing in front of her. Kira then got up and said "ok I will head there, you are dismissed". She then sighed and the maid left and Kira then headed to the throne room to the request.

Alexander's POV

He was dusting some antiques when he was given notice that the king wanted to see him. Alexander said to the person who told him " ok i will finish up here and head straight to the throne room". He then finished dusting the last antique and he started to head to the throne room.
Keira's POV.

She walked to stand before large dark wood door that reached all the way from ceiling to marble floor. Guards opened the entrance for her and she walked inside the wide hall. Her father was sitting in his thrown watching his daughter with rather cold eyes. Keira wasn't bothered since she was used to people giving those looks, specially her family. But there was something that surprised her. There was a man in thrown room, she didn't recognize him. "My daughter. Where were you? I have been waiting for you." Her father spoke in cold voice but she simply shrugged, not really caring. "What did you want?" She asked, not showing any respect which caused king to sight. "This man is your new butler and manner teacher. His name is Alexander and he is given the task to make a lady out of you." Keira's eyes widened at her father fathers words, that sure was something unheard of.

Anthony's POV.

Anthony adjusted his tie and suit before walking inside the thrown room. He greeted the king with bowing his head. "You requested to see me your majesty." He said before standing straight and smiling. Soon enough door opened again and a young, lovely lady walked inside. It didn't take him long to figure that she must be the princess.
Kira's POV

As she walked into the throne room she saw a man but ignored his presence and said " you call for me father" he father had a look of depression on his face as he said " this man here, that you are ignoring is your new butler and the person to teach you to be more like a lady". Those word that her father spoke put a blank expression and she left after saying "ok I am going to my room now"

Alexander's POV

He bowed down and said " hello mistress Keira". He then walked over to her and said " you should have respect when talking to the king by the way, even if he is your father"
Keira's POV.

Keira raised an eyebrow at him while eyeing the man carefully. She scoffed at his words, trying her best not to start laughing. "Very interesting. And why should i listen to you?" She asked while looking Alexander right into eyes. "Whatever that is not important. I don't care in the first place." Keira shook her head, braking the eye contact before turning around to walk away.

Anthony's POV.

"Excuse me,miss. It is very rude of you to act that way towards your father and myself. I will ask you to show some more respect." Anthony said in strict voice while coming to stand before rebellious princess, stopping her from leaving.
Kira's POV

Kira glared at him and said "Why are you stopping me, I have nothing to do with you and I just want to go to sleep again". She walked around him heading to her room once more, but then the King snapped "Kira! try listening to him before you make reckless choices". She then was stood there and said "ok i will listen to him... in twenty years or so". she then stuck her tongue out and left.

Alexander's POV

As she walked away Alexander grabbed her shoulder and said in her ear " why don't you listen, i bet the king is tired of that personality of yours". He then backed up and walked back to the king and said "i will try my best no matter how difficult it will be, your majesty".
Keira's POV.

She flinched a bit when he grabbed her shoulder. Her eyes grew sharp as she glared at him. "What a kiss up..." Keira spat, not liking the idea of him being around, teaching her how to live her life. 'Whatever...I won't be here for long anyway.' She thought, smiling a little. Without another word she ran out from throne room. She couldn't wait to escape from the castle and pointless rules.

Anthony's POV.

Anthony sighed as he watched the princess leave. "Please excuse me." He said to the king before heading after her. "That kind of behavior is completely unacceptable. I will let it slip this time, but starting from now you will listen to what i tell you." He said while catching up on princess and grabbing her by wrist. His eyes were cold as he stared down at rebellious yet beautiful creature before him.
Kira's POV

As she was being stared down by the man she stared at him back and snatched her wrist away and said " yhea that is what you think". She then quickly ran off to her room and climbed out the window and onto the roof and sat down to relax.

Alexander's POV

He let her run off and decided to find her later, He then said " if you will excuse me your majesty". The king let him go and Alexander went to find out where she went by walking through the halls of the castle.
Keira's POV.

Keira went straight to garden. it was quiet place where she could feel like herself. She sat down near river that flowed through the beautiful rose garden. She lied down on the grass, enjoying the moment of peace. Keira hoped that the new butler or whoever he was supposed to be won't bother her again.

Anthony's POV.

Anthony sighed while pushing up his glasses and slowly following her. He knocked one her rooms door few times but after not receiving an answer he simply pushed the door open and walked inside. "Milady? I know that you are here and can hear me. I shall leave you alone for today but tomorrow the lessons will start and any disobedience will not be allowed. I expect you to be in dinning hall exactly at 7 am. That is all." He explained before leaving.
Kari's POV

She was laying on the roof above her room staring at the sky looking at the clouds, she says "man this is peaceful, I can fall asleep right here". She then fell asleep and woke up the next morning at 8am. She then climbed back into her room and left her room.

Alexander's POV

He was before Keira's room writing a note that read " milady please come to the dining hall at 8am and I will not excuse intolerance and misbehavior" he then left the note on the door and left to take care of a few things.
Keira's POV

When Keira returned to her room first thing she noticed was a note. She simply scoffed, there was no way she would listed to him. After all she had to stick with her plan to escape. She waited for evening to fall before she gathered her things and climbed out from window. Keira moved quickly avoiding the guards as she sneaked out from castle.

Anthony's POV

Anthony coughed as Kira walked out from her room. "You are hour late milady. I am afraid that is not acceptable. Please follow me to library so we can start today's lessons. You have no choice to say no. And i have permission to force you if you don't plan to come willingly."
Kira's POV

"No I wanted to go take a bath after I was sleeping on the roof the whole time" she told the man and walked off and waving.

Alexander's POV

As he remembered of her so called comment of not being here for long he waited outside the castle just in case she decided to run. "I wonder if she is going to actually escape, that comment she made sounds like it" he said to himself and waited
Keira's POV.

She run through the rose garden she loved so much to secret pathway she found few days before. Keira needed to get away before anyone saw her. But she stop't in her tracks when she noticed someone standing just outside the castle.

Anthony's POV.

"You should have thought of that before. Now please follow me." Anthony said, his voice growing colder and sterner.
(sorry for the delayed response)

Kira's POV

"I will follow you cause i am intested in what you will do, but let me take my bath first ok" she said and then walked towards the bathroom.

Alexander's POV

he heard footsteps coming from one direction, but pretended not to notice until he could confirm it was her or not. " oh well i guess she is not trying to sneak out after all" he said and then walked out so he can't be seen so that he can grab the person when they walk by.

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