Noire In New York

Tylar Annell

Junior Member

Noire in New York


New York Police Department: Supernatural Case Division

The Detectives

Charlotte Hanlon_________________________William McKenna

(In case we need the profile for referencing at some point)

What a great impression she was going to make. She looked as if she had ran the last ten blocks to reach the less than imposing building before her. It was truly unfortunate because although she had nearly sprinted the last few blocks, she was still nowhere near being on time.

She could tell from her flushed cheeks covered in the slightest shimmer of sweat that she had just recently ran. Her thick brunette hair however had the decency to still look alright and as quickly as she dared Charlotte ran a hand over her face trying to clear it in the weak reflection of a nearby store window.

She was late because she now worked here. Where was here exactly? Seemingly miles from her house. Charlotte had recently been transferred to some new agency and now her whole morning routine had been skewered. She could arrive to the central police station on foot in relatively little time, but she would have to wake up unreasonably early to walk across the city. It wasn't as if she had enough money to buy herself a car and drive... the economy was suffering and she was barely making ends meet.

Sometimes Charlie wondered if she should have just become a nurse like her mother and either married a moderately wealthy doctor or even her ex-boyfriend Edward who was an accountant and while they wouldn't have been wealthy by any means they could have made ends meet. But Edward had vehemently protested her becoming a police officer, and since the police's inability to help her find her poor brother Robert, a police officer was all she had ever wanted to be.

The Great War while awful, had opened up the chances for women to work with men. It had started because while the men had crawled in the trenches, the women had taken their jobs. Unfortunately, most people were still struggling with the concept of women working... and especially in traditional men jobs. If someone had asked her two months ago Charlie would have thought that everyone in the station was reasonable and didn't begrudge her for working with them.

Now as she was standing before her 'new work building' Charlotte had no doubts that the men had secretly hated her presence on the force. This 'Supernatural Case Division' had to be a hoax and an elaborate prank meant to drive her from the force by making her feel unwelcome and alienated. She had never heard of anything quite so bizarre, but when Chief Baker had reassigned her she had nodded and agreed to the change. She wasn't going to let them break her no matter their pranks. She wasn't going to be driven from the force. There were too many missing people like Robert out there.

While her face was still unnaturally red Charlie was confident that she had cleared the sheen of sweat from her face. She turned her attention back to her 'new work building' and after a moment of hesitation she rapped her knuckles on the wooden door a few times and waited holding her head high and trying to look more confident than she was. She wasn't going to let anyone see her disappointment when the whole New York Police Department Supernatural Case Division was revealed to not exist.
Detective McKenna stood leaning against the wall next to an open window, smoking a cigarette as he looked at the clock on the wall oposite him. It was a quarter past nine in the morning and he should have been at the crime scene already. A woman had been found dead in a bookstore over in downtown Brooklyn early this morning and the nature of the crime resulted in the case being passed along to the Supernatural Division, or the "Special" Case Division as it was called by those who had no direct involvement with the lesser known police department.

William would have left already if he weren't waiting for the arrival of his new partner. The Supernatural Division was easily the smallest department of the police force but with a growing population of both humans and supernatural creatures, the Police Commisioner had decided the Division could use another officer. The officer in question was one Detective Charlotte Hanlon, and being new, she had been assigned to William.

While surprised, he wasn't against have a female partner. William had met a number of female patrolwomen in his years as a patrol officer, although he was yet to meet any women who were detectives. 'Guess I will now,' Liam thought to himself, 'When she gets here.' He briefly wondered if she had got lost trying to find her way from the usual police headquarters to the Division's main office. Their station here was distinctly different from the police headquarters over on Centre Street in Manhattan. Instead of a large, Baroque styled architecture the supernatural division was housed in a plain three-storied building that could have easily passed for nothing but a shop with a few apartments above it. It could easily be missed.

William exhaled a cloud of white smoke as he finished off the cigarette, putting it out on the ash tray he kept on the windowsill. As he tried to wave a little of the smell of the cigarette out the window before he closed it, when he heard a light noise. Tsk. Liam turned to look at the door where a tall woman with blond curly hair stood with an armful of files and a disapproving look on her face.

"Margaret," William acknoledged the office secretary with a taunting smile. Technically he wasn't supposed to be smoking inside the headquarters and Margaret had been berating him for it for the last seven years. The woman didn't deign to reply and simply walked away, William could hear the footsteps of her heels on the wooden stairs as she made her way back down to the reception room.

There must have been a knock at the door because a moment later William heard her voice drift up as she offered a greeting and ushered someone inside. "That must be her," Liam hoped rather than observed as he left the remains of his cigarette in the ash tray and exited his office.
Charlotte was beginning to doubt that anyone would even answer the door and that her pranksters didn't even have the decency to be waiting inside the building to tell her that something so ridiculous as the Supernatural Case Division could exist. She shuffled her weight from one leg to the next before she tentatively raised her hand forward to knock at the door again. She had barely raised her fist when the door opened quickly.

A tall woman with a mess of blonde curly hair answered the door wearing an expression that was expectant, "My name is Charlie... I mean... Charlotte Hanlon?" she nearly stammered feeling her confidence ebb away. She no longer had the distinct feeling that she was in the process of being pranked as the woman nodded quickly and led her away from the door and down a narrow hallway. The idea that everything that she had been told (as little and vague as that was) was real was almost overwhelming to her.

"Excuse the smell, he never learns." Margaret muttered lowly and Charlie could smell the thick pungent smell of a cigarette that could only be fresh. The secretary didn't have to lead Charlie very far because halfway down the hallway they seemed to encounter who she was being led to. The secretary stopped as they approached the man but instead said nothing and turned that expectant glance over to her.

"Mr. McKenna? My name's Charlotte Hanlon... I'm supposed to be working with you?" she introduced herself louder than she had with the secretary. Her shaken confidence was beginning to return although Charlotte was completely at odds with the idea that she was working for this "Special" case division. She raised her smoky-gray eyes up to meet his eyes waiting for confirmation that he was now her partner or maybe even that everything that she had been told was true.
William didn't have to walk far to find Margaret and the new arrival coming towards him down the hallway. As he approached them, William got a good look at his new partner. Truthfully, she was prettier than he was expecting, and younger as well. She didn't strike him as a policewoman though and he wondered how she would have ended up in this kind of profession. Appearances aside, Chief Baker had said that the young woman held a lot of promise as a detective and William, trusting his judgement, was obliged to give the woman a chance.

'Even if it dosn't work out, we can always just send her back...' was his last thought before stopping in front of the pair of women. Margaret didn't bother introducing either of them, instead leaving it to the young, female detective to introduce herself to him.

"Yes, I'm Detective McKenna," His voice was a little rough as he spoke, both from age and his smoking habbit, and held out his hand to shake hers, "Welcome to the Supernatural Case Division, Ms Hanlon." William thought she looked a little confused and unsure of her surroundings and raised and eyebrow in response.

"I trust you've been briefed on what we do here?" The thought hadn't previously occured to him that he might have to explain the existence of supernatural creatures to her. He really hoped that the Chief had already taken care of the matter, however, knowing the man well, William wouldn't put it past him to leave that pleasant task to him.
She wasn't surprised with how William McKenna appeared. He looked like the quintessential detective down to the smoking habit that he possessed, "Not really... the explanation I was offered was brief and even Baker didn't seem to know this division was... all I've really got to work with is that we deal with unusual matters and with unexplainable things... like I was supposed to figure out anything from that explanation?" she complained and then cast her steely gaze to him in expectation.

Here was when she figured out if she had let her imagination run from her previously after Chief Baker had explained the transfer or that she would discover that her partner was mentally unstable. She liked to think that she had considered all of the possibilities and whatever explanation that William would offer her on the 'Special Case Division' would come as no surprise to her. She wondered if she was going to be stuck in an office all day long and that idea scared her the most because she had joined to help people and not to do paperwork... she hated mundane tasks such as paperwork with a passion.
"Alright," Liam gave a longsuffering sigh and gestured down the hallway behind him, "Follow me. I'll show you m- our office quickly and explain a few things." He thanked Margaret briefly and told her to go back to work before he turned and made his was back down the hallway into his office. He smiled slightly at the little, affronted sound Margaret made at her dissmissal. He heard her mutter a "Good luck with him," to Ms Hanlon and he could imagine the profanities she was describing him with in her head as she walked back down the hallway to her desk. They had an odd relationship, the secretary and he, but it'd been working fine for as long as they had been working togeather.

"This one," Liam gestured to the door that lead to his office. The office itself was small, but as partners it would have to suffice for both of them. William's L-shaped desk usually occupied the middle of the room and faced the door, but with the new arrival, it had been turned and pushed nearer to the wall on the left to accomodate for another desk. There were also two filing cabinets on both sides of the room near the desks, a coat stand near the door and a very sorry looking plant by the window that looked like it hadn't been watered in a while.

William held the door open and waited for Charlotte to go in first.

"You're right, we do handle unsual crimes, ones that would seem unexplainable to officers in the regular departments," He began to explain, "Ms Hanlon, do you believe in supernatural beings?"
Charlotte was finally beginning to let go of the distinct feeling that this was some elaborate ruse as he began to show her around. She was relatively assured that this amount of effort would not be put into simply trying to coerce her from the force. This had to be real and she felt a quick rush of irritation when she realized that she would have to wake up that much earlier in the morning. The sense of irritation washed over her quickly when she came to grips with her feeling of excitement and anticipation.

So now that she had established that she now worked here she was going to find out finally what here meant for her. She was going to receive an explanation more comprehensible and less vague than the one that Baker had supplied. Charlotte trailed after William as she showed her around as she tried to absorb as much as she could about her surroundings and what he was saying. She had better get acquainted with her surroundings considering the time she was to spend here.

She paused for a few moments as she examined the dying plant and she was about to ask him further about what it was that she would be doing while working here when he asked her a question. The question floored her and Charlie felt her mouth fall open just far enough not to be comical. Was he insane?

"Of course not." she immediately answered scoffing at his question. Was this some sort of test? To test her rationality perhaps? Either way she had provided him with her answer. She had learned at a very young age that there were no such things as monsters under her bed or in her closet. There was no boogeyman, there were no vampires, and ghosts were just a flight of fancy for mourners.
William raised an eyebrow at Charlotte's quick reply. He had been hoping she might've had some experience with supernatural circumstances in her work, and that was why she had been transfered, but it seemed she wasn't even open to the idea. 'She probably thinks this is a joke,' Liam thought ruefully.

"Well, you might want to rethink some of the things in that case," William said as he eyed the clock on the wall again. They were well overdue to report to the crime scene.

"The full tour will have to wait, we have to go," William informed her as he took a few steps from his place at the door over to his desk, opening one of the draws to remove his handgun and slip it into the holster he already wore on his belt, "There's been a murder at a bookstore down in Brooklyn. We have to head over and take control of the investiation. I hope you're ready to "

"We'll have to take the car," William said as he took his long coat off the stand and shrugged it on. He "I'll explain a little more as we go." He knew that this information would take a while to sink in, and while William didn't want to startle her, they had a murder scene to be at.

Leaving his office, instead of heading up the halway to the front door, Liam instead turned and walked the other direction. As he walked, he tried to break it to her lightly that there were basically myths and legends secretly living amongst humans.

"Look, all myths are based on a little bit of truth. All those folk tales and myths about monsters were based on interactions with various creatures that actually existed. Of course, they became a little exagerated over time," At the end of the hallway was a back door - which Liam shouldered open - which lead out to a courtyard hidden by the surrounding buildings. It was accessed by an alleyway between the two front buildings which was large enough to drive through, so they used it as a car park and loading bay. William's vehicle, which was an old square-looking Hudson sedan, was parked near the back door.

William had bought the car years ago, before the sudden economic downturn the world had taken, with Sophie, his then fiance. The car had turned out to be more reliable than the woman and when they went their separet way, William had kept the motor car. It wasn't much to look at though. In the six years that William had owned the automobile, it had seen car chases and shoot outs, as well as damage from those he had arrested, and while he liked to keep the car in good condition, it bore the scars of it's many years of service.

"Hop in," Liam momentarily ceased explaining to throw the invitation over his shoulder as he made his way around to the driver's side.

(It may or may not be a tad slapdash/jumpy, I'm a little too tired to be able to tell right now or to fix it... so sorry if it is... also sorry for like not posting for daaays)
(No, I like it. It's good to be moving forward. And my response was anything but timely D: )

"I'm ready." she nodded quickly after he asked if she was ready. She didn't know what to expect on her first day so she had brought nothing with her. It proved to be a good decision because she wasn't burdened with having to put anything away and therefore she could follow after William as he led them away and out of the building. She hadn't expected to be placed in an investigation this early into the day, but she was hardly one to recoil from the thought. She always felt more useful doing things.

She was astounded by what he was telling her, but she couldn't bring herself to do anything but trudge along after him. As absurd as his words sounded, she didn't think that he was insane. He certainly didn't look insane. She had heard worse, Robert had sounded worse and he had never attempted to tell her rationally about the craziness. Charlie shook her head pushing the thought of Robert away. Maybe Robert was the reason that she was actually listening to William? That Robert's madness had softened all others.

Nevertheless she was still engaged in the conversation by the time that they had reached the car and she didn't hesitate to climb into the vehicle when he prompted her to. It was riddled with various marks and scrapes and she wanted to examine the damages of the car, but she thought that stopping to stare at his vehicle was a measure of rudeness.

She sat down on the seat and shifted to get comfortable, "So... what you're telling me about myth and legend... has... something to do with the murder scene that we'll be investigating?" she frowned trying to make a connection between the two that didn't sound rational. While she could handle listening to someone talk about such things, she was having intense difficulty reasoning the truth behind Liam's words. The connection seemed vague and she didn't know quite how to interpret it.
"Well, yes. But it extends much further than just this case," Liam continued as he climbed into the car and closed the door, "What I mean to say is that those creatures weren't just one-off monsters. They were species. Like lions, dogs... people. They're real and still alive today. They live here amongst us, you probably passed a few in the street on your way here in fact."

William pulled the keys from his coat pocket and inserted them into the ignition, the motor car's engine rattling and then roaring into life on the first turn. Swiftly, he kicked it into gear and they were off. William steered with familiar ease through the sharp turn of the alleyway that lead to the main road out the front of the building. Soon out of the courtyard and onto the roads, they had time to kill while driving so Liam started to explain from the begining about a history that most people had never learned in school.

Whether it was a God that created all living things or they all came about according to this new theory of Evolution, there were a lot more different types animal alive in ancient times than there were now. There were those species that people knew about today, and other that have fallen out of general knowledge. Many of the more bizarre looking creatures were often hunted down by early man.

Most intelligent species learned early on to hide themselves; ones like the seafolk that inspired tales of mermaids, the vampires and the werewolves, and the humans that possessd abilities that earned them the label of witches or warlocks. These supernatural humans, who were called Dannan, Liam explained, looked exactly like normal people, but they possessed powers that allowed them to a range of things. Some could move things without touching them, some could controle certain elements of nature and some could sometimes even read thoughts, although that last one was rare. William ommited that he was a Dannan himself, but he explained that they weren't given their powers through curses or rituals, as was the impression most people had of 'magic', instead it was simply the same principles that dictated if a person had blue eyes or brown ones.

The stories of these creatures however continued to be passed on and were distorted over time, and as more of the creatures were hunted and the sightings became less and less, their existence became nothing more than legends and old wives' tales. Human civilization progressed, and the majority of supernatural creatures simply tagged along, hiding and making a place for themselves in human society.

Now, they live and walk among the human populace in almost every country around the world. Those that couldn't disguise themselves, stayed within their communities but many of the humanoid creatures were able to pass for regular human beings.

By the time he was finished with the history lesson, they were nearing their crime scene and Liam thought it would be best if he started linking all of this to their current case.

"You can find them almost everywhere, or at least see the signs if you know what to look for. This area of Brooklyn has a particularly large community of Supernaturals, that's what gave us a hint that we may be needed here." William slowed his car as he turned the last corner and they could see the cordoned off area surrounding their destination ahead of them, "We sent in one of our men and he called earlier this morning to confirm it."

(Long post, sorry, but hey we're moving forward : ) I feel I should apologise again for choppyness though, everything I write seems to be like that at the moment -.-)

Aura teehee, tiny tag.

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