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Realistic or Modern Northvale Academy for the Elite (Rich kids rp, open and accepting!)


Junior Member
Northvale Character Sheet

Here's the character sheet. It doesn't have to be very fancy if you don't want it too, but put in something like a font or background. All optional things are in asterisks. Pictures are allowed. A like equals acceptance.

Visual Template:

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Template code:

[accordion]{slide=[bg=#abcdef][border=5px double #6ca0d9][font=Sura]Requisite[/font][/border][/bg]}[font=Sura][bg=#abcdef]
Sexual Orientation:
Elitist or Delinquent:[/font][/bg]{/slide}[/font][/accordion][font=Sura][accordion]{slide=[bg=#abcdef][border=5px double #6ca0d9][font=Sura]Appearance[/font][/border][/bg]}[bg=#abcdef]Height:
Hair color:
Eye color:
Appearnce Description:[/bg]{/slide}[/accordion][accordion]{slide=[bg=#abcdef][border=5px double #6ca0d9][font=Sura]Persona:[/font][/border][/bg]}[font=Sura][bg=#abcdef]Hobbies:
General Personality: (At least 3 sentences.)[/font][/font][/bg][font=Sura]{/slide}[/font][/font][/accordion][font=Sura][font=Sura][accordion]{slide=[bg=#abcdef][border=5px double #6ca0d9][font=Sura]Miscellaneous[/font][/border][/bg]}[font=Sura][bg=#abcdef]
[font=Sura]Notable Relationships: (Who they are and why they're important - include family)[/font]{/slide}[/bg][/font][/accordion][font=Sura][bg=#abcdef]

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? Name:

Areum Jung

? Nicknames:

Are (Pronounced Ari)

? Age:


? Date Of Birth:

14th February 1999

? Gender:

Cisgender; Female

? Sexual Orientation:

Heterosexual Demiromantic

? Blood Type:


? Elitist or Delinquent:




? Height:


? Weight:

137 lbs.

? Hair Color:

Natural - Jet Black

Dyed - Dirty Blonde

? Eye Color:

Dark Brown

? Special Features:

Piercings - Standard Lobe Piercing, Upper Lobe Piercing, Tragus Piercing, Industrial Piercing, Belly Button Piercing

Tattoos - Small star tattoo under her jaw, tiny heart tattoos on both ankles, infinity sign tattoo on her right middle finger

? Overall Description:




? Likes:


-Video Games




-Being In Charge


? Dislikes:




-Being Behind

-Slow People

-Being Rushed

-People Who Question Her

? Fears:

Gamophobia - Fear of commitment

Coulrophobia - Fear of clowns

Psellismophobia - Fear of stuttering

? Talents:

Gaming - Hey now, she's a pretty good gamer, and can pick up tons of kills. She can reach absolutely godlike levels of gaming, even if she doesn't try.

Piano - A little secret talent she has here... Areum is a great pianist. Her parents had forced her to lessons and now it's a hobby for her, though practically no one knows.

Gymnastics - Keep fit right? Areum is flexible as all hell, physically and mentally. She attended lessons when she was younger, but nowadays she just goes to the local Community Centre to practice.

? General Personality:




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⚜ Name ⚜

Valerie Quincey Rosewood

⚜ Nickname ⚜

Val, Queenie

⚜ Age ⚜


⚜ Gender ⚜


⚜ Sexual Orientation ⚜


⚜ Elitist or Delinquent ⚜


Don't be bitter that rich kids have more fun.

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✦Body type✦

Slender and toned with subtle curves

✦Hair color✦

Reddish orange

✦Eye color✦



She has standard lobe piercings, and a
fox tattoo on the left side of her body.

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✦Appearance Description✦

" Please don't make me release my inner bitch on you."

On the outside, Valerie looks like your typical posh, goody-two-shoes rich kid. With an innocent, do-no-evil smile, soft pink lips and bright almond-shaped eyes, her face is a pretty convincing mask of innocence. But the moment she steps into school, you'll know that nice and innocent is not what she is at all. Her gentle smile often gives way to a sly smirk, and she has a gaze sharp enough to cut down anyone who dares to get in her way. Her silky hair used to be much redder when she was younger, but the color seemed to have lightened over the years, now replaced with a much more orange hue. Her pale skin is the result of her Scottish heritage, and it has proven over and over again that it is more susceptible to sunburns rather than tanning. Her attire only serves to prove how misleading appearances can be. While she may show up in formal, posh, designer wear all the time, that does nothing to change the fact that she's a wild party girl at heart.

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- Partying

- Horseback Polo

- Dancing

- DJing

- Playing Chess


- Chess

- Road trips

- Music

- Using her parents' credit cards

- Socializing

- Parties

- Spontaneous adventures (which may or may not happen on a school, or during school hours)

- Animals, especially reptiles

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- Boring people

- Being stereotyped

- People who judge others by appearances

- Bullies

- Bitterness, both in taste and in people

- Being told off

- Coffee


- Puppets, especially clown puppets.

"Don't ask."

- Thunderstorms

- Becoming an outcast

✦General Personality✦

Her parents think she's the most obedient kid in the world, even though they are hardly ever home. So how would they know? Well, her report cards say so. I mean, a child with good grades couldn't possibly be
bad right? Huh, Valerie would like to say otherwise. Valerie is a fun-loving party animal, and when her parents aren't home, she's been known to throw the most outrageous parties ever in the family mansion for the Elitists, or even their private yacht. Valerie lives for the thrills. Whether it's from the music, the booze, or a polo challenge with some English exchange students, she will do anything to keep her adrenaline pumping. Stubborn, persuasive and charming, she can talk almost anyone into, or out of, doing anything. So if she wants you to go on a wild weekend road trip with her and you already have other plans in store, you better cancel them. Because once she has her mind set on something, she won’t stop pestering you until you go along with it.

Humorous and outgoing, she loves socializing and making new friends regardless of their cliques. However, she usually sticks with the rich kids. It's not that she looks down on the delinquents, she's just slightly wary of them, due to the fact that she's hung out with elitists her entire life. Blunt and snarky, Valerie isn't one to sugarcoat things, and she doesn't take shit from anyone. If you insult her lifestyle, her family background or her friends, she'll shoot you down immediately. She's not saying she'll always have the last word in, but she'll definitely start something if you're looking for a fight. While she pretty much won't stand a chance in a physical fight, she can definitely give her best in a verbal one.

Despite everything however, Valerie is still an elitist. She knows proper etiquette and how to act in formal events, and she tries her best to not give her teachers any trouble (mostly out of fear that her parents would take away her financial privileges). She's a very diligent and hard-working as well, and will be willing to lend other students her notes, as long as they return it back. She's not one to slack off, and will give maximum effort in everything she does.

"What? You didn't really think I could get good grades without studying, did you?"

All in all, Valerie can be a bit of a wild card. But once you get used to her, you'll find that she can make a loyal and protective friend, and will do anything for the ones she care about

♡ ❤ ♡

The Rosewood Mansion

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Saraya Henderson





Saraya Cortez






"I am totally 100% male.."



-Elitist or Delinquent-







119 lbs

-Body Type-

Athletic, slightly curvy

-Hair colour-

Black - sometimes dyed blue or grey at the tips

-Eye colour-



A snake bite under the right side of her lip


Saraya somewhat resembles someone in their early 20s more than someone who's 18. She has a pale complexion; which some people say is ghostly. She stands above the average height and has a rather athletic yet curvy figure. Her muscles are slightly toned and has a noticeable six pack. Still, the curvy part of her is noticeable also and she isn't afraid to show it off.




Saraya is a very fun loving girl who enjoys making people laugh. She is a jokey type of person and can act immature at times, she does also love pulling a prank here and there but this reckless behaviour can cause her to get into trouble. Saraya is also very protective over those she loves: her family, friends and her girlfriend - well that's if she can get one. Saraya is the type of person who is care-free and won't get stressed out or upset over things, this isn't to say that she isn't sympathetic; she is in fact a really sympathetic person.

Adaptable and relaxed, Saraya is capable in any situation she is put in. Still, she is disorganised, spontaneous and has severe procrastination problems which lead to her normally doing nothing besides sitting on her bed watching Netflix for an entire day. It's not to like she hates going outside, she is more introverted than extroverted however, but she prefers staying inside than going out and doing things simply because it takes effort to get dressed, do her makeup and actually socialise.

She is also a very imaginative person and likes reading and writing stories when she's finally hit with motivation. Saraya is also idealistic, inventive, future-focused, and theoretical. She always looks for different solutions instead of just going for the first one that pops into her mind. She is also more concerned with involving the theory of a subject rather than it's practical application.

However like most people, she does have an aggressive side to her which she doesn't often show but she can sometimes be arrogant, stubborn, self-centered, lazy and slightly inflexible. Due to her being care-free, she doesn't exactly get angry at people but if you provoke her too much then she will be extremely bitchy towards whoever provoked her.


Unless you count sitting inside all day and doing nothing a hobby, there's not a whole lot she enjoys doing. She enjoys playing games and drawing but that's only really when she's hit by a sudden surge of motivation. You will mainly find her on her laptop somewhere listening to music and browsing random websites.


There's nothing that really scares her, however, the thing she will admit to being scared of is growing old and not accomplishing anything or dying alone. Or even just getting abandoned by those she loves; thinking about these things can sometimes leave her in a rather depressed state of mind. These thoughts are basically the only thing you will see her get upset over.

- Likes-


-Hair dye


-Horror movies

-Watching Netflix


- Dislikes-




-Wet socks



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? C A R T E R . M c H E N R Y ?


?{{ Age:

?{{ Gender:

?{{ Sexual Orientation:





?{{ Height:

?{{ Weight:
135 lbs.

?{{ Hair color:

?{{ Eye color:

?{{ Scars/Piercings/Tattoos:
Scar in the back of her head [covered by thick hair], Ears double pierced, belly button pierced, no tattoos.


?{{ Hobbies:
Hanging out with friends, playing soccer, reading, going on walks...

?{{ Likes:
Parties, Pizza, outdoors, gossip, long car rides, music...

?{{ Dislikes:
Arguing, drama, shouting, the dark, being alone, drunk people...

?{{ Fears:
Her dad...

?{{ General Personality:
She is a sweat soul. Carter is always looked upon as if she would be stuck up and snooty because of her background, family, even by the way she is dressed. But they would be horribly wrong. She loves music and plays guitar, and is a very positive spirit. Even though she grew up with a wealthy family, it has never taken over her mind that she is better than anyone or is more entitled. She loves striking up conversations and keeping people in the loop. She's friendly, and a very loyal friend.

?{{ Notable Relationships:
Abusive father- Marcus, stereotypical mother- Victoria, Protective older brother- Adrian [ graduated ], and ill grandfather- Lucius.


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Name: William Barbineaux

Nicknames*: Will

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Elitist or Delinquent: Elitist
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I hope it's still okay to apply, and to reuse a dear old OC of mine? c:

Name: Nemanja "Nele" Vuleti?

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Bisexual

Nationality: Serbian



Elitist or deliquent: Deliquent


Height: 178cm

Weight: 65kg

Hair colour: Dark brown

Eye colour: Brown

Appearance description: Nele is a lanky, yet short guy, with sharp facial features, and a prominent nose. Most of the time, he looks incredibly tired: like he will fall down any minute now. His hair is a bit longer, since he generally doesn't care about visiting a hairdresser.


Hobbies: - reading

- watching movies

- photography! He loves to photograph.

- journalism. He works part-time as a journalist in one of local underground newspapers.


+ Alcohol

+ Smoking

+ Jazz clubs

+ Movies

+ History

+ Mocking authority

- Sterile environments

- Sterile facts

- Boring ways of teaching

- Non-passionate people

- Rich

Personality: A brooding intellectual - he would be topping his classes if it wasn't for his behaviour and complete dismiss for manners. He is a philosopher, a writer, a poet, a literature expert - he thinks he knows everything, he discusses everything, he entertains every thought. It's nothing unusual for him to suddenly take out his writing notebook during an exam, or answer a question in poetic and ironic way. He often enters discussions with teachers, the only purpose being mocking them and twisting his knowledge around them. The class is going, Nemanja is telling other students about James Joyce and his defecation fetish. He just enjoys feeling greater than others.

He tends to get really sucked into retelling books, novels, explaining their greatness, he acts like an actor. He will speed up his storytelling, he will slow it down, he will create drama, he will jump on a table - to depict you how Les Miserables looked like.


He is often nearly arrogant in his confidence in knowledge, in his opinions, in what he has to say. When defeated or insulted, Nele turns petty and vengeful, and, while he mostly keeps at being passive-agressive, he is not a stranger to fists either if mocked or put down enough. Complex of lesser value and stuff. Also some anger and temper problems. Especially when it comes to his origin and ethnicity.

He plans to be a writer one day.

Biography: He's natively Serbian, but he moved to the city when he was 12 with his mother, in search of better life. She was always kind of sad her son is spending his nights at shady locals and clubs, where he is most likely drunk off his ass, having a lengthy discussion about Dostoevsky. She always wished for him to go to a good school, to become a doctor, an engineer, something. Not an amateur journalist who wastes his days on starting fights because someone misinterprented a book quote.


fear of being looked down on

- fear of letting his guard down

- fear of vivid nightmares/being watched while he sleeps (partially why he sleeps as little as possible)


Character Connection/s: /None yet! c: but please do message me if you have any ideas/would like to think of something! ^^

Mother: His mother is a classical yugoslovenian mother. Worried about her son, and wishing him a nice future. His father left them when he was young, so he pretty much grew up with her.

Sister: Older sister Nele is very tied to. She moved away, though, and they see each other only for holidays. Rest of time they Skype or message each other via whatever other app you can remember of.


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