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Fandom Noragami


Fangirl Gamer
There are more gods in this world than we can count. They all rule over something different, and have their own regalias. This is the tale about just a few of those gods, and their adventures.
Sakuraya tended her hidden vegetable garden in the mountains. seeing her cabbages healthy, makes her happy, as she saw an old man not too far away from her hidden garden, having problems with his rice because of the pests that came yesterday.

Teleporting to the ricefields with Kyoko, the old man saw them, "Sakuraya-san, I'm glad you came!"he greeted, Sakuraya smiled back, "I have some major problems in here, eh, as you know some pests came and destroyed most of the crops," he said, scratching the back of his head, Sakuraya is already thinking who made it, Loki or Nagare, but since Loki is the usual culprit, she decided to confront the god at the next meeting in October, "Kyoko-chan let's do it," Sakuraya smiled, sensing some phantoms in thr area, who are making the crops's condition worse. Sakuraya destroyed the phantoms and restored the crops' condition in just the matter of two hours, she knew she is not a combat-type goddess, "Return, Kyoko," she asked, the old man is delighted, "Thank you, Lady Sakuraya, Lady Kyoko," he thanked, "That's okey, just tend to my shrine in the village's center or you can make a new can one will do me the favor, after all this is a trade," she smiled brightly.
Toyo stood outside the city limits, looking down upon it from a cliff. He currently had no Regalia, and he was in desperate need for one. He couldn;t fight phantoms without it.

Sora left her house, happy that it was a Saturday. She didn't have school! Humming, she made her way to a nearby flower field, for she loved flowers, and how colourful they were.

Kyoko smiled at the man, but didn't say anything. Sakuraya had already said everything that needed to be said,

Moka woke up and stretched in bed before getting up to start the day. Her body was acting from last nights battle with a Phantom. Her regalia, Rino was probably someplace around the shrine either sleeping or doing something. Moka has had Rino for about a couple of months now and she couldn't be much happier. Moka finished bathing and she put on her clothes and walked out of her bedroom and she went down to the kitchen to get something to eat. @Red Reaper
Rino sat at the table eating an omelet he made for himself. Across from him was another omelet he made for Moka. "Goof morming Moka." He says with a mouth full of omelet. Rino swallows and continues, "Did you have a good night of rest?" Rino asks. Rino has never happier I his life. Ever since he met Moka his life has been more exciting.

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Moka walked into the kitchen and saw Rino eating an omelet,"Sharing is caring Rino," She told him jokingly and she began prepping oatmeal with banana which was her favorite.
"I didn't expect you to wake up for another 30 minutes," Rino says smiling. "You woke up earlier than usual. You caught me off guard." Rino continues eating his omelet.
Bored. Bored. Bored. Did I mention bored? Loki hung over the railing of the steps leading to his shrine as he glanced at Roger who was sitting off by himself "Oi, you wanna do something today?" The kitsune asked standing up and stretching. Yet his question fell on deaf ears as his Regalia ignored him.

"Oi! Excalibur!" Loki shouted as he storms over to the black haired regalia "I said do you wanna do something today?"

"I heard you...I just choose not to respond." Red eyes met gold as the trickster god was left irritated. Rolling his eyes he decided to go have fun elsewhere. Roger has always been a problem ever since he gotten him about three weeks ago. He understood the pain and suffering but he believed in putting the past behind him, he knew dying suddenly can be traumatic but he expected Roger to be better by now.

Loki walked out of his shrine and out onto the sidewalk ghosting pass pedestrians. He wondered how Sakuraya was doing, did the goddess like his little prank?

He noticed Toyo a top of a cliff he often contemplated pulling a trick on him, but he had always decided against it for the God of Secrets knew to many on the kitsune and he would rather not have his biggest secret leaked.

He wondered if he had a regalia yet. He eventually stumbled onto the shrine of Sakuraya and glanced around hoping she wasn't to close by.


Unbeknownst to Loki, Roger had followed him and instead of visiting the God of Trade and Agriculture he headed up the cliff to Toyo. He heard a lot about the God in books and in Mythology when he was alive. He walked up and stood a good distance from him with his hands in his pocket not saying a word.

Roger looked away trying to keep his cool in front of the God. "What are you looking for? Or are you just enjoying the view?" He said as he approached the other. He glanced over the cliff hoping to see something dramatic however it was the same old town below.

"It's fine, I just couldn't stay in bed anymore." She told him as she finished making her oatmeal and walked to the table and sat across from Rino. She began eating her oatmeal,"How are you feeling?" She asked him since last night was pretty rough with fighting three phantoms in one night. @Red Reaper
"Amazing!" Rino exclaims. "You know I love fighting phantoms. It's exciting, and we're helping people. It's like a dream come true." Rino finishes omelet with a burp. "Living the dream you know."
[QUOTE="Red Reaper]"Amazing!" Rino exclaims. "You know I love fighting phantoms. It's exciting, and we're helping people. It's like a dream come true." Rino finishes omelet with a burp. "Living the dream you know."

Moka laughed,"How can you be so excited about fighting phantoms Rino?" She asked him as she shook her head.
Rino chuckles and says, "Isn't it obvious?" He asks her. "We're helping people by doing what we're doing," Rino continues. "Plus I'm the coolest looking regalia there is!"
Miwa stepped off the train onto the platform. Looking around, the steel rails and concrete slabs appeared to be the only sign of civilization for miles. Next to the tracks there was a dirt road stretching ad infinum in either direction, and all around were verdant fields with grass stretching up to your elbows in places. Miwa was usually a city boy, hanging around unnoticed in whatever locations had strong enough wifi to stream the latest episodes and signing on to hunt phantoms with whatever god needed a regalia. But things had gone south with his last boss, and he had skipped town with only the clothes on his back, his computer which he had cobbled together himself, and all the manga he could find in the garbage behind the bookstore. He had heard that the mountains out here were home to some big time shrines, and with his modest possessions in hand, he had to seek real employment as a regalia. He started to trek down the dirt path up the mountainside. Looking for any sign of divine presence.
Roger flinched inwardly at the mention of Blight, he knew that Regalia can cause Blight to their masters if they sinned or if they were impure. He felt that it wasn't the latter, curiosity got the best of Roger "What did they do?" He asked looking up at the other.

He wondered if Loki was dealing with Blight and had an off way of showing it but he knew that he hadn't sinned and he didn't feel impure.

"I had to get a Regalia quickly," Toyo began. "I was being attacked by phantoms. I called the closest pure soul. She was a child, only eight or nine. Once she learned she was dead, she kept trying to kill herself. I had to fire her before I got Blighted. It all happened in one day, actually."

@Creepypasta Hound
Roger listened quietly as the other shares their story, he knows the feeling that the young girl had. He hated that he was dead and wished he could move on or live again. He hated it so much.

"Well I good luck finding a suitable Regalia." He said his eyes lowered. He glanced over in the direction that Loki went and he glared.

Nagare lied on the steps of his shrine in the mountains, playing on a gaming console while chewing on several pieces of pocky in his mouth. His fingers moved rapidly to press the buttons until he let out a frustrated sigh, lighting the box of pocky on fire when he tried to grab it. "There goes another one." He said, looking over at the already burnt Pocky boxes from an hour ago. He got up, walking inside but could hear nothing but the news lady on television. " Yuu." He called, scratching his head in boredom.

Yuu was reading a book she had borrowed from the library. It wasn't really her genre, however, she was started to run out of books. Being a ghost or whatever was a lot less exciting than she had thought. When sh heard Nagare calling her, she walked over to him.

-What is it, Nagare? she asked. She hoped that he had an idea for something to do. Maybe there was a phnatom they could fight. that would be exciting.

"Lets go to the store. We're running out of food already and I can tell a bad storm is coming. Don't want to get caught up with those stupid phantoms again like last time." He said, patting Yuu on the head, even though he knew that she was much more interested in reading her book. "And I guess we can go to the library on the way back if you want." He sighed. He hoped that she would take the bribe.

Yuu smiled when Nagare patted her on the head. She liked it when he did that.

-Good idea, she said. It would be fun to go to the store, and she definitly looked forward to going to the library. She hadn't finished her first book yet, but you could never have too many, in her opinion. She walked over to the door of the shrine and put on her shoes. When she looked outside, she could see that it indeed semmed to be a storm brewing in the distance. she wondered if maybe she should take a rain coat.

The appearance of a comet often portends a period of upheaval and unrest. Under the auspices of such fiery harbingers, it is said that new empires rise, old civilizations fall, and even the stars themselves may tumble from the sky. These theories merely scratch the surface of a far more bizarre truth: that the comet’s radiance cloaks a cosmic being of unfathomable power. The being now known as Hoshi Sol was already ancient by the time stellar debris first coalesced into worlds. Born in the first breath of creation, he roamed the vast world in wonder, seeking to fill a canvas of incalculable breadth with marvels whose twinkling spectra brought him considerable delight and pride. In the beginning he had already realized that people had looked up to the skies and prayed. All around the world beings would assemble and gather to worship the cosmos. It was a busy time constantly granting the wishes of the early humans and he had no time to himself to enjoy the world in which he was born.

In angst he would try to keep up with the constant demand. After an extensive period of time he noticed the wishes diminishing suddenly. Hoshi looked to see more and more beings similar to him being born and watched with wonder at the sight of not being alone. Hoshi went to the newborn and told them of his name and duties as a fellow god. They followed his every move looking towards him like a mentor or parent for a decade. He had saw good in all of them except for one. This boy was born from the wishes of death. He had always looked at Hoshi with question on his peaceful ways and decided against him and set out. The boy decided to fulfill one of his first wishes and that was mass extinction. The boy had explosive amount of power held up and released it all at once. Suddenly the earth burst with multiple super eruptions. The children were too young in experience to be able to understand the full concept of what was going on. But Hoshi knew that it was the boy he had tried to teach good had finally done bad. Humans were dying and so were the Gods that they had wished upon. In a last ditch attempt to save some of them he grabbed the nearest civilizations and put them under a magic stasis. But it was too late. All of the kids were gone and so was the boy who had started it all. Hoshi himself also felt himself wavering from existence and before he dispersed he wrote down all of his deeds on the stars just in case the humans would wish upon his name again.

After a millennium they did and in time he learned of his story as a kid and called his past self too weak and gentle. He decided to get away from everything and live with the stars and watch the time go by. He watched other gods grant his wishes and even the birth of the first phantoms. It was a bit intriguing to him but in due time after the strife with the gods down below in time Regalia had been born. Hoshi learned the ways of Regalia and decided against getting one as the life he lived would only bore the dead human so he lived on alone granting wishes from a distance.

Cut to the present the world had been changing ever so suddenly and in his mind, this was the time to finally step down back into the world of the humans.

If the world continued as it is,with global warming and such it would only cause another mass extinction and this time he would stop it. So he went towards the only place where the wishes gathered the most. Stepping into a shrine made for the God of Destruction he had decided to ask him if he knew anymore information about the humans doings. "Impending doom-exciting, isn't it" he said towards Nagare

@Soulless @SdrawcabDaer
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