Non Solar Servants of the Death Lords


New Member
How would you handle a Sidreal or Dragon Blood who has fallen under the sway of a Death Lord?  I realize they cannot become Abyssals themselves, so I'm curious how others would handle this.
I'd give them access to increased Artifacts, Resources, Underworld Manse, and perhaps Abyssal Command. Other than Backgrounds, they'd remain normal exalts of their type.
A fallen Sidereal would also have one hell of a price on his/her head from both the Bronze and Gold factions for bugging out!  Assuming that it wasn't just some plot to get a inside man to see what those kooky Deathlords are REALLY up to.
2 siddies already work for the deathlords, the green lady and one other i cant rember, but he gos around wrapped up in veils all the time,

or are they inside spys and no one told me?
The Green Lady is currently working for Walker in Darkness but is a spy for Mask of Winters.  If she has any other obligations, fuck if I know 'em.

well i know shes a spy for Mask of winters, i ment are they spys for the bearu of heaven, i'll dig up the page number and name of the other sidde in the deathlords roster..

tho, siddies who side with obliven, would they see the underworlds stars and be able to affect ghosts fate but not the livings?
tho' date=' siddies who side with obliven, would they see the underworlds stars and be able to affect ghosts fate but not the livings?[/quote']

They might display a knack for reading the stars of the Underworld, but they have no power over the Calendar of Setesh. On the flip side, however, they still have their ability to influence the Pattern Spiders. Presumably, that right, once given, can't be revoked -- at least not by the other Sidereals.
I'd argue it could: the pattern spiders certainly keep "accounts", in the form of paradox, of individual Siderials. Were they given an order that one of the chosen was to have his/her rights revoked for siding with enemies of creation, I'm sure they'd start ignoring messages from them.

The question is, do the siddies know anything about the Green Lady or the other one (He's with the Bishop of Chalcedony Tears. Dunno his name.)? They might assume that those renegades were either literally missing and not coming back (Perhaps eaten by yozi in the line of duty), or maybe records of those shards was removed by them or a higher power.

I'd say either they just don't get Astrology, which is a bit harsh, or they can make prayers to the Malfeans to alter the ways of the underworld or the labyrinth in much the same way they used to with the Pattern Spiders. And for waking the malfeans with their petty requests, they still suffer the equivalent of paradox.

As to dragonbloods, we've had this discussion elsewhere, and I argued that they don't need any real changes to be servants of death; their charms are brutal already. If you want literal changes to them to make them like unto tainted exalts, just change references to creatures of darkness to "mortals (but not supernaturals; precedents with Abyssals give us this much) and fair folk", and say they look different. Pyre flame for fire, ice for air/water, etc.
Samiel said:
I'd argue it could: the pattern spiders certainly keep "accounts", in the form of paradox, of individual Siderials. Were they given an order that one of the chosen was to have his/her rights revoked for siding with enemies of creation, I'm sure they'd start ignoring messages from them.
The pattern spiders could intervene, yes, but the Sidereals could not make them do so. It would have to be of their own accord.
Or a command from the Maidens, who the Siderials interact with somewhat.

I'm not saying one siddie could astrologically cock-block another, but if they as a group knew of a betrayer, I've no doubt that they could make it so that the pattern-spiders started barring one of their number from astrology, whether by a group-petition to the spiders or by asking a superior to relay the order.

After all, would you give an enemy of fate the keys?
Can the Maidens control the spiders? I was under the impression that they were completely* autonomous.

(*Autochthon's Protocol backdoors notwithstanding)
Of tinkering yes, but I believe they answer to the maidens. They were, after all, created to lighten the maiden's workload.

Now, I could be wrong, but as I always understood things the patternspiders answer to the incarnae, specifically the maidens: who are in charge of fate at it's most fundemental.

They are the godesses of fate..
The other siddie is "Ten Thousand Virtues" i  believe. Dont the sidereals have powers that let them become other people, or take their archetypes, say one becomes a ghost or nemissary and lives in a shadowland, if one so wished?
I imagine that as a charm/astrological effect of the agents of fate, one can only adopt the simulacrum of a being within fate.
...Ceasing To Exist Approach! It allows for the aquiscition of a Destiny in creation or a shadowland (ghost or abyssal, mortal or even exalted!), but cannot be someone that already exists, and creates a past for the character, i.e. the dead of her shadowland "remember" her!

I dont know it fools Deathlords though, or if it mimics others abilities.
The way I handle it is I just assume they are just normal Exalts of thier given type.  Like Moray Darktide, he's a Solar but works for a Deathlord.  However, you could always say that the Deathlords demand loyalty from all thier servants and invoke Secret Necromantic Tecniques upon thier servants that are similar to the Charm 'Investiiture of Infernal Glory' allowing the Deathlord to 'reweave' his/her new servant in a manner more appropriate to what they desire.

Taint thier charms a lil, same mechanics, just add a lil 'Doom n' Gloom' effects to the flashy ones.  Like Dragon Graced Weapon (Fire) looks more like necrotic flame or balefire than the usuall brilliant orange-red essence flame.

Also, by using something like Investiture of Infernal Glory the 'tainted' exalts can be a be a bit more powerful than thier standard brethren, makeing a for a slightly higher challenge.

Hell if you wanna add a lil more essence... a gift from the Malfeans that ensured selling thier soul would be worth the price.

Exalted is a flexible system... just think of something halfway logical (in case your players feel the need to investigate so you have something to tell them) then make the rest of the shit up.
I had thought about one of the Deathlords stealing the cursed book idea from the Yozi's and creating their own cursed Tome.  Anyone who reads it falls under the sway of the Deathlord who created it.  A couple of copies are made, one finds it's way to the markets in the Blessed Isle, one to Nexus, one to Chiarascuro....etc.
crashmurdoch said:
How would you handle a Sidreal or Dragon Blood who has fallen under the sway of a Death Lord?  I realize they cannot become Abyssals themselves, so I'm curious how others would handle this.
In my most recent campaign Mask of Winters had access to both a Lunar and a Dragon-Blooded.
The Dragon-Blood was a mad scientist who was constantly attempting to create new creatures to serve his Deathlord. His primary goal was the creation of Abyssal Dragon-Blooded of which he would've been the first.

The Lunar was a man who had been imprisoned in Thorns and had attempted to stay alive by any method necessary. He turned to cannibalism and the murder of his fellow prisoners and it was this survival instinct that caused him to Exalt.

Both had a few Abyssal Charms, though this was more reflective of their dark natures than an actual taint upon their Essence.

Don't plan to use the Green Lady until the Mask of Winters returns.

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