Nogard to this world

Christian corral

Caterpillar Puberty
Plot: It has been 500 years since the last dragon was spotted, and that is because most were either hunted to extinction or mysteriously disappeared. The truth is that most simply escaped to their lairs and went into a deep hibernation in hopes that the world would be rid of humans when they awoke. Ziz a time lost proto drake that awakened early by mistake and noticed that not only had the humans not gone...but have MULTIPLIED in numbers and are growing more powerful with their machines and technological advances. Ziz is afraid that soon humans will find his lair and the lairs of his kin ( the other dragons). So he embarks on a quest to find each and every one of his fellow dragons and try to see if they can find a way to escape.

Rules:This is a Dragon Rp and its one where you can either take a dragon from actual myth or make up your own dragon, The only catch is that your dragons lair has to be a mysterious unexplained place or a place that explains something mysterious (for example: the Bermuda triangle)

writing wise i would like if you kept it from 5 to 10 sentences per post. and kept it in third person just to get rid of confusion.

My dragon

Name: Ziz

Dragon type: Proto drake

Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/e8520cdd81594d867e68303d33a4e61d.jpg.9bb318eecdfe9b8f295d00c5b961ad62.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="4291" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/e8520cdd81594d867e68303d33a4e61d.jpg.9bb318eecdfe9b8f295d00c5b961ad62.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Gender: male

Lair: Tempest reach. A mountain so tall that its peak touches the stars. It is invisible to the naked eye but the lights it emits (northern lights) are noticed by the beings that inhabit the frozen wastes (Antarctica).

History: Ziz was one of the first dragons to escape to his layer when humans started to over hunt dragons and he was positive that he would be safe in his invisible mountain. Ziz swore to his soul that humans were weak creatures and that they would eventually destroy each other...unfortunately for his fellow dragons he was dead wrong.

Personality: He is a wise dragon that was born before the sun. Because of this he is has lots of experience in the ways of the universe and clockwork. He has a divine love for all living creatures, Including man when they were first created...but as time went on he began to loath the species as they became more corrupt and mad with power over all living beings. He loves nothing more than his dragon kin and will stop at nothing to protect them.

overview: Basically your one of the last living dragons alive today and Ziz is looking for you so he can awaken you and try to find a way to escape with all of his fellow dragons before the humans find you. up to 6 people can join this rp, have fun and please try to be creative with your dragons and lairs! thank you :)



  • e8520cdd81594d867e68303d33a4e61d.jpg
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Please save me a spot! I just need to fill in the sheet! :3 
My Dragon

Name: We just like to call her Ava (play on words for Lava)

Dragon Type: Charizard Ignis Draco (I love google translate)

Appearance: P.S. Her body's coat with flames, so if she gets into the water, Ava's scales turn black like a fire being put out.


Gender: Female

Lair: The center of the Earth, the world's core. Yeah, you know what causes earthquakes and stuff? That's her moving the tectonic plates.

History: Ava - well, that's what we call her now - never knew about the humans hunting the dragons until after the fiasco was over. She could feel the blood of her kind sink into the Earth's crust, and that's when she knew that someone was hunting them down. Ava was born in the core of the world, the hot magma and rock formed an egg, and Ava stayed in the core, loving the warmth it gave her. Because of the things they did to her kind, Ava will move the tectonic plates and cause natural disasters for them.

Personality: She's an oblivious old dragon, coming out from her lair, this would be Ava's first time in the real world. She's very curious and is very blunt about things, without even knowing it. This beautiful dragon is a little shy at first but easily warms up - lol punny, no? - to others. Like a flame, Ava can be warm and comforting, then again, like a flame, she can also be very destructive and terrifying. Although, Ava does try to keep a level head.
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