Nocturnal Heresy


Senior Member
The war is over, but I have to wonder if the price was worth paying. Monsters now roam freely in the night and we have abandoned the rural areas. The cities remain safe, for the most part, but not uncorrupted. We are respected but we are no longer loved. We are feared. Even while I write this, the Heretics gain more following. How they manage to deceive the people sickens me, although I can see their appeal when we have failed them. Oh, we have failed them. While the people are assaulted by monsters and daemons and wicked fairies, the Illuminated sit in our chapels and fatten ourselves to grotesque extremes. The Cardinals would condemn me for heresy should they read this, but the word must out to my fellow Saints: We have failed the people. We must correct our ways.

-Eliza Wilthrow, Saint of the Illuminated Order

Less than twenty years ago, a religious war ended that had been fought for nearly 300 years, ever since the Last King took Illuminated Faith as his own and condemned the Nocturnal Faith. Since then, the Illuminated Order has grown in power and now controls most of the principalities of the Civilized World. The Illuminated Order won the war, but at great cost. They had to kill a god, and left the night defenceless. They drove the Nocturnals into hiding, but they are not dead, not all of them.

The Nocturnals are regaining their strengths, preparing for the war to start again. Or they are hiding, hoping to live out the rest of their lives in relative peace. But they have power, power granted to them by their dead god. This makes them heretics by their very existence, as the Illuminated Order will not rest unless all that remains of the dead god has been utterly removed from the world of mortal men.

Nocturnals were the champions of the night. Protectors, if you will. But the war disrupted their responsibility and has left the night all but defenceless. Monsters that used to stay in the shadows now roam freely, and the Saints of the Illuminated do nothing but keep these monsters away from the cities.

Nocturnal Heresy is a game about defeat, revenge, rebellion and corrupting power. It is a game where the Players take on the roles of powerful individuals in a weak and corrupted world, who are hunted for their heresy, and who must decide how they will live out the rest of their lives. Will they hide in the shadows and try to live peacefully or on the run? Or will they rise up against those who murdered their god and bring unto them the same pain and grief? The Nocturnals have the dark power and no master to serve; it is their choice.


Nocturnal Heresy is a role-playing game I have been working on for a short while in my spare time. I'm currently at the point where I can start play testing, but I want a second or third pair of eyes to check out the "play-testing file" for me to see if there are any obvious contradictions or errors, or just for some general ideas. It's been two weeks since I sent this to some friends but real life has kept them from replying much or at all, so I'm going to try spreading out and try my luck here as well.

So, if you are interested in reading this over, here is the link: Nocturnal Heresy

What I need is for you to tell me if you can understand the system and if anything is obviously contradicting itself. There are over 100 Talents in this and I wrote them all up before I changed how the combat-round works and the socializing system. I think I fixed everything, but if you notice some references to "combat phases", just know that it is referencing the old system and needs to be exterminated.

Here are something I want to point out before we start:

  • This is not Exalted and I am not trying to rip anything from it specifically. The players take the roles of Nocturnals, who have been granted a fraction of a god that gives them power. Sounds a lot like Exalted but I'm not trying to rip it off, although I may have been heavily inspired by it.
  • That being said, I'm not trying to rip off the Nocturnal Exalted either. This is a game that focuses somewhat on the war between light and darkness, and the misconception about the champions of darkness. Nocturnals is simply a fitting name.
  • Cookies?
  • I play a lot of World of Darkness, which is my favourite game, so I have sought inspiration from there. In fact, Nocturnal Heresy in its original form was intended as an alternate setting for WoD. You might see some similarities, although I believe they are subtle.

I would really appreciate your help.
I'll give it a look over momentarily and get back to you in a day or two. Conceptually, I like it.

EDIT: Oh, that's actually quite a svelte document.

I'll have to look over the Talents later, but the core seems really solid and I like your social maneuvering system. Can't help noticing we've had some very similar ideas, here and there (d12s need love too).

I'll have more useful feedback in a day or two. I can also see myself taking a stab at running a playtest game sometime.
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Yeah, I probably should have mentioned that the file is 87 pages long with nearly 30 thousand words :tongue:

There are just over 100 Talents, so take your time :)
Nocturnal Heresy[/URL]

What I need is for you to tell me if you can understand the system and if anything is obviously contradicting itself. There are over 100 Talents in this and I wrote them all up before I changed how the combat-round works and the socializing system. I think I fixed everything, but if you notice some references to "combat phases", just know that it is referencing the old system and needs to be exterminated.

Here are something I want to point out before we start:

  • This is not Exalted and I am not trying to rip anything from it specifically. The players take the roles of Nocturnals, who have been granted a fraction of a god that gives them power. Sounds a lot like Exalted but I'm not trying to rip it off, although I may have been heavily inspired by it.
  • That being said, I'm not trying to rip off the Nocturnal Exalted either. This is a game that focuses somewhat on the war between light and darkness, and the misconception about the champions of darkness. Nocturnals is simply a fitting name.
  • Cookies?
  • I play a lot of World of Darkness, which is my favourite game, so I have sought inspiration from there. In fact, Nocturnal Heresy in its original form was intended as an alternate setting for WoD. You might see some similarities, although I believe they are subtle.

I would really appreciate your help.
I've added this to my read list.

Looking forward to more :) !
A friend of mine finally replied with comments and notes that are helpful in editing the file. So that is pretty much what I am going to do next. Clarity was a bit of an issue and he asked that I would expand the setting material, so that is what I'm going to focus on.

To those of you who are reading through my game, I would still want to read any comments you might think of. Any notes that could be beneficial for the game is always a welcome addition :)
I've been distracted by convention stuff, but I'll get back to collecting my thoughts on it soon (I think last I read it, I had some minor quibbles about the setting, consistency, and tone, but the core system was extremely solid and I just wanted to see how it interacted with the Talents).

On a semi-related note, if you find yourself with the time I'd appreciate feedback on any of my projects floating around here.
Grey said:
I've been distracted by convention stuff, but I'll get back to collecting my thoughts on it soon (I think last I read it, I had some minor quibbles about the setting, consistency, and tone, but the core system was extremely solid and I just wanted to see how it interacted with the Talents).
On a semi-related note, if you find yourself with the time I'd appreciate feedback on any of my projects floating around here.
I was looking for it the other day, and found it (I think), but forgot to download the file for Crucible. Based on the bits I've read around the forums here, it is something to get excited about :)

EDIT: Started reading :)
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Alright, so the Talents are all really evocative and interesting. I like that there are some which are explicitly for PCs, and the Nocturnal Talents are all really thematic and useful. I especially like some of the interactions with Corruption, and it's nice to see benevolent necromancy as a default assumption for a heroic PC template.

I think I'll test it at my gaming group, if that's okay with you? I feel like I can't say more until I've tried it.
I plan on making the play-test publicly available once I've done preparing it. It might take some time though, so if you don't like waiting you can try it out with what the version that is currently ready.

I did make a character sheet that you are free to use: HERE!!!
Fail faster, as they say.

I'll try genning some characters, but I really think there's enough there for me to bring a pre-written game to the society meeting and try a three hour game. I can give you some fresh feedback on a bunch of strangers at varying levels of experience interacting with it as a result.
Revision complete (sort of) and uploaded! The link to the file should now have the new version. Not much has changed though, only small alterations and a new chapter on the setting.
Just from the themes you're picking out, I'll definitely be giving this a read. As a note - for this kind of stuff, 'Penumbra' is a useful word to look up.
I'm not much for analysis, so I don't know how much help I could be as far as evaluating the game system itself. However, if you would like someone to look over it for grammar, spelling, etc., I'd be more than happy to assist with that.

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