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Fantasy No Moral Boundary (Organized Crime in Modern Fantasy)


mothafuckin' starboy
Fill up all the following information below. All characters should be human , and read the Overview before you sign up.


Nickname/Code Names: (Optional)



Picture (realistic or anime works):


Occupation: (Criminal or some other person. You could be an undercover police, corrupt politician, or something else)

Level: (If he is a criminal what level is he? A petty thief, low level grunt, hired contractor, top associate, leader of an entire organization?)


Weapons/Fighting Ability:
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(Already on it)

Name: Gabriel Stross.

Age: 20

Gender: Male


Personality: He may come off a ruthless and cold, but really, Gabe is just shy, specially around women. He can't exactly speak so thats also part of the reason he's misunderstood. Having his suit's onboard AI "Glados" speak for him, and to him. But really, Gabriel is a kind and caring individual to his friends and may come off as antisocial...again, because he's a mute.

Occupation: Gensia's top engineer. With his ability to seemingly connect with technology just by touching them, an d his innate telekynesis allows him to craft and manipulate technology at will. He is an extremely skilled hacker,researches and engineers. He makes quite a lot of advances for Gensia, and is called for crimes every now and again by his superiors.

Level: Gensia's top engineer and extremely reliable field unit.

Powers: Gabriel's skillset is as much stuff he can fit onto his suit as possible that increases his abilities. He has natural telekinesis and a connection to technology that is quite rare. He can hack almost any kind of security system without much trouble, as well as use the many telekynetic abilities available to him.

His suit, the "N89-Sigma all purpose suit" gives him a wide array of abilities due to cybernetic implants and the armor itself.

The abilities include.

- A cloacking mode, which lasts for a varied ammount of time depending on movement, if he stays still, the cloaking lasts longer, if he runs, the cloaking lasts a few short seconds.

- Enhanced agility and reflexes.

- Increased speed.

- The suit offers quite a bit of protection from both gunfire and energy based attacks, although it can take a lot of damage that it may need to be repaired later.

- Bunch of upgrades he may later acquire during the RP

Weapon loadout: Usually what he brings out on his field missions.

"Gestalt R-9X pulse rifle"

With a semi automatic and fully automatic firing modes, the gestalt assault rifle is an extremely versatile tool of combat, its rounds capable of penetrating light to medium armor, as well as offering astounding accuracy and stability. The assault rifle folds itself when put away, to better conceal itself.

The "BFR - 96T" Rail cannon.

A powerful anti-tank, anti armor rifle, designed sorely with the objetive of killing the target in one shot, requires a small charging time for its fire to achieve full strenght, with a nasty kick and loud noise upon firing, its still in its prototype stages. And other rail cannons might seem more "advanced" but none has more power than the BFR. It can pierce a heavy mech's armor like a hot knife on butter.

Not much use in a straight firefight, as it needs a charge time and is pretty bad at close range.

"The 89Y pistol"

A rather strong sidearm, firing plasma rounds, very good at close range. Its range falls off quick, and its used mostly as a secondary weapon.

Background: Gabriel lived a rather, unsavory life, he didn't have good parents and he also was born a mute, without the ability to speak at all. And as such he was always taken as quite shy or simply cold and disrespectful to others, his parents were both simple, run off the mill criminals who would do petty jobs, and as such, Gabriel was born into the life of crime, although his parents disliked his obsession with technology and crafting, constantly trying to take him away from such things and trying to make a tough criminal out of him.

Wheter it worked or not is irrelevant, because when he was 17 years old the Gensia faction discovered his telekinetic and technology hacking powers during a heist he and his parents were doing, which went bad, his father and mother both died as the Gensia stepped in to save Gabriel, who was going to meet the same fate at the hands of law enforcement. While he does miss his parents, he continues on their legacy of crime, but with more, methodical and technological approach than simple brute force.

He has been working with the Gensia ever since, quickly rising through the ranks and gaining much notoriety both in the faction and in the world of crime. Codenamed "Sigma" He partakes in many missions for Gensia and on his free time, builds technology for them, and also for himself. While they provide him with the tech and budget to build his machines. A mutual relationship, which he is loyal to.
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Name: Tobias Clarke

Nickname/Code Names: Divine Death

Age: 23



<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/image.jpeg.e1761919501f49a34d4a874a3aa86722.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="117540" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/image.jpeg.e1761919501f49a34d4a874a3aa86722.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>
Personality: While doing his job, he is as stoic and cold as it gets. Although he doesn't necessarily believe in killing civilians, he does believe in killing people who have wronged him and anyone else in his life. Outside of his job, he's a charmer. He sleeps around like its no ones business. He's mildly sarcastic, and too witty for his own good. His smart mouth gets him into provoked fights that he often wins.


-Enhanced stealth and reflexes

-Excellent at almost any form of combat

-Good aim

-He's able to spot out a person's weak point quickly.

- Mental Manipulation: he can alter the perceptions of others and control the actions of others with the mind. Although he lacks control over it at times.

Occupation: Criminal; Assassin

Background: WIP

Weapons: His bows and arrows and whatever he chooses to equip in his substantial amount of weapon supply he holds in his warehouse or whatever the organization he's working for gives him.

Level: Valued Assasin amongst BATIS and Dragonblood

Extra: He doesn't necessarily belong to one organization. Different ones give him different jobs due to his advanced skills and getting the job done. Although he's more familiar with the dragonblood.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/image.jpeg.d0ba376d4bad8bac56eb98470284d550.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="117542" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/image.jpeg.d0ba376d4bad8bac56eb98470284d550.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Shane DeMarkus

Nickname/Code Names: Big Shark, Sharky, Shark Fang, Killer Shark, Killer Fang, Mr. Jaws, Shark Jaws, Killer Jaws.

Age: 33

Gender: Male



<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/003-1.jpg.1d5f0a3a5fb2bf727a2d8e7966f9f3b2.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="117498" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/003-1.jpg.1d5f0a3a5fb2bf727a2d8e7966f9f3b2.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Human form: Armored skin- thick durable skin, practically bulletproof but blades still do damage tho. Blood sense-can track anyone who's blood he's tasted, smell fresh blood if spilled nearby, can identify type/race of blood(or who’s it is if he knows them), and how long ago it was spilled. Breathe underwater or on land.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/shark_dragon_by_cat_meff-d4omf44-1.png.2c6dd9dd30f1d81c2086a2e5ecc4619a.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="117500" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/shark_dragon_by_cat_meff-d4omf44-1.png.2c6dd9dd30f1d81c2086a2e5ecc4619a.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Shark form: Underwater adaption, Breathe on land or in water. Nightvision, Rough Armored Skin-skin itself is dangerous and can tear flesh just by touching, and thick durable skin practically bulletproof but blades still do damage tho. Speed swimming, Increased strength, powerful shark teeth and jaws(can bite thru solid steel), shark fin claws(for climbing stone walls), increased reflexes, jumping, agility, endurance. Blood sense-can track anyone who's blood he's tasted, smell fresh blood if spilled nearby, can identify type/race of blood(or who’s it is if he knows them), and how long ago it was spilled.

Personality: Laid back sarcastic tone is his normal demeanor. He's professional mostly but doesn't take crap from anyone because he's confident in his skills and knows no matter what the job entails, he can find someway to get it done. He doesn't like guns. They are unreliable. They all run outta ammo, and jam up at the worst times. He preferes to us bladed weapons or good old hand to hand combat instead. Hes a long-time streetfighter, trained heavyweight boxer, and advanced kickboxer.

Occupation: Bodyguard, enforcer, transporter, hitman, professional criminal, ect. He's the guy you call when you need a job done correctly. Doesnt matter how brutal or ugly. Once a contract has been set he always finishes it.

Level: Well known muscle for hire/contracted. Will work for whoever pays the most for his contract.

Background: Doesnt like to talk about it. Isn't about to start now. Ask him too many questions and he'll kill someone you love. Go looking for answers behind his back and he'll make them suffer. Slow and long. While you watch.



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Name: Lillian Kloss

Nickname/Code Names: Killer Kloss

Age: 23

Gender: Female


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/57a8c90dacf9e_b7aca1de095cbf0f9ddbf1a3b80fea97(1).jpg.55aa85d53d2dbe58e092e46ee183dbbb.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="117538" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/57a8c90dacf9e_b7aca1de095cbf0f9ddbf1a3b80fea97(1).jpg.55aa85d53d2dbe58e092e46ee183dbbb.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Lillian has an aura of toughness, and she is often cocky, she hides behind a "I can do anything" attitudes mostly because she is lonely, which is why she sleeps around a lot. Lillian can easily switch from a brave and caring person to a reckless and (almost) unstable. Most of the time she feels no guilt for her assassinations, however every so often Lillian likes to drink to numb any guilt she might feel.

Abilities: Lillian has nephilim blood which allows her to draw runes on her body for enhancement. These are always temporary and leave faint silver scars on her body where they fade. When runes are active, her body is often covered in tattoos. (Think TMI).

Occupation: Assasin and thief

Level: Valued Hired contractor in BATIS




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Name: Mika Fortring

Nickname/Code Names: The Artist

Age: 22

Gender: Female


Casual Appearance


Stage costume



Mika is a meticulous criminal psychopath who believes murder is art.

She creates works of artistic brutality, horrifying victims and onlookers. She gains a cruel pleasure from putting on her gruesome theater, making her the ideal choice to send the most powerful of messages: terror.


  • Artist
  • Assassin
  • Serial Killer

Level: One of the most known mercenaries



Weapons/Fighting Ability:


Whisper - The gun holds four bullets, each infused with magic. The three first all do a massive amount of damage to anything they hit, making walls crumble under their touch. The fourth bullet is the crescendo, it being the strongest shot. It does not only hit it's enemy. It rearranges them.

Mika is very fast and agil, making it hard to hit her with any bullet or blade.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/Fantasy-Girl-With-Red-Hair-wallpaper.jpg.f2a662ff18c93e73f324135004755729.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="117740" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/Fantasy-Girl-With-Red-Hair-wallpaper.jpg.f2a662ff18c93e73f324135004755729.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

- Name -

“Eh? My name… well I guess I’ll tell you… In exchange for something or yours.”

Jacquelyn Esme Nickols

- Nickname/Code Names -

“Well, I earned these from running a medieval bar tavern - it happens.”

Iron Maiden, Joan (of Arc), Knuckles

- Age -

“Isn’t it rude to ask a woman her age?”


- Gender -

“Are you really that daft?”


- Appearance -

“Don’t go spreadin’ this ‘round now.”

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/female_character_series_part_2___base_colors_by_conceptcookie-d5y41jw.jpg.23b99e2805a049f4b30968fd3ec32e41.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="117738" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/female_character_series_part_2___base_colors_by_conceptcookie-d5y41jw.jpg.23b99e2805a049f4b30968fd3ec32e41.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

- Personality -

“To be honest - I-l really don’t know…"

She is, more or less, like a big pot filled with things from all over and then well stirred into a sludge, and then when you bite into it, it is surprisingly spicy, yet oddly tolerable. Meaning, despite her various mood swings, and appearance, she is the surprisingly peppy, and peppery, girl she expresses on a daily basis. However, tick her clock the wrong way and she’ll be happy to show you out - most likely after she has you black and blued. In addition, almost tragically, she always feels alone in her little world and often longs for adventure, after all, handing someone’s butt to them and dealing out illegals totally isn’t thrilling.

- Occupation -

“Down to business are we? I like that in a man… Anyways, do you have the green?”


Bar Maid and Manager


Informer / Middle (wo)man

- Level -

“Hmmm, well I’m not too high on the rungs of anything, if anything, people grovel at my feet.”

Has never committed any extreme physical crime (that anyone of worth knows of) aside from beating the living crap out of offending people - who more often than not have a criminal record no one wants to know of. Spreading of confidential and top secret info along with treasonous stuffs to more than sketchy people with lots of moolah? Quadruple check.

- Background -

“You don’t need to know this. Period. Now, you wanna ale?”

Esme comes from a decent place in society with plenty of money and happiness to go around. Though, her life of, ahem, dirty work didn’t start until her last high school year. It was easy really, a man approached her with a yellow folder and asked her to deliver, no biggie. She did as she was asked, and was compensated for it: three hundred dollars. As she looks back on it, she has no idea why she didn’t question him or immediately freak out and tell someone. She realizes this was because of the thrill - not to mention it paid nice.

After doing several more jobs like this later on throughout her lesser twenties, such as receiving and dealing in knowledge, she quickly became quite a capable runner. After withdrawing from all relations - safety reasons - her parents became concerned for her well being, and so she contacted this familiar stranger, Douglas, and he set her up to work with him and the Merks - where she created a new identity for herself - literally. Well after that, they trained her self- offense and defense, and made prompted her to move up through the ranks along with dirty no-good jobs - but hey she never got caught so who cares?

She then decided that smuggling people and dealing curious objects across the country was no longer her cup of tea, and she settled down in one of the main cities and purchased an old rundown bar, which she has fully furbished into a medieval tavern scene complete with animal mounts, different sets of knight’s armor, and other miscellaneous things. She totally didn’t use black money for this.

Though, after a month of total silence, she discovered her Merks had been wiped from the face of Earth. Since everything she had done with them had just been business, she tried to make herself feel nothing, though remorse often corned her thoughts. Now she keeps “The Drunken Vixen Alehouse” or DVA for short, in tippy top condition, as of one of her comrades will walk through the door. Or, any other customers for that matter.

- Weapons/Fighting Ability -

“I’m.. okay, I suppose. But I can handle myself well if need be.

Amazing in hand-to-hand…. she can’t fire a gun accurately if her life depended on it though. The only weapons she has is a simple wooden bat, a pair of brass knuckles, and a shotgun - and uses it add her inaccuracy to her advantage since - you know, a bunch of black metal pellets embedding into one’s skin is no fun - for them anyway. At least she has a larger chance than if she used a slug.​



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Name: Marcus Hill

Code Name: Echo

Age: 41

Gender: Male

Personality: A hard-ass through and through, Marcus will not stand for incompetence or idleness on his watch. Despite his nonchalant behavior, he takes his job very seriously and expects his peers to take it seriously as well. While he has no love for violence, he acknowledges it as a means to an end and uses it to exercise judgment on the criminals he despises all the same. Can appear cocky and condescending at times, though he is far from either of those things, always putting his enemies on equal footing with himself.

Occupation: Paramilitary Officer

Level: Captain


There had never been a dull moment in Marcus's life even from his earliest memories. His father a hunter, he learned how to handle firearms at age twelve, namely pistols, shotguns, and rifles. He didn't have much interest in the sport until they moved into the city where he first gained access to digital media. Many of his favorite heroes and villains wielded guns and the cinematic portrayal of their adventures enthralled him, revitalizing his affinity for weapons.

Although he performed well in his classes, nothing else quite had a calling than one where he could put his skills to good use. He recognized that real life was not like the movies he watched or the games he played, but he felt in his blood that this was the road he was destined to walk and was nonetheless excited to see where it led.

Joining the military threw his expectations for a loop in all manner of ways. First of all, he barely saw any action in his first years, and secondly, most of his time on field was spent waiting or patrolling. He busied himself with video games and sparring with his team mates in the mean time, but eventually his fated day would arrive.

They were not the first to make their move - an APC ahead of them had inexplicably exploded, and moments later, all hell broke loose. It was from that point on that he that he learned the true terror of conflict, the pain and the loss of those who had put their faith in him. He and a handful of surviving troops managed to push their assailants back in what would be the first of a chain of skirmishes that lasted years. Between these exchanges, he came to battle severe clinical depression as well, traces of which still linger.

When it was all over, Marcus was determined to control his fear and put everything he had learned to good use, knowing that he was not one to turn his back on what he had set out to do. His beliefs were solidified and he set aside his doubt - when he returned, he took up arms in defense of his home country this time. His prior service and experience helped him quickly make climb in rank, where he stood vigilant in a territory that was all the more familiar to him.
Weapons: Can operate most conventional weapons masterfully, specializing in sniper rifles. He often carries a taser, pistol, several knives, and flash-bang grenades as backup during a run. However, he does have some irregular arms that he sometimes employs:

['Viper' Lightning Gun] This high-powered rifle will vaporize most targets from a great distance, carrying the flash of lightning without the boom of thunder. The electric charge follows a harmless laser shining from beneath the main barrel, giving the weapon pinpoint accuracy on its targets until the light eventually disperses at its peak. It is incredibly effective at disabling electronics or non-lethally taking down distant targets after lowering its power setting.

['Hive' Gas Gun] Like the lightning gun, this pistol has two firing modes necessary to maximize its power. The standard trigger sprays a fast-acting, high-volume knockout gas, though the canister usually must be replaced after a single burst. The second trigger fires a liquid chemical that paints the target, which the gas can swiftly trace and envelop.

['Tower' Riot Shield] In its compact form, this ballistic riot shield can be carried as a small square - when deployed, it can extend up to two meters, its exact height able to be transfigured through a slider. This specialized armor is sturdy enough to survive shotgun blasts and grenade shrapnel, but its lightness does little to absorb actual kinetic force. On the flip side, that also means it can be comfortably wielded in one hand.

Fighting Ability: Marcus has extensively trained in many martial arts during his military training, but finds himself employing Krav Maga before anything else, emphasizing practicality and effectiveness in tight spots.

One of his perhaps most important advantages is the power to nullify the effects of supernatural abilities. He is impervious to mental attacks and touching something being controlled by a power will retroactively render it void, causing the power (or power's target) to either reverse its own momentum or fall flat. Coming in contact with anyone capable of wielding such abilities will temporarily seal them from being used.
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name: solas caillte

nickname/code names: captain

age: 53

gender: male

appearance: probably not a man you'd expect to be a criminal. he is on the taller side, and is rather thin. he is slightly muscled, and his hands are clearly calloused like that of a hard worker, but he seems a bit emaciated, and gaunt, his face a very clear indicator of his age and condition. he keeps his greatly grayed black hair slicked back, and his black mask always over his long face when dealing with the criminal element. he wears sometimes wears a long, blue decorated coat, but he still always still dresses in a modest black underneath, no matter the occasion. without his mask and coat, he's rather inconspicuous. he has many scars, but he keeps them carefully hidden - one under his mask, and the many others under his heavy, long sleeved clothing.

personality: seemingly a very calm, mild-mannered man. he's very soft spoken and polite, and even in the face of opposition, he's patient and open-minded. despite this, though, he doesn't seem entirely innocuous, and the more time you spend with him, you may start to feel a bit uncomfortable. he's very watchful, and you may get the sense he's starting through you, rather than at you. he seems very, and though he can seem friendly, it will start to seem rehearsed, af if it does not come from a place of friendliness or sincerity. his expression and attitude rarely change, and he's a bit hard to read.

occupation: a notorious pirate captain and smuggler affiliated with BATIS.

level: he holds no official place in the organization, but he regularly deals with the higher ranked members of the organization, advising them about sea based crime and helping them deal with related authorities.

background: the short version - solas has been a sailor a long time. after an incident at sea, he spent some time among clergy, and eventually went back to sea, where he began a life of crime and villainy. due to his current status with BATIS, he is currently spending a lot of time ashore and has decided to aid crime in the city.

solas has been a sailor for a long time. he went out onto the sea with his father when he was only eleven, and his heart has never left it since. that's the story as he'd tell you, anyway. it's mostly true. he and his father had a strained relationship - he treated him atrociously, especially when he drank. the days his father took him out onto the ocean were different. he was thoughtful, patient. he relayed a sailor's sense mysticism, speaking of the ocean as if it were a new world. a chaotic land of old, powerful gods that would guide the modest on their path. solas absorbed his father's beliefs eagerly, and they became a bright spot in his life. going to sea with his father was what he waited for every day of every week.

when he was sixteen, his father finally drank himself to death. it was expected by everyone around him, even solas himself, but he was still torn up, a mess about it for a long while after. he had had a complicated relationship with his father, but it was the only one in his life. he spoke candidly to the captain of the ship, about his circumstances, his fear that he would have no life if not for the sea. the hardened old sea captain ever so slightly softened at his words, and decided to let solas stay aboard, informally adopting him and letting him work aboard the ship with the rest of the crew. in time, he got to know the crew his father had worked with for himself, and slowly, over time, he gained a new appreciation for life he lived, as dark as it had been thusfar. he let the light of the sea back into his life, and put in hard work for his crewmates and for his captain.

over the next twenty years, he worked diligently, forging a deep friendship with the crew and captain, through hard times and good. people came and went, going ashore to start families or to retire to their homes, but solas remained a constant aboard the ship. it was no surprise when the captain of the ship breathed his last, he left the ship and it's captain's seat to solas. it was no contest - solas was thirty-six, but he was still ambitious, vital. he lead the old boat into new prosperity, making most of the old crew and the new contractees much more prosperous than they had ever expected. with more reward came more risk, but solas' command was a trusted one.


only half the crew survived the trip, unfortunately. when solas returned ashore, he never set foot back on the old vessel again. the gods of the sea had been far too capricious, far too unpredictable for too long. he relinquished his seat as captain, and looked away from the only life he'd only known. he felt like the young sixteen year old boy that had lost his father all over again, and this time, he had no one to turn to. his crew and his captain had gone - to live their own lives away from the sea, or to die by it's hand. solas knew he could do neither - he could no longer live above the cruel sea, and he didn't believe any kind of life existed on the shore for him. so, he went ashore to repent. and he found it - not in his death, but in continued life.

one of his old crewmates recognized him ashore, and once he'd learned of his plight, invited him to join the clergy. despite knowing nothing of the laws and religion that governed the land, solas accepted the invitation, and learned and humbled himself at the feet of his new religion. of course, none among the clergy knew █████████████, and for the twelve years solas lived among them, they were none the wiser. even when solas finally ██████, they never learned of it. but the twelve years solas struggled to reconcile it came to a head, and eventually, and he took it upon himself to leave, having come to believe himself to have never been worthy of them or the kindness they offered him in the first place.

the incident reminded him of his roots, the place to which his soul was forever truly called. he still had the money with him he had made off the fishing vessel, so with the coin he had saved up throughout the years, he bought himself a new vessel and hired on new crew, returning to his life at sea. this time, the fishing boat was merely a facade. solas believed his sins unforgivable, and that his heart would forever belong to the sea, to the devil, so he acted out the devil's will - he lied, cheated, and stole, becoming a truly fearsome pirate. he made quite made a reputation for himself, and he and his masked crew have become notorious. their quick and unexpected success shocked many, including themselves, and they quickly amassed a small fortune among themselves. with solas's cut, he bought another ship, and set his most trusted officer to man it. whether it succeeded hardly mattered to him, but with the added power, they only got stronger, conquered more and more area.

in a relatively short amount of time, in a combination of naval strategy and extravagant luck, his grand efforts managed to catch the eye of BATIS. they extended him a offer - they would aid and help expand the reach of his activities and help him keep the authorities at bay, if he would aid him in their expansion efforts, and let them in on his profits. he accepted, of course, and he has been working with them up to the present time. in this time, he has inadvertently been spending more time on shore than he'd like, negotiating and helping BATIS in their onshore efforts. it's not something he enjoys, really, but he's not any of this for enjoyment. in his spare time, he's assisting other crimes as he sees fit - murder, theft, mayhem, the gambit.

weapons/fighting ability: solas has a couple of weapons that he can use offensively, but in this high-tech, magical world, his offensive really stands to be improved. he's really not armed for the purpose of facing off against someone who's aware he's coming, save for his rapier, so most of his investment is in defense.

- a small, weak plasma gun. at best, it can badly burn someone, but it's main purpose is to scare someone off.

- a larger plasma gun. it's rounds are small, and somewhat akin to bullets. it can fire quickly, but accuracy varies, so you'd have to reload often, and considering how big the rounds are, solas doesn't carry many.

- a rather nasty rapier. it's his last resort weapon - it's imbued with a heat that can hurt or scar you pretty badly if it cuts you, and it's very easy to maneuver, but requires a close range, obviously. out of all his weapons, solas is best trained with this. interestingly, it even has a name engraved in it: 'sullivan'.

for defense, solas makes use of a small device he keeps hidden in his clothing, a relatively new technology that raises a light based shield when it detects an oncoming threat. it's effective against both projectile and melee attacks, but it's far from foolproof - quick, persistent attacks can easily trick their way past the calculation system, and the more the shield is attacked, the faster it will visibly begin to fail and fault. in addition, he cannot attack with his rapier while it is active - only a gun.

other: not actually the character i intended, but an old one of mine! never thought i'd use him, but i sorta liked the idea when i thought about it. i hope the 'missing' blocks of text aren't too annoying - i sorta wanted to have fun with it and have a little intrigue mixed in, hehe.
Name: Imaz Korum

Nickname/Code Names: The Boss

Age: 41-43

Gender: Male

Picture (realistic or anime works):


Personality: A charming, relaxed dude. At first glance, no one would ever guess that he is the head of a massive criminal organization- that is his strength, as it allows him to make seamless connections in the outside world. However, despite being outwardly friendly, he is a very ruthless man who is very focused on his job. He will not hesitate to fire or even execute people who are in his opinion incompetent, though he does not prefer personally to get his hands dirty.

Occupation: The head of BATIS

Background: WIP

Weapons/Fighting Ability:

Is not really a fighter. Although he is decent at martial arts and knows which spots of the body to hit to disable or severely injure a person (pretty much mandatory for a person in his position of power), he is no expert.

Of course, he always carries a weapon around with him at all times. If he wants to kill someone he would usually just surprise them, but he has great reflexes and aim if it was a tight situation.


This is a simple pistol with a silencer. Clean and gets the job done.


This is a relatively low-tech laser pistol he would use to defend himself it the case ever arose.
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Pashpu said:
Name: Selias Korum
Nickname/Code Names: The Boss

Age: 41-43

Gender: Male

Picture (realistic or anime works):


Personality: A charming, relaxed dude. At first glance, no one would ever guess that he is the head of a massive criminal organization- that is his strength, as it allows him to make seamless connections in the outside world. However, despite being outwardly friendly, he is a very ruthless man who is very focused on his job. He will not hesitate to fire or even execute people who are in his opinion incompetent, though he does not prefer personally to get his hands dirty.

Occupation: The head of BATIS

Background: WIP

Weapons/Fighting Ability:

Is not really a fighter. Although he is decent at martial arts and knows which spots of the body to hit to disable or severely injure a person (pretty much mandatory for a person in his position of power), he is no expert.

Of course, he always carries a weapon around with him at all times. If he wants to kill someone he would usually just surprise them, but he has great reflexes and aim if it was a tight situation.


This is a simple pistol with a silencer. Clean and gets the job done.


This is a relatively low-tech laser pistol he would use to defend himself it the case ever arose.
Accepted, I would prefer more detail though :P
Name: Samuel Silver

Code Name: Salamander

Age: 32 (or 33, he doesn't know exactly)

Gender: Male



Personality: Samuel leads a double life, during the day Mr. Silver is a productive member of society, at night he's salamander, the hardened assassin. This disconnect stops just short of a multiple personality disorder (though if you psychoanalyzed him you'd find more than a few disorders). His drive to kill is not based on money, but on some sense of duty beaten into him when he was young. Samuel displays a sense of empathy, but shows no restrain from killing civilians if that is the most efficient path. When not on the job, and the less violent job, he is a carefree and forgetful person, often joking around. In either of his jobs however, he displays a high level of focus.

Occupation: Chemist, Arsonist, and Assassin, in the later two fields he specializes in keeping secrets (three can keep a secret if two of them are dead)

Level: He's technically an independent, but his most frequent employers are corrupt politicians who need to keep their image clean

Background: At some point a politician thought, "Boy, I could save allot of money if I raised my own assassins", this thought was expanded on later with, "And wouldn't it be dandy if the little buggers had them magical abilities, no one would see that coming!". It was then that he initiated Project Blacken, twenty children ages zero to ten with suspected magical abilities were conscripted and put through brutal training, both in obedience and in there new craft. Six years after the project's birth, the politician who initiated the program fell to an unfortunate accident, much to the fortune of his successor. When the successor discovered the program and shut it down do to moral concerns, deciding to execute the children rather than force them to kill. Samuel, who was two upon entering the program and was now six, somehow managed to slip away and find his way to an orphanage.

Weapons/Fighting Ability: "I don't fight, fighting implies the other individual has a chance to fight back"

Sam's killings seem to involve allot more poison, fire, and bombs than bullets or melee. He doesn't carry a combat knife and a revolver for nothing though, relatively skilled with both and a novice in hand to hand combat, he will hold his own if confronted

Salamander oil: A highly flammable liquid developed by Samuel himself, a shot glass of the stuff is about equal to two gallons of gasoline

Flicker: A deadly poison that takes almost seven days to kill it's target, no symptoms occur until within forty-eight hours of death, and by then it's two late for the antidote. This was not developed by Samuel.

Shrapnel Grenade: Though he prefers explosive charges, the utility of a grenade has not gone unnoticed. He'll carry a maximum of one if he thinks he needs it

Colt Revolver: Standard sixshooter, though he has a tendency for loading a blank with the five bullets. Rarely used

Bowie Knife: A thick, sharp blade. Combat is a last resort, so this is a last resort of the last resort

Powers: Samuel possess's abilities linked to fire, but lacks direct pyrokinesis or flame production. He instead has the ability to ignite highly flammable substances through the power of will, this is limited however. He also shows astounding resistance to both flame and extreme heat, he has never felt temperatures higher than lukewarm even when in fire (this does not apply to energy weapons)

Life is a very beautiful Lie... As for Dead is An Ugly truth...
Dead Eye

(skullKing)(skullKing)(skullKing)Jason Expirito X(skullKing)(skullKing)(skullKing)


Nickname/Code Names:

Dead EyE






Joker,Kind ,Generous but evil he is Clever in a way and smart .


Assassin that is also a Criminal



he is an ANTI-HERO


Jason live upon his young life when his family died of a murder.. remembering them die infront of him and all that he have suffered lead him in the life of being a criminal and a hired assassin all for a money and survival he will do everything to live.

Weapons/Fighting Ability:

This is how Jason will do Fighting for a living


[/media] [media]


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/upload_2016-4-15_13-15-19.jpeg.ba065f1e611f8efde8fbd0bfc0115ebb.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="118439" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/upload_2016-4-15_13-15-19.jpeg.ba065f1e611f8efde8fbd0bfc0115ebb.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Alexander Crux

Code-name: Omega

Age: ??

Gender: Male


Personality: Alexander is cold and calculating, speaking mostly when he needs to or to mock or praise his opponents, he's an assassin in mind. He is quick to note one's weakness and the best way to exploit them. Albeit he might seem like the stereotipical assassin who murders people for money, he is quite honorable. Most of the time deciding to face his target head on if he sees them as worthy opponents. He also refuses to attack unarmed men with his sword, changing to martial arts in such cases.

He also enjoys gardening, for as hard as it is to believe it, he has an awesome underground garden at his safehouse which he enjoys tending to very very much.

Occupation: Gensia's best assassin. Also famous as he wasn't always with Gensia.

Level: Highest rank assassin in gensia.

Weapons/Fighting ability:

Alexander is a ninja in every regard, he can utilize stealth extremely well, his suit not emitting any radio signals so extremely hard to detect and it also comes with a "chameleon" mode, which is a weaker version of Cloak which simply blends the user to the background, not as effective as cloaking but extremely efficient in battery life.

He is extremely skilled with his sword and in martial arts, he also knows a bit about guns but never uses them.

He utilizies his "Omega - RX" suit made by Gensia's top engineer, Gabriel, which serves as his all purpose suit, he never leaves on a mission without it.

The suit's abilities:

- Chameleon mode (Explained)

- Ability to harness and control lightning, and release it from almost any part of the suit, increasing Alex's moderate control over it.

- Increased agility,reflexes and flexibility.

- Increased strenght.

- Onboard heads up display with a sonar and scanning capabilities, no AI though.

- Shoulder mounted explosive mine launcher. Proximity detonation.


Natural lightning magic, both electricity and magnetitc.

Surprisingly Alexander refuses to use conventional weapons. Instead he utilizes his sword.

Code named "Storm's call." (The sword/machete in his appearance) Fashioned by Gabriel.

Its an extremely sharp blade with lightning constantly flowing around it, a simple touch is enough to send massive jolts of lighting at an opponent, depending on how much the blade is charged before the attack that is. Its capable of slashing through armor easily, and its electricity discharge abilities allow it to disable unprotected machines. The sword is durable enough to withstand all kinds of damage.

Background: A street punk turned hired assassin, Alexander was always against the law ever since birth, he never knew his parents. Raised in a gang of street criminals he lived among the "gangsters". But he was always quite...eccentric, one, he loved all kinds of vegetation and plants, two, he always had the agility of a frigging ninja, so much that he was the best one at parkour in his gang. And would constantly beat them all in races. Three, he could shoot lightning out of his fucking hands.

He was always fascinated by the action ninja movies, and always dreamed of becoming one, and taking on high risk missions. And thats exactly what he did.

One day he decided to leave the gang and follow his own path, as a hired assassin. He trained day and night to acquire the skills and prowess he has now. And took on quite a few jobs for many factions, specially BATIS once or twice, proving to many that he was a good hire, and that he would get the job done. Until Gensia decided to hire him full time that is.

They offered him an offer he could not refuse: Resources, training rooms, a better, more modern safehouse, with its own garden mind you. But better yet. Equipment and an armor just for him. Plus constant income that would make a regular hired assassin blush. Working alongside Gabriel on occasion.
Name: Corrine Kasanova

Nickname/Code Names: The Witch, Boltz, streak, lightening

Age: 20

Gender: female

Picture (realistic or anime works):<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/witch.jpg.f426af7d8c82c77918c15d481ad760bc.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="118806" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/witch.jpg.f426af7d8c82c77918c15d481ad760bc.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: She is very bold and with her actions and will not be a doormat to anyone. She makes sure to have the last word and put anyone back in their place who needs it. She is a rather unfair person and just know she'll be out to get you if you piss her off. She is cunning and manipulative in order to get her way. Although she can be sweet as candy better watch out because she just might be softening you up to stab you in the back.

Occupation: Criminal in Dragonblood

Level: She is high ranked mainly because she's killed just about anyone who has opposed her.

Background: Born to a magic used family her mother noticed she held the gift when she was throwing a fit and caused a black out. From that time on her parents trained her to use the energy that flowed in the atoms and in the air and create whatever she needed. The only thing they didn't account for was her becoming a criminal. At the age of 12 she more or less accidentally electrocuted an older boy who was bugging her. To those around it looked like a freak accident but her parents knew and grew fearful of their daughter. Trying to discipline her and changer her ways The girl eventually ended up killing them too. At the age of 14 she was left on her own in the streets. She enjoyed the thrill of killing and due to her incredible power she was basically adopted into Dragonblood. With the help of them she grew up to be who she is today pretty much a ruthless killer.

Weapons/Fighting Ability: She carries a knife that is clipped to the inside of her skirt so it's hidden but mainly she uses what's ever at hand or just uses lightening strikes. She is skilled at hand to hand combat and even when her energy isn't up to par she is still hard to beat for a fair fight.



  • witch.jpg
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Name: Johnathon Emmanuel

Nickname/Code Names: The Broker

Age: 24

Gender: Male

Picture (realistic or anime works):



Described as cold and cynical by his co-workers, Jonathon considers himself to be the only one worthy of any real consideration. Unsurprisingly this view has served him well in the world of business. He is also very meticulous and precise in his actions, often creating multiple contingencies and escape plans. On the other hand, he is prone to bouts of rage should something go wrong despite his plans. In his alter ego, he becomes even less sympathetic and is willing to kill a target with no justification provided the pay is good enough. However he is efficient and will not engage in unnecessary cruelty, seeing it as a waste of time and effort.


After leaving the military, Johnathon worked for two years as a middle manager before discovering that while his day job earned him thousands, the real money was in crime after all. After this realization, he became a criminal under the name "Broker" specializing in information dealing and assassination contracts. The "Broker" is the one to go to if you need any information, or someone needs to disappear. During the day, Johnathon works as a middle manager at a large credit union.


A hired contractor whose loyalty belongs to the highest bidder.


Johnathon had served for two years in the armed forces, however he later disappeared after being caught stealing military technology.

Weapons and Equipment:

Johnathon wears a reinforced black suit, with carbon steel strips sewn into the fabric for protection. On his head, he wears a custom-made helmet with night vision and infrared capabilities, in order to operate more efficiently in total darkness and to act as protection against biological and airborne attacks.


His favored weapons include a single silenced single silenced Browning Hi-Power handgun capable of holding 13 rounds, and multiple poisoned throwing knives located all over his person. He also carries a variety of grenades, and other explosives.

Fighting Ability:

With the help of extensive, illegal cybernetic implants Johnathon perceives the world around him in terms of numbers. These implants working in tandem with his brain allow him to number crunch with the accuracy and speed of a super computer. In a fight, things like trajectories for enemy attacks and how to dodge them, and where and how to strike in order to deal the most damage while expanding the least energy can all be figured out in the blink of an eye. This makes him extremely hard to hit, and extremely dangerous as he can attack weak points with very high accuracy. However he is only as durable as a normal human male.
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Floodwater31 said:
Name: Samuel Silver
Code Name: Salamander

Age: 32 (or 33, he doesn't know exactly)

Gender: Male



Personality: Samuel leads a double life, during the day Mr. Silver is a productive member of society, at night he's salamander, the hardened assassin. This disconnect stops just short of a multiple personality disorder (though if you psychoanalyzed him you'd find more than a few disorders). His drive to kill is not based on money, but on some sense of duty beaten into him when he was young. Samuel displays a sense of empathy, but shows no restrain from killing civilians if that is the most efficient path. When not on the job, and the less violent job, he is a carefree and forgetful person, often joking around. In either of his jobs however, he displays a high level of focus.

Occupation: Chemist, Arsonist, and Assassin, in the later two fields he specializes in keeping secrets (three can keep a secret if two of them are dead)

Level: He's technically an independent, but his most frequent employers are corrupt politicians who need to keep their image clean

Background: At some point a politician thought, "Boy, I could save allot of money if I raised my own assassins", this thought was expanded on later with, "And wouldn't it be dandy if the little buggers had them magical abilities, no one would see that coming!". It was then that he initiated Project Blacken, twenty children ages zero to ten with suspected magical abilities were conscripted and put through brutal training, both in obedience and in there new craft. Six years after the project's birth, the politician who initiated the program fell to an unfortunate accident, much to the fortune of his successor. When the successor discovered the program and shut it down do to moral concerns, deciding to execute the children rather than force them to kill. Samuel, who was two upon entering the program and was now six, somehow managed to slip away and find his way to an orphanage.

Weapons/Fighting Ability: "I don't fight, fighting implies the other individual has a chance to fight back"

Sam's killings seem to involve allot more poison, fire, and bombs than bullets or melee. He doesn't carry a combat knife and a revolver for nothing though, relatively skilled with both and a novice in hand to hand combat, he will hold his own if confronted

Salamander oil: A highly flammable liquid developed by Samuel himself, a shot glass of the stuff is about equal to two gallons of gasoline

Flicker: A deadly poison that takes almost seven days to kill it's target, no symptoms occur until within forty-eight hours of death, and by then it's two late for the antidote. This was not developed by Samuel.

Shrapnel Grenade: Though he prefers explosive charges, the utility of a grenade has not gone unnoticed. He'll carry a maximum of one if he thinks he needs it

Colt Revolver: Standard sixshooter, though he has a tendency for loading a blank with the five bullets. Rarely used

Bowie Knife: A thick, sharp blade. Combat is a last resort, so this is a last resort of the last resort

Powers: Samuel possess's abilities linked to fire, but lacks direct pyrokinesis or flame production. He instead has the ability to ignite highly flammable substances through the power of will, this is limited however. He also shows astounding resistance to both flame and extreme heat, he has never felt temperatures higher than lukewarm even when in fire (this does not apply to energy weapons)
Scrapmaster said:
Name: Alexander Crux
Code-name: Omega

Age: ??

Gender: Male


Personality: Alexander is cold and calculating, speaking mostly when he needs to or to mock or praise his opponents, he's an assassin in mind. He is quick to note one's weakness and the best way to exploit them. Albeit he might seem like the stereotipical assassin who murders people for money, he is quite honorable. Most of the time deciding to face his target head on if he sees them as worthy opponents. He also refuses to attack unarmed men with his sword, changing to martial arts in such cases.

He also enjoys gardening, for as hard as it is to believe it, he has an awesome underground garden at his safehouse which he enjoys tending to very very much.

Occupation: Gensia's best assassin. Also famous as he wasn't always with Gensia.

Level: Highest rank assassin in gensia.

Weapons/Fighting ability:

Alexander is a ninja in every regard, he can utilize stealth extremely well, his suit not emitting any radio signals so extremely hard to detect and it also comes with a "chameleon" mode, which is a weaker version of Cloak which simply blends the user to the background, not as effective as cloaking but extremely efficient in battery life.

He is extremely skilled with his sword and in martial arts, he also knows a bit about guns but never uses them.

He utilizies his "Omega - RX" suit made by Gensia's top engineer, Gabriel, which serves as his all purpose suit, he never leaves on a mission without it.

The suit's abilities:

- Chameleon mode (Explained)

- Ability to harness and control lightning, and release it from almost any part of the suit, increasing Alex's moderate control over it.

- Increased agility,reflexes and flexibility.

- Increased strenght.

- Onboard heads up display with a sonar and scanning capabilities, no AI though.

- Shoulder mounted explosive mine launcher. Proximity detonation.


Natural lightning magic, both electricity and magnetitc.

Surprisingly Alexander refuses to use conventional weapons. Instead he utilizes his sword.

Code named "Storm's call." (The sword/machete in his appearance) Fashioned by Gabriel.

Its an extremely sharp blade with lightning constantly flowing around it, a simple touch is enough to send massive jolts of lighting at an opponent, depending on how much the blade is charged before the attack that is. Its capable of slashing through armor easily, and its electricity discharge abilities allow it to disable unprotected machines. The sword is durable enough to withstand all kinds of damage.

Background: A street punk turned hired assassin, Alexander was always against the law ever since birth, he never knew his parents. Raised in a gang of street criminals he lived among the "gangsters". But he was always quite...eccentric, one, he loved all kinds of vegetation and plants, two, he always had the agility of a frigging ninja, so much that he was the best one at parkour in his gang. And would constantly beat them all in races. Three, he could shoot lightning out of his fucking hands.

He was always fascinated by the action ninja movies, and always dreamed of becoming one, and taking on high risk missions. And thats exactly what he did.

One day he decided to leave the gang and follow his own path, as a hired assassin. He trained day and night to acquire the skills and prowess he has now. And took on quite a few jobs for many factions, specially BATIS once or twice, proving to many that he was a good hire, and that he would get the job done. Until Gensia decided to hire him full time that is.

They offered him an offer he could not refuse: Resources, training rooms, a better, more modern safehouse, with its own garden mind you. But better yet. Equipment and an armor just for him. Plus constant income that would make a regular hired assassin blush. Working alongside Gabriel on occasion.
WeepingAngel525 said:
Name: Corrine Kasanova
Nickname/Code Names: The Witch, Boltz, streak, lightening

Age: 20

Gender: female

Picture (realistic or anime works):View attachment 264473

Personality: She is very bold and with her actions and will not be a doormat to anyone. She makes sure to have the last word and put anyone back in their place who needs it. She is a rather unfair person and just know she'll be out to get you if you piss her off. She is cunning and manipulative in order to get her way. Although she can be sweet as candy better watch out because she just might be softening you up to stab you in the back.

Occupation: Criminal in Dragonblood

Level: She is high ranked mainly because she's killed just about anyone who has opposed her.

Background: Born to a magic used family her mother noticed she held the gift when she was throwing a fit and caused a black out. From that time on her parents trained her to use the energy that flowed in the atoms and in the air and create whatever she needed. The only thing they didn't account for was her becoming a criminal. At the age of 12 she more or less accidentally electrocuted an older boy who was bugging her. To those around it looked like a freak accident but her parents knew and grew fearful of their daughter. Trying to discipline her and changer her ways The girl eventually ended up killing them too. At the age of 14 she was left on her own in the streets. She enjoyed the thrill of killing and due to her incredible power she was basically adopted into Dragonblood. With the help of them she grew up to be who she is today pretty much a ruthless killer.

Weapons/Fighting Ability: She carries a knife that is clipped to the inside of her skirt so it's hidden but mainly she uses what's ever at hand or just uses lightening strikes. She is skilled at hand to hand combat and even when her energy isn't up to par she is still hard to beat for a fair fight.
Trickster314 said:
Name: Johnathon Emmanuel
Nickname/Code Names: The Broker

Age: 24

Gender: Male

Picture (realistic or anime works):



Described as cold and cynical by his co-workers, Jonathon considers himself to be the only one worthy of any real consideration. Unsurprisingly this view has served him well in the world of business. He is also very meticulous and precise in his actions, often creating multiple contingencies and escape plans. On the other hand, he is prone to bouts of rage should something go wrong despite his plans. In his alter ego, he becomes even less sympathetic and is willing to kill a target with no justification provided the pay is good enough. However he is efficient and will not engage in unnecessary cruelty, seeing it as a waste of time and effort.


After leaving the military, Johnathon worked for two years as a middle manager before discovering that while his day job earned him thousands, the real money was in crime after all. After this realization, he became a criminal under the name "Broker" specializing in information dealing and assassination contracts. The "Broker" is the one to go to if you need any information, or someone needs to disappear. During the day, Johnathon works as a middle manager at a large credit union.


A hired contractor whose loyalty belongs to the highest bidder.


Johnathon had served for two years in the armed forces. Johnathon disappeared after being caught stealing military technology.

Weapons and Equipment:

Johnathon wears a reinforced black suit, with carbon steel strips sewn into the fabric for protection. On his head, he wears a custom-made helmet with night vision and infrared capabilities, in order to operate more efficiently in total darkness and to act as protection against biological and airborne attacks.


His favored weapons include a single silenced single silenced Browning Hi-Power handgun capable of holding 13 rounds, and multiple poisoned throwing knives located all over his person. He also carries a variety of grenades, and other explosives.

Fighting Ability:

With the help of extensive, illegal cybernetic implants Johnathon perceives the world around him in terms of numbers. These implants working in tandem with his brain allow him to number crunch with the accuracy and speed of a super computer. In a fight, things like trajectories for enemy attacks and how to dodge them, and where and how to strike in order to deal the most damage while expanding the least energy can all be figured out in the blink of an eye. This makes him extremely hard to hit, and extremely dangerous as he can attack weak points with very high accuracy. However he is only as durable as a normal human male.

Day Job
Name;; David Hanson

Age;; 32

Gender;; Male

Occupation;; Running for Mayor of Alden City
A Little Deeper
Personality;; David is well loved by his supporters, and with good reason. His speeches are filled with small quips, fun slogans and promises to lower the crime and fund higher education in the city. His bright, confident nature has brought him far in the political world, and many a baby has been blessed by him, much to the overwhelming joy of a supporter. He is always seen smiling, but maybe he is just covering up that he is thinking of something else...

Background;; David's story was that he led a very generic life, until he came across fortune in his parent's will. Then he began a crusade of political righteousness and did his best to make the city better. He sometimes can't help but laugh when he tells that story.

Weapons/Fighting Ability;; In this persona, he cannot use much fighting ability as to not give away who he really is. He only uses a small range of hand-to-hand combat to fend off would-be political assasins for a short time.
Night Job
Name;; David Hanson

Code Name;; Umbra

Age;; 32, No one but him knows

Gender;; Male, No one but him knows

Occupation;; Head of the Gensia Organization

A Bit Too Deep
Personality;; Umbra is ruthless, constantly calm and calculating. He is highly intelligent, and uses that to his advantage more than physical aspects. Charisma is one of his highest strengths, coming from years of political speaking and just the petty crime he did when he was younger. Sometimes he had to talk his way out of situations. He does have a soft spot for people who ask for mercy though, and who are genuinly scared. At the very least, he will make it quick.

Background;; Umbra came to the city as a boy of 8, and was promptly dropped into an alleyway by his parents. They had wanted to find a place to dump him, they just wanted to have their own life without any children. He was their mistake. Due to the large amount of crime, he learned how to fend for himself, stealing, pickpocketing, even killing some people when he became older. Umbra adopted their name, lived in their house, used their money. Until people started getting suspicious that is, and he moved on to find another person. He accumulatd so much money that he decided to pretend he was a rich young man who had inherited a fortune from his parents and run for Mayor, all while running the criminal organization he had created. His funding has quite a few shady aspects, and he intends to keep his promises to the people of Alden City. Well, at least on the surface.

Weapons/Fighting Ability;; Umbra only carries around a small pistol, .88 magnum to be exact. It holds three regular rounds and three explosive ones, all randomly mixed up. His suit has huge amounts of armour, but that makes it sightly hard for him to move and he is also makes it difficult to engage in direct combat. What he does for combat involves his power.

Techno-Ghost;; This ability allows him to absorb his body into a machine, almost any machine, and control it like his own body. The machine can be any size. The downside is that the machine becomes his body. So if the machine is damaged, his body is damaged when he reforms himself.

He also has a bodyguard of three people, who will be NPC's unless SOMEBODY WANTS TO BE ONE PM ME OR SAY IN CHAT THAT WOULD BE PRETTY GREAT.

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Name: Astraea (Greek goddess of justice) Conover

Nickname/Code Names: Star, or Astra

Age: 14

Gender: Female

Picture: Her hair is normally a warm brown, but in the sun she gains a golden blond color.


Personality: Astra is really clever. She chooses to show whatever side of herself would appeal to her enemy the most. If threatened, she can act like an innocent child. Or, she could appear as a threat.

Occupation: Petty thief. Though she has been known to steal data from anyone.

Level: Um, how does very low sound.

Background: Astra (Literally means star) was practically thrown onto the street when she accidentally burned her house down. Don't give her any sympathy, she'll stab you. It didn't affect her too much, after all, her mother wasn't really there much. So what if she feels a bit of guilt, people aren't meant to look out for one another. And living on the streets taught her many skills. Astraea's quite grateful for that.

Weapons/Fighting Ability: She's pretty good with a sword, but normally she would just run. Or set you on fire with her burning hands...

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