No, this isn't a joke (GSP)


New Member
There are countless things that must be done to make the Reclamation a success. Green Sun Princes have been cast out across creation, each assigned a task. The Ebon Dragon himself as assigned a Circle to one very specific task.

You are this Circle.

Your Task is simple.

Keep Gem from Blowing up.


This is a game for a perfect Circle of five Infernal Exalts, who all have Urges centered around taking over the South. The goal is to take over Gem, keep the vast number of things poised to make it blow up at bay, and then take over the South. The Ebon Dragon was quite clear about one thing though, GEM MUST SURVIVE.


Standard starting character generation, Merits/Flaws need to be cleared by me before you can take them.

A Character Picture is worth 2 extra BP.

A Character Background is required and also worth 4 extra BP.

A Theme Song is worth 4 extra BP (I like theme songs)

This is AWESOME!

No, seriously... it's like the ST gets to play with plots to blow up Gem and it's up to the players to stop those plots. Good god, I can see it being a superhero/villain game. Only exalted.
I think I want in. I'm going to go for the fiend. This character will be the mainipulator with chronic backstabbing disorder.
I'd like to volunteer a Defiler.

Why do I get the feeling that my character and Grey's are going to end up with the Ocelot/Mantis dynamic from Last Days of Foxhound ?
There is nothing about that idea I don't like.

In fact, I vote to call our Circle FOXHOUND.
Now I really need to dig that Infernal book. I think a scourge maybe a Gray Fox or Sniper Wolf (Though I need to think another caste just in case for this one) or even a Decoy Octopus.
Well I'm glad there's interest at least. Also, last days of foxhound? I thought I was the only person that read that!

Alright, give me backgrounds. Standard starting character generation, Merits/Flaws need to be cleared by me before you can take them. A Character Picture is worth 2 extra BP. A Character Background is required and also worth 4 extra BP. A Theme Song is worth 4 extra BP (I like theme songs). I'd like a perfect circle, but if you guys and gals just wow me with a group that's all Slayer or lacks a Malefactor or Fiend, I'm willing to let that slide. If I have more than five players, I might even take everyone and split you up into multiple groups of less than five, each with their own game.

/me goes to edit that into the first post
Ha! So, it's not just me what does this...

By the by, if you're going to do extra BP... you might want to make sure that all players can/will do this or you'll end up with some unbalance. :lol:
Or allow someone else to pick up character art! Like the great Haku picking out art for everyone from its magnificent archives.
Character Picture (sorry couldn't help myself)


Character Background (on process)

Coadjutor demon: Angyalka.

Urge: either Ophidian urge or Adorjani Urge (I need help to understand how this works.)

Caste: Scourge

Favored Yozi for charms: Adorjan (patron) and either malfeas or ebon dragon.

Concept: Melee assassin (if not already get the hint 8) )
I'm going to completely break the current Metal Gear love to go by my own tune.

A Malefactor with an Ophidian urge, Tinsiana unwoven coadjutor, Favored apprentice of Lucian, Lover of Alveua, who forged copies of the Guardian of Sleeps daggers, and sent a Sesseljae to watch over him. Has a tattoo of an animalistic shadow on his shoulder, that whispers and writhes on his flesh, sending him dreams of wandering twilight streets, hunting down prey like lunars did, in a different age.

Qutuz the Unforgiving

Character Pic:

Theme Song:

Background: Qutuz the Unforgiving was born to one of the many nomadic tribes that populate the South. Existing in a harsh environment for time out of mind, these tough survivors of the desert make formidable warriors. Various forces, however, based both on Creation and beyond, conspire to ensure that these tribes remain in conflict with another. It is not unusual for feuds to last for generations, long after the initial crime or insult has taken place, and Qutuz was just one of many young men caught up in one such violent dispute.

As a courageous and ferocious warrior, Qutuz did not have much time for strategies and tactics. He was, however, adept at leading his men into bloody frenzies, be it in direct attacks, simple ambushes or chaotic sieges. Before long, word of his mercilessness spread, earning him the title he carries with pride to this day.

During one prolonged campaign, Qutuz violated one of the key rules of the desert: do not poison oases. This unwritten rule had been followed for ages, a code all tribes adhered to out of necessity and survival. Qutuz was sentenced to death for his transgression, but naturally there were few keen to stand in his way and carry out the execution. Qutuz instead escaped into the dunes, where he struggled to stay alive.

His poisoning of the oases stirred the attention of the Yozi, and Qutuz was chosen for Infernal Exaltation. He emerged from the Chrysalis Grotesque and was instructed by the demon that had delivered the Exaltation, a rather simple-minded Erymanthoi named Amon. Amon directed Qutuz to hone his fighting skills, to live off the sands and hills when required, to ride most mounts and even to develop basic ploys for the battlefield. When his training was complete, Qutuz returned to his tribe and proclaimed that he was an avatar of Oxkolat, the tribe’s god of death and destruction. A handful of soldiers who had served under his command submitted themselves to him. The rests resisted. Qutuz massacred them all.

Qutuz traveled to the largest city in the area, the city-state of Gem. Carved into the side of a dormant volcano, the metropolis was known for his massive jewel trade – and an impressive market of sell-swords. Qutuz set up his own mercenary company and began taking contracts. Qutuz and his band have worked for Gem, for Paragon, for the Realm and for the Guild. His work has given him many opportunities to damage institutions in the South without paying homage to any, which pleases Malfeas, and also advances Qutuz’s own ruthless reputation, which is what he is most concerned with.

Some time ago, Qutuz caught the eye of the Ebon Dragon, who admired Qutuz’s absolute lack of loyalty to any of his employers or even his followers. For awhile, the Dragon has used Qutuz to ensure Gem is spared so that its rare resources and hidden secrets are not lost. As someone more used to breaking things than saving them, Qutuz finds himself somewhat bothered at the prospect of having to prevent Gem’s eruption and demise.
Naturally, I'm in and going the Defiler route.

I have an old concept for a Demon-Blooded Defiler who is really rather unsure of whether they have free will or not. Cute little girl who is the child of Stanewald. Do I go with that or do I design a new, dark Defiler who dwells in shadowy dark darky darkness?
I can send you an initial copy of the character sheet. Haven't added equipment or bonus points from the pic/song/background.
Color me interested. I really need to read the infernals book again, but this sounds awesome. Assuming I'm in, I'm going to figure out a concept. Leaning Slayer, simply to fill in the circle, but we'll see what caste they turn out to be once I get a handle on the character.
Sorry but I need to withdraw my application. Reason for that is partly RL but mostly I couldn't find a good background that strikes me to play and I really need to play basic exalted before I go up for infernals.
I would be interested in picking up the Scourge mantle if no one else is chomping at the bit for the chance.
This took much longer than I thought to iron out. Here we go.

Character Picture

Urvek, the Iron Fist

Concept: Murderous Pit Fighter

Caste: Slayer

Favored Yozi: Adorjan

Motivation: Destroy every opponent who faces him

Urge: Ophidian-Spread a love of hellish bloodsport throughout the South

Urvek's tale begins in his adolescence, just after puberty entered his life. A street child living off of scraps with his twin sister Kalyah, he spent his days scrounging food and defending his sister from rapists and thieves. Always a vicious child, Urvek made sure anyone who tried to take from the twins paid for it with blood. It was this murderous tendency that first attracted the pit bosses. Convinced they could milk a fortune from betting on this scrawny, but violent boy, they asked him to fight for them. They even promised to take care of his sister, perhaps serving drinks to the fight crowd. Urvek, eager to escape the life of a street brat, unthinkingly accepted.

Fast forward a few years, and Urvek has slowly climbed his way to a good spot in the pit rankings. He brings in good money every fight, and his sister and he live in a rented room near the pit. Life for the two is satisfactory, compared to the streets. It isn't hard to find trouble in a life like Urvek's, though. You make a lot of enemies when you beat other fighters the way Urvek does.

One night, walking home from his latest fight, Urvek and Kalyah were ambushed by some of Urvek's previous opponents. Surprised, Urvek took a blow to the head, and fell unconscious. When he awoke, it was to the horrid visions of his sister being drugged and gang-raped to death. Forced to watch, something in Urvek's mind broke amidst his screams and attempts to claw his own eyes out. For the first time in his life, Urvek couldn't find the strength to fight back. As his sister's life slowly drained away in an alley, Urvek ran, screaming his pain and frustration to any who would listen, calling for the strength to bury his pain in furious revenge and rage. In the very depths of his mind, someone answered. Guided back to the bloody pit he fought in, Urvek found a demon waiting. When it asked its question again, Urvek gave no hesitation in answering 'Yes'.

When he regained consciousness, he found himself empowered. That very day he found the men who had killed his sister, and murdered them. Leaving them little more than bloody strips of flesh and bone, Urvek turned to the desert and walked. Never again would he leave an opponent able to fight back. Never again.
Hmm... ok then. I think that leaves the Slayer spot free. I'd like to aim for that, then.

The Bloody Moon

Quote: "I think you've got this whole predator/prey relationship mixed up."

Egeria was born and raised in a little village high in the Summer Mountains south of the Kingdom of Harborhead. Her village, along with several villages nearby, was claimed as the territory of a tribe of wolf-men, under the leadership of the 'wolf-god'. She knew no other name for him. All she knew was she hated him. Her family were raised in what was effectively slavery; the beastman-tribe were the rulers of the area and treated the humans with utter contempt, working them like dogs. Egeria grew up fast and hard, teaching herself self-defense as best she could. She displayed a natural talent for the arts of combat at a young age, and by the time she was 14 she was involved in the underground movement within the villages to attempt to resist the depredations of the Wolf-God and his beastman tribe.

Trained with battered and broken swords the humans kept well-hidden, Egeria proved a natural athlete and a gifted fighter; by her 16th birthday she could best men and women a decade her senior in experience, and was versed in basic guerilla tactics. Confident they were finally ready to make a move against their oppressor, they struck against the makeshift temple the Wolf-God had erected on a high plateau.

It was a disaster. They fought well at first, and Egeria was at the front. She slew two beastmen personally, and it looked like they might win. That was when the Wolf-God took to the field, with his silver sword and his red silk cloak. After that, the battle was brutal. As she watched her friends and family being slaughtered by the wicked silver blade of the god, Egeria knew, in her heart of hearts, that were she to take a step forward and raise her blade in defiance she would make the difference. If she could conquer her fear...

She threw her battered sword aside and surrendered.

Retribution was swift. The corpses of everyone she had ever loved were simply tossed over the edge of the plateau. Egeria was personally taken by the Wolf-God. He... used her. Then, he took his cloak from his shoulders, wrapped her in it like a parcel, and threw her over the edge.

Egeria didn't know how long she fell; it felt like forever. It can't have been too far though, and luck was on her side. The silken cloak caught on a rocky outcrop, unwinding and spilling her free. She managed to catch an end of it (the sudden jarring impact dislocating her shoulder) before the cloak tore again, and she fell a further ten feet to a rocky platform. The slowing of her descent spared her life, and she found herself surrounded by the corpses of her village. Falling to her knees, Egeria wept for the dead, the red cloak draping over her like a shroud.

As night fell, she heard movement around her. The corpses arose and faced her, heads lolling at obscene angles and putrifying blood dripping slowly from gaping wounds. They spoke in one voice. That voice told her that the Wolf-God was no god at all but a weak and foolish Lunar Exalt, full of pride, arrogance and cruelty. He had been assigned her people to make their lives better, it said, but he had derelicted his duty. And did she want revenge?

Egeria's weeping stopped. She stood coldly upright, donning the length of red silk her would-be killer had worn. With her expression unchanging, she slammed her shoulder against a wall, knocking it back into place.

"At any price."

"Then embrace us, and be renewed."

The dead took Egeria in their arms, their flesh moulding and flowing into a sphere as the decanthrope that was controlling them became her Chrysalis Grotesque. For five days, Egeria lay curled up in that dark sphere, feeling as at peace as though in the womb and allowing her anger and hate to cool into a razor's edge. In this time, Beastmen found the Chrysalis and brought it to the palace for the Wolf-God (or Aranfa the Changing Moon, as he was truly) to study it.

This was a mistake. On the fifth day, Egeria the Slayer exploded from her Chrysalis with an animal snarl. Unprepared, the Lunar died with his own sword through his chest. The Beastmen followed suit. A retrieval team brought her to Malfeas days later.

Egeria does not regret the price she has paid for revenge. Instead, she's thinking bigger. The Lunar Exalted assigned Aranfa to her people. It's their fault. She will take revenge from their hides. She will hunt the hunters. Armed with Aranfa's daiklaive (now tainted with Vitriol) and a burning rage, she prepares herself to cleanse the South of the traitor Lunars in the name of Malfeas and her own pain.

The Bloody Moon rises.


Theme Tune


Egeria, the Bloody Moon

Caste: Slayer

Concept: Hunter of Lunars

Urge: Destroy all resistance to the Reclamation in the South (Malfean Urge)

Motivation: Scour the Lunar Exalted from the South

Anima Banner: An emerald crescent moon hangs overhead, dripping blood.


Strength: 3 Charisma: 2 Perception: 3

Dexterity: 4 Manipulation: 2 Intelligence: 2

Stamina: 4 Appearance: 3 Wits: 4

Abilities (italicised abilities are caste/favoured.)

Martial Arts: 2 Melee: 4 War: 3

Integrity: 3 Presence: 1 Resistance: 3 Survival: 2

Investigation: 3 Lore: 1 Occult: 1

Athletics: 4 Awareness: 2 Dodge: 3

Linguistics: 1


Melee (Fighting Exalted): 2


Backing (Malfeas): 2 Cult (Malfean cults): 1 Influence (Malfean demons): 1

Artifact (Silken Armour): 2 Artifact (The Crescent Bleeds): 2 Unwoven Coadjutor: 2



1st Malfean Excellency x3

Malfeas Mythos Exultant

By Pain Reforged

Pathetic Distraction Rebuke

Ablation of Brass and Fire

Insignificant Embers Intuition

Green Sun Nimbus Flare

Adorjan (favoured)

Wind-Born Stride x1

Who Strikes the Wind?

Thousandfold Typhoon Hand


Compassion: 2 Conviction: 3 Temperance: 2 Valour: 3

Torment: Malfeas Limit: 0/10

Abcissic Plate: The Killer & The Warden (Valour)

Essence: 3 Willpower: 6 (Spent: 0) Essence Pool: 15/30 (7 committed) (Spent: 0/0)


The Crescent Bleeds (tainted Moonsilver daiklaive): Speed: 5 Acc: +5 Damage: +6L Def: +4 Rate: 3 Tags: -

Punch: Speed: 5 Acc: +1 Damage: +0B Def: +2 Rate: 3 Tags: N

Kick: Speed: 5 Acc: +0 Damage: +3B Def: -2 Rate: 2 Tags: N

Clinch: Speed: 6 Acc: +0 Damage: +0B Def: -- Rate: 1 Tags: C, N, P

Soak: 7B/7L/5A (Silken Armour: 3B/5L/5A)

Dodge DV: 5 Parry DV: 6/4/2 Join Battle/Debate: 6 Move/Dash: 4/13

Social Combat (charisma/manipulation)

Investigation: Speed: 5 Accuracy: 5/5 PMDV: 3/3 Rate: 2

Performance: Speed: 6 Accuracy: 2/2 PMDV:1/1 Rate: 1 (Affects an area)

Presence: Speed: 4 Accuracy: 3/2 PMDV: 2/2 Rate: 2

Dodge MDV: 6

Intimacies: Malfeas (blind adoration), Lunar Exalted (loathing)

Languages: Flametongue (native), Old Realm.


BP expenditure (including bonus BP for art, story, and music)

7BP on Essence 3

3BP on Temperance 2

2BP on Resistance 3

1BP on Melee 4

1BP on Athletics 4

2BP to raise War to 3

4BP on Who Strikes the Wind?

4BP on Thousandfold Typhoon Hand

1BP on 2-dot Melee specialty

Total BP spent: 25

Hope you don't mind me statting her up with the extra BP already factored in. It's easy enough to take that back out if necessary.

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