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Realistic or Modern Not If You Were the Last (MxF Post Apocalypse)


Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
You know that old insult, "Not if you were the last (man/woman) on Earth?" Well, you are the “last”. A virus has wiped "everyone" else out. You have a whole planet to yourself. That is, you did until we ran into one another after several months of solitude.

***You are fairly certain there are others out there, but the last time you met others they either tried to capture you or kill you. US/Them mentalities. Good reason to avoid others as the virus was so contagious. (I have not yet decided the survival rate as a percentage, but it wiped out most adults. The surviving ones are the result of bunkers and may not be a factor for a while.)

The characters do not have to like one another at first. But hey, it is another human being. And you know that whole thing about "repopulating the species?" Well, that has got to have entered our minds at some point. Of course, we may not both have the same game plan... We may view the other as a "real fixer upper." Conversely, we may not think we need fixing.

MY initial setting will be Albuquerque NM to start, late summer with Fall and Winter approaching. (He is prepping for winter.)

Yes, you will need a good CS. Please avoid use of animated gifs. For a pic, I am looking for a face to put to a name. It’s just easier for me to identify with a character.

The world is our oyster. It isn’t as though anyone is gonna stop us from taking whatever we want. The internet is gone. Electricity went down fast. Gasoline and now diesel have gone bad. (It usually lasts maybe 6 months before breaking down. By the end of a year most gas would be nearly worthless. Even diesel will start to have problems.) Running water will be a thing of the past. Of course, all this assumes you don’t know how to make your own fuel.

I am looking for a long term writer. I work variable days - often outdoors, so I can't sit online and type out lots of short posts. But I get pretty bored fast waiting around a week for a reply. I prefer 3rd person past tense with posts around 400-600 words on the average (about a page).

I am comfortable roleplaying either male or female roles. I am also comfortable running multiple characters. However, I do prefer limiting myself to one or two main characters and the rest as support. I also prefer hetero main characters. (I DO have LBTGQ characters, but generally use them as NPC’s. My NPC’s are often complex characters in their own rights with fleshed out backgrounds.)

A large part of the RP will be about rebuilding civilization. Yes, this will eventually include repopulating the species. (There is a minimum viable population required for this. 500 if one wants monogamous relationships. So yes, eventually a community would need to be established. And this assumes current technology is maintained.)

Mar 2027. First Plague victims. The Plague is characterized as a flu-like disease with a slow, debilitating wasting symptom not unlike walking pneumonia. At first they appear in major population centers, then they spread rapidly to the rural areas. It is soon determined that the Plague is airborne, but may be spread by fluids, or contact. It spreads slowest in colder climates where temperatures are below freezing. The disease is 100% fatal with patients becoming terminal in 1-3 months.

April 2027. 10% of the planet has symptoms. First deaths.

May 2027. 25% of the planet is infected. Death toll rises to 7 million.

August 2027. The virus is pandemic reaching every continent. 1% of the world's population is dead - 70 million. 50% are infected. Martial Law declared.

Sept 2027 thru Nov 2027. The Hell months. During this time the world becomes nearly apocalyptic as 50% of the population dies. The virus continues to spread largely through panic to 90%. The power grid fails, the internet crashes toward the end of Fall. Many zoos release their specimens rather than simply allow them to starve. Many farmers do the same with livestock. Pets run wild. Dogs begin forming into packs. Cats turn feral.

Dec 2027 thru Mar 2028 Winter. The death toll is staggering. A few scattered remaining humans remain - less than 0.03% worldwide. (NYC with a population of 10 million before the Plague would now have less than 3000 survivors at this point.) Small pockets of quarantine zones pop up in rumors - Sanctuaries. But most are discovered as lifeless husks of civilization. Those that still survive have strict quarantine policies. The remaining population of the Earth is now 2 million or less - lower than ever in history since before biblical times. The population of the USA is around 180,000. These figures continue to dwindle.

Apr 2028 Gasoline powered cars no longer run dependably. Diesel still runs with problems.

August 2028 Start of RP. Diesel is failing badly. Gasoline stored in tankers, gas pumps, cars fuel tanks has gone sour and has likely been eating up fuel lines even if good fuel is found.

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