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Fandom [NO LONGER SEARCHING]everybody wants to be a master, everybody wants to show their skills [pokemon]


why are we still here? just to suffer?
hi! i'm tea and as the title states i really only have one main interest atm: pokemon. i want to write fun and light-hearted adventures but i'd also like to explore some of the darker aspects of the pokemon universe. i'm going to keep the rest of this brief to save us all some time but please note that i'm only looking to take on a few more threads so i will be a bit selective.

what i'm NOT looking for:

  • anything to do with gijinkas and pokephilia.
  • canon / canon.
  • OP trainers. nobody's catching legendaries.
  • pwp; we won't be breaking any site rules.
  • no gore. we're not turning magikarp into sushi either.
  • rping off-site. my main preference is to write though threads but i might consider pms if i like you enough. discord is for friends.
  • making this my job. seriously. i write as a hobby and i'd like to keep it that way so please understand that i do have a life outside of the internet and i will give you that same respect as well.

what i would like:

  • oc / oc. all gender pairings are a-okay as i'm comfortable writing as either male or female.
  • someone that's willing to double or at least play side characters and help me move the story along.
  • canon / oc. not a priority for me atm but i may consider it. ask me about canons i'm looking for (i've played up to SwSh and even played the colosseum spin-offs and mystery dungeon games).
  • i've also seen deetective pikachu and am very fond of the way they incorporated pokemon into modern life.
  • if anyone else has seen some of Mr Buddy's fan regions on youtube i would totally be down to further explore some of them! definitely recommend for those who haven't seen them.
  • romance is a must but it can't be forced or rushed.
  • angst and fluff are good. slice-of-life and drama too. let's keep things interesting.
  • share your ideas/suggestions with me please!

annnnd that's about the gist of things! looking forward to hearing from some of you! c: i promise i'm more chill than i sounded in this post lol
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