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Fantasy Norcrest: The City of Danger {Closed)


Care Bears... prepare to stare!


Norcrest a city of danger, secrets and crime. It is a city of high population and the police try their best to fight. Sometimes their work alone isn't enough to stop it. Some cases they can't figure out, some that seem quite mysterious and inhuman and sometimes they become cold and the case is dropped. That's where a secret government team called The Royals come in. They put those who thought they got away with a crime, where they belong Norcast High Security Prison. They do things their own way, gathering answers and evidence through their own means. The law doesn't apply to them. Secrets between The Royals and the Government are kept secrets. You are apart of The Royals, apart of the secrets, apart of this kick ass crime solving group of agents. Solving cases that seem inhuman, dead end cases, murders, terrorists and more. The Royals themselves are not completely human they were the subjects of experiments that the government had them undergo, to create superpowered agents that no one could stop one day they broke free, causing lots of destruction and bloodshed. When they were aprehended they where deemed too dangerous but useful. They put together the elite squad of gifted humans and called them The Royals. They became the governments dirty little secret.

What is Norcrest like you ask?

Norcest is split into East, West, North and South. All divided by social class. It was a law passed by the local government years and years ago.



East Norcast

East Norcast is a clean and pristine area. This is where the government agencies and the President are. Crime here isn't as extreme as the other areas. Maybe the occasional murder, robbery or assault. The people of East Norcast have all the latest technology and state of the art facilities. The boarder cuts off North and South. Guarded by boarder officers who check IDs of those crossing. If you are a straggler from another part of Norcrest you under-go a series of questions.

North Norcast

North Norcast is what you would call the common ghetto. The area for low classed people. Things are run down, dirty and some things aren't even built. The gangs reside here, The Gold Mystics and The Red Scarves. Drug dealing, murder, shootings, you name it it all happens here. It's a place where the most danger resides. You don't want to be caught out in the night time in this area. The gang leaders these days are up to no good. They've been smuggling drugs to sell into East Norcrest as well as the plotting of assassinations of high level officials. They are in the middle on the watch list for the Royals. They border with the East and West, boarder patrol is only high on the East side.

West Norcast

West Norcast is the middle class area. Things seem pretty normal here, regular buildings, shops nice schools. Your typical suburban area. While crime seems to be common here it's not as bad as the North side. The only notable group here would be GLiTCH, a cyber terrorist organization. That attacked the East side government agencies. Sending threats and warnings. They seem to mean business but are low on The Royals watch list. The truth is GLiTCh is now under The Royal's control, their leader is now one of their own. They boarder with the South and the North Side. Boarder patrol is low here.

South Norcast

South Norcest is pretty much a mix of all. It's where those in the working class are. The buildings are quite nice and the people seem to be friendly. It even has a boardwalk that is open year round due to Norcast's nice tropical temperature. Though it's no escape from the constant danger of Norcast. It's the home of the Valentino Family. A mafia group that has it's eyes on bringing down the East Side. You've seen those mafia movies, that's what they are all about. Right now their target is on the higher ups of Norcast. They want one of their own in office so that the city is in their control. They are code red on The Royals watch list.



As you can see Norcast is no safe place.

The leaders of the crime groups are NPCs, except GLiTCH's leader, that is my character.

So state your interest below.

Interested even tho I haven't read a single word << a bit busy and might have to hit the bed before I can get to reading this xP So leaving my mark
I only ask for a nice meaty paragraph at minimum perhaps 10-12 sentances. Though I know some people like to write more then that and that's awesome too.
Pumpkakun said:
Oh Nico I'm so scared to join. Not sure if I will be able to get 10 sentences but I wanna try
I'd be glad to have you aboard friend ^^
I shall make the signups when i get back on my computer which shouldnt be too long
Oh, oh, oh. *more excited grunts and noises* I can do

Anything to get information? Such as torture?
First day here on this rp site so forgive any n00b actions while I learn everything - I am interested though
My form of interigation. Shoot the bastard in the knee xD Then ask him a question. If he takes hi time shoot him in the other knee. Then in the foot c:
Break his fingers one by one. Then the hand. Next, the knees. Then, you take out a knife, and start cutting. First te ears, then the nose. Chop the fingers off, but make sure to cauterize (spelled wrong I feel it) the wound so he, or she, doesn't die befire telling you everything. I've had a few practice goes at interigatirs like this.
The Royals are the only ones available to be played, at the moment, we need one more girl to make it even. People took up the spots faster then we thought >.<

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